Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    To EVERYONE: Wow this is gonna be hard to keep track ..LOL - Glad to see Evryone!!!

    LOL I really think it will be easier when we have a groove going.
    Well now I feel like a big slacker, for not replying to everyone individually. Thanks you everyone for your encouraging words.

    Don't feel like a slacker. I only do that when I've got lots of extra time (Like today, when I'm pretty much just sitting around till our babysitter can be here so we can leave lol)
  • mds2372
    mds2372 Posts: 53
    I am so very very late and I don't have time right now to do my introduction, but I just want to let everyone know that I skimmed over their posts, am incredibly inspired and can't wait to get to know everyone. I will try to get back on tonight to do a real introduction, but I am a college kid and its Easter weekend which means I am packing my dirty clothes up and heading home!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Well now I feel like a big slacker, for not replying to everyone individually. Thanks you everyone for your encouraging words.

    I know right! lol, i felt I would be here all day lol

    Fitness Friday: I haven't done much of anything. I have been having problems with my lapband .. I was coughing up blood earlier and almost nearly blacked out. I think it is just really irritated and swollen, not sure what it is that I ate. But I am taking it easy today, just sipping on a bottle of Vitamin Water. It is not fun let me tell you.

    My doctor has mentioned to me so many times about lapband, but I just don't want to go this route for this reason. So many people I know who have done the procedure have had problems with it, and I am scared that I might be one of them. I do hope you feel better, and concentrate on getting better without pushing yourself.
    LOL I really think it will be easier when we have a groove going.

    Let's hope so, I bet I burn calories just going back and forth
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    Woohoo Ladies! Y'all have been busy! I have been fighting an excel workbook most of the day so I am just now getting my to post.

    With that being said:

    My name is Christy, and I live with my husband in Memphis, TN (home of Elvis (yep he's still alive saw him at the Kroger :wink: ), BBQ, the Blues, and all kinds of deep fried goodness............Ahh I digress. Anyways, my husband and I have been married for about 13 months, I am 32, and work for a VERY LARGE shipping Company (that doesn't allow us to identify ourselves as its employees on "social sites." I have a bit (a lot) of ADD, and my thoughts are pretty random most of the time. We currently have 4 Dogs, one is up for adoption (we do dog rescue, and we contemplated keeping her it's just not working out with the others). Our dogs are Bella (chocolate lab), Forrest (Austrailian Shepherd), Bella Dos (yellow lab-- long story, yes I realize we have 2 dogs with the same name!), and Honey (the one up for adoption--she's a ChiWeenie (think Chihuahua meets a daschaund). We also have a Beta, but I forget his name :) (we've had 3 lately, and this one was my nephews.)
    We just began TTC, and it seems its on my mind constantly, Could be all the pregnant friends/couples we know! Ideally I'd like to have twins, being 32 and all, it'd just be easier. We are members of Highpoint Church, and I can tell you that I have never in all my life seen people worship the way they do at our church. It's Awesome.

    As for the overweight thing, I've been either chubby or obese my whole life. It's kinda scary to think, but I think the last time I was anywhere near my goal weight would have been like 8th grade! (Nervous about what I may look like!) I have just as of today hit the -50 mark, and I feel great. I am also wearing some "right fit" jeans from Lane Bryant, and I haven't had them on in about 2 or so years!!!!!!! YAY! In 2008, I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer (had surgery for removing thyroid, and radiation), and my weight continued looming up, and I got to the point where I stepped on a scale and thought NO WAY!) I'm in remission now and have been since October 2008.

    Even though I've lost 50 lbs I am still mostly wearing 18/20 tops and 22 bottoms, which is a bit discouraging, BUT I know in time my clothes size will follow the scales-- RIGHT? :smile: To be honest, I probably need to lose at least another 100 lbs, if not another 110. I am 5'11", so I'm not sure how "skinny" I can be.

    For fitness, I started C25K, and I quit after 4 weeks... (I repeated several weeks, but just quit when my period came and it was INSANELY bad TOM). Since Saturday (not counting rest days) I've walked 4 miles each day, with the exception of last night, I got to the gym late and only did 3.1. Walking is really helping me I think. I've also began to make sure that I get at least 10 glasses of water a day. I am for the most part not eating back my exercise calories.
    I have both Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout, Although I haven't done either one lately. I got all the way to the pushups in the BL and quit. I feel bad for not being able to do pushups, but surely I'll be able to master the girly ones soon.

