Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I have no idea what my favorite body part is. I don't think I have one. I don't like anything about myself. Maybe my hair, when it cooperates.

    Friday night we had a date night...tons of walking, and then we went ice skating instead of to a movie. Yikes! I am totally not in well enough shape to ice skate. The last time we went was 8+ years ago, I was 60 pounds and three births lighter, lol. It was fun, but my feet were killing me after only 30-45 minutes, and my balance was way off. I wound up skating really well--when I used the little plastic gliders they use for lessons to help out. How embarrassing! It was fun, though, and I think skating is a good date night idea (we usually do date night twice a month) but next time we're going to try it on roller skates and not on ice.

    NSV...I found a pair of pants I bought last January to wear to a wedding, they have an inside button and an outside button. I stopped wearing them because the inside button used to dig into my stomach and they were uncomfortably tight. I think they're a size 22, and lately I've been sporting closer to size 24. Well, I put them on and not only did the inside button close nicely, but they're not snug on me at all and they look absolutely great!

    Goals for the week--I made a meal plan. Last week I tried to only eat fruits and veggies at work. That worked well for, oh, 3 days. This week I put a bit more variety and stuff I know I'll want to eat, so hopefully I'll be able to stick with it. Today I had cereal for breakfast, and I'm having peanut butter and apple slices for lunch, because our dinner will be close to 700 cals. I'm also making an effort to exercise more. My plans for today include swimming, walking, and the gym. If I plan it right, and I don't touch my exercise calories, I'll have a HUGE deficit for today--My total food calories will be around 1350 and my exercise calories around 1000. I know that's not good to do every day, but when you've got so much to lose I don't think a few days of really hitting it hard will hurt! I'm super pumped and on board today, which is unusual but I'm enjoying it. Especially since I stepped on the scale yesterday and realized I had gained like 4 pounds over April. I'm hoping part of that is due to TOM, but that's still not a good excuse. It was the motivation I needed to get back on track, though, which I guess is a good thing.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I know wednesday is whine day - but I want to whine now lol. One of my "friends" (its my fiance's brother's girlfriend) came over yesterday and we were chatting and she started bragging about this workout she did the night before. Thats all cool so I'm listening to her brag about it.... and then she says "yea, but you can't do it because of your knees, it's a lot of squats and lunges". I was totally shocked. Who in the heck do you think you are to tell me what I can't do? You don't live with my conditions so how would you know what I can and can't do?! I may have bad knees, but that rarely stops me from doing anything.... I can do squats and lunges, I may be a little slow and it may hurt a lot but damnit I can do them! Her words cut me really deep, and I was so angry. I couldn't believe she had the nerve to say that to me, to my face. Part of me wants to go cry in the corner, another part wants to retaliate and say 'oh yea, well you can't do such and such!' and another part of me wants to go out and do 50x more than what she did... just to prove I can!

    How frustrating!!! I have a big mouth, and I would have told her something nasty that I would have regretted later. You show her!!!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    @ Pin & Chubbie - I wish I had the guts to say something... but I'm a quiet little doormat. I just sit and listen to her go on while my blood boils.. silently hurt and seething. I hate that I'm like that.

    Monday check-in - Didn't do so well over the weekend, but I'm back on track today. I held onto my 213 as of my last official weigh-in. I have my accounting final tonight and I think I may go for a walk afterwards. I miss going for walks... it's great alone time and gives me time to think. I always feel better afterwards and I seem to have more patience when I go for daily walks (no urges to reach out and slap someone hahahaha).
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @chrystal559 - I've never heard of the rubber band trick, that would have come in handy back when I got rid of most of my jeans! I'm sorry to hear about your mom, she has been in and out a lot these last few weeks.

    @pinstripepirate - Getting checked out is pretty fun. :laugh:

    @mrssavvysteve - Woot! 55lbs is GREAT! You do have a very good smile btw. :bigsmile:

    @naesue - Yay for smaller clothes!

    @Learning2LoveMe - You should have kicked her in the head and said "Not to shabby for someone with bad knee's eh?" ....but seriously that was pretty messed up. Its good you came on here and vented though, get it all out.:smile: In the long run her opinion doesn't matter anyways. You'll do what makes you feel good, and all that work will pay off.

    @ChubbieTubbie - Don't forget all that ice skating burns calories too :tongue: Keep checking in and letting us know how your doing, sometimes just getting out how your day went can help keep you on track.

    Monday Check-in: I had fun this weekend. Went to a birthday party, ice skating, and the mall. I didn't do very well however with my food and exercise. I skipped both C25K AND 30D shred both days. :frown: And I ate really bad. I probably packed down at least 2000-3000 calories each day....I wouldn't know for sure though, because I didn't log any of it. :grumble: I'm pretty mad at myself for not logging my food, but I was away from the computer most of the weekend, and didn't feel like entering my zillion entries into my food diary via phone. I guess the word LAZY doesn't apply just to exercise. But today I'll get back to it. Starting week 3 of C25K today, 3 long minutes of jogging at one time.....I don't have faith that I will make it through week 3.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    So I gained 3 pounds last week due to new diet and TOM but this week Those 3 lbs are off and another 0.8 lbs as well. My weight now is 294.6.

