PLEASE STOP! (If you don't know the nutritional values, don



  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    ...and really, how many different BANANA options does a girl really need?

    Same as cucumber, one...
  • thank you:)
  • swest222
    swest222 Posts: 455 Member
    I completely agree ... being new and trying to navigate through all this has been very frustrating!!!!!!!!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    What ticks me off is when I correct a particular item, then the next time I try to use it someone has changed it. Grr!!! :mad:

    When you click no and edit the item, it is saved to your account ONLY to avoid another duplicate and to help you know which version is right for you. It will never show you other's edits unless they add a new food and write things like "corrected" or "edited" in the title which is dumb and is congesting everything.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    I just had the same thing happen to me about an hour ago. I was holding the dang package in my hand reading the info and the same exact product was entered into the system with 10 less calories.

  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Also its sometimes different between countries, US vs Canada vs UK....etc. I noticed some people will label them (Canada) Fruit Loops, or something, but not everyone does. I thought it was interesting that a big brand would be different from place to place, but the labels are different, that could also be were some of this is coming from.

    The geographical indicators are great, I do it all the time! Fiber One Cereal for example in the US has 60 cals and in Canada is has 100 Cals. Same goes for the Kellogg’s Fiber Plus bars, 9g fiber in the US and 5 in Canada. I contacted GM to ask why (I assumed a particular ingredient used in the US was not deemed safe by Health Canada) but found that the calculation is different, they wrote out the entire mathematical equation that each country uses so basically the truth of the food item is somewhere in between USA and Canada, then toss in other countries just for a more complicated measure, lol!
  • Walking2Lose
    Walking2Lose Posts: 69 Member
    Being new here, I totall agree with a lot of you. I, too, find it frustrating that there are many choices. I always check the nutirional info before I add a food to any of my meals. And, I am thankful that my foods get saved to my meals so I don't have to re-enter the info in. I do write down the nutrional info so I can put the most accurate info in...The one thing that I don't do is tag an item when it is or might be incorrect...Only b/c I am not 100% sure that it is not accurate so I just leave it be.

    It's nice to know I'm not alone.
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    My turn! My turn!

    I hate it when the serving size is simply listed as "1 serving" or "1 package" Um, exactly how much food is in that one serving or that one package?!? What if my package is bigger than yours, or your "serving" is has twice as much food than mine? That, to me, is the most useless kind of entry. It's simply meaningless unless you know the size of the serving! This problem also appears in when recipes are added (where you may be arbitrarily deciding how many servings the recipe makes) and the resulting nutritional data is based on "1 serving." While this may be okay the first time you enter it, it can be difficult to remember how many servings are in there altogether - even if it's your own recipe! If it's someone else's there's simply no way to figure out how big the serving is. ACK! :noway:
  • Lacey34
    Lacey34 Posts: 25 Member
    New to the program- this has all been very helpful! Thanks for the thread.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I know! it's annoying to see oatmeal with no carbs or fruit with no sugar!!!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Ooh, yes that's another thing - for single word searches can we please have the basic plain foods come up first, rather than dishes in which they're an ingredient?

    Earlier I wanted to know how many calories were in 100g of cherries. First item that came up on the search for "Cherries" was "Cherry tomatoes"! It then took ages to find measurements that weren't in cups (how do you accurately measure 1/3 of a cup of cherries?) and eventually I entered the variety I was eating (Glamour) into the database myself.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I have been on a rampage lately, due to my discovery of 4 different Kashi cereal entries for the same product, 3 of which were wrong. Lately I have been confirming info on the items I use that are correct and if I have time, editing all of the wrong ones I encounter. Sooo frustrating. I don't think people should be allowed to add any food they want to the central database without first some sort of check to see if it already exists. That is how you end up with 15 entries for a medium banana, 7 Kashi entries, etc. Do people not bother looking before entering their food?
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    Don't forget that the nutrition values vary widely from country to country. I and i know some others are including thr country on the lable, also that items from multipacks differ from the single items, i note that too.