    Occassionally I do the eliptical at the gym too...We are in progress of scuba classes so we swim/do that 1x every other week or so- Our instructor is kinda flighty with the schedule.

    I would really like to lose my "spare tire" or the stomach roll I have between my boobs and the rest of my belly, but from everything I've read you can't target weight loss areas.. If someone knows differently I'm all ears.

    While I did read thru everyone's posts, I've got to run (to the gym!) for now, and will post replies later on.

    I am so excited for our group and know that we can all DO THIS!!

    Anyone please feel free to add me :) I give/need support!

    Happy Good Friday!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Wow, this group looks like it's moving pretty fast so far. Not sure if thats good or bad... I'm gonna say good until I can't keep up with it anymore haha.

    Anywho a little about me ~ My real name is Liz, I'm 26 and live way out on the westside of Phoenix with my fiance. We have 2 cats and a dog (all females, which is kinda strange but oh well). I love them all to death, they are my children since I have no real ones of my own. :laugh: I enjoy listening to music and singing, my tastes are pretty wide but I prefer punk rock. I love going to concerts and chasing storms. Monsoon season is probably my favorite time of year, although I could do without the heat. I'm pretty laid-back and easy going... its hard to offend me and get me very angry. I get along with just about everyone :happy:

    I originally started my journey in 2009 and lost 25 lbs, I even made it to ONEderland and I was feeling great! I ended up with an infection in my thigh that had to be cut open and it put me out of commission for about 3 weeks and during that time I totally lost any and all motivation I had. I gained back 30 lbs and was at an all time high of 224. Feeling totally disgusted I re-started my journey last summer and its been an up-and-down rollercoaster ever since. Lose 10 lbs, gain 6, lose 5, gain 3, lose 7, gain 5, etc. I'm currently at 215 last I checked a couple days ago. I've been struggling to find my motivation these past few weeks, so I hope everyone in here can help me with that. I dream of becoming a runner and hope someday I will be able to run a 5K without stopping and eventually run 1/2 and full marathons without stopping to walk. I may be slightly crazy since I have chronic knee problems for about 22 years now, maybe longer, but I remember 22 years of pain off and on of course (if it was constant pain I would have chopped my leg off by now LOL).
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Hey guys!

    My name is Amanda and I'm 25 years old. I have 3 kids, all under the age of 2 years old! Twin girls who will be two in about a month and a 6 month old son. I started this journey at 230 pounds and am currently 217 pounds. My ultimate goal is to be 165 by my wedding anniversary (February 21st), but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.

    My biggest issue is portion control and stress eating. I just got told by my doc yesterday to stop exercising so hard, but I'm not sure I'm going to listen... I really want to lose weight. Honestly, I almost cried when she said that... I asked her, "Well what the hell am I supposed to do then?" And she had nothing to say. Got home and had a letter in my mail (couldn't have possibly be sent the same day) about a "Medical Weight Management Program". Contemplating doing that, but felt really upset that someone (I'm still not sure who) thought it was necessary to send me this information for people who have "over 40 pounds to lose". Maybe I should take it as a good thing and actually look into it.

    Anyway, I'm struggling and pretty upset right now as I'm trying to decide what to do... but things will work out. They always do.

    Have a great day and it's WONDERFUL to meet you all! :happy:

    Why is the Dr. asking you to stop exercising? That's weird...almost as weird as that letter.....could it be something you signed up for, or tracked to you by searches and such you have done online? Curious to see what that program is.

    The doctor wants me to lay off the exercise because I have shin splints and because she thinks I'm shocking my body going from nothing to 4 workouts per week. I do plan on going a little easier in the workout routines I have now, but not stopping them completely.

    As for the letter, I'm sure one of my doctors who I've seen recently noticed my weight, since they weigh me everytime I go in. The program is VERY expensive and crazy difficult, so I'm not sure I'll be able to do it. It's over $2000, about 40 weeks long with a liquid only, medically supervised diet for the first 16-20 weeks and food management for the rest. Combined with group meetings, doctor visits, and blood draws every week. I don't have the extra money, I love food, and I don't have nearly that amount of time, since I have 3 kids under 2. No way, but I'm interested still because the average weight loss is 46 pounds over that 40 weeks!
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    Thanks everyone for the welcome and encouragement/etc. I'm sure that I will get to know you all in time, but I may need to refer to your usernames in the meantime because I could possibly forget your "real names." Sorry about that! You can always call me Pin if you want, that seems to have become my nickname on MFP and I'm fine with that :smile:.

