Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Fitness Friday:
    Heading to the pool in a few. I hope I am going early enough to avoid Wee Willie Winkie :grumble:
    I feel like I am missing some strength training for my legs but I don't have a gym membership. I do have a weight bench but it is currently disassembled and in my shed. How important is strength training I wonder? I think I am still getting it in the pool because I am using fins and paddles, but I wonder if it is enough with just creating extra drag or resistance. I mean do I need to go somewhere and do some leg presses?

    The other thing I am not sure about is whether or not I should add some core work. Should I be doing crunches? Is it even worth it?

    You can always do some squats and lunges. I figure that is weight training enough for my body (I mean technically my body itself is carrying a 100lb weight!).
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Lots to catch up on this week--it's been crazy here, I haven't had time to do any online catching up. Fitness Friday--hubby and I are going to dinner and a movie tonight for date night, and I've decided we're going to walk. It'll be about 6 miles total, more if we go shopping afterwards, and I'm looking forward to that. Now off to read what is going on with everyone else. :smile:

    ooo that sounds fun! Good to see you posting again!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Friday Fitness: Still trucking along with 30D shred & C25K. Starting Week 3 of C25K on Monday...a bit worried about doing that full 3 minutes. I think C25K was the best decision I ever made. I'd almost call it a gateway exercise (lol like a gateway drug). I feel like I've seen the most improvement in my stamina since starting it.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Horray it's Friday! Happy Friday everyone! I have a busy day tomorrow and I'm going to need all the will power I can muster up! First we are taking my MIL out for breakfast. Then we have my daughter's soccer game. After that we are taking my mom out for lunch, and guess where she has chosen to go? Grandma's chicken dinner restaraunt at Knott's Berry Farm. I guess I should be happy I don't like fried chicken! As for Friday fitness, I've been doing my runs, but I am going to admit that I haven't been giving it my all. I was burning 400-500 cals and now I'm down to 300, maybe. I'm going to ask you all for your help to push me hard! If you see my posts, don't praise me, yell at me! give me hell! Make me get off my lazy butt and do more! I lost my motivation somewhere and I have to get it back.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    I think I am going to start a work out routine. My problem is when I burn tons of calories it is hard for me to eat them all back.

    I had the 30 day shred and I also walk and jog. I think I am going to make a callender to start to get me to do something everyday.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Okay sooooo I totally jacked this idea from a TV show.... but whats everyones favorite part of their body?

    I would probably have to say my butt. Its big, but I like it. lol
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Okay sooooo I totally jacked this idea from a TV show.... but whats everyones favorite part of their body?

    I would probably have to say my butt. Its big, but I like it. lol

    Haha! Which TV show? I dont think any part of me is my favorite. My arms are flabby, my stomach has a pudge, I have horrible, short, fat, stumpy legs, and my nose resembles a witch's nose LOL. That being said, I'm working on all those things, except my nose. Guess I'm stuck with it the way it is. So I guess its my hair. Although its starting to turn grey (getting old sucks *kitten*!) Its still thick and shiney and long and I get a lot of compliments on it.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Haha! Which TV show?

    Addicted to food on OWN....well...I've been watching it online (no cable). But basically I guess after a meal each person stands up and says what they like about their bodies, and its supposed to help reprogram your brain. lol Sounds like a good idea to me, I'm sure we could all use some reprogramming for better self esteem.
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    Fitness Friday:
    Heading to the pool in a few. I hope I am going early enough to avoid Wee Willie Winkie :grumble:
    I feel like I am missing some strength training for my legs but I don't have a gym membership. I do have a weight bench but it is currently disassembled and in my shed. How important is strength training I wonder? I think I am still getting it in the pool because I am using fins and paddles, but I wonder if it is enough with just creating extra drag or resistance. I mean do I need to go somewhere and do some leg presses?

    The other thing I am not sure about is whether or not I should add some core work. Should I be doing crunches? Is it even worth it?

    Strength training is important because when you're just doing cardio, you're losing weight in both fat and muscle. I don't belong to a gym either, and I know I'm really weak because I don't strength train. The only thing I've been doing to try and build up a little muscle is yoga videos. I really need to find a way to work my muscles more than just that, though!
    Okay sooooo I totally jacked this idea from a TV show.... but whats everyones favorite part of their body?

    I would probably have to say my butt. Its big, but I like it. lol

    I like this game. I really love my hair, it's probably one of the things I'm most vain about. Since I've started losing weight and I can actually see them, I love my collar bones. I like my wrists, too. I'm sure I will love every other part of me in time, but right now I don't.
    Haha! Which TV show? I dont think any part of me is my favorite. My arms are flabby, my stomach has a pudge, I have horrible, short, fat, stumpy legs, and my nose resembles a witch's nose LOL. That being said, I'm working on all those things, except my nose. Guess I'm stuck with it the way it is. So I guess its my hair. Although its starting to turn grey (getting old sucks *kitten*!) Its still thick and shiney and long and I get a lot of compliments on it.

    I don't think you have a witch's nose! I do want to say that you've got beautiful hair, though. :)
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    I'm not as good about keeping up with this group as I thought I was... haha.

    Thursday Inspiration:

    Same old. I just want to be at my goal weight, so I keep on truckin'. That and I guess compliments I've been getting keep me going.

    Friday Fitness:

    My fitness routine yesterday included sleeping, laying in bed, and vegging on the couch. I wasn't feeling very well yesterday and I was super super tired. I didn't have the energy to do normal activities, let alone exercise. I'm still tired today so I doubt I'll do any formal exercise. If I get up to walk around, it's going to be a trip to the mall or something. Haha.

    Saturday NSV:

    Umm... since I've lost a lot of weight, I get hit on/checked out a lot more often. Sometimes it's nice, because it can be flattering, but sometimes it's just downright creepy! Lol.
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    Okay sooooo I totally jacked this idea from a TV show.... but whats everyones favorite part of their body?

    My smile, strangers often compliment it... and no matter the weight it still looks good ;D

    Saturday non-scale victory-- dh and i briefly discussed going to a cupcake place last night.. as we were driving home and we didnt! WOOHOO!! HUGE victory for us!! :)

    sweet girls-- i am / have been so busy finishing up some things at work and getting ready to leave for the cruise! I am so excited and so nervous! As of today I am 55 lbs down!! Woohoo! I still have 100 to go, but hey I don't have 155 to go! :)
    Thanks to each one of you for your loving encouragement and support.
    Hoping to see you all next Sunday a few lbs lighter!!!

    Keep up the great work! :)
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Okay sooooo I totally jacked this idea from a TV show.... but whats everyones favorite part of their body?

    So I would have to say my boobs! They are rather large and have always been my best feature and my hubby LOVES them! I won't mind losing a little weight in them so that I can wear more normal sized bras but tops and dresses sure look better when you have a nice chest to hold them up and out!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Well I guess my NSV today would be one that this week I bought a few tops and I had grabbed the 22/24 cause that is what I always buy because of the boobs and wasn't going to try them on. I then decided to get properly fitted for a bra and decided to try one of them on with the new bra and they were too big!!!! So I went down to an 18/20 and it looks way better!!! I don't think I can do this with all tops as these were just cotton tanks but it was nice to put that size on again. Also I have started to notice that my jeans although they are tight when I put them on right out of the wash that within an hour or wearing them I am having to pull them up constantly and they are saggy in the butt. This could mean that I might need a smaller size in them as well.

    Hope everyone has good healthy plans for Mother's day this weekend. My moms surgery went really well yesterday and she should be home today sometime. Then the real work begins!!! Have a great weekend everyone!

  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Okay sooooo I totally jacked this idea from a TV show.... but whats everyones favorite part of their body?

    I would probably have to say my butt. Its big, but I like it. lol

    I think my favorite body part is my eyes, or mt calves.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member

    This week I have started noticing That my jeans are looser. You know when you pants get to tight and you put the rubber band to through your button loop to make your pants a little larger. Well yesterday I took the rubber band off my smaller pair of jeans. They fit a little snug but nothing like they were.

    Also I have been noticing that I can feel my collar bone again... and soon I think I will be able to see them. I can't wait.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Sunday goals - My goals this week are to get good grades on my finals, kick some butt at a choir concert this week (my old choir teacher from high school is retiring and invited all alumni to come sing at her last concert), and to up my water intake. I also want to stay under my calories 5/7 days this week. And kicking off the weekend with some walking! wow, thats a big week!

    I know wednesday is whine day - but I want to whine now lol. One of my "friends" (its my fiance's brother's girlfriend) came over yesterday and we were chatting and she started bragging about this workout she did the night before. Thats all cool so I'm listening to her brag about it.... and then she says "yea, but you can't do it because of your knees, it's a lot of squats and lunges". I was totally shocked. Who in the heck do you think you are to tell me what I can't do? You don't live with my conditions so how would you know what I can and can't do?! I may have bad knees, but that rarely stops me from doing anything.... I can do squats and lunges, I may be a little slow and it may hurt a lot but damnit I can do them! Her words cut me really deep, and I was so angry. I couldn't believe she had the nerve to say that to me, to my face. Part of me wants to go cry in the corner, another part wants to retaliate and say 'oh yea, well you can't do such and such!' and another part of me wants to go out and do 50x more than what she did... just to prove I can!

    Okay, I feel a little better now. Thanks for letting me vent!
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Okay sooooo I totally jacked this idea from a TV show.... but whats everyones favorite part of their body?

    I would probably have to say my butt. Its big, but I like it. lol

    I have to say I like my boobs! I also like my hair and eyes. The rest of me needs some serious work.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    I think this week my goal is not to emotion eat.... I am so stressed and I am starving.. I am so tired of all the stress in my life. my mother is back in the hospital and I just wish thry would fix whats wrong. So Goals this week is relax and not to emotion eat.

    I also want to start exercising more daily.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    So I have a gym membership and there is a gym only about 5 miles from my moms house out here in New Jersey but......... I have fallen in love with her Wii Fit+ I did it both yesterday and today and both days burned more then 200 cals in 30 min. So my goal is to keep that up! I should get to the gym too but I really want to commit to the Wii Fit. So that is my goal to use the Wii Fit almost every day if not every day.
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    I know wednesday is whine day - but I want to whine now lol. One of my "friends" (its my fiance's brother's girlfriend) came over yesterday and we were chatting and she started bragging about this workout she did the night before. Thats all cool so I'm listening to her brag about it.... and then she says "yea, but you can't do it because of your knees, it's a lot of squats and lunges". I was totally shocked. Who in the heck do you think you are to tell me what I can't do? You don't live with my conditions so how would you know what I can and can't do?! I may have bad knees, but that rarely stops me from doing anything.... I can do squats and lunges, I may be a little slow and it may hurt a lot but damnit I can do them! Her words cut me really deep, and I was so angry. I couldn't believe she had the nerve to say that to me, to my face. Part of me wants to go cry in the corner, another part wants to retaliate and say 'oh yea, well you can't do such and such!' and another part of me wants to go out and do 50x more than what she did... just to prove I can!

    Wow... that's really, really rude. If I were you, I would've just told her that she doesn't know your body or your workout routine and so she shouldn't make any assumptions about what you can and can't do. She really has absolutely no place to say that! Grr.. I'm frustrated for you!