Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    To be honest I haven't really had a NSV in a LONG time. Although I did have a scale victory today my scale told me this morning I was exactly 300 lbs. So that means only salads, and water today, and busting *kitten* at the gym and I will be under 300 on Easter!!!!!!! I know it won't be my orriginal goal of 20 lbs lost by easter but I will take the under 300 mark!!!!
    Thats awesome. It feels great to get to the next "level". Just make sure you dont deprive yourself to much, that always has a way of backfiring. Im sure if your at your calorie goal and you exercise good things will happen. Ooo and watch your salt. Lol good luck. Rooting for you.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Hmm NSV...Well I really haven't had one yet. The only thing I can think of is how much more energetic I'm feeling since my doctor has been working with me on pain management and I've been able to get up and spring clean my house. So, that's a great thing for me lately.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Wow! This board is really active already! Yay us!!!!
    Had a busy Saturday, my son had to be taken in for some bloodwork. He is also overweight, and a major reason why I myself am on this journey. I want to be healthy so he can learn better habits from me. He was tested for diabetes.

    NSV- was at my mom's house and was helping her with some Easter cooking (pies....ugh!!) and she said,"your butt is getting smaller." Coming from my mom, that is HUUUGE! lol!!
  • SassyMissDasha
    YAY for smaller butts!!!

    I semi spring cleaned the house today. Excited to put the baskets out for the little ones, and my oldest son is coming home from Mexico. I haven't seen him in 11 days! I am stoked.

    Easter dinner at the inlaws, so I won't be around much.

    Hope you all have a blessed Easter.
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    Happy Easter to all who celebrate it!

    Sunday Goals:

    This week I want to do the 10 minute AM and PM yoga workouts from one of the dvds I got every day. I've done it every day so far since Thursday night, but I have a feeling once I need to go back to work this week my motivation to do them won't be as high.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Easter Everyone. I hope everyone has a good day.

    Sunday goals:

    I want to lose the 4 oz to get to my first weight goal. I want to lose my 15 lb weight.
  • mds2372
    mds2372 Posts: 53
    Hello everyone! Sorry it has taken me so long to get on here and do my introduction and get involved. Things have been, well, a little crazy the past 2 days.

    My name is Melissa. I am about to graduate with a BA in English and a BS in Linguistics and in June I will immediate start work on a Masters in Secondary English Education. I want to teacher high school English in an urban or inner city school. I want to enlist in the Navy after graduation but before teaching. However, that requires me getting down to 160 lbs, which, to be honest, feels a little impossible at the moment because the scale just hasn't been moving. I joined MFP last fall, didn't do well, came back in February and did fabulous for about a month, went MIA for a month, and came back last week. Its hard getting back on track and its harder when I am at home for the weekend with friends and family who want to eat Steak n Shake, McDonalds, and sloppy joes (the most success I have had is not ordering a shake at Steak n Shake).

    I do live in the St. Louis area, and anyone who has seen the news knows that we had a major tornado Friday night (which is incidentally why I didn't get back here to do my formal introduction then). It destroyed our airport and some of our cities, but luckily, my family and I don't live quite in that area. However, as my friend and I were driving home Friday evening, the radio reported the first tornado on the ground and it was quite close (and the sky at this point was a terrifying green) so we ended up getting off the highway and waiting at a Walmart for the storm to pass. It was the type of storm that really made you think about yourself and your life. I am very grateful that there were no serious injuries due to the Good Friday Tornadoes.

    My Sunday Goals: to increase my level of activity. I think I am going to institute a practice of dancing for half an hour everyday. It really works my muscles and makes me sweat.
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    Hello all!

    I am sorry I missed yesterday, it was busy one and I barely had time to post my food and exercise diary.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend and is ready for the week to start!

    Saturday NSV:
    I am not very good at recognizing my own accomplishments, especially when it comes to weight loss. My biggest NSV have been in getting out with my partner on weekends to take hikes with out dog. When I first started in January, my endurance was low and I would get sore and tired after really short periods of time. We would walk around the neighborhood and then come right back, usually less than a mile. Now we are looking up nature trails in the area (traillink.com) and getting out for hikes that are 8 miles long and planning to add miles every week until we can hike from our town in Washington to the end of the trail in Idaho, a total of 22 miles (without the dog, I am pretty sure he couldn't make it that far and I am not carrying a 125 pound golden retriever for any length of time) .