    To respond to the yoga inquiries... I too kind of wanted to take a yoga class, but I'm really just afraid to. I'm afraid that I won't be able to keep up or do the poses with everyone else and I don't want to look like an idiot. So I figured that I would start out doing it at home and practice that way. Then, when I've lost more weight and kind of already know what I'm doing, I could go into a class and not feel so badly about myself. Honestly, doing it at home is probably better for me, because I don't know if I could focus on myself and freeing my mind in a class with other people, at least not at this point. I get distracted easily.

    That being said... I got my yoga mat from Target for about $20 or $30. Then, I started out doing yoga videos on Exercise TV (they have a website... I think it's just exercisetv.com, and if you use youtube you can search for some general exercise videos there). I have Comcast as my cable providor and they have "OnDemand," where you can watch a bunch of shows whenever you want (kind of like DVR, but it's free!). Anyway, if you go to OnDemand, find the "sports and fitness" section, then go to Exercise TV, then select "Yoga and Pilates" you can do a bunch of videos for free. It's a nice way to try it out without spending any money. You should also check out your local library... mine has a bunch of yoga DVDs.

    My favorite is the Yogaworks Beginners video. The girl who leads the class, Patty Asad, talks you through how to set up the poses, which is really important when you don't know what you're doing. It's about 45 minutes long and it has basic poses. Nothing too intricate, and she tells you how to modify poses if you aren't flexible enough or have trouble moving your body that way. The pacing is fairly slow, too. I want yoga to relax me and help me stretch out... I get flustered when I watch a video that is too fast paced. But you need to find one that suits your needs. If you think you'll get bored, you probably want one that's a little more intense.

    I like yoga because it really does help me relax a lot. I feel refreshed after I do yoga. Plus, it helps me stretch and I do think I've become more flexible because of it. Not to mention that it gets easier as you lose more weight. And there are plenty of poses to help you build strength. I need that because I don't belong to a gym and I don't do any strength training, so I know that I'm losing a lot of muscle.

    That was a long winded response... sorry about that!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Hi everyone! My real name is Renee, I'm 31 and married with a 7 year old daughter (previous relationship). I am a musician down to the core of my body and use it constantly to help my church family praise and worship the Lord. My weight started being an issue for me when puberty hit and it hasn't stopped. Now that I know that I have Polycystic ovarian syndrome I can look back and say yeah that was the PCOS.
    My mother didn't know what to do with me growing up, I had problems in school ,even though all the teachers said I had the potential if I would only apply myself, I acted out at home, I wasn't thin and skinny like she was in school, so she was constantly grounding me and spanking me and screaming at me. Little did she know I had ADD, Hypoglycemia, PCOS, and was being molested by a male cousin only 2 years older then me from the time I was about my daughters age on up to Jr High. I even got pregnant when I was 12 and had an abortion.
    I was diagnosed with ADD and Hypoglycemia the summer before my sophmore year and my grades, moods, and weight dramatically changed that year. However I was still not in the body my mother thought I should be and has never stopped getting on me about my weight.
    In college right out of high school I gained 45 lbs putting me over the 200 mark and I haven't looked back since. Before this last year my highest weight was around 280 I would hit that mark and then start to do something about it and lose but this last year after I got married in May at a weight of 277 I balooned up to 320 and stopped having periods, I knew I needed to do something about it and my mother (of course) told me about MFP. So here I am with a new attitude about life (thank you hubby) and a new way of living.

    Friday fitness- I have been so bad I havent worked out in over a week and now it is easter weekend. Hoping to get back on track on Monday!!!
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Hey Ladies there is now pic of my puppy on my profile. Her name is abby.

    It is nice to know that there are others out there that are going through the same thing. I have no one around me that is going through exactly what I am. I have friends and family that are all on the MFP but they don't understand me... about me and how it is being this heavy.

    Love you girls and who ever isn't already on my friends list add me. I need at the support I can get
  • Sounds like a bunch of awesome, motivating people with similar goals! I think this is going to be great!! Can't wait to get to know everyone more and I don't usually go on the message boards a lot around here, but this is one post I will be sure to keep up on.

