Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member

    Learning- hopefully that quiz won't way against your grade too bad. Do you get to drop your lowest grade? Hope so!! Good luck for the rest of the semester....not much longer!

    Teacher said if we average 80% or better on homework (which I have) she will drop lowest test score, and if we get a C or better on the final she will drop another test score. I'm going to ask if she will drop a low test score & that quiz instead of another test score. Hopefully she is cool with it. I'm holding a 95% overall in class... waiting for her to update with the last quiz and see how much it drops my grade by.

    mds - Your walking friend sounds like she is holding you back too much and bringing you down in the process. Can you do workouts without her? I used to have a friend who was so slow in workouts and just wanted to chat and gossip... I'm all for chatting and girl talk but not if its going to slow down my workouts. I ended up working out by myself and having hang out time with her to girl talk. It seemed to work much better for me, I could focus on myself and not worry about her.

    Chrystal - Sorry to hear about all the distractions. Can you workout away from home and turn off your cell? I like Claudia's now-or-never idea. I don't think 30 minutes of uninterruptions is too much to ask of her. Maybe she can nap while you do your thing.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Would anyone be interested in doing 30 Day shred with me come May 1st?

    I think I would die if I tried :laugh: Jillian's workouts are HARD for me. I've tried her banish fat, boost metabolism one and I was dying after the warmup LOL, I could only do a few exercises out of each circuit... the rest were way too hard on my knees. I'm assuming 30 day shred is the same?

    In May, I'm going to really get going (after the 10th) and start walking everyday increasing length and speed, work in C25K, go back to my thursday night beachbody classes... and my co-worker and I are going to do her zumba dvd's a couple times a week after work.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Wednesday Whinning -
    Perfect day for it today! I am about to embark on a long 700 and somthing mile road trip with my husband who hates road trips and a daughter who was taken to the ER last night and has an ear infection. Did I mention we will be driving through the mountains? YEAH!!!! NOT! My whine is that not only have I had to pack myself which is enough for a month since I will be gone a month but I also had to pack both my daughter and my husband. The Daughter I expected but the fact that I had to pack my husband and he didn't offer to help one bit makes me irritated. I'm also going to whine because I will be away from my baby and honey for a whole month.:sad: :sad: I am going to miss them terribly!! But hopefully being away will make us closer and I can work my butt off while out there and be at least 10 lbs lighter when I get back. I'm also whining because I am going to spend the month with my mother who has been the thorn in my side and my constant complainer about my weight and my size since I was little even when I wasn't that big. So I hope that she doesn't criticize everything I put into my mouth and everything I do for exercise.

    Well anyway I will still be on here just from a new location. Wish me luck and think of me today and tomorrow as I travel these 12 hours in a car through the mountains!!!

  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    @MDS- I agree with everyone else. I understand your frustration, because I've been in similar situations. I know that everyone says working out WITH someone is a good motivator, but to be honest I actually prefer to do it by myself. Exercise time for me is my alone time to regroup and think to myself. Maybe you should just tell her that the routine you two have isn't working out and you want to try something new and do it by yourself.

    @Virgo- I feel your pain. Baggy clothes really aren't flattering at all, and they don't make you look any thinner. At the same time, plus size clothes are often frumpy looking or like you said, expensive. Even the stuff from Torrid or LB, although it is trendier, isn't always the best quality. When I shopped there I was always a little peeved that I could spend $45 on a top that would start to come apart after 4 washings.

    @Learning- ouch! I'm sorry to hear that. I can empathize with you because I'm a perfectionist when it comes to grades and I get upset if I get anything lower than an A-... Good luck getting your teacher to drop the grade!

    @Renee- good luck keeping everything together while you're away!

    Wednesday Whining:

    It's humid outside today, and that's irritating me. I guess that's all I really have to whine about at this very moment!
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    I might just try the now or never... lol and my mother is in her 40s but she has lots of medical problems. I am a medical assistant so I am her own little care taker. It does strain mine and my husbands relationship all the time. And not having a job makes it worst. we cant get the things we want to get.

    I just wish it would just get easier.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    30 Day Shred knee problems....I had problems with my knees too, so I had to modify some of the stuff. I'm sure it means I'm not getting the "full" work out...but I can't do a push-up either so that's also modified. haha. But the biggest thing for me was the lunges and squats, those killed my knees more than my muscles. (Its a horrible sound to hear your knees crunch with every squat).

    After talking with a friend who hits the gym like 10 days a week (LOL), she said I was probably doing it wrong. That a lot of beginners are scared keep their knees 45 degrees (which leans your butt really far back) because they are worried they will fall over. Anyways...so what I did was grab a kitchen chair to do my squats over...so I will squat down till my butt grazes the chair (or if I lose balance sit for a sec). Its helped my knees a lot, and I don't know about the rest of you but being 100lbs over weight I can really feel it even if sometimes I feel like I'm going more like sit,stand,sit, stand if that makes sense.

    It makes me feel so lame, but if it means I'm not limping away after the video I'll take it.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    At the same time, plus size clothes are often frumpy looking or like you said, expensive. Even the stuff from Torrid or LB, although it is trendier, isn't always the best quality. When I shopped there I was always a little peeved that I could spend $45 on a top that would start to come apart after 4 washings.
    Ah, I thought it was just me!! I thought I was clumbsy or bad at doing laundry, because the clothes were stringy, or just wearing out fast. Guess I wasn't catching my clothing on mystery nails sticking out of who knows where!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Wednesday Whine:

    I'm SICK of people telling me I complain too much!!! AAHHH!! Especially people on my Facebook (who I think are just jealous that I exercise more than they do). They say I whine too much about my body aches and blah blah blah. My opinion... KISS THIS AND SCREW OFF!!!

    Thanks for letting me vent. :smile:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Wednesday Whine:

    I'm SICK of people telling me I complain too much!!! AAHHH!! Especially people on my Facebook (who I think are just jealous that I exercise more than they do). They say I whine too much about my body aches and blah blah blah. My opinion... KISS THIS AND SCREW OFF!!!

    Thanks for letting me vent. :smile:

    Jeez... you sure do whine a lot! hahaha... just kidding! I can't help myself sometimes :tongue: (I know i know, I'm a little pain in the *kitten*)

    Ok I'll shut up and eat my lunch now
  • mds2372
    mds2372 Posts: 53
    @Sue - I think telling her that the pace needs to inhibit talking will be a great start and if it doesn't work, then I will just have to go solo because I need to do this for ME not for her.

    @Claudia - thanks! Just saying that you've made me laugh (after a not so good day) and I really appreciate it! It seems like you have had a very busy time with vacation and to be honest, sometimes we need to sleep and let our bodies recover before trying to push them too much. Don't use it as an excuse (because that leads to bad habits) but don't beat yourself up about it. Your body knows best.

    @neuroticvirgo - I think I might do that. I may try to get her to toughen it up for the last bit of the semester but tell her that when summer school starts, I am going to stick to a routine at the rec center (early morning with a friend that wants to as well-as long as she doesn't bail on me!)

    I also know exactly how you feel about clothes. I realized I have had a lot of my clothes for years and they aren’t in the best of condition any more. In fact, I am wearing jeans that have worn thin between my thighs at the moment but I don’t really have any others and can’t afford $60-$80 for new ones from Torrid. I did buy a couple new dresses from Old Navy this weekend because I love dresses and also because if I lose weight, at least they won’t fall off of my like jeans will. I love clothes, I won’t lie. I also love Glamour magazine and the advice they do have for plus-sized women. Believe me, I still have very off days-quite often, but there are some days when I just have to learn how to love my body and show it off. Curves aren’t bad. I am a bit more than curvy at this point, but still, confidence in a pencil skirt makes you more gorgeous than you can ever imagine. Do you have any Dots stores near you? They have more affordable plus-sizes. They are hit or miss with casual clothes but I love their professional clothes.