    Sunday Goal:
    I want to get better at my strength training routine. I have difficulty with lunges because my balance is poor and there were a few recommended weight levels I was not able to meet. My goal is to gradually add weight to my regular exercises until I am at 10-15 pounds more per exercise than when I started. I also want to get through a set of lunges without tipping over and having to stop and re-balance.

    I am so glad to hear that you, your friends, and family were unharmed in the storm. I also love your goal of dancing every day. I look quite a fool when dancing, but I love the way it makes me feel.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Happy Easter! Well...I managed to be right by my calories yesterday, or so I hope. Most of the food was estimated because I went out to breakfast with my cousin and his wife, then later worked a wedding...with catered food, where I made myself a salad.

    Sunday Planning: I really just want to stay on task with my calories and C25K this week. My calories have been really bad for the last 3 weeks or so....I've probably gained like 15lbs back (I don't know though because I threw out my scale) One thing I really need to do is plan out my meals...so far this week I've come up with dinner and rounded estimated cals for them so I know how much to leave for the evening (some using leftovers from today since we made a ham and there is only 3 of us), but I need to balance out the rest of my day so that I'm not over, or so I don't have enough calories for dinner. What I have so far -

    Mon: Ham sandwiches & potato wedges (500 cal),
    Tue: Spaghetti Squash w/ meat sauce ( 4oo cal)
    Wed: Tostadas (400 cal)
    Thur: Boiled Salmon & Asparagus (300 cal)
    Fri: Philly Cheese-steak Sandwiches & Sweet potato fries (600)
    Sat: Wedding
    Sun: Breakfast for Dinner (400 cal)
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Happy Easter everyone!! I hope you all had a great day!!

    Sunday: My goals for the week is to log everyday and stay under my calories and to continue to spring clean to build my endurance up so that hopefully next week I can start doing my aerobic DVD.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Happy Easter everyone!! I hope you all had a great day!!

    Sunday: My goals for the week is to log everyday and stay under my calories and to continue to spring clean to build my endurance up so that hopefully next week I can start doing my aerobic DVD.
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    ...so far this week I've come up with dinner and rounded estimated cals for them so I know how much to leave for the evening (some using leftovers from today since we made a ham and there is only 3 of us), but I need to balance out the rest of my day so that I'm not over, or so I don't have enough calories for dinner. What I have so far -

    Mon: Ham sandwiches & potato wedges (500 cal),
    Tue: Spaghetti Squash w/ meat sauce ( 4oo cal)
    Wed: Tostadas (400 cal)
    Thur: Boiled Salmon & Asparagus (300 cal)
    Fri: Philly Cheese-steak Sandwiches & Sweet potato fries (600)
    Sat: Wedding
    Sun: Breakfast for Dinner (400 cal)

    It sounds like you are doing a great job on planning!

    I know you cook and do some creative recipes, would you or anyone else be up for sharing? It doesn't have to be anything terribly organized, but if we come up with something that is tasty and healthy, maybe just post here or link to our blog. I am always looking for new ways of cooking some of my basic "go to" ingredients like sweet potatoes, squash and any kind of greens (kale, spinach, chard etc). I also love hot and spicy foods and would enjoy sharing salsa ideas or other spicy recipes.
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    Saturday NSV:
    I am not very good at recognizing my own accomplishments, especially when it comes to weight loss. My biggest NSV have been in getting out with my partner on weekends to take hikes with out dog. When I first started in January, my endurance was low and I would get sore and tired after really short periods of time. We would walk around the neighborhood and then come right back, usually less than a mile. Now we are looking up nature trails in the area (traillink.com) and getting out for hikes that are 8 miles long and planning to add miles every week until we can hike from our town in Washington to the end of the trail in Idaho, a total of 22 miles (without the dog, I am pretty sure he couldn't make it that far and I am not carrying a 125 pound golden retriever for any length of time) .

