Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    So, it's Monday and I'm definately struggling. A co-worker bought me lunch and I made a horrible decision (almost ate up my entire calories for the day) and there aren't any exercise classes offered at my work today. I still plan on doing some at home tonight, but I feel bad for the time being...

    Oh, and I had a HORRIBLE weekend. Ate whatever, whenever I wanted. Owning up and moving on... going to try and fix my screw up from today and stay under my calorie goal... tomorrow is a new day.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I have to admit - This a little hard for me to keep track of everyone so please fogive me..I am going to try....

    Weekend was good stayed with my calories...

    Today still good with calories and did 30min on treadmill at work with a 5.0 incline > So tired with 2 hrs to go...:yawn:
    Hubby is making pasta (measured dry by per cup) and pre made meatballs all already loaded in my diary..
    Can't wait for 9pmEST (don't panic, LOL - I go to bed after 1am or later)

    Try not to feel bad TNAJackson, Easter is one day...enjoy it and for today you have to eat to live.....Re-boot ! Kick it into high gear!!!

    You go GIRLS!!! We can do it!!!:flowerforyou:
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Squash spaghetti? Is it already in a package, or do you cook the squash? I tried those shiratiaki (sp??!) tofu spaghetti noodles and really did not like them at all. They gagged me when I opened up the package....not a fan...

    Spaghetti squash is a squash that you cook. It tastes like squash not like spaghetti. The reason they call it spaghetti squash is because after you cook it you scrape out the insides with a fork and it looks like little noodles. With some tomato sauce on it it is a great substitute for actual noodles. I really like it. You should give it a try if you like squash.
    Thanks for the reply!! I may try it....I love squash, but I'm the only one in my family that does. I'm really trying to avoid cooking separate meals. As it is, i get home from work a little after 6pm, doesn't leave a lot of time for cooking, cleaning, making sure homework gets done, baths and snuggles.

    Trying to keep up with everyone - it's hard!
    Naesue - prayers going out for you!!
    Pin - Woohoo!! Onederland!! You rock!!

    We got this!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    ugh...having a really crappy evening... First I noticed little black pieces all piled up in our pantry...come to find out something must have happened to our griddle that we got as one of our wedding gifts...and instead of someone telling me, they just put it back and piled up all the pieces...its completely broken and shattered. :sad:

    Then I'm making dinner...I pull out the food processor and the lid is like freakin cemented on! I have no clue what happened to it. I'm trying to twist it off and it just breaks in my hands, cutting open my hand. And now our processor along with our griddle is broken and useless. I don't have the money to just run out and get new ones, and I like using both of these a lot when I cook. :brokenheart:

    ....and my hand hurts.

    Boo to today....
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    NeuroticVirgo > Boooo! Sorry. Hang tight!!
  • jaelwoman
    jaelwoman Posts: 81
    HI!!!! I'm not ignoring you I promise! Kids are on spring break and I'm off of work so I'll be on less then usual. So I'm just checking in - I weigh in on Fridays - I was ummm...269ish I think! LOL I'll remember later. I'm not exercising like I should UGH need to get into it - I'll be at the pool tomorrow though, gonna hit it hard for an hour! Then collapse on the lounge chairs and watch all the kiddos have fun!
    I hope everyone is doing wonderfully! <3
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    SInce Tuesday is recipie day I will post my favorite food recipie now since tomorrow is major packing day!!!!!!

    Moca Java Smoothie

    1C unsweetened Almond Milk 40 cal
    1scoop Slimfast chocolate powder 110 cal
    1/2 cup plain nonfat yogurt 55 cal
    1T Instant coffee granules 6 cal
    1 Medium Banana 80 cal

    Blend and enjoy!!!

    Cals 291 fat 7 sat 1 poly 1 mono 2 trans 0 Chol 8 Sodium 396 Potassium 1057 carbs 50 Fiber 8 Sugars 28 Protein 15 Vit A 27 C 64 Calcium 86 Iron 36

