Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Happy Easter! I am so sorry i 've been out of the loop yesterday and today! I promise to get back with it starting tomorrow!

    my goal for this week is to be able to jog most of my 5k on Saturday. It's my first 5k that i'm trying to not walk the whole thing!

    i want to make smarter lunch choices (had a few microwave meals-- loads of sodium)

    Any lunch suggestions welcome!

    Happy MOnday EVE! :)

    Good luck at the 5K that sounds exciting. :) I wish I had some suggestions for lunches, but the only thing I can think of is to make and freeze your own meals.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    OH and I just saw this posted on another topic, checked out some of the recipes they look awesome!

  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Sunday Goals:
    I am having a difficult time keeping everything balanced in my life at the moment. I am a notorious starter stopper. I take something up get tired of it and then move on and that just makes my procrastination worse. I am juggling, school, job searching, exercising, eating/cooking healthy and crafts, friends, family ect and I need a plan to sort it all out, so that is my goal. I need to make a plan every week, probably on Sunday night of how I can loosely schedule my time and eating. My secondary goal is not to eat a single piece of candy that is in the Easter basket I bought and assembled for my boyfriend.

    On another note:
    My favorite way to make spaghetti squash is to cut it in half lengthwise, scrape out the seeds, brush the fleshy part with olive oil and a bit of garlic salt, then bake them in a glass baking dish flesh side up/skin side down for approximately 30 minutes at about 350. It brings out a more nutty flavor/quality and goes great with homemade spaghetti sauce. You will know it is done when it is tender to the touch and can be scraped out easily with a fork, which is what makes it look like noodles.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    First I want to say that my plan I had to only eat salad and water and to work my tail off so the scale said 29? didnt' work. It might have worked if I had taken a laxative and had a BM cause I still haven't had one of them. But I'm not going to beat myself up over it!!! It will come I know it will.

    Sunday Goals- My goals for this week are to 1. do my c25k M-W-F and be able to run all of the runs. 2. to stay on track with my cals even with my traveling. 3. to get all of my stuff done for my trip without turning into a screaming banshee and blaming my husband and Daughter for things not being done and leaving later then I wanted to.

    On another note please keep me in your thoughts and prayers this week, I am leaving on Wednesday with my husband and daughter to go out to New Jersey to my mothers house for the weekend and then my husband and daughter will be flying back to Michigan on Monday and I will be staying with my mother til the end of the month to help her with her recovery from surgery she is having next week. This will be first time I will spend any time away from my husband, and right before our one year anniversary. It is also the longest I have been away from my daughter in a few years. I'm really nervouse about leaving them even though I know it is for a good reason. Don't worry though I will still be posting every day and will be logging my food and working out!!!
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    This week I want to do the 10 minute AM and PM yoga workouts from one of the dvds I got every day. I've done it every day so far since Thursday night, but I have a feeling once I need to go back to work this week my motivation to do them won't be as high.

    At least its only 10 minutes, and I'm sure it will help get your day off to a good start. :)

    10 minutes each morning and night shouldn't be difficult... it's more that I'll probably tell myself that I don't have the extra 10 in the morning to do it before work, and I have to make the effort to do the evening one close to bed time but not so late that I just go to bed instead of doing the routine first. I still plan on doing some sort of cardio each day, except today that might not happen because I have a funeral service to go to this morning and class this afternoon... I just don't know if I can fit a walk in. We'll see.

    Monday Check-in:

    I am FINALLY under 200 pounds! I weighed in yesterday at 198. I usually weigh on Mondays, but I had set a goal to be under 200 by Easter and I wanted to see if I made it. I'm really proud of myself. I also did well at Easter dinner yesterday. Didn't eat too much, and I stuck to mostly veggies and turkey breast. So far I think Easter may be one of the easiest holidays food-wise to stay under on (Christmas was probably the hardest).
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    my goal for this week is to be able to jog most of my 5k on Saturday. It's my first 5k that i'm trying to not walk the whole thing!


    I'm doing a 5K this weekend too... actually my whole family is walking for March of Dimes on Saturday in Iowa!

    Good morning ladies! Man I had a weekend to forget! lol .... was down 2lbs this week which I was so excited about.. and now Monday, oh good ole Monday, I am up 5lbs.... damn liquor!!

    My goals this week are to :

    A. Get to the gym at least 5 days this week, which would be everyday that I have avaliable or I should say at least WORKOUT 5 days this week.