    Have a goodnight everyone!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hi my name is Chrystal and I am 22. I live in Fresno, Ca and have lived here all my life. I am maried... 3 year now. I started gaining weight when I was in 4th grade. I had a really f*ucked up childhood. To explain real quick, I was molested in 4th grade, Raped in 7th grade, and taken advantage of my freshman in high school.I just wanted to hide from everyone and food became that tool. In 10th grade I dropped down to 180 but had issues with self mutilation and when I had to stop that I started to eat. At my heaviest I was 325lbs.
    I don't have any kids but I have 3 cats and a puppy. My puppy loves to exercise with me. we go for walk, jogs, and running up hills.

    I started MFP in Febuary at 310 lbs. Right now I am at 298.4 and I am so happy about that. My goal wright is 150. I don't want to be really skin just healthy and happy with myself. I love this site. I have met some amazing woman and they have helped me keep incouraged and really motivated.

    I resently took a picture of myself and realized that I have lost weight in my face. It is so exciting to see the progress. That has motivated me to work harder.

    Hey Chrystal - I meant to reply to this earlier but I got busy and distracted, but your post really hit home for me. I was molested in 4th and 5th grades, in 4th grade by one of my sister's "friends" at one of her crazy drug binge parties she would throw while my mom worked graveyards, and then again in 5th grade by my mom's boyfriend. I know how hard it is to go through it, I struggled a lot and it didn't help that my mom refused to believe what had happened and chose her boyfriend over her own daughter. I started gaining weight after those events, and I really believe it was a subconscious thing that if I kept eating and getting fat than no guy would ever touch me like that again. I went through horrible depression throughout middle/high school and self mutilated to ease the pain, eventually I turned to drugs to self medicate my depression. I still have issues now with food, body image, self sabotage, depression, and intimacy... it's awful and I wish I could afford to get help, and I really wish that other women never have to experience this in their lives but unfortunately thats not the case.

    Anywho - I just wanted to share with you, so that you know you aren't alone. I know my story in no way compares to yours, but there are similarities and I think the emotional struggle you end up with is very much alike. If you ever want to chat, or get some things off your chest, etc feel free to shoot me a message anytime. :heart:
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Wow, this is really great!! I love reading all of your posts! I guess I need to confess that I'm not doing good at all right now. I'm so stuck and feeling like I'll never get this weight off. Easter has been terrible with all the candy...lol. I've been eating it like crazy and it's my fault because I'm bringing it in the house for the "kids"...ya right. I've been trying to just concentrate on logging and I do pretty good all day and post my diary and then I'll get into the candy or something else and I'm too ashamed to log it. Ugh! I wonder at times if I will every get out of this terrible cycle! I'm afraid I'll never lose and that is just my true feelings. I just want to be successful and to feel good again. I hurt all over my body tonight and it's all the weight on my joints from my day. Anywho, I'm just rambling now, but felt I needed to come clean. Thanks for listening!
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Saturday: NSV...Well I decided I wanted to know exactly what it felt like to walk around 30 lbs ago. So I grabbed some free weights and some other heavy things to try and simulate 30 lbs and thenwalked around the house. Then I put it down. I cannot beleive what a difference only thirty pounds makes. Its amazing. That's 3 bowling balls that I am not having to lug around every day and it makes getting up and going so much easier.

    I also went to a movie with my dad the other night and we couldn't leave out the exit we wanted to because there was some sort of emergency and I had to walk all the way around the building with my dad who walks really fast. I kept pace with him and wasn't even winded. I guess it is because I decided to put down three of those bowling balls.

    Finally, last night I went to my parents house and my mom said, "are those new jeans?"
    I said "no but I couldn't fit in them before".
    She said "those are the same ones you wore two weeks ago, they look looser on you. Your tummy is disappearing".
    Then my dad walked in and my mom said, "look at sarah" and my dad says "yes her "little" tummy is shrinking".