    So yeah This week has sucked so far. Had to take my mom to the hospital yesterday. She is in the ICU and, things look serious. So much to explain but if you would likr know exactly whats going on check out my profile. I have been posting updates on her condition there.
    I am super stressed because it looks like she might be giving up. At times all I want to do is eat and other time I don't want to do anything. I guess I am just a mess right now. Thanks ladies for listening to me go on.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone had a fantabulous weekend. Mine started off busy and ended with a lazy Sunday, just how I like it!
    We took my MIL out to breakfast on Saturday morning, and I am pround to say that I left 75% of the hashbrowns on my plate! I am not a breakfast person, but I LOVE hashbrowns, so that is an achievement for me. After breakfast my daughter had a soccer game. They played a tough team but won 2-0 YAY! After the game we went back to our place and I exchanged gifts with my mom. We were supposed to go out to lunch, but time got away from us and we had to skip it. We had tickets to soccer game and got to see David Beckham play *drool* Didn't get home until midnight, but it was a fun night! Yesterday my daughter made me breakfast (cereal and a bagel) and she did the dishes for me. Then my husband brought me my favorite tacos for dinner and I got new running shoes! Although I still had to do laundry, it was overall a lazy and relaxing day for me. I hope everyone had a great weekend as well.:heart:
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    So I gained 3 pounds last week due to new diet and TOM but this week Those 3 lbs are off and another 0.8 lbs as well. My weight now is 294.6.

    So yeah This week has sucked so far. Had to take my mom to the hospital yesterday. She is in the ICU and, things look serious. So much to explain but if you would likr know exactly whats going on check out my profile. I have been posting updates on her condition there.
    I am super stressed because it looks like she might be giving up. At times all I want to do is eat and other time I don't want to do anything. I guess I am just a mess right now. Thanks ladies for listening to me go on.

    I'm sorry about your mom, Chrystal. I hope everything goes well and she get to go home soon.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    I'm sorry about your mom, Chrystal. I hope everything goes well and she get to go home soon.

  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Monday check-in well....I didn't make my goal of 20 lbs in two months but...I am within three lbs of it so it will happen soon! On another note I went on a long walk today intending to walk for an hour but ended up walking about 12 min more because when I got home I realized that my key (which I had put in my sport bra) was no longer there so I had to back track to find it. I did find it thankfully! Didn't get on the Wii tonight but the 72 min walk I think was more then enough today!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    So I gained 3 pounds last week due to new diet and TOM but this week Those 3 lbs are off and another 0.8 lbs as well. My weight now is 294.6.

    So yeah This week has sucked so far. Had to take my mom to the hospital yesterday. She is in the ICU and, things look serious. So much to explain but if you would likr know exactly whats going on check out my profile. I have been posting updates on her condition there.
    I am super stressed because it looks like she might be giving up. At times all I want to do is eat and other time I don't want to do anything. I guess I am just a mess right now. Thanks ladies for listening to me go on.

    I am so, so sorry about your Mom. I wish there was something I could do to help you through this hard time.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I weighed-in this morning...down 2 pounds! Unfortunately, I'm still working off my post-miscarriage binges and the few pounds I had gained while pregnant....it brings me to 10 pounds lost, and at one point I had been up to 25 pounds lost. Still, it's TOM and I have cheated a bit over the last week, so I'll take my 2 pounds smiling. :smile:

    Food for Tuesday....I found that my favorite way to get in veggies is to make Shepard's Pie. I don't like eating veggies on their own, so if it's mixed into something it's a bonus to me. We've been doing Shepard's Pie once a week, and the way I make it is by mixing 90/10 ground beef, cream of mushroom gravy, peas, carrots and corn, then putting a layer of mashed potatoes on top and baking it. It's not particularly low-cal, I think one serving is around 400 calories!, but it's very filling. Hubby likes to mix cheese in with his potatoes, but I make him do it after the fact, because I am a complete cheese-*kitten* and if I even have a nibble of it, I'll want more and more and more. I've been looking for ways to incorporate veggies into meals without them just being a side item.

    Last night I did C25K and 30 Day Shred, and today I am feeling it! I am friends with a group of Moms from a message board I was on while pregnant with my 3 year old, and we're doing 100 crunches every day....my abs were killing me already, but I managed to get them done, and 100 push ups as well (although I have had no issues doing push ups since doing the one hundred push up challenge--have any of you ever done it?)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Tuesday: Sara Lee Cheese Cake Bites...YUMMY! lol They are kind of small, but totally worth it at only 20 calories each. I can eat about 100 calories worth and pop the rest back in the freezer. Once upon a time I had tried buying actually cheese cake and freezing it piece by piece (so I wouldn't eat the whole cake)....and that didn't really work....not to mention each piece was still 200+ calories. The bites are working much better for me when I have a craving for cheese cake.

