Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    An update about my walking friend: I am trying to figure out the best way to tell her that things aren't working out and that, to be honest, she doesn't treat me well and therefore I need her to back off and leave me alone. I don't know if that phrasing of it is very good, especially because she holds a lot of power for the future of my professional career and I don't trust that she can distinguish between personal and professional. I wish I could go back in time and not even get myself in this mess.
    This is tough, Can you blame not walking on your studies/study group....
    Way To Go on Navy goal!! You can do it!!!!!
    Keep with the H2O to Flush out that water - get it... flush!!! Goofy Monday for me......

    Go for that 30DS - meetings... Grrrrr!

    Well, Enjoy that cruise!!! I am super jealous!!! WTG on leaving the 3's!!!

    I like your advise to Chrystall!!!

    Just keep with it, Let TOM finish his stop and keep drinking your water. When your switching up you body has to adjust - I agree with Learning2loveme. Dead on!!

    Just wanted to thank you for putting this group together - thanks!, I am just getting the hang of it!!! Wow - your a busy lady!!! Keep up your dedication!!!

    We can do this Ladies!!!!!!

    Oh my Sunday goal is to use the treadmill all 5 day a week M-F , Like I did last week and will do this week!!! Woot Woot!!!
    Monday check-in is on target - and I am loving my foods in MODERATION, scale goes down...... I feel so much better !!! :flowerforyou:
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    I am happy to report that I have made it out of the 3's.
    I also want to whine for a second. I am going on a cruise with my Mom for one week starting Sunday, and while i do great with food and exercise during the week I am not nearly as good as I should be during the weekends at all meals.. Especially like last night for instance! TERRIBLE! I ate 2 rolls at Logans! GRR...

    Anyways, I am open to any tips you all may have. If you've never been on a cruise they can be a MAJOR food fest! Also, I won't have internet access for a week! So no MFP either :( I am worried that I am going to gain TONS of weight on my cruise. I am planning to jog/walk the upper decks each morning, and watch what I eat!

    I've never been on a cruise before, so I don't have any advice for you. Good luck trying to stay on track! I am going on a 5 day cruise in August and I'm really curious to see how everything turns out for you... Maybe that can help me plan a little for mine. :wink: I hope you have a WONDERFUL time!!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    @ Mrssavvysteve Congratulations! And Welcome to the 200's! I know all about the rolls at logans thankfully when I went recently I went with my two sisters one of which is pregnant so they scarfed the whole basket down and didn't ask for a second.

    AFM sorry I have been away and not on much I am trying to get into a groove here at my moms house it is kind of difficult. I have worked out a few times but this weekend was really about spending as much time with my daughter and husband before I had to send them home. I will be away from them for a total of about 25 days. This will be the longest I have been away from my daughter in a long time (been a few years since her donor took her for a long period of time) and it will be the first time since I have been with my husband that we will spend this much time away from each other.

    Sunday Goals- to go to the Gym at least 3 times a week and do at least a walk the rest of the days.
    Monday Check in- I weighed in at 299 this morning on my moms scale but I think it is off from mine at home so I am not logging it til it says less then mine at home said before I left.
    Tuesday Recipies- I can't think of any right now but I will try to post one later.

    This is going to be an interesting month for eating for me. One almost everything will be homemade which on one hand is a good thing on the other hand my step dad is itallian and does all the cooking and every dinner includes some kind of pasta and not the whole wheat kind but fresh homemade pasta.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    This is a protein shake that I really love:

    1 Medium banana
    2 Tbsp Peaunut Butter
    1 Scoop Protein Powder (mine is vanilla cream flavored)
    1 Cup Low Fat Chocolate Milk or Chocolate Soy Milk ( I just use skim milk with 1 Tbsp Hershey's Unsweetened Cocoa)
    Ice as desired

    Just add all ingredients into your blender and blend!
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    Thanks everyone for the well wishes for the cruise I am way excited!
    @PinStripe-- Cruising is probably my favorite way to vacation, I'm excited you're going on your first one soon!

    As for recipes, I shared PB Goodies last week, and we truly love them at my house....

    Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili
    Servings: 10 • Size: 1 1/4 cups • Calories: 203.7 • Fat: 1.4 g • Carb: 33.3 g • Fiber: 10.0 g • Protein: 16.9 g

    1 onion, chopped
    1 16-oz can black beans
    1 16-oz can kidney beans
    1 8-oz can tomato sauce
    10 oz package frozen corn kernels
    2 14.5-oz cans diced tomatoes w/chilies
    1 packet taco seasoning
    1 tbsp cumin
    1 tbsp chili powder

    24 oz (3-4) boneless skinless chicken breasts
    chili peppers, chopped (optional)

    1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
    Combine beans, onion, chili peppers, corn, tomato sauce, cumin, chili powder and taco seasoning in a slow cooker. Place chicken on top and cover. Cook on low for 10 hours or on high for 6 hours. Half hour before serving, remove chicken and shred. Return chicken to slow cooker and stir in. Top with fresh cilantro. Also try it with low fat cheese and sour cream.

    The only warning I'll give with this is watch the sodium... I buy reduced/low sodium wherever I can and that seems to help! :)
    It makes ENOUGH to freeze several servings too! :)
  • mds2372
    mds2372 Posts: 53
    @mrssavvysteve - that recipe sounds amazing. If I had the money to go grocery shopping, I would totally make that!

    So, instead of putting up a recipe I am going to ask for advice for eating out with my friends. We are college kids, living in a college town that has every fastfood place you can think of, all of the pizza joints, and half a dozen Chinese and Mexican places each. Through in Pancake City and there seems to be nothing but temptation. Chinese I handle best (mostly veggies, no thick sauces, nothing fried) but I am just wondering how you guys deal with being tempted while with family and friends (especially when you just want to have a good time).

    Also, I upped my water intake, watched my sodium, and lost 3lbs. Now I just need to get out of the 270s.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    I wanted to use a recipe that was for Turkey burgers, but my local grocery store was fresh out of ground turkey. I did see something I never noticed before, ground chicken. What the heck - I gave it a go....my family - especially my very fussy 5 year old son - now asks for these often!!

    Chicken Burgers
    2 lbs Ground Chicken
    1/2 cup grated romano cheese
    1 cup onions, chopped
    1 tbs. garlic powder

    combine all ingredients in bowl, shape into 6 patties.
    We cook ours on a George Foreman grill, they are done in 6-7 minutes.
    Serve like you would a regular burger!

    Calories 283; Carbs 5; Fat 14; Protein 31; Sodium 315; Iron 17 (from the recipe calculator here on MFP-for the "burger" only - no buns)
    I suppose if you actually used ground turkey, that would lessen some of the fat.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    The great thing about this soup recipe is that it is incredibly versatile. You can add in any number of ingredients you want. I am giving you the asparagus recipe because that is what I made last night and my family raved that it was delicious. However you could substitute the asparagus with any veggie you want. I am trying squash next. You could also add in other veggies. My dad want me to throw in a roasted pepper or two next time to see what that would be like. You could also add garlic or fresh herbs right to mix. Its a fun way to experiment and now you have the recipe to make a thousand veggie soups! Just make sure you cover it with enough chicken stock every time. Read on to see what I mean...

    Asparagus Soup

    2 Bundles of asparagus
    1 large Onion
    One box or two cans of low sodium chicken stock (or vegetable stock)
    1-2 Tbsp of EVOO

    Roughly chop the onion
    Slice the asparagus stalks into one inch sections but set aside the asparagus tips for later (make sure you remove the tough ends at the bottom of the stalks and throw them out)
    Pour 2 Tbsp of EVOO in a large pot


    Heat the oil in a large pot on medium high heat until it starts to lightly smoke

    Add in chopped onion and stir until the onions begin to soften and change color. (If you run out of moisture or the onion starts to burn add in a small amount of chicken stock.)

    Add in chopped asparagus stalks and cover everything with chicken stock (You may not need to use the whole box, you merely want to cover everything over with liquid)

    Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer for about 15-25 minutes. (you can check to see if it is done by pulling out a piece of asparagus and pressing down on it. If it falls apart the soup is ready for the next step.)

    Pour mixture into a blender and puree it until smooth. (If you have a small blender, like me, you will need to do this in increments, you can pour the blended soup into a mixing bowl until you blend everything that was in the pot. Also remember to start out slowly with hot liquid. Use pulse setting open the lid and let some heat out then blend it real good! If you just turn your blender on high everything will burst out because the heat builds up pressure. Just take your time and do this part slowly.)

    Rinse any remaining debris from your large pot and then pour the blended mixture back into the pot. Add in your asparagus tips that you set aside earlier and bring the soup to a simmer for approximately 5 minutes. Then it is ready to serve!

    You can serve the soup as is or you can drizzle on some creme fresh.
    I like to put a spoonful of low fat cottage cheese right in the middle of the bowl and garnish it with some fresh herbs from my garden. Really though the possibilities are endless.
    Season to taste.

