You Just Won $1,000,000.00...



  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I would spend half on cocaine and hookers and blow the rest.

    Not really...


    That's EXACTLY what I thought of when I saw that too!!! Awesome!

    [A mil after taxes right??!!]
    I'd (in this order):
    Have a party, buy my hubby the fancy camera lens that he's been pining for, invest at least half, pay a few bills, buy my daughter's each a place of their own, home improvements including building an apt on the back property so my mom has a place to live, take a nice vacay, maybe a new car.
  • jesster64
    jesster64 Posts: 109
    The worlds greatest entertainment center in my basement. 75" flat screen 3D TV, surround sound system to shake the whole damn neighborhood. A dozen pinball machines and a coke machine , which I would fill with various imported beers. Plus a wine cellar.
  • SakanaUshi
    I'd buy several houses and rent all but one out. Then, I'd live off of the rent and wait for the housing market to rebound, then sell the houses (except the one I'd be living in). Then, after paying off my student loans and setting a little aside in a savings account, I'd invest most of it in a diversified portfolio of stocks. Assuming that stocks continue to grow at a steady rate as they always have, I'll let that simmer for a decade or so. The remaining money would be given as a grant to a non-profit agency to be used to help reduce poverty in some meaningful way.

    When my daughters start getting old enough to be thinking about college, I'll use some of the money to pay for that. At this point, I expect to have well over a million dollars remaining due to wise investment. I'd live on the dividends and work doing research and policy advocacy, not having to worry about my own salary.

    And, what the hell, I'll take the family back to Japan for an extended vacation at some point. :)

    Oh, and I'd get a home gym set up.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    If I didn't pay taxes up front on it, I would first set some money aside to do just that when tax season comes around again. Then...

    Pay off me and my fiance's debt excluding the house
    Sell the house and move to NH ahead of schedule
    Give some money to our parents, brothers and sisters, and close freinds
    Donate some money to charities we believe will use the money the way they say they are going to
    Give some money to the Animal Humane Society and ASPCA
    Spend a little more on things I really want for the wedding but am forfeiting due to cost
    Go on a kicka** honeymoon
    And...possibily quite our jobs and get part time jobs instead so we can put more time into looking for better jobs that we went to school for
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    I would pay off mine and my boyfriends debts. Buy a piece of property and have a house built. Give some of it to my little brother and my mom. And then play! LOL
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Buy my range rover and my m3.
    Then buy a house for about 500,000.
    Put the rest away for fun money :)
  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    -dream home
    -invest the rest