PLEASE STOP! (If you don't know the nutritional values, don



  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    search the usda nutritional data base.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Oh no, I haven't even thought about the fact that people could be submitting incorrect info! I'll definitely have to keep my eye out for that kind of stuff a little better. You can be sure I'll be tagging things as incorrect if I see them!

    I didn't know that either!! But I will not add/be adding anything unless I have the nutritional value (from now on)!!
    How do you tagg items if their incorrect???

    Learning on the Fly - :ohwell:
  • chantalsantos
    ...and really, how many different BANANA options does a girl really need?

    SOOOOOOOOOOO true, there are like a million options.

    For fruits, veggies and meats I only use the foods that were entered by MFP specifically and NOT the users. Foods in the database that begin with a * were entered by MFP users and I just don't trust 'em!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I am with you, but i was amazed at how different chicken pieces from different shops had such differing values, so it could be that they do know, and there are different values in different varieties

    Also its sometimes different between countries, US vs Canada vs UK....etc. I noticed some people will label them (Canada) Fruit Loops, or something, but not everyone does. I thought it was interesting that a big brand would be different from place to place, but the labels are different, that could also be were some of this is coming from.

    what urks me is when someone enters only the calories and puts 0 for everything else. lol
  • chantalsantos
    how do you know which one was put on there from MFP? the ones that say generic?
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Don't forget that the nutrition values vary widely from country to country. I and i know some others are including thr country on the lable, also that items from multipacks differ from the single items, i note that too.

    LOL I must have posted same time as you.
  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    Agreed nothing more frustrating than selecting an item and having no nutritional data or worse, the wrong data. I LOVE the scanning function available on my droid phone though!
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I am with you, but i was amazed at how different chicken pieces from different shops had such differing values, so it could be that they do know, and there are different values in different varieties

    Also its sometimes different between countries, US vs Canada vs UK....etc. I noticed some people will label them (Canada) Fruit Loops, or something, but not everyone does. I thought it was interesting that a big brand would be different from place to place, but the labels are different, that could also be were some of this is coming from.

    what urks me is when someone enters only the calories and puts 0 for everything else. lol

    This is true about the different countries..maybe mfp could add 1 more field in at the top of the food form that says "country". JMO.
  • chantalsantos
    -BrandNewMia- im sorry i didnt mean to re-post ur quote there i was trying to reply to ur post which was a question , how can you tell when it from MFP? but i just reposted ur quote im not good with the whole message board thing
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Go to a store or do some online browsing and look at the nutritional labels for three different honey hams from three different sources and you're likely to get three different results that way too. Yes, something like a chicken breast not havin protein entered is clearly wrong. But don't assume entries are "wrong" just because they're different.

    Also keep in kind that companies themselves change nutritional info. Not long ago FiberOne 90 calories chocolate PB bars disappeared from the shelves and reappeared a few weeks later. When the new ones hit shelves again I picked up a box. Compared the info to the old box we still had at home (I buy 'em for the hubby mostly and he'd stockpiled when he saw they were disappearing from shelves) and two or three of the nutritional items had changed. And when I took one to throw in the car when I'd be on the road for awhile, when I went to enter it in MFP, all of the entries were "wrong" because they still had the old info. So I had to create a new entry that matched the new label. No one had entered the info wrong, it just became wrong as soon as the company updated their label.

    To sum up, I just wouldn't be so quick to come down on the users of MFP for creating a messy database. There are a lot of factors out there that contribute to multiple and different entries. And I didn't even touch on how labels for the same exact products could be different between the US and other countries due to their food labeling laws. lol
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    Agreed!! To everything. I dislike when values are not complete and I am sure have had incorrect info at times.
    I DO however tag when I notice something that differs greatly from the label I have. .
    I didn't realize that Canadian and US calorie count would be different however.
    I can understand different standards in other types of things on lables, but caloric value should be equivalent correct?
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I agree. If you aren't sitting at your computer with the package next to you and adding the info the way IT IS SHOWN ON THE PACKAGE then do yourself and everyone else a favor and don't enter it into the database!

    Yesterday I ate 2 packages of the Natures Valley oat bars and it said 0mg of sodium. Stupid me, believed it and come to find out it was 180mg of sodium. I changed it in the database today!
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    -BrandNewMia- im sorry i didnt mean to re-post ur quote there i was trying to reply to ur post which was a question , how can you tell when it from MFP? but i just reposted ur quote im not good with the whole message board thing

    If it has a * in front of the items name, it is added from a user. Look for the ones that do not have the * in front of the name, it is from the MFP creators.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Agreed!! To everything. I dislike when values are not complete and I am sure have had incorrect info at times.
    I DO however tag when I notice something that differs greatly from the label I have. .
    I didn't realize that Canadian and US calorie count would be different however.
    I can understand different standards in other types of things on lables, but caloric value should be equivalent correct?

    not only u.s. and canada, but east coast versus western states versus the south all can have different nutritional values for something.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I have learned that when I find the correct value for a food that I am looking up, I save it in "My Meals" so I don't have to hunt for it again. What ticks me off is when I correct a particular item, then the next time I try to use it someone has changed it. Grr!!! :mad:

    obviously if someone is changing it back, your information is incorrect for them. they are likely as equally frustrated having to 'correct' it time and again from your 'corrections'. :)
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    How do you tagg items if their incorrect???

    When you search for a food by name, a list of possible items comes up. When you click on an item, a blue box will show up to the right of your screen where you can adjust the serving size and add it to your menu. At the top of that blue box is a link titled "nutritional info" If you click that link, it brings up the food label (of what should be the correct info). To the right of that box are 3 green boxes - it's asking you "Is this data accurate?" You can check Yes, No or I don't know. If it's wrong, click no (PLEASE!). If it's right click YES (PLEASE). The more people that click the right info, the easier it will be to weed out the right and wrong items.
  • Jujubie
    Jujubie Posts: 130 Member
    I'm not sure that caloric value changes much but salt content does. For a reason I have yet to understand, there is much more salt in most Canadian versions of food, including cereal.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Does anyone know... if someone changes the nutritional data for a food, is that change applied retroactively?

    For example, let's say I ate a carrot and it said 5 calories, 1g carb, and logged that in my diary on Day 1.
    Then on Day 2 someone changes the nutritional data for the particular "carrot" entry that I selected when I logged so that it is now 10 calories and 2 carbs (or whatever). Will my diary from Day 1 be changed automatically, or does it keep the original logged values?
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    This does annoy me also, but I use the app on my phone to scan the bar codes for the items I use if I can not find it, or I enter it into my meals. I know that is a pain but you do have to be accountable for yourself
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    How do you tagg items if their incorrect???
    To the right of that box are 3 green boxes - it's asking you "Is this data accurate?" You can check Yes, No or I don't know. If it's wrong, click no (PLEASE!). If it's right click YES (PLEASE). The more people that click the right info, the easier it will be to weed out the right and wrong items.
    Unfortunately most of my foods are added on the go, using the android app - which does not have this functionality.

    I'm forever finding items which are clearly wrong, but do not have the opportunity to correct them. If sorting the database is a priority, this issue might be usefully addressed in the next android app update.