Exercise Pet Peeves: What are yours?



  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member

    Like this? Saw this at my gym and my friend filmed it haha

  • milehighcritic
    My shoelaces ALWAYS come untied while I'm on the treadmill.. no matter how tight I tie them! It drives me CRAZY because I have to pause and tie them so they don't get stuck on the treadmill and pull me down lol I've had this problem since pre-school.. my shoes are ALWAYS untied lol

    I use the tiny dinky gym at my apartment complex and it only has 2 bikes so I like the one with the seat back attached (keeps my back straight!) but it has no place to put my ipod and iphone so I have to gently rest my ipod on the handles and then hold my iphone.. annoying.

    When my water bottle won't fit in the holder!

    I had the same problem with shoe laces coming undone during a run,. I started using an Ian Knot. Problem solved

  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    The fact that I've had the same songs on my ipod for a year and I HATE about 75% of them! I also hate how my earphones won't stay in my ears, and the ipod strap I have seems to be made for a man with 30" biceps!

    MEEE TOOOO. I'm just too lazy to load new music on mine and my earphones NEVER stay in my damn ears, even the 'sports' ones with the ear clip thingies don't stay put and always come flying off. Sigh... so lame.

    thats why i wear skull candy headphones that go over my ears!
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    ... the people who make the gym their social happy hour, standing around in groups in front of doors, sitting on equipment to talk to the person who's using the next machine, loudly talking to people across the room using other machines, etc...

    Seriously, just shut up and work out.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    My pet peeve is the woman (there's always one or more of them) who get dolled up for cardio class. You know what I mean! That woman wearing 5 lbs of makeup, hair did :smile:

    OMG I sooooooooo agree ! there was a girl in our gym that tried so hard to look soooo cute she even wore her HUGE sunglasses to work out in little did she know the men were laughing at her ! It was priceless.
  • GabTastic
    GabTastic Posts: 21
    exercise period! I can't stand it! I kills my hair. I feel all sticky. I takes my breath away. And........I feel soooo awkard!
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    bump to add later :)
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    This one's not exactly exercise related, but it just makes me wonder. There are several women at my gym who bring their kids from the car to gym in a stroller. Why? Once they get to the kids area the kid gets out to play and the empty strollers clog up the entrance and are in the way of everyone trying to drop off or pick up a kid. Why can't the kids either walk or mom could carry the kid the 20 feet from the car? Even the little babies don't stay in the strollers. They either go in swing or lay on blankets on the floor.

    I hate sports bras. I have giant floppy boobs. I need a sports bra with actual support in order to do any vigorous cardio. Most so called "sports bras" I've tried on have less support than my regular bras. I have one semi decent sports bra that cost an arm and a leg that I have to remember to be sure it's clean so I can workout. So many times I'll be trying to get up the motivation to go to the gym when I'll realize I've forgotten to wash my bra. Kills the motivation every time.
  • eternlgladiator
    I hate the uber meat heads. the ones that waddle around the gym flexing, chit chatting with their buddy, not working hard. There's one that lives at the squat machine. He has to grunt loud enough for me to hear across the gym with my headphones. then slam the bar back down on the machine. Really buddy? Do one less rep and set the bar down. Nobody thinks your cool. There's also one guy that follows his friend to the gym. He works out in timberland boots and jeans. It kills me. They should be sent home.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I hate the uber meat heads. the ones that waddle around the gym flexing, chit chatting with their buddy, not working hard. There's one that lives at the squat machine. He has to grunt loud enough for me to hear across the gym with my headphones. then slam the bar back down on the machine. Really buddy? Do one less rep and set the bar down. Nobody thinks your cool. There's also one guy that follows his friend to the gym. He works out in timberland boots and jeans. It kills me. They should be sent home.

    Oh those guys bother me too! The ones that lift their shirts up to "wipe the sweat of there foreheads" just so they can stare at their abs in the mirror!!!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Outside my gym there is a bike rack with space for a whole 2 bicycles.

