Exercise Pet Peeves: What are yours?



  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I hate it when I see people in Spin class who are not really working hard or putting much resistance on their bike because at that point they are essentially just taking up space. There's limited room in a spin class so it'd drive me crazy if I couldn't get in and then saw people walk out of the Spin room without having broken a sweat.

    You must have been in my class last night. There were several of those people there. A few people had to leave because there weren't enough bikes, yet these women just did their own thing...v e r y s l o w l y
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    We had a ladies only section in my gym. Had, being the operative word here. Get this: some man complained and they had to make it for everyone!! Still, it's mostly women in there. We just glare at any man that has the guts to walk in there....:bigsmile: My main pet peeve is listening to some bodybuilder groaning loudly while he lifts. Makes me nuts! And he's usually the one flexing in front of the mirror!! LOL Which is why I love having our own area in the gym.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Mine is kind of a hate but a love at the same time.

    I hate when I'm trying to do pushups and my dogs think that they should come over and lay underneath me. I love it because it gives me the motivation not to fall down on them.

    LOL - this only substitute "cats" for dogs!!!!! :laugh:

    My pet peeves are:

    Same as another poster - the WiiFit going "ow" when you stand on it. What's that all about???
    Not standing on my resistance band properly so it flies up and smacks me in the chin :frown:
    When I'm cycling, the abuse I get from random motorists. Why?????
    Shorts that ride up in on the inside of your thighs when your jumping etc. So uncomfortable!
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    People who wear the same workout gear every day. I see this one man three or four times a week. He wears the same green Triumph T-shirt and red workout shorts . Yuck.

    I'm sorry... I do this too. But I'm between sizes, and everything else falls off. :embarassed: However, I do wash my gym outy every night.... so it's fresh every day.

    I do too. I wear black yoga pants and one of my few black tank tops. So it looks like I wear the same stuff, and I do with my pants, but my top is changed... I don't want to invest in temporary fitting clothes! lol But I guess something obvious like OP says, the dude can at least change his hot sounding clothes to another pair haha
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I hate it when I see people in Spin class who are not really working hard or putting much resistance on their bike because at that point they are essentially just taking up space. There's limited room in a spin class so it'd drive me crazy if I couldn't get in and then saw people walk out of the Spin room without having broken a sweat.

    And girls who wear makeup to workout. I once saw a girl with so much makeup on, including false lashes, that I had to stifle a laugh right in front of her. Come on, we both know if you come to the gym looking like that that you're not really there for a workout. And again, taking up space.

    I could see in the morning, that's silly.....but maybe they just got off work? I go with make up, my hair done, but in a ponytail and looking all done up. But to purposely get done up for the gym=lame. Thats what a bar is for. lol
  • seemichellerun
    Like this? Saw this at my gym and my friend filmed it haha

    The longer I am on this site, the more reasons I find to NEVER join a gym.

    Yeah, filming someone at the gym is pretty damn creepy. I sure hope no one has ever secretly filmed me!
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    My pet peeve would bother some people. Mine involves watching other people do an exercise with seriously bad form. Watching a teenager do a behind the neck pull down at the gym. It all just freaks me out. I want to run over to them and tell them that they can injure themselves with that exercise. Anyway, it's a pet peeve of mind. Maybe I need counseling for it. :tongue:

    I hear you on that one! I worked in gyms for 12 years so it's ingrained in me to want to go over and help them. IF it's something especially dangerous however, I'll note the attendant...assuming he's not busy chatting up the female exercisers.
  • Bavaria100
    My pet peeve is the woman (there's always one or more of them) who get dolled up for cardio class. You know what I mean! That woman wearing 5 lbs of makeup, hair did :smile:
    Oh, is she in your Gym, too. Today she did not only wear 5lbs of makeup but also 6lbs of jewellery. During the class all I could hear was ke-tsching :bigsmile:
  • iamvillanueva
    The worst for me is when I forget my yoga mat. I hate using the gym's mats. I also hate when I forget my earphones. I force myself to get on the treadmill twice a week even though I find it incredibly boring. If I can't watch the tv, I go insane! The only other option is to stare at the brick wall in front of the treadmills. I can't even people watch and get annoyed with the other grunting, make-up wearing, bad-form gym members.
  • reallivefitness
    I have this exercise tank that I really like with a built in bra, and the whole thing is spandex-y so that it keeps the girls mostly in place. However, it rides up around my stomach whenever I do any real moving, which drives me crazy! And, I hate that good sports bras are so expensive. I don't have much to restrain, but I hate feeling...exposed when I'm working out in my living room (I'm hoping some of the ladies know what I mean).
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    I try not to get to irritated by other people at the gym but I can't stand when people talk on their phones while doing cardio. It just seems moronic to me. I also don't understand when people lay over the elliptical/treadmill/stair climber like they are dying and just move their legs. Stand up straight for crying out loud! Enough of that rant.

    I hate sports bras because no matter how good they are,they still don't keep my tiny boobs from bouncing and I have to check in the mirror to make sure both headlights are pointing straight ahead. There is nothing worse than having googlie eyed nips.
    oh my goodness! I always ask my roommate if she can see my nips before I go to the gym! Why can't sports bras have a little bit of padding or something so you can't see them?
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I absolutely cant stand the guys at the gym who ONLY work thier upper body! and never thier lower body... It makes me sooo frustrated when they stare at them selves thinking they are looking soo damn fine, when really they look completely stupid, its like "dude, work your bean pole legs too" no girl wants her legs to be bigger than her guys! UHG! I cant stand meat heads.

    i also hate when parents bring their children and let them get on the weight machines too... and all they do is slam the weights down over and over again! Gosh its irritating!
  • jensmith48
    jensmith48 Posts: 6 Member
    There's a lady at my gym who drinks Starbucks while on the bike! We also have a bunch of people who raise the incline on the treadmill to the max and then hold on to the back of the tv because it's too much of an incline for them to walk on. So annoying. Especially when I have to use a treadmill without a tv because the person next to me is using there's as support.
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Very Good sound, cheap, comfortable clip on head phones. They aren't pretty or tiny, but you can't have everything

  • Clonekuh
    Clonekuh Posts: 92 Member
    When I'm getting into a good groove and someone with horribad B.O. gets on the machine next to me. Ahh! You couldn't have picked one away from people, stinky?
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member

    Crotch sweat: I mean, why do I need to feel like I peed myself while exercising.? Is that much sweat down-there really necessary?

    Oh my goodness yes!! I am so glad to hear that other people have this problem too. Thought it was just me.

    My cats somehow think I am trying to play with them when I am doing a workout DVD at home. Then I feel so bad when I have to brush them away, but I don't want to stop working out.

    I hate it when people don't clean their machine off. Don't they see everyone else wiping their machines down after they are done??
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    Okay, this one isn't necessarily gym related, but since that's the extent of my social interactions, it fits, kinda.

    I hate it when people are so into themselves that they can't smile or acknowledge anyone else. I hate to say this, but it's often the pretty ladies that are like this. It happens while out running or riding too. I wave, or smile, or nod, or something to acknowledge the other person, and often they'll look and just turn the other way. That irritates me. I'm not trying to hit on you. I'm a (most of the time) very happily married man. I'm just trying to give props to my fellow would-be athletes out there. Your workout is not so intense that you can't manage a smile or lift a finger in recognition. Be happy! :)
  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    Oh my...finding a shirt that doesn't fly up while doing cardio and showing my gut..ugh..
    I, too, have people at my gym who just sit their workout stuff on a machine and go to other stuff...for real?! Or others that just sit and congregate at the weight machines, rather than using and getting off so others can partake!
  • hllamaster
    hllamaster Posts: 137 Member
    when someone is heavies then you or don't know how to lifts weight tells you all about fitness while your trying to work out
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    ust don't wear underwear LOL. I hate it when you look really cute & then have to get undressed & put on workout clothes then shower after & get ready all again. And I can't workout in the mornings :((