P90X and Beach Body products

LMKupizza Posts: 28
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey guys,

This message coincides with the question about whether or not P90X is worth the investment. I just want to say, that I have Slim-in-6 by Debbie Siebers, Turbo Jam, and P90X... ALL THREE GREAT WORKOUTS...

Slim-in-6 can get boring, because you do it 6 days a week, for 6 weeks, and its never a different workout... But it gets the job done!

Turbo Jam, it is the same work out, but there are more workouts with the series so you can mix it up as you wish, and it's like going to a dance party... I love it!

And P90X, I've only done the cardio x video and the ab ripper x, and those both kicked my tail. so BEACH BODY is a great source of fitness, I usually order my videos from Ebay instead of beachbody.com, because I have had problems in the past with them charging me for stuff I did not order, and they would be out of stock and cancel my order without telling me, but Ebay was a great deal, I still got all of the products I wanted NEW!!!!

Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know this stuff.... I do have one more thing to say though, I have never followed a program all of the way through, I guess because I have a fear it wont work for me, eventhough I get a really good workout from them :noway: :cry: :smile:


  • Hey guys,

    This message coincides with the question about whether or not P90X is worth the investment. I just want to say, that I have Slim-in-6 by Debbie Siebers, Turbo Jam, and P90X... ALL THREE GREAT WORKOUTS...

    Slim-in-6 can get boring, because you do it 6 days a week, for 6 weeks, and its never a different workout... But it gets the job done!

    Turbo Jam, it is the same work out, but there are more workouts with the series so you can mix it up as you wish, and it's like going to a dance party... I love it!

    And P90X, I've only done the cardio x video and the ab ripper x, and those both kicked my tail. so BEACH BODY is a great source of fitness, I usually order my videos from Ebay instead of beachbody.com, because I have had problems in the past with them charging me for stuff I did not order, and they would be out of stock and cancel my order without telling me, but Ebay was a great deal, I still got all of the products I wanted NEW!!!!

    Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know this stuff.... I do have one more thing to say though, I have never followed a program all of the way through, I guess because I have a fear it wont work for me, eventhough I get a really good workout from them :noway: :cry: :smile:
  • tanzmamma
    tanzmamma Posts: 368 Member
    I have heard A LOT of good things about turbo jam. I was looking at the beachbody website and it was like 3 pmts of 19.95 PLUS 12.95 s/h. YIKES!

    They sound great though... i'll have to peek through ebay. I AM loving the 30 day shred Jillian Michaels one that I got last week. I received it in the mail Monday and so far have done it Tues & Wed night and i REALLY like it! It's kicking my butt though my arms HURT lol.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I totally agree girl!!! I'm 3 weeks into P90x and it is the greatest workout I've ever done!!! :happy:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I love them all! Slim in 6 is great, and so is the Slim Series. I love P90X, X+, Turbo Jam, and Tony's new One on Ones (Plyo legs- ouch!).

    Glad that you enjoy them as well!

  • p90x_Dude
    p90x_Dude Posts: 332
    Yep I'm a p90x fan, betch never guessed that huh. I'm midway through week 4 (first recovery week) and man o man I've never enjoyed a workout like I have p90x. It's so encouraging when you see someone getting results (especially when they didn't startout looking like slim good body).

    I'd have to say it's not for everyone (what is right!), but as I have had to you can modify as needed to get the job done.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hey guys,
    BEACH BODY is a great source of fitness, I usually order my videos from Ebay instead of beachbody.com, because I have had problems in the past with them charging me for stuff I did not order, and they would be out of stock and cancel my order without telling me, but Ebay was a great deal, I still got all of the products I wanted NEW!!!!

    Just wanted to say that Beachbody has really improved their customer service and if you contact them they will take care of any extra charges! I got a scratched DVD from my P90X and emailed them. I got a BRAND new set of P90X (not just the scratched DVD but the entire 12 workouts) in the mail express 2 days later!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yep I'm a p90x fan, betch never guessed that huh. I'm midway through week 4 (first recovery week) and man o man I've never enjoyed a workout like I have p90x. It's so encouraging when you see someone getting results (especially when they didn't startout looking like slim good body).

    I'd have to say it's not for everyone (what is right!), but as I have had to you can modify as needed to get the job done.

    Great job, Dude! Awesome that you're getting results. Keep bringing it! Just wait til 90 days....

  • Stephomie
    Stephomie Posts: 89 Member
    Hey, Jess! Imagine finding you here! I agree Beachbody has greatly improved their customer service, and if you have a problem and contact them, they are more than happy to correct it for you. I have been working out with P90X for a year & totally love the workouts. If you stick with the workouts & the nutrition plan - you are bound for success!

    Stephanie (aka Stephomie)
  • Then I stand corrected about the customer service... the only time I had trouble was back in 2005... maybe I should have added that in there!!1
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    One more vote for beachbody programs. They rock! I am on my 3rd round of P90X and still love it. Am only on day 4 of this round, but I can already see and the difference. It is very flexible, they give you modified moves, sort of like a level 1, 2 or 3. I was extremely intimidated at first, but got over it quickly!
    Really see a difference if you make the 90 day commitment.
    I've had Turbo Jam for 3 year, adding to my collection every time a new one comes available. Chalean Extreme will be out October,2008.
    I keep going back to it after every pregnancy!
    I love it so much that I've decided my final goal is to become a Turbo Kick instructor (read earlier notes)!

