P90X and Beach Body products



  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I don't have a pull up bar because I don't have a doorway that would hold one and no room for a stand alone. I bought bands from a local sporting goods store and they have a loop you can put them through with a block on the end so you can close it in a door. It works great for me!

    I have one of those too!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Is the pullup bar mandatory or can you work up to it....cause I KNOW I can't do a pull up
    Nope, not mandatory. but I couldn't do them at first either. I used the chair (they show modifications) and did negatives. I'd use the chair to get over the bar, then slowly lower myself back down. It REALLY works.

    But... you can use resistance bands if you don't want to do the pullup bar. I LOVE my pullup bar.

    Here's a recent pic of my back, which used to look like a bunch of fat rolls. LOL LOVE pullups!


  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Whoohoo Jess! You look great!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Whoohoo Jess! You look great!

    Thank you! It sounds like you're doing awesome w/ P90X also!

  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I can't look at it yet cause I am on the schools network, but i'll check it out later.
  • pinktoque
    pinktoque Posts: 340 Member
    I have to chime in on Turbo Jam products -- I really love Chalene Johnson and as already mentioned, it's like a dance party! It really motivates me. Is it sad that sometimes when I'm at work I'll hear some of the music in my head and start grooving (which then makes me want to go work out?)


    I think I want to take a peek at the slim in 6 thing just to see what it's all about -- my thought being that it'd be nice to make myself commit to working out 6 days a week. How long is/are the workout(s) used in slim in 6? An hour? 45 mins? 30 mins?

    Currently I do Turbo Jam x4 a week (x3 at 20m and x1 at 45) but then I do a pilates dvd I have immediately following the 20min Turbo Jam that lets you focus on one area at a time for 10 minutes each (or you do them all together for a longer pilates all-body workout) -- so on Monday I do the 20min Turbo Jam + 10 mins of pilates for my arms, Wednesday I do TJ + 10 mins of pilates for my butt and thighs, then Friday I do TJ + 10 mins of pilates for my waist/abs. That kinda thing. And one 45 minute Turbo Jam workout on the weekend. I also try to get 20-30 mins of walking in on my "off" days. At least that's the new plan this week with walking.

    I'd like to mix things up a bit here and there, though. Maybe I'll try something new :) Thanks for all of the feedback on the different programs. Beachbody rules!

    edit: oh, thought I'd add... I don't really ever follow the diet plans outlined in the workout programs I buy. I go through them for recipes (for example, the Turbo Jam kit I got had a recipe in it for an amazingly yummy Waldorf salad that I now make on a regular basis) but sticking to a plan that a lot of the times includes foods I don't like (like cottage cheese or bananas... ew!) just doesn't work for me, so I tend to use their plans as a guideline and make my own healthy choices to eat instead. So I'm using MFP and making healthy food choices to go along with my workout programs, not necessarily following the workout program's diet plan.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I did SI6 for a while, I never could do the last tape cause there were some moves that twisted a bad knee wrong for me. I got results that I was happy with but got really bored after a while. Just couldn't stick to it.
    The dvds range....the first is like 26 minutes, then the next is more and the last is the longest....and I can't even remember the times.... However, they don't seem as long for some reason if that makes sense.

    She's got some good stuff. I like her Slim Express ones.

    I love Chalene too and am interested in her new program coming out.
    I just need something more intense.
  • I just heard about the P90X thing and then saw an infommercial about it. It looked interesting but i needed more info....so thanks to yall's posts i know a lot more about it. I really want to try it. I was nervous about the pullup bar...i don't have one either, but think the resistance bands are a good idea...don't have any of those either. and don't have a whole lot of weights...so it may be a little while till i can start it (need to save some $$).

    But i think that would be a good way to kick start my butt into gear! I really want to be healthy, ya know?! I of course want to lose weight too, but w/ all the health issues in my family...i really want to try to ward off some of them by being in better shape.

    So anyway, thanks everyone!
  • AmenoKaji
    AmenoKaji Posts: 41 Member
    p90x is really good i've been watching my older brother's results from it, i look forward to when i get to start on that, so far i'm only on normal p90 but i've lost about 100lbs so far. within the last 4months or so, definately worth the purchase. just another 120lbs to go!

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    AmenoKaji, your transformation is amazing!!!! Keep it up! :drinker:
  • AmenoKaji
    AmenoKaji Posts: 41 Member
    :blushing: thanks, i'll keep trying. lol
  • Jessmom,

    How long had you had the set? I got P90X and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT, but my Legs & Back DVD will not work in my player and the Chest, Triceps & Shoulders DVD is scratched. I have had them since June but didn't really think they would do anything about it. Do you think they still would? Just curious.

  • Oh i love Turbo Jam... i need to get back on schedule. I bought mine off amazon.com for about 1/2 the price, so def check it out or ebay. I bought TJ and Hip Hop Abs from them, w/no problem
  • Mike,

    From reading your background, you are definitely capable of handling P90X. It is tough for anyone who does it but you will see marked improvement in each workout. I'm doing it now and LOVE IT. You can handle the X as long as you are serious about BRINGING IT!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hey DC! I've had it for over a year. But I just had another set that had a scratched CardioX DVD and they replaced the whole set! Just email customerservice@teambeachbody.com and have your order # if you still have it.

    Or let me know if you have any trouble! I LOVE my P90X!

  • ChubbyBunny,

    This is SOOOOO not the case with P90X. I started P90X on June 23, 2008 at 245 lbs. In eight weeks, I have seen a 30 lb weight loss and am now down to 215lbs. If you follow the program and nutritional guide (and I stress this), you WILL see the fat fall right off.

  • Chubbybunny,

    That is the good thing about P90X. There are band exercises for everything. I don't even do the pullups even though I have a pullup bar. I use the band versions and they work just as good. Don't worry! Tony Horton and his crew WILL take care of you.

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    All this P90x talk has me pumped and ready to get home and hit my Core Synergistics! Banana Rolls and Bow to boat...here I come! :laugh:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Yay! More input!
    Thanks, I am planning on getting the program....hopefully I survive the first time.
  • :tongue: Rach,

    I'm hittin' Core Syn tonight! Is that a workout of what??? Superman, banana, superman, banana....
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