    If you are watching your carbs and sugars you can cut out the banana and save yourself 27 carbs and 14 sugars but you are also losing 422 potassium and may need to add a sweetner. This smoothie keeps me full for quite a while and is quick and easy! I vary from day to day how much banana I use sometimes I only use 1/2 and sometimes not at all.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Monday: Well I haven't been doing well at all. I weighed in today at 328 that's up about 5lbs since my last weigh in which was a couple weeks ago or so. I just feel like I'm in some kind of rutt. Although today went a lot better. I really focused on staying on track and at least logging good or bad and I did a lot of spring cleaning today also so I broke a pretty good sweat! But I need a Brain Change sooo bad!! I need to wrap it around this process so I can succeed! So I'll keep pluggin along one day at a time and I'll do it!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Monday: Well I haven't been doing well at all. I weighed in today at 328 that's up about 5lbs since my last weigh in which was a couple weeks ago or so. I just feel like I'm in some kind of rutt. Although today went a lot better. I really focused on staying on track and at least logging good or bad and I did a lot of spring cleaning today also so I broke a pretty good sweat! But I need a Brain Change sooo bad!! I need to wrap it around this process so I can succeed! So I'll keep pluggin along one day at a time and I'll do it!

    You can do it :) If you ever need help, or just need to let some stuff off your chest we're here.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    ....double post.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    NeuroticVirgo > Boooo! Sorry. Hang tight!!

    Thanks. I was being a big whiner earlier.
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    NeuroticVirgo > Boooo! Sorry. Hang tight!!

    Thanks. I was being a big whiner earlier.

    You totally had a right to be, though. *hugs* I hope some really awesome things come your way soon to make up for that :(
  • jaelwoman
    jaelwoman Posts: 81
    Good Tuesday morning friends! I figured I'd start my day with you all instead of fitting you in. I've added a bunch of you as friends, but if I missed you PLEASE friend me!
    So, Tuesday recipie/food...well, a friend of mine and I have been trying to find cool ways to use cauliflower - it's actually become a bit of an obsession!! :laugh: A couple of weeks ago I made cauliflower pizza....no not cauliflower ON a pizza, but the pizza crust WAS cauliflower. Here's how I did it -

    1. 1 medium head of cauliflower broken into tiny, tiny pieces. This is the most difficult part of the recipe. I used a cheese grater to grate it - messy but it works. My girlfriend uses a juicer to get it all tiny - that worked best. ANYWAY - get that cauliflower into tiny pieces.

    2. Heat the cauliflower in the microwave for 30 seconds and add 1 egg and 1/4 cup of shredded cheese.

    3. Mix together and spread over parchment paper on a baking pan. Put in 350 degree oven for 20-30 minutes, checking to make sure it doesn't burn. IF the mixture seems a bit juicy, take a paper towel and pat some of the moisture out. Get as much as you can - that will help to make it crispy.

    4. When cooked, topped with whatever toppings you want to have on it and cook again until heated through. Believe it or not, my kids couldn't tell it wasn't real pizza dough!

    My friend and I made cauliflower popcorn (basically just roasted cauliflower - break up the florets into popcorn size, toss with 2tblsp of oil and seasoning. Put on parchment paper in a 400 degree oven for 60 minutes and ENJOY!) It's another one my kids devoured. We also made cauliflower mashed "potatoes" and cauliflower "potato" salad. DELICIOUS!!!
  • jaelwoman
    jaelwoman Posts: 81
    SInce Tuesday is recipie day I will post my favorite food recipie now since tomorrow is major packing day!!!!!!

    Moca Java Smoothie

    1C unsweetened Almond Milk 40 cal
    1scoop Slimfast chocolate powder 110 cal
    1/2 cup plain nonfat yogurt 55 cal
    1T Instant coffee granules 6 cal
    1 Medium Banana 80 cal

    Blend and enjoy!!!

    Cals 291 fat 7 sat 1 poly 1 mono 2 trans 0 Chol 8 Sodium 396 Potassium 1057 carbs 50 Fiber 8 Sugars 28 Protein 15 Vit A 27 C 64 Calcium 86 Iron 36

    If you are watching your carbs and sugars you can cut out the banana and save yourself 27 carbs and 14 sugars but you are also losing 422 potassium and may need to add a sweetner. This smoothie keeps me full for quite a while and is quick and easy! I vary from day to day how much banana I use sometimes I only use 1/2 and sometimes not at all.

    I am SO trying this and I LOVE your profile picture - you are beautiful!
  • swest222
    swest222 Posts: 455 Member
    Sorry Ive been away, I was sick most of the weekend with strept, just got in to see the doctor yesterday (since everything was closed for Easter) and they gave me some antibiotics - it's kicking my butt though! They are soooo strong because this is the 3rd time Ive had strept in 2 months!!!!!

    I felt so guilty yesterday that I didnt work out but I was just so exhausted and queezy from the meds that I went to bed early after I took the kids to their gym class and put them to bed.