    B. Get my weight back down to where it was on Saturday weigh in

    C. Stay on target for Carbs and Sugars - I have a nutrionist appt tomorrow which I am very excited about!!!!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Christina--DDR is so much fun! You can really burn some calories without even realizing you're doing so (which is my favorite way to burn calories, haha).

    I didn't weigh myself, I'm a bit scared to step on the scale after yesterday's binge eating extravaganza....I honestly didn't do as bad as I *could* have, but I still ended the day at 2500 calories. I did burn 500 swimming, though, so it could have been much, much worse...I think I'll weigh in on Friday. If I remember. I don't own a scale, mine broke and I decided not to replace it, so I need to remember to use my sister-in-law's scale when I drop off my youngest for her to babysit in the mornings. I'm pretty pumped up about this week, though, I think I'll be able to stay on track and I'm going to hold myself accountable for every little thing. My kids don't have any extra-cirriculars this week, since it's their spring break, so I have time to go to Zumba tonight and tomorrow night, to go to the gym as scheduled, and to cook meals instead of trying to throw something together quickly. Hopefully I will be able to carry this over for the last three weeks of school, and then I can really focus on me this summer once the dance revues and soccer seasons and gymnastics meets are all over and done with. I made an exercise goals list yesterday, as well as a game plan to accomplish it....if I can stick with it, I should be able to burn around 4500 calories per week, which would be simply amazing. I also made a meal plan for the week, and I should be able to stick to 1500 calories per day, as long as I tell myself 'no, no, no' when I want to snack at work out of sheer boredom or availability. Hopefully it will all pay off when I step on the scale later this week!
  • SassyMissDasha
    Sounds like everyone had a great weekend!!!

    I am glad to hear that everyone is safe from the tornado!!!

    Congrats on being under 200 lbs!!! That is a amazing feeling I bet. Now you are in ONEderland! :) I can't wait till I get there.

    Sunday - I had my Milk Chocolate hollow bunny, it was HUGE ..and it nearly made me sick!! But it was still good :) Didn't overdo it at ALL yesterday, I for sure thought I would with the Easter dinner, we had mashed potatoes, ham gravy, sweet potato casserole, corn, and baked ham. There was even pineapple upside down cake ..but I am proud to say I did not partake!!

    My son finally got back from Mexico, and wow is that boy tan. He had a good time though!! He got his Easter goodies when he got home and he was happy. He didn't want to go back to school today at all!!

    Hope everyone has a good week, I will check in later probably today.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Squash spaghetti? Is it already in a package, or do you cook the squash? I tried those shiratiaki (sp??!) tofu spaghetti noodles and really did not like them at all. They gagged me when I opened up the package....not a fan...

    Busy day yesterday, didn't get on the puter much at all. Weighed myself in the AM before the Easter festivities, and then again this morning and I actually lost 2 ounces! LOL!! Guess I didn't do as bad as I thought...unless it comes back to haunt me in a few days!

    My neice is coming with me to Zumba class tonight! I'm so excited! lol!!
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Monday - Check-in (Let us know how you’re doing. Are you struggling? Staying on track? Good time to post your weigh-in as well)

    I am doing okay today. I have a very very busy week ahead and when I am busy I often forget to eat until I am starving and then I turn into a food monster and devour anything edible in sight. So I will have to work extra hard to keep up with my regular eating schedule. I have been consistently under my calorie goals since 30 days ago when I started on here and I am definitely seeing results. I have not however, been consistent in my exercise. I have a test tonight but after that for the rest of the week I intend to get back into the pool. My next weigh in day is Wednesday, but I weighed on Saturday and had lost 2.4 lbs so I am up to 31 lbs lost! That right there is enough to keep me motivated and on track. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    Happy Monday Everyone!

    I keep seeing several posts on Spaghetti Squash, and while I didn't hate it I didn't love it... DH didn't either. So in searching for other alternatives, I found some "all veggie" pasta. I shop at Kroger, so that's where I got it. It's Rotini pasta and it's beet, carrot, spinach, and one other vegetable pasta. It's different colors for different veggies, I was skeptical, but it'd been so long since we'd had Spaghetti ( my DH fave), so i gave it a shot. IT was SO good... I don't remember all the exact #s on it. But can check it out later and report back :)
    If it wasn't different colors than normal I believe most people would have a hard time telling its a substitute.

    It's Hodgson Mill (SP) and it's a clear plastic bag with the other pastas. Pretty inexpenisve, there are 8 servings in 1 bag and I believe it was around $2
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Squash spaghetti? Is it already in a package, or do you cook the squash? I tried those shiratiaki (sp??!) tofu spaghetti noodles and really did not like them at all. They gagged me when I opened up the package....not a fan...

    Spaghetti squash is a squash that you cook. It tastes like squash not like spaghetti. The reason they call it spaghetti squash is because after you cook it you scrape out the insides with a fork and it looks like little noodles. With some tomato sauce on it it is a great substitute for actual noodles. I really like it. You should give it a try if you like squash.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Monday Check in :

    I am at 295.4

    I am doing OK. So for a while I was only losing half a pound to 1 pound and this week Iost 3 pounds. I am glad I got past that and I hope it started to get a little easier to lose weight now...
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Happy Monday Everyone!

    I keep seeing several posts on Spaghetti Squash, and while I didn't hate it I didn't love it... DH didn't either. So in searching for other alternatives, I found some "all veggie" pasta. I shop at Kroger, so that's where I got it. It's Rotini pasta and it's beet, carrot, spinach, and one other vegetable pasta. It's different colors for different veggies, I was skeptical, but it'd been so long since we'd had Spaghetti ( my DH fave), so i gave it a shot. IT was SO good... I don't remember all the exact #s on it. But can check it out later and report back :)
    If it wasn't different colors than normal I believe most people would have a hard time telling its a substitute.

    It's Hodgson Mill (SP) and it's a clear plastic bag with the other pastas. Pretty inexpenisve, there are 8 servings in 1 bag and I believe it was around $2

    That is the pasta that I use to make pasta salad in the summer time. Add some fat free italian dressing with tomatoes, onion, peppers, some low fat mozarella cheese cubed and some Turkey pepperoni yum yum!!! It is a meal in itself! Great for those days when it is too hot to eat hot food!!!
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    Just a heads up-

    Hodgson Mill is a great brand and has lots of healthy whole grain products, but veggie pasta is just standard semolina wheat flour pasta that is colored with beet, spinach and tomato powder. It is pretty much the same as regular rotini pasta, with perhaps a very small bump in nutrients from the vegetable powders. It is not a pasta substitute and had the same calories and fat per serving, about 200 calories per 2 dry ounces.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    @Pin - Congrats on ONEderland! That is awesome! I can't wait to get there myself.

    Monday check-in: So far today I am doing good. But then again, I usually do pretty well while at work, its being home at night that usually kills it for me. I weighed in this morning, I knew it wasn't going to be good because I've been off track a couple weeks now and its TOM for me... the scale says 216.5. I guess thats not too bad, a +4 over the last 2-3 weeks with TOM and not watching what I was eating, no tracking calories, etc.

    Hope everyone is doing great today.

    Edit: I just updated my weight on here, my last check-in weight was 3/28 so it's only a +4 over about a month... that makes me feel a little better. But I really shouldn't have fallen off the wagon, it could be a -4 instead.
  • Laurathabomb
    Laurathabomb Posts: 44 Member
    Woohoo Ladies! Y'all have been busy! I have been fighting an excel workbook most of the day so I am just now getting my to post.

    With that being said:

    My name is Christy, and I live with my husband in Memphis, TN (home of Elvis (yep he's still alive saw him at the Kroger :wink: ), BBQ, the Blues, and all kinds of deep fried goodness............Ahh I digress. Anyways, my husband and I have been married for about 13 months, I am 32, and work for a VERY LARGE shipping Company (that doesn't allow us to identify ourselves as its employees on "social sites." I have a bit (a lot) of ADD, and my thoughts are pretty random most of the time. We currently have 4 Dogs, one is up for adoption (we do dog rescue, and we contemplated keeping her it's just not working out with the others). Our dogs are Bella (chocolate lab), Forrest (Austrailian Shepherd), Bella Dos (yellow lab-- long story, yes I realize we have 2 dogs with the same name!), and Honey (the one up for adoption--she's a ChiWeenie (think Chihuahua meets a daschaund). We also have a Beta, but I forget his name :) (we've had 3 lately, and this one was my nephews.)
    We just began TTC, and it seems its on my mind constantly, Could be all the pregnant friends/couples we know! Ideally I'd like to have twins, being 32 and all, it'd just be easier. We are members of Highpoint Church, and I can tell you that I have never in all my life seen people worship the way they do at our church. It's Awesome.