    @Chrystal – I know how you feel about fighting with someone who brings unhealthy food into the house. (It’s why I dread going home for the weekend). Is there any way you can organize everything to keep her stuff separate (and hopefully out of view) of your healthier snacks?

    @Learning2LoveMe – It is awesome to hear that you are doing well with staying on track. Keep it up, that’s awesome! About your grades, I would recommend just talking to the professor about where your grade is and how you need to address the rest of the assignments to get what you would like in the class. They are generally pretty helpful and understanding as long as you show initiative and concern.

    I am glad to know I am not the only person that has struggled with a chatty slow “work-out buddy.” I am afraid I won’t be able to hold myself accountable without her, but hopefully, as I get more active on this thread, all of you can help be my support team and we can help each other.

    @Becky – I do feel like she has been draining me lately, I just worry about her getting very upset or something. I don’t know how I got myself into this mess.

    @Renee – I hope your visit with your mom goes well. Hopefully she will see that you are trying and be supportive rather than critical.

    @Pinstripepirate – I think I may be somewhat similar. I like to have someone exercising at the same time as me (getting up and going to the gym) but I don’t necessarily want to be right next to you talking. I want to turn on my ipod and work my butt off so hard that I don’t breath to talk.

    @TNAJackson – I don’t think you ever have to worry about complaining too much here! In the end though, they will just have to realize that complaining about muscles is much more admirable than complaining about someone complaining.

    Just a last minute additional whine - I keep hearing something that sounds like a cell phone on vibrate on but its not in my room/apartment (no roommate and my phone is next to me) so I can't find it and stop it. (I think it might be in the apartment upstairs). Its just one of those things that drives me crazy!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Someone on here created a 'clothing swap' page on Facebook. Here's the link so maybe we can all started swaping clothes!!

  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member

    Just a last minute additional whine - I keep hearing something that sounds like a cell phone on vibrate on but its not in my room/apartment (no roommate and my phone is next to me) so I can't find it and stop it. (I think it might be in the apartment upstairs). Its just one of those things that drives me crazy!

    That reminded of this story my brother-in-law told me. One night- it was pretty late, maybe 2am? he was woken up by the sound of a phone buzzing as on vibrate. He started looking all over the bedroom, shaking the blankets around thinking his or his wife's phone was in there. Needless to say, he woke up the dog and his wife and STILL couldn't find the phone! Turned out that my niece had left her phone in the bathroom upstairs charging, and since their bedroom is directly under her bathroom, it sounded like the phone was in the room with them! :laugh: So it's probably your neighbors phone- or their vibrator! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    ugh! an additional whine! nasty thuderstorms, get home from work, no power! So, here I sit in McD's, kids in the play place. Did okay staying under calories, but fat and sodium are out of control!

    We are under tornado "Watch." Sitting here in McD's looking out the large windows at the storm is pretty cool!
  • mds2372
    mds2372 Posts: 53
    ugh! an additional whine! nasty thuderstorms, get home from work, no power! So, here I sit in McD's, kids in the play place. Did okay staying under calories, but fat and sodium are out of control!

    We are under tornado "Watch." Sitting here in McD's looking out the large windows at the storm is pretty cool!

    Stay safe! I hope that the storms calm down where you are!