    I also wanted to post about homemade refried beans. They have like 400 grams less sodium (okay so they have like NO sodium) compared to canned refried beans. You can make a few different things with them, and they are good for you with both protein & fiber, and they freeze well. Which I love because it means I can just pull them out of the freezer and into the microwave for a quick dinner that's easy to put together.

    So if your interested here is a link with the directions. It does take a long time (because you have to let the beans soak first), but its not hard to do.

  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I haven't seen the cheesecake bites...but cheesecake is my weakness, so I'm going to look for them when I go shopping this weekend. 20 cals a piece is really good--I usually only need a small taste to get the craving to disappear.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @Claudia007 - I agree...drool.

    @ChubbieTubbie - YAY for C25K & 30D Shred...those things together make me very sore. I need to do the push up challenge again (I started and then kind of drifted off)... I have no upper body strength, for 30D shred I do push-ups against the table not the floor :(.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I haven't seen the cheesecake bites...but cheesecake is my weakness, so I'm going to look for them when I go shopping this weekend. 20 cals a piece is really good--I usually only need a small taste to get the craving to disappear.

    They are over by the frozen pies. It comes with 50 pieces (1000 calories for the whole container) - and the hardest part is making sure to only eat a few at a time. lol But I do think its much easier to manage.
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    Monday Check-in: I had fun this weekend. Went to a birthday party, ice skating, and the mall. I didn't do very well however with my food and exercise. I skipped both C25K AND 30D shred both days. :frown: And I ate really bad. I probably packed down at least 2000-3000 calories each day....I wouldn't know for sure though, because I didn't log any of it. :grumble: I'm pretty mad at myself for not logging my food, but I was away from the computer most of the weekend, and didn't feel like entering my zillion entries into my food diary via phone. I guess the word LAZY doesn't apply just to exercise. But today I'll get back to it. Starting week 3 of C25K today, 3 long minutes of jogging at one time.....I don't have faith that I will make it through week 3.

    I'm glad you had fun, even if you aren't happy with food choices. I know what you mean about logging a ton of different things. I get that way too sometimes... There are times where I'll just estimate everything and quick add calories for meals because I don't feel like searching stuff. I think parties are the worst because if you have a tiny bit of everything and it's all homemade it's practically impossible to know how much you've really eaten, calorie-wise. Good luck on C25K, I'm sure that you'll be able to make it through!!

    @Claudia: Goooood job on leaving the hashbrowns. Those are one of my weaknesses too! I rarely eat breakfast out to begin with, but almost never now because I love going out for pancakes or something that involves hashbrowns. Neither of those are really diet-friendly, lol.

    @Chubbie Tubbie: Congrats on your two pounds loss! That's great! :smile:
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    @Claudia007 - I agree...drool.

    THANK YOU!!! hubba hubba! :heart: :love: :blushing:
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    I'm behind again. So let's see...

    Sunday Goals? This week I need to continue to work on getting enough water in. My other goal is to take all the clothes that don't fit out of my closet and donate them.

    Monday Check-in: Had a rough weekend, food-wise. I was sick so I didn't work out at all and may have gone over calories a bit on Saturday and Sunday... I don't really know. I'm not really upset though because on Saturday it was from soft frozen custard on the boardwalk (delicious and totally worth it) and Sunday my mom made lasagna with fresh pasta and cheeses from the Bronx (again, delicious and totally worth it). I did lose two pounds last week, but I still feel like I need to push myself more. I'm feeling better now so I can workout again, woohoo.

    Tuesday is recipe day, right? This isn't really a recipe, per se, but I've discovered a simple (but good) way to eat Greek yogurt. I got some of the non-fat plain yogurt and I mix it with some vanilla extract and a packet of splenda. It's good and tastes like regular vanilla yogurt except without as much sugar. I should say it tastes like how I remember vanilla yogurt to be, since I stopped eating that months ago when I realized how much sugar is in it. haha.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    So I gained 3 pounds last week due to new diet and TOM but this week Those 3 lbs are off and another 0.8 lbs as well. My weight now is 294.6.

    So yeah This week has sucked so far. Had to take my mom to the hospital yesterday. She is in the ICU and, things look serious. So much to explain but if you would likr know exactly whats going on check out my profile. I have been posting updates on her condition there.
    I am super stressed because it looks like she might be giving up. At times all I want to do is eat and other time I don't want to do anything. I guess I am just a mess right now. Thanks ladies for listening to me go on.

    @Crystal Sorry ... Hang tight. I know exactly how you feel - try to divert yourself from eating - go for a walk and think, drink water instead..Hope this helps...

    @Claudia - WTG!!!!! loving the Beckham pic...but I think there is a sock - you know where...It can't be that round....REALLY????? SMH

    @pinstripepirate - I am the same way....still trying to catch up...

    @Chubbie Tubbie - Nice work - you can do it HOT MOMMA!!!

    @NeuroticVirgo - getting ready for NYC?