    As for the overweight thing, I've been either chubby or obese my whole life. It's kinda scary to think, but I think the last time I was anywhere near my goal weight would have been like 8th grade! (Nervous about what I may look like!) I have just as of today hit the -50 mark, and I feel great. I am also wearing some "right fit" jeans from Lane Bryant, and I haven't had them on in about 2 or so years!!!!!!! YAY! In 2008, I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer (had surgery for removing thyroid, and radiation), and my weight continued looming up, and I got to the point where I stepped on a scale and thought NO WAY!) I'm in remission now and have been since October 2008.

    Even though I've lost 50 lbs I am still mostly wearing 18/20 tops and 22 bottoms, which is a bit discouraging, BUT I know in time my clothes size will follow the scales-- RIGHT? :smile: To be honest, I probably need to lose at least another 100 lbs, if not another 110. I am 5'11", so I'm not sure how "skinny" I can be.

    For fitness, I started C25K, and I quit after 4 weeks... (I repeated several weeks, but just quit when my period came and it was INSANELY bad TOM). Since Saturday (not counting rest days) I've walked 4 miles each day, with the exception of last night, I got to the gym late and only did 3.1. Walking is really helping me I think. I've also began to make sure that I get at least 10 glasses of water a day. I am for the most part not eating back my exercise calories.
    I have both Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout, Although I haven't done either one lately. I got all the way to the pushups in the BL and quit. I feel bad for not being able to do pushups, but surely I'll be able to master the girly ones soon.

    Occassionally I do the eliptical at the gym too...We are in progress of scuba classes so we swim/do that 1x every other week or so- Our instructor is kinda flighty with the schedule.

    I would really like to lose my "spare tire" or the stomach roll I have between my boobs and the rest of my belly, but from everything I've read you can't target weight loss areas.. If someone knows differently I'm all ears.

    While I did read thru everyone's posts, I've got to run (to the gym!) for now, and will post replies later on.

    I am so excited for our group and know that we can all DO THIS!!

    Anyone please feel free to add me :) I give/need support!

    Happy Good Friday!
  • Laurathabomb
    Laurathabomb Posts: 44 Member
    I'm from TN too, Nashville though! :)
  • Laurathabomb
    Laurathabomb Posts: 44 Member
    Ok, I just tried to reply to a post, and totally screwed that up! Sorry ladies! :noway:

    Monday check-in:

    I did walk/runs on Saturday ( basically walking and jogging intervals). I did 3.6 miles of those and afterward my right foot (plantaar faciitis) was killing me! :sad: I had to take a pain pill. But thankfully its doing much better today. I lost 5 total pounds last week so I am really excited abotu that! :bigsmile: I am planning on having grilled pork chops tonight with mac-n cheese adn green beans. Then I'm off to do a body jam class. Those really kick my butt....

    Have a great night ladies! Kisses :wink:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Monday Check-In - I did good Saturday. Sunday I did good all day until I couldn't sleep.... I have to go in and adjust my diary...which I'm sure I'm like a bazillion calories over now. Today is a new day though. I just wish my motivation wasn't so up and down, its like a freakin roller coaster I can't get off. Then when I can't sleep and I'm stuck awake really late it only makes it worse.

    I also think not having a scale is starting to get to me. Its my own fault for getting all pissy and throwing it out...but not knowing is driving me a little batty. Did I maintain these last few weeks, did I gain 5lbs, did I gain 20lbs!! Part of me doesn't want to know because I'm worried if I gained back 15 of the 30 I lost, I would really upset and take another week to get over myself, and be back on track. But if I only gained a few lbs, or even managed to maintain my last weight, that could be the boost of motivation I need right now.

    @sarahbear1981 - I could use a schedule too! I see myself in so many of your posts. lol

    @naesue - At least you know your doing the right thing. I'm sure you will do fine, and sometimes when your not having to cook for an entire family food is easier to keep track. I hope everything goes really well with your mom. Are you and your husband going to do anything for you 1 yr when you get back?

    @pinstripepirate - Yay! That is so awesome! I'm glad to hear you made it to ONEderland. :0D

    @mrssavvysteve - I'll have to check and see if I can find this veggie pasta next time I'm at the store. We are pretty limited on selection, but if i can't find it here, I might be able to find it next time I'm in Phoenix.

    @chrystal559 - 3lbs! That is such a good loss. Congrats.

    @Laurathabomb - Awesome to hear about the 5lb loss. :) Sorry about your foot. I hear that can be super painful!

    @itsbigjoesgal - oo let us know how the nutritional appt goes.

    @ChubbieTubbie - Sounds like you have an awesome plan for the week. Hope you have a great weigh-in on Friday!