    I know its just my parents, but it is nice to know they see a difference.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Wow, this is really great!! I love reading all of your posts! I guess I need to confess that I'm not doing good at all right now. I'm so stuck and feeling like I'll never get this weight off. Easter has been terrible with all the candy...lol. I've been eating it like crazy and it's my fault because I'm bringing it in the house for the "kids"...ya right. I've been trying to just concentrate on logging and I do pretty good all day and post my diary and then I'll get into the candy or something else and I'm too ashamed to log it. Ugh! I wonder at times if I will every get out of this terrible cycle! I'm afraid I'll never lose and that is just my true feelings. I just want to be successful and to feel good again. I hurt all over my body tonight and it's all the weight on my joints from my day. Anywho, I'm just rambling now, but felt I needed to come clean. Thanks for listening!

    I know how that is. I've been really bad lately and need to get back on track. But I'm stuck in some kind of destructive cycle. I know I shouldn't eat the big chocolate bunny...but I do anyways...I know that if I want to keep the 30lbs I've lost so far off & lose more...I can't be eating a McDonalds Value meal (everyday!)....but I do anyways....Its horrible. I'm just having a hard time finding that motivation & will power I had only a few weeks ago. I want it back dang it!
  • jaelwoman
    jaelwoman Posts: 81
    Good morons friends! I'll spend some time hanging out with y'all a bit later but I wanted to share a cool NSV. I sing. I've been singing for years and years. Lately with my church's worship team and in the car/shower! Well in the last couple of years I've struggled with correct breathing and would have a hard time sustaining notes. Since I started exercising and amazingly enough in the last week since swimming, I've noticed a HUGE increase in my lung capacity! I am thrilled! I never thought about what exercising would do for my music!!

    Have a fabulous day and I'll see you shortly!
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    Good morons friends! I'll spend some time hanging out with y'all a bit later but I wanted to share a cool NSV. I sing. I've been singing for years and years. Lately with my church's worship team and in the car/shower! Well in the last couple of years I've struggled with correct breathing and would have a hard time sustaining notes. Since I started exercising and amazingly enough in the last week since swimming, I've noticed a HUGE increase in my lung capacity! I am thrilled! I never thought about what exercising would do for my music!!

    Sue, that's a great NSV! And completely unexpected, for me. I never would've even thought about how weight can affect your ability to sing. Congratulations :smile:

    Some of you have posted some really touching stories... it just goes to show how weight gain and loss is strongly intertwined with your emotional being for so many people. Thank you all for sharing your experiences! *hugs* to all who need them.

    NSV Saturday:

    One of my friends gave me this really awesome t-shirt for a birthday or Christmas present a year or two ago. I couldn't fit into it at the time, which I was upset about because I really loved it. I put it in my closet and largely forgot about it until recently. I wore the shirt yesterday and it fit more than comfortably! I was very pleased.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    I think my best NSV for me during this weight loss journy is when I took my puppy to the beach. I was able to run on the beach with her so she can chase the birds. With my weight I can only run or job a little bit but I hadn't been able to run sence I was in high school. I never thought that something as small ad running on the beach would mean so much to me but it does.

    It shows me that it is posible. That one day I will have kids and be ble to run around with them and be active with them. My parents were always overweight and never did anything with us that took physical activity. I don't want to be like that with my kids. I want to be that mom that gets out there and plays with them. who helps teach them how to play sports, who spends time with them and not sit on the side lines watching them.

    Who new the little things would mean so much
  • My NSV is fitting into size 16 jeans last night. Considering they were really really tight, but none of the less, I could pull them up and button them and zip them. WIN!!!
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    I think my best NSV for me during this weight loss journy is when I took my puppy to the beach. I was able to run on the beach with her so she can chase the birds. With my weight I can only run or job a little bit but I hadn't been able to run sence I was in high school. I never thought that something as small ad running on the beach would mean so much to me but it does.

    That's awesome! I have tried to run/jog with my dogs, they don't like it (and neither do I, haha...). I can't run for more than a minute at a time. And clearly, my dogs are getting too old for that nonsense because they let me know it. You should be very proud of yourself!
    My NSV is fitting into size 16 jeans last night. Considering they were really really tight, but none of the less, I could pull them up and button them and zip them. WIN!!!

    That's wonderful! I love being able to buy a smaller size of jeans. It's one of my favorite things!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    To be honest I haven't really had a NSV in a LONG time. Although I did have a scale victory today my scale told me this morning I was exactly 300 lbs. So that means only salads, and water today, and busting *kitten* at the gym and I will be under 300 on Easter!!!!!!! I know it won't be my orriginal goal of 20 lbs lost by easter but I will take the under 300 mark!!!!
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