    There are probabaly at a guess 100 car parking spaces.

    And every time I cycle to the gym some incredibly lazy person has parked their car on the footpath in front of the bike racks making it impossible to get the bike into its holder!

  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255

    Crotch sweat: I mean, why do I need to feel like I peed myself while exercising.? Is that much sweat down-there really necessary?

    Wedgies: How can a piece of fabric get so far up my *kitten*-crack? Someone needs to invent cardio-proof undies, they'd make millions.

    And for the ladies; Malfunctioning Sports Bras: They all suck and don't ever keep the girls where they need to be, they consistently result in unnecessary flying facial projectiles (you know what I mean), no matter how fancy or expensive they are. I'm thinking of resorting to duct tape from now on.

    What are yours?

    OH MY GOSH, I just laughed so hard I almost peed myself! So true, all of it!

    Me too, that is great!! :laugh:
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    People who wear the same workout gear every day. I see this one man three or four times a week. He wears the same green Triumph T-shirt and red workout shorts . Yuck.

    I'm sorry... I do this too. But I'm between sizes, and everything else falls off. :embarassed: However, I do wash my gym outy every night.... so it's fresh every day.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Like this? Saw this at my gym and my friend filmed it haha

    The longer I am on this site, the more reasons I find to NEVER join a gym.
  • MuseumMonkey
    The lack of pockets in most gym clothes. If I go for a run around the neighborhood, where am I supposed to keep my house keys? If I go to the gym at school, what do I do with my student ID (which I have to bring to get into the gym--it works as a swipe card in the turnstile)?

    Long headphone cords also bug me. If I use an armband for my mp3 player it's even worse, but the cord on my favorites is so long that even in my one pair of yoga pants with pockets there's extra cord hanging down!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I try not to get to irritated by other people at the gym but I can't stand when people talk on their phones while doing cardio. It just seems moronic to me. I also don't understand when people lay over the elliptical/treadmill/stair climber like they are dying and just move their legs. Stand up straight for crying out loud! Enough of that rant.

    I hate sports bras because no matter how good they are,they still don't keep my tiny boobs from bouncing and I have to check in the mirror to make sure both headlights are pointing straight ahead. There is nothing worse than having googlie eyed nips.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Ok the only one I really have Is this woman who is in the apartment exercise room the same time as me.She always brings her son,and this kid is CRAZY! He jumps on the treadmills as people are running on them,climbs all over the equipment.Last night he was throwing a tennis ball around and it landed on the belt of my treadmill under my foot as I was running.His mom sees all this and says nothing.She also does not speak english so anything I say goes over her head.Ive also complained to the apartments but since she goes in when the office is closed they never see it.next time im video taping the brat with my phone

    other than that I could care less if people,talk on their phones,walk really slow on a treadmill,grunt,come in make up,ect ect
    I just worry about myself and my workout and really do not pay attention to what anyone else is doing unless its some braty kid who is going to really hurt someone or himself some day
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member

    I hate sports bras because no matter how good they are,they still don't keep my tiny boobs from bouncing and I have to check in the mirror to make sure both headlights are pointing straight ahead. There is nothing worse than having googlie eyed nips.

  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Wedgies: How can a piece of fabric get so far up my *kitten*-crack? Someone needs to invent cardio-proof undies, they'd make millions.


    That's why I never wear underware:blushing:
  • Lisiebird
    Lisiebird Posts: 45
    I hate it when I see people in Spin class who are not really working hard or putting much resistance on their bike because at that point they are essentially just taking up space. There's limited room in a spin class so it'd drive me crazy if I couldn't get in and then saw people walk out of the Spin room without having broken a sweat.

    And girls who wear makeup to workout. I once saw a girl with so much makeup on, including false lashes, that I had to stifle a laugh right in front of her. Come on, we both know if you come to the gym looking like that that you're not really there for a workout. And again, taking up space.