    Can't say much about the customer service, I just ordered them online. Beachbody is at the top of the fitness world!
    Okay now I've managed to pump myself out of the rut I was having today, I'm going to workout!

  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    I bought slim n six through the infomercial and found that it was too hard on my knees and thighs. I felt like half the video was squatting (anyone else?).

    If you have strong legs I say go for it but I've actually found my style more in Turbo Jam. I LOVE IT.
    They have the nice low-impact people to watch when my knees and ankles need a break - and the more I do it the less I have to modify. Huge fun calorie burn in a short amount of time - isn't that what we're all looking for? :glasses:

    Plus, no one better attack me in a dark alley or I may have to jabcrossjabknee them!! HA!
  • Another great thing about Beachbody is that they have a community of people that will help you with your workouts.
    WOWY very similar to MFP but in the sense that they keep track of your workouts. When you do them live (if your in the states) you have an opprotunity to win cash prizes and stuff.
    Also they have great recipes and suggestions to keep yourself motivated to continue!
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I am still trying to decide on which program to use from them.
    Customer service isn't much help....
    Anyone who's done a few want to help me figure it out?
    Email me or something I am desperate to get a new program started ASAP.
  • Emdicio
    Emdicio Posts: 270 Member
    I have the same question/issue as ChubbyBunny - what is the right product for me? I'm leaning heavily towards the P90 series (no dancing!) but it seems to me that P90X is being done by people that are already quite fit (if not as lean as they'd like to be). What is the difference between P90 and P90 Master and which would be better for a weekend athlete?

    I'm not a total slouch (I currently ride/race dirtbikes, do some light hiking, the occasional treadmill run, etc.) but I haven't been in a regular exercise program for many years. In my youth I did competitive powerlifting and later played football, wrestled and competed in discus and shot competitions, so I have a good undelying frame; it's just covered in HoHo's! I would appreciate any help in understanding the difference between P90, Master and X and which might be right for me.

    Thanks in advance......Mike
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I have the same question/issue as ChubbyBunny - what is the right product for me? I'm leaning heavily towards the P90 series (no dancing!) but it seems to me that P90X is being done by people that are already quite fit (if not as lean as they'd like to be). What is the difference between P90 and P90 Master and which would be better for a weekend athlete?

    I'm not a total slouch (I currently ride/race dirtbikes, do some light hiking, the occasional treadmill run, etc.) but I haven't been in a regular exercise program for many years. In my youth I did competitive powerlifting and later played football, wrestled and competed in discus and shot competitions, so I have a good undelying frame; it's just covered in HoHo's! I would appreciate any help in understanding the difference between P90, Master and X and which might be right for me.

    Thanks in advance......Mike

    I just got off with Customer Service and they tried to explain it to me.
    P90 - Introductory and stamina builder
    P90X- More intense, already with a solid workout base, muscle confusion.
    P90 Mater - Maitenance program
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    you know what would be awesome......
    Is if Beachbody/Million Dollar Body offered some little evaluation that would help you pick out the program that would best suit you. I have waster a ton of money on programs that looked good but so didn't suit me at all.
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    you know what would be awesome......
    Is if Beachbody/Million Dollar Body offered some little evaluation that would help you pick out the program that would best suit you. I have waster a ton of money on programs that looked good but so didn't suit me at all.

    There is a fitness test that comes with P90X program. I don't know if you can find it online though.

    They gave you pretty good info. If you have lifted weights before, and understand good form then P90X is the one to go to as they do offer modifications of many of the exercises to make them a little easier or much harder. If you have not really done a legit weight lifting, then go with P90. It is supposed to be as good, but people have mentionned that they get bored with it. Not so with P90X
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    I have the same question/issue as ChubbyBunny - what is the right product for me? I'm leaning heavily towards the P90 series (no dancing!) but it seems to me that P90X is being done by people that are already quite fit (if not as lean as they'd like to be). What is the difference between P90 and P90 Master and which would be better for a weekend athlete?

    I'm not a total slouch (I currently ride/race dirtbikes, do some light hiking, the occasional treadmill run, etc.) but I haven't been in a regular exercise program for many years. In my youth I did competitive powerlifting and later played football, wrestled and competed in discus and shot competitions, so I have a good undelying frame; it's just covered in HoHo's! I would appreciate any help in understanding the difference between P90, Master and X and which might be right for me.

    Thanks in advance......Mike

    It sounds like you are quite fit and know about lifting weights. I would say go the P90X, but then again it is a 6 day a week program, so if you are only a weekend type of athlete, it wouldn't be for you. They also have something called Ten Minute Trainer, with multiple dvd's and you can do as few as one or combine a few for a full workout. Something about stacking exercises, makes it quite effective, and people say it gives you a real good workout, that the 10 minutes seemed like 30. HTH
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    They all kept telling me to go with 10 Minute Trainer and Stack them.....
    Good idea....not so good? I know little about it.
    I was thinking P90X (limited weight lifting exp though) and doing the lean version....but that's not what they suggested.

    For me, I have a year (while fiance is deployed) to get on the game. I need something for amazing results that won't only tone me up but will assist in fat loss as well (I've heard very little weight loss occurs with P90X). I also bore horribly easily. Which is noticeable if you ever looked at my exercise dvd collection.
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