    Serving size is one cup and is about 160 calories. I am not sure about the rest of the stats but I know it is low sodium too
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    @mrssavvysteve - that recipe sounds amazing. If I had the money to go grocery shopping, I would totally make that!

    So, instead of putting up a recipe I am going to ask for advice for eating out with my friends. We are college kids, living in a college town that has every fastfood place you can think of, all of the pizza joints, and half a dozen Chinese and Mexican places each. Through in Pancake City and there seems to be nothing but temptation. Chinese I handle best (mostly veggies, no thick sauces, nothing fried) but I am just wondering how you guys deal with being tempted while with family and friends (especially when you just want to have a good time).

    Also, I upped my water intake, watched my sodium, and lost 3lbs. Now I just need to get out of the 270s.

    That is tough - going out to dinners with family or friends. I try to plan ahead and work out like crazy if I know we are eating out. If surprised with a dinner out...I try to get salad. Main courses with sauces I try to ask for on the side (even salad dressings). You sound like you are doing well with your choice above tho. Chinese food kills me....I always have a good 3 pound gain after eating chinese....a lot of sodium in that food!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    @mrssavvysteve - that recipe sounds amazing. If I had the money to go grocery shopping, I would totally make that!

    So, instead of putting up a recipe I am going to ask for advice for eating out with my friends. We are college kids, living in a college town that has every fastfood place you can think of, all of the pizza joints, and half a dozen Chinese and Mexican places each. Through in Pancake City and there seems to be nothing but temptation. Chinese I handle best (mostly veggies, no thick sauces, nothing fried) but I am just wondering how you guys deal with being tempted while with family and friends (especially when you just want to have a good time).

    Also, I upped my water intake, watched my sodium, and lost 3lbs. Now I just need to get out of the 270s.

    YIKES! that is so HARD!!! The only advice I have is to maybe always order a salad (lite dressing, and on the side) then if you are still tempted with pizza, you will be full from your salad and maybe only have 1 slice instead of 3. Also, Mexican joints can be ok if you're careful. 1- stay away from the flour tortillas. 2- no sour cream, chesse, etc. 3- no refried beans. try them 'whole'. soft chicken tacos are a good idea with lettuce and salsa. Also, chicken fajitas are ok if you stay away from the flour tortillas (get corn instead). Some fast food place can be ok. Do you have a Chipotle there? or a flame broiler? both of those have healthy options. GOOD LUCK ! :drinker:
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    I am happy to report that I have made it out of the 3's.
    I also want to whine for a second. I am going on a cruise with my Mom for one week starting Sunday, and while i do great with food and exercise during the week I am not nearly as good as I should be during the weekends at all meals.. Especially like last night for instance! TERRIBLE! I ate 2 rolls at Logans! GRR...

    Anyways, I am open to any tips you all may have. If you've never been on a cruise they can be a MAJOR food fest! Also, I won't have internet access for a week! So no MFP either :( I am worried that I am going to gain TONS of weight on my cruise. I am planning to jog/walk the upper decks each morning, and watch what I eat!

    Everyone I always talk to talks about how much food there is on cruises! One thing I did while on vacation and we hit a buffet, was to load up on salad and veggies FIRST. That filled me up so much that I only went back once more and I got MORE veggies and sushi. Also, try to drink lots of water and since you'll be on a ship, take advantage of the pool and do some laps. I'm not sure if they all do this, but they may offer some type of aerobics classes, and I'm pretty sure they have a gym. I used my hotel gym, and it was fun using equipment I normally don't. Have a great time!!!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Anyone doing a no or low carb diet? I was thinking about starting one... since what I'm doing isn't working for me. I'm hungry all the time and splurge at night often.
  • Laurathabomb
    Laurathabomb Posts: 44 Member
    Recipe of the day : French Onion Pork Chop Skillet

    What You Need

    6 boneless pork chops (1-1/2 lb.), 1/2 inch thick
    2 onions, thinly sliced
    2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
    1 pkg. (6 oz. ) STOVE TOP Stuffing Mix for Chicken
    1-1/2 cups hot water
    1 cup KRAFT Shredded Low-Moisture Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese
    Make It
    HEAT large nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray on medium-high heat. Add chops and onions; cook 10 min. or until chops are done (160°F), turning chops and stirring onions after 5 min. Remove chops from skillet. Cook and stir onions 5 min. or until golden brown.

    STIR in Worcestershire sauce. Return chops to skillet; top with onion mixture.

    MIX stuffing mix and water; spoon around edge of skillet. Top with cheese; cover. Cook 5 min. or until cheese is melted.
    Kraft Kitchens TipsServing SuggestionServe with hot steamed broccoli or green beans.

    I make this recipe all the time, but you have to make sure you drink lots of water that day because of the sodium! Enjoy!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    All of the recipes today look delicious. I think I might start drooling at the mouth! lol
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Sorry - I am not much of a cook.....But when I need a treat treat ( I have not some this in a long time)

    icecream sandwich 110-125calories / wheel Iced cream sandwich (skinny cow)
    Whipped cream 50 calories b/c I like whipped cream.... 5teaspoons
    fat free caramel syrup 100 calories....

    Only for a Treat-treat splurge - I am so overdue for that!!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Recipe of the day : French Onion Pork Chop Skillet

    What You Need

    6 boneless pork chops (1-1/2 lb.), 1/2 inch thick
    2 onions, thinly sliced
    2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
    1 pkg. (6 oz. ) STOVE TOP Stuffing Mix for Chicken
    1-1/2 cups hot water
    1 cup KRAFT Shredded Low-Moisture Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese
    Make It
    HEAT large nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray on medium-high heat. Add chops and onions; cook 10 min. or until chops are done (160°F), turning chops and stirring onions after 5 min. Remove chops from skillet. Cook and stir onions 5 min. or until golden brown.

    STIR in Worcestershire sauce. Return chops to skillet; top with onion mixture.

    MIX stuffing mix and water; spoon around edge of skillet. Top with cheese; cover. Cook 5 min. or until cheese is melted.
    Kraft Kitchens TipsServing SuggestionServe with hot steamed broccoli or green beans.

    I make this recipe all the time, but you have to make sure you drink lots of water that day because of the sodium! Enjoy!

    This sounds SO amazing! it sounded so good I figured it would be WAY out of my calorie range! But it's only 310 cals a serving! YAY! the sodium is 770mg so becareful if you are on a low-sodium diet.

    Thank you for posting!!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    @Claudia - The picture on your ticker is hilarious! :laugh: :laugh:

    No recipes from me today - I'm lame and haven't cooked in forever, and I never had very many healthy dishes. The most I can scramble up is oven-baked herb chicken w/ a side of green beans lol.

    I don't know what came over me, but I've been sick yesterday and today... I feel so queasy. One of my co-workers is convinced I'm preggo, but she always jumps to that anytime I get a little queasy. Someone has a bad case of babies on the brain :laugh:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Sorry - I am not much of a cook.....But when I need a treat treat ( I have not some this in a long time)

    icecream sandwich 110-125calories / wheel Iced cream sandwich (skinny cow)
    Whipped cream 50 calories b/c I like whipped cream.... 5teaspoons
    fat free caramel syrup 100 calories....

    Only for a Treat-treat splurge - I am so overdue for that!!

    mmm Skinny cow! lol I was on MFP for like 4 months before I even found out about skinny cow! So even the non cooks probably have food secrets to share. Where did you find the caramel, is it in like a squeeze bottle?
  • mds2372
    mds2372 Posts: 53
    I don't know what came over me, but I've been sick yesterday and today... I feel so queasy. One of my co-workers is convinced I'm preggo, but she always jumps to that anytime I get a little queasy. Someone has a bad case of babies on the brain :laugh:

    I hope you feel better! This made me laugh because everyone I know has babies on the brain-including me! I don't even like babies! One of my best friends got engaged on Friday and during our conversation she agreed to give us babies as bridesmaids' gifts, lol. Something about springtime and babies in the air or something I guess!

    @Claudia and Rebecky - thanks for the advice. I will definitely keep it in mind while I go out to dinner tonight (surprise "I've finished all my finals work" dinner). I think we may go to the Mongolian BBQ place, which means I can load up on veggies! Not sure how to calculate it though...
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Where did you find the caramel, is it in like a squeeze bottle?

    It is made by Smuckers, in a brown bottle (little green flag on the bottle that says fat free)
    I can tell you it is not in the Jelly isle -

    *************************OMG - I forgot to tell you the best part.....******************************************
    B/4 you take out the ice cream - I take a microwavable bowl spray Pam add handfull of small marshmellows or couple 4-5 lg marshmellows microwave ( WATCH IT) once it get big over the rim open the door and take a spoon (sprayed with pam or not) and mix it then I drop the ice cream in the middle add whip cream/syrup/cherry if wanted.

    I love the texture the marshmellow turns when hot meets cold ~ OMGosh! Mmmmmmm Like a mini sundae just for me!:love:

    Crap - I dont have the calories left for tonight :(