    @Claudia - hahaha. I actually just noticed that it has stopped and am so glad but I am just going to hope that it was a phone!
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Whiny Wednesday or The Story of Wee Willy Winkie:
    I hate the one dude that goes to the pool I swim at. he is old, crusty and wears see through swim trunks. On top of that he is OCD (like seriously OCD) and does all this wierd stuff like dancing to the bleachers to put down his bag, pick it up again, dance again and then put it down again. he also skips to the ladder and climbs up and down five times. Then he proceeds to swim in lane one for ten minutes, then moves to lane two for ten minutes , ect. You the get the point. When he gets to my lane I just act like he is not there. He also goes to the exact middle of the pool and does backflips in the water and then he holds his breath at the bottom of the pool and stares at people. Mind you all of this time you can see his winkie. UGHHH yuck. Makes swimming laps difficult and slightly creepy.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Whiny Wednesday: Well...I don't even know how to start. I just know that I hate this whole having to diet thing with a passion! I just can't seem to get it down. I feel like I just want to eat whatever I want whenever I want...pity party here we come...lol. I'm in a huge rut gaining weight, not losing at all. I feel like giving up half the time but I know that I can't afford too. I'm not healthy. I'm so frustrated, beyond frustrated actually. And I know it's my own fault. I'm the one putting the food in my mouth. I'm the one making the bad choices. I feel like I need structure, some kind of diet that tells me what to eat and when. So I'm looking into The Zone diet to see if that is one to try. I don't know. I'll just keep searching....
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Whiny Wednesday or The Story of Wee Willy Winkie:
    I hate the one dude that goes to the pool I swim at. he is old, crusty and wears see through swim trunks. On top of that he is OCD (like seriously OCD) and does all this wierd stuff like dancing to the bleachers to put down his bag, pick it up again, dance again and then put it down again. he also skips to the ladder and climbs up and down five times. Then he proceeds to swim in lane one for ten minutes, then moves to lane two for ten minutes , ect. You the get the point. When he gets to my lane I just act like he is not there. He also goes to the exact middle of the pool and does backflips in the water and then he holds his breath at the bottom of the pool and stares at people. Mind you all of this time you can see his winkie. UGHHH yuck. Makes swimming laps difficult and slightly creepy.

    ROFL...I'm so sorry I'm laughing, but this is funny!! I agree though it is creepy...LOL
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Hi Tamanella!!! I know it is Whiny Wednesday but I cant help it!!!!
    I have to tell you my experience with this is about making sure all my bases are covered. Nutritional and sweets.
    All my life I've been "big" - "diet" is not what I am doing. Modifying my intake get what my body needs to nurish and drop the excess. Feel free to look at my diary.. However, I am insulin resistant -pcos too so I have to take in more protein than normal. So what I am trying to say is that if your not losing - think about going to a nutritionist (bloodwork) the nutritionist can help you figure out what food to help you get where your going. That's what made a world of difference. I didn't know that protein was going to make my body work better!! OMG!!! Chicken, Yogurt, cottage cheese with fruit (100 calorie). wholly guacamole 100 calorie, so much more options that can satisfy you temptations (food). Email me anytime :):flowerforyou:

    Once I sat with her she helped me figure out my balance b/4 I eat what helps me GOOD and BAD but to my benefit. So I eat what I want but not a whole bag or a small bag...OR a half a small bag. Portion it out and enjoy....:flowerforyou:

    This past 7 months was a dream and I know once I plateau it will be worse BUT right now I enjoy what I am eating and hunny I AM EATING ...

    My point is stay focused YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    My Whine for Wednesday is I was mad that I couldnot find a cadbury creme egg - So mad.... 3 stores ALL SOLD OUT & I had calories to cover it :( Otherwise..I found caramel eggs (bought 4 bogo and they are in the freezer for the future)

    My Hubby says were under a Tornado warning so I am going to log off now - Take Care Ladies!!!
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    @ Tamanella: I have a recommendation. Try eating clean. I just finished reading The Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno and it has changed the way I look at food and eating. Its not really a diet book though, it is a guide to how to change your lifestyle. I hope you will at least give it a look see. I think her plan may help you jump start your weight loss. The are tons of options that she provides that will help you stay full and healthy. I am starting eating clean at the first of the month and I will let you know more about how it is working for me if you are interested. I also agree that you should look into seeing a nutritionist. Maybe there is something you are lacking chemically in your diet that is causing the cravings. Like a vitamin or mineral that you are not getting enough of. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Thank you both for your help and suggestions. I've really been thinking about seeing a nutritionist and so that's probably a good way to start. I've heard about clean eating and have been interested in that too, so I'll look into that also. Thank you so much for wanting to help me. I really don't want to give up, I'm just so frustrated with myself and where I'm at right now mentally that it scares me some days because this is such a mental game. Anywho, thank you!!