    I am so glad to hear that you, your friends, and family were unharmed in the storm. I also love your goal of dancing every day. I look quite a fool when dancing, but I love the way it makes me feel.

    22 miles would be incredible! When I walk I usually go 3-4 miles, depending on if I'm with my mom (she walks a little slower and doesn't like to go as far), how hot it is (because my dogs can't take it for too long if it's hot), how much time I have, etc. Whenever I see someone say they go on a 10 mile hike or something like that, I think, wow... I walk a lot, but I can't do that. But you know what? I probably could. I just couldn't keep up my 3.5-4 mph pace for that long! Anyway, good luck on that project. You should be really proud of yourself!

    Also, I like to dance as well, and I look silly when I do it but I don't care. I crank up some music and look like an idiot in the privacy of my room. Of course, I also like to dance in 4 inch platform heels, and that with the way I dance is hard on my knees so I don't do it all the time. It's fun, regardless.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    It sounds like you are doing a great job on planning!

    I know you cook and do some creative recipes, would you or anyone else be up for sharing? It doesn't have to be anything terribly organized, but if we come up with something that is tasty and healthy, maybe just post here or link to our blog. I am always looking for new ways of cooking some of my basic "go to" ingredients like sweet potatoes, squash and any kind of greens (kale, spinach, chard etc). I also love hot and spicy foods and would enjoy sharing salsa ideas or other spicy recipes.

    I'm so happy I tried the Spaghetti Squash. I was terrified it wasn't going to cook all the way etc. I like the sweet taste and I'm excited to be able to eat spaghetti again! It was definitely one of the easier meals to make for the family that I had been avoiding like the plague because of the noodles.

    I would use Shakira noodles from time to time, but they don't soak of the sauce (and flavor) as good as the squash did.

    But while I was researching it, I did find this video about cooking it in the microwave. lol Have you ever cooked it this way?

    Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPFErHz6zOM&feature=related
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    This week I want to do the 10 minute AM and PM yoga workouts from one of the dvds I got every day. I've done it every day so far since Thursday night, but I have a feeling once I need to go back to work this week my motivation to do them won't be as high.

    At least its only 10 minutes, and I'm sure it will help get your day off to a good start. :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @mds2372 (Melissa) - Do you own a game console? I just got DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) for the wii and I'm excited to try it out and see how many cals I can burn. I think it will be fun. Dancing is a funner way of burning cals than some other stuff I could be doing. :laugh:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    @Christina - What does spaghetti squash taste like? Is it close to noodles? I want to try this, but I dunno if I could get the fiance to jump on board. He's pretty picky about his food, and if he knows its good for him he doesn't want it LOL. It's a pain trying to figure what I can eat to be under calories and what he'll eat to be full & happy.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Sunday goals - I'm having such a hard time getting on track and staying on track... so I'm going to take it slow and see if it helps. Jumping in full force seems to backfire after a week or two. So my goals for this week is to start tracking all my food again (good or bad days) and start upping my water intake. I haven't been drinking hardly any water which is really bad.. especially since its starting to heat up quick for summer. It's suppose to be 100 on thursday :grumble:
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    Happy Easter! I am so sorry i 've been out of the loop yesterday and today! I promise to get back with it starting tomorrow!

    my goal for this week is to be able to jog most of my 5k on Saturday. It's my first 5k that i'm trying to not walk the whole thing!

    i want to make smarter lunch choices (had a few microwave meals-- loads of sodium)

    Any lunch suggestions welcome!

    Happy MOnday EVE! :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @Christina - What does spaghetti squash taste like? Is it close to noodles? I want to try this, but I dunno if I could get the fiance to jump on board. He's pretty picky about his food, and if he knows its good for him he doesn't want it LOL. It's a pain trying to figure what I can eat to be under calories and what he'll eat to be full & happy.

    You know I didn't think it had a lot of flavor, but it does have a sweet taste to it. Its kind of wiggly crunchy vs wiggly noodly lol. For like $2 at walmart its totally worth a try. It was way easier to make than I thought it would be...and delicious.

    And you should just tell your fiance if he doesn't like it he can make his own dinner. LOL