    Today's a new day though!!

    Happy Tuesday!
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Christina - so sorry for the crappy day yesterday. I hate when things break, and hate it even more when I get hurt! Hope your hand is feeling better today. Love your new pic by the way...kind of pouty, fit your post! lol!! :wink:

    MamaBear- hope you feel better soon, don't feel guilty because you let your body rest. It's what it needs right now. Hope you feel better soon too!

    My neice didn't call me back to go with me to Zumba last night, but I went anyway. Felt soooo good! Love Zumba toning, more than the regular zumba classes! Don't burn as many calories, but those muscles sure get worked!

    A recipe to share: I love this!!

    Kiwi Fruit Parfait
    8 oz (1 container) Low fat Vanilla Yogurt
    1 medium Kiwi Fruit, peeled and sliced
    1 biscuit of Original Shredded Wheat
    1 tsp Maple Syrup
    1/2 tsp. cinnamon

    In a bowl or parfait dish, layer half the yogurt, shredded wheat (crumble it apart) and kiwi (reserving one slice for garnish), then the remaining yogurt. Top with maple syrup and cinnamon and last slice of kiwi. Enjoy!

    I put the ingredients in the Recipe section and got the below results.

    Calories:262 Carbs:59 Fat:1 Protein: 9 Sodium: 117 Iron:6

    Not sure how to attach pictures, but I'll give it a try!
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    So this is a really simple recipe for a snack I love. I will post a better one later but this is my go to snack that seems to wipe out all of my chocolate and sweet cravings every time. I take a Quaker chocolate crunch rice cake and spread it with two tablespoons of Weight Watchers reduced fat whipped cream cheese spread. Then I slice up a few strawberries or a banana and layer that on top. It is the best dessert snack ever. I love it and it makes me happy. Super quick and easy. Try it you'll like it. It is approximately 200 calories (the rice cake is 60, the cream cheese is 60 and then whatever fruit you pick). You could leave the fruit off and then it is only 120 calories.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Lovin those recipes !!!!

    I love wasa crisp 7grain crackerbread (must say crackerbread)
    **************(Warning: this is not your Mothers wasa crisps) *************
    These are GOOD!!! Plus.. 3 crackers = 60 calories

    I'll add 100 calories wholly guacamole, piece of turkey/ham Mmmmmmm
    dice a cheese stick (string cheese) & add small tomato diced mix Mmmmmm
    Whatever you want..

    Happy Tuesday!!!!!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm not a huge cook, especially since school started its been mostly grab-n-go frozen foods or subway. But I will share my favorite healthy recipe... I absolutely love this and so does the fiance! I can't wait to make this again.

    It's the Hungry Girl Rhapsody in Bleu (Chicken cordon bleu)

    One 5-oz. raw boneless skinless lean chicken breast cutlet
    1 wedge The Laughing Cow Light Original Swiss cheese, room temperature
    1 oz. (about 3 slices) 97 - 98% fat-free ham slices
    salt and black pepper, to taste

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

    Put chicken in a large sealable plastic bag, squeeze out as much air as you can, and seal. Using a meat tenderizer or a can, carefully pound chicken through the bag until it is about 1/4-inch thick. Remove chicken from the bag, and season to taste with salt and pepper on both sides.

    Lay the chicken flat and spread the cheese wedge over it. Evenly layer the ham slices on top of the cheese. Starting with one of the longer sides (or any side, if it's square), tightly roll up the chicken breast cutlet, and secure with toothpicks.

    Place chicken roll in a baking dish lined with foil and/or sprayed with nonstick spray, and then cover the baking dish with foil.

    Bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Carefully remove the foil covering the dish. Continue to bake (uncovered) for an additional 15 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through. Enjoy!


    Serving Size: 1 chicken cordon bleu (entire recipe)
    Calories: 222
    Fat: 4.5g
    Sodium: 692mg
    Carbs: 2g
    Fiber: 0g
    Sugars: 1g
    Protein: 40g

    PointsPlus® value 5*
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Tuesday Recipies:

    Parmeasan baked fish

    Use a fillet of fish. ( I use pollok but you can use any fish)

    Mix 1/4 a cup of parmeasan cheese

    Add any spices you want. ( I use garlic powder, dried parsley, and lemon peper)

    Mix all the dry ingredianse together and then add 1/2 tablespoon of butter

    mix till it is a crumble

    Press mixture over fish and bake.

    It is awesome. It gives your fish a nice salty taste.
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