    This is what I was going to mention, actually. Just for laughs, guys, look up McDonald's and all of the different versions of things. This is an international site, so it's best to do as has been suggested--have the label in your hand to verify, go with specific-country listings and how often things have been verified, and trust the basic MFP-provided values first off. Another thing I do is put in my own recipe for things that look wrong based on the quantities I've got in front of me vs. the mystery recipe that was used to log whatever food I'm trying to find.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Do people not bother looking before entering their food?

    One big problem causing duplicates is the fact the app doesn't have the same database, it's a tiny database so you are forced to add new foods all the time and I assume they are added into the general database on the website afterwards (when connected to wifi).
  • hayley_m
    hayley_m Posts: 61 Member
    Go to a store or do some online browsing and look at the nutritional labels for three different honey hams from three different sources and you're likely to get three different results that way too. Yes, something like a chicken breast not havin protein entered is clearly wrong. But don't assume entries are "wrong" just because they're different.

    Also keep in kind that companies themselves change nutritional info. Not long ago FiberOne 90 calories chocolate PB bars disappeared from the shelves and reappeared a few weeks later. When the new ones hit shelves again I picked up a box. Compared the info to the old box we still had at home (I buy 'em for the hubby mostly and he'd stockpiled when he saw they were disappearing from shelves) and two or three of the nutritional items had changed. And when I took one to throw in the car when I'd be on the road for awhile, when I went to enter it in MFP, all of the entries were "wrong" because they still had the old info. So I had to create a new entry that matched the new label. No one had entered the info wrong, it just became wrong as soon as the company updated their label.

    Thank you I'm glad you wrote all that and I didn't have to!! I once had two special k bars, one in my handbag and then j bought one for my friend from a different shop, exactly the same bar but had different nutritional values!! Products change slot and this site has been running for a while so it may be different because of that!! Also I agree with maybe having different country data bases, here in the uk a lot of our foods don't have or don't list sodium, so when I enter food in the database if it says trace of sodium then I put the minimum amount or 0, it doesn't mean I'm not entering it correctly it's just the info I have!! Just remember that thousands of people use this site and it's proven that it works, surely getting irate over this minor problem isn't worth all the good that comes from it!!
    To sum up, I just wouldn't be so quick to come down on the users of MFP for creating a messy database. There are a lot of factors out there that contribute to multiple and different entries. And I didn't even touch on how labels for the same exact products could be different between the US and other countries due to their food labeling laws. lol
  • hayley_m
    hayley_m Posts: 61 Member
    Poopy I knew my iPod would muck that up!! Keeps glitching!! My comment is in there somewhere!!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Also its sometimes different between countries, US vs Canada vs UK....etc. I noticed some people will label them (Canada) Fruit Loops, or something, but not everyone does. I thought it was interesting that a big brand would be different from place to place, but the labels are different, that could also be were some of this is coming from.

    The geographical indicators are great, I do it all the time! Fiber One Cereal for example in the US has 60 cals and in Canada is has 100 Cals. Same goes for the Kellogg’s Fiber Plus bars, 9g fiber in the US and 5 in Canada. I contacted GM to ask why (I assumed a particular ingredient used in the US was not deemed safe by Health Canada) but found that the calculation is different, they wrote out the entire mathematical equation that each country uses so basically the truth of the food item is somewhere in between USA and Canada, then toss in other countries just for a more complicated measure, lol!

    Just even more proof that even while tracking and writing down it is completely an estimation of what your actually eating for the day. lol We will never know for sure whats right and whats not haha.
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    ...and really, how many different BANANA options does a girl really need?


    LOL--- Everytime I eat a banana I'm like seriously... The other day I actually measured my banana with a ruler! :)
  • supercatie18
    supercatie18 Posts: 82 Member
    100% agree..hopefully this will help!
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    ...and really, how many different BANANA options does a girl really need?

    SOOOOOOOOOOO true, there are like a million options.

    For fruits, veggies and meats I only use the foods that were entered by MFP specifically and NOT the users. Foods in the database that begin with a * were entered by MFP users and I just don't trust 'em!

    I do the same
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