Over 200 New Year New Me Part 48

sorry been gone on mini vacay for my girls spring break .I only gained 1.5 pounds back while away so I am happy with that .But I am hitting it hardcore tomorrow and getting some major pounds off before summer and keeping them off.My hubby is losing weight like crazy and I definitely don't want him to be smaller than I am by summer although I am happy he is getting healthier too I don't want him to weigh less than I do .I am hoping to be out of the 200's or close by my birthday.This is a goal I must meet.I am gearing up for my breast cancer walk May 7th so I am excited about that.Lets do this girls!!


  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ann - HOpe you had a good time with your girls.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Happy Easter!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi! I'm alive! I've been away from PCs since the surgery - it seems like every time I try to use one I start swelling so I've basically been a blob, reading a kindle.

    I had the mastectomy on 3/9 and then when the pulled the drains three weeks later I had to go back in to get fluid drained at the ER (not that unusual) but the doctor* punctured an expander with the needle so I had to have the reconstruction redone - ended up there was a problem with the non-punctured side so on 4/13 I was under for about 3 hours and they kept me overnight again...

    BUT I feel good and I'm going to work four hours TOMORROW (from home) which is good because I'm going NUTS!!!

    I have drains in from the second surgery (ugh) so I gave up and donated my hair to locks of love and I have a very short cut that is easy to wash in a sink.

    If anyone on this list uses Twitter I'm "SquibGirl" and Twitter (since I can get there on my phone) hears a lot of my good/bad/ugly news.

    OMG I'VE MISSED YOU GUYS SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :love: :happy: :heart: :smooched: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :love: :happy: :laugh: :smile:

    I've lost two breasts and 14" of hair since I was here last, but no weight. BOOOH! And the saline they'll inject into the expanders is heavier than fat - how is that fair?:huh:

    *OK so the doctor that punctured the expander was this young (hot) resident and he was really nice and really careful and when he punctured the expander he almost started crying. Plus - when I had the surgery there were other things that needed to be fixed so I just can't be mad at him! It's likely the reason he hit the expander is that it had slipped and folded over on it's self so it wasn't REALLY his fault. Yeah - he was THAT cute!:blushing:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Melinda! So great to see you!!!! It sounds like you've been through quite! PS - I'll be following you on Twitter @stout111

    Also - bumping for later. I'm in desperate need of coffee and it's going to be a long few days
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hope everyone had a very happy (hoppy...hahaha) Easter. It was a full day - full of events and food. Ladies, good grief I feel huge today. My liquid intake was a little off too.....16 oz water, 20 oz Diet Coke, 48 oz beer! WHOOPS!

    Anyways, lots of eating, very little exercise. I feel like I'm slipping backwards and while I know I need to get up and get moving, I'm just not doing it. Grr to me!

    Glad to see mstahl and Ann back with us.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Bump for later!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning Girls !!!

    Was soo soo upset this morning, scale said 282 ...which is exactly where i was 1 year ago. I know there is quite a bit of water weight, as TMI is here, and ate out a lot lately topping it off with chinese food last night.

    I am about to start my 1st big cup of water of the day and hopefully by the end of the week some of this will come off.

    I am back in it 100% though ! I have to be . I am going to start off working out with my game i got, just playing around lightly yesterday with it , it said i burned like 150 cals. NOt sure how right it is i will be wearing my HRM though.

    I have a call in the hoa to see when our fitness center is going to be back up.

    Got some supplements this weekend that i am hoping will help wiht my knee some. NO more excuses...and yes if i am not here you all have the right to stalk me and yell at me to get my but in gear!! Please do .
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-I'm about where I was a year ago too. But what's done is done. It's time to move forward right? I changed my ticker and I'm ready to start over.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    So, with so many of us hitting "restart" I suggest that daily logging and weekly weigh-ins become more consistant for us all (I am a prime example of not keeping up on this!).


    I will log this evening and am setting a goal to log every day this week and weigh-in on Friday and post the number no matter what I think of it!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am hitting the restart button too gals!! I don't want to put on any more weight.I WANT TO LOSE THE REST OF THE WEIGHT I NEED TO LOSE!!! So heres to starting over !! We can do this! I will not feel sorry for myself I will just move forward.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So, with so many of us hitting "restart" I suggest that daily logging and weekly weigh-ins become more consistant for us all (I am a prime example of not keeping up on this!).


    I will log this evening and am setting a goal to log every day this week and weigh-in on Friday and post the number no matter what I think of it!

    I think it's a good idea. I'm going from the weight I am today as I am starting today as day 1.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning, it's good to see so many posters today! Mstahl - glad you are getting back to work and doing ok, sounds like it has been a little rough!

    checking in for the weekend:
    calories: didn't track but I know it was BAD
    exercise: missed Thursday and Sunday because of holiday get-togethers, but made a big effort to get to the YMCA on Saturday so that was good

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Good to see you Melinda! It sounds like you've been through a lot and I'm glad you're able to go back to working from home and rejoining us! Yay!

    Ann: Hope you had a good mini-vacay. Don't beat yourself up over 1.5 lbs. That will be gone by the end of the week.

    I had a fun weekend with WAY too much food, but it's to be expected when a birthday and holiday fall the same weekend, right? My body was rebelling big time last night. I was so bloated and gassy; most likely from all of the candy that I haven't had for WEEKS. Now today, I've been hit with either a cold or allergies. I just wish the day would go by faster. The boyfriend gave me a Kindle for my birthday and I'm addicted to the game Every Word that I downloaded.

    The eating was bad, but I logged every bit of it, so I consider that a win. It's a new week and we're going to rock it!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    thanks Heather and surprisingly I am not beating myself up over a gain for the first time ever.I guess I just know it will disappear on its own.I did really well with Easter dinner at my moms.I only ate a spoonful of everything and I didn't go back for seconds so I am proud
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    wow it is nice to see so many of you.

    Mstahl, so good to see you. I am glad that you are well enough to put in a few hours of work. Keep healing!!!

    Ann, I have missed you!!!!!!

    lstpaul, thanks for the link. I have been reading these tip sheets. I love them because they are only 1 page and I can read based on my interest. I have already read 3 of them. Thanks again. That was so sweet of you.

    Lildeb, glad you are here. I too am on a restart. My focus is going to be in smaller goals and my other focus is on inches. I would like to first lose 10 inches from my hips that would drop me approx. 2 pants sizes. I think it seems less daunting to drop 2 pants sizes instead of the 7 I need to drop. I also am not really setting up a time frame I am just saying 10 inches for now.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma I like the idea of not setting a time frame. I never hit my goal time frame and it always depresses me. So I'm just going to set a goal and a reward I will get. Thanks for continuing to hunt me down! Means a lot to me! :flowerforyou:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Jess you are worth hunting down:flowerforyou: :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hello gals Doing good so far today !!

    I have been doing good on my cals, i did a workout on kinnects now it isn't as much as i used to burn at the gym, but hoping that i can do it on some days when i cannot get to the fitness center or stuff, but still it was 242 for 40 min, i guess not too bad,

    I am going to do it.

    Instead of focusing on that i am only like 30 something lbs loss and not 70 something. I think i have decided (at least my decision today) is that i will jsut put a ticker of each 25 lb increment, my 1st one is 250 , then 225 and so on.

    well back to work...oh fun
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I hope I'm not making a big mistake ... I forgot to refridgerate my afternoon snack but I'm eating it anyhow ... pickles wrapped in cream cheese and ham. Hopefully it won't make me sick! They are pretty warm. :sick: