Is it me or do I see slim ppl wanting to lose weight



  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Uh yeah, I agree! There's a LOT of anorexia running around on this site.....Body dismorphic disorder at it's finest!! Sad really.....
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    ifyou go look at my regular profile pics i dont look that heavey but in alot of them i weighed 230 lbs and in the others around 180
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I have seen anorexic girls on here (mainly teens) who were emaciated and looked like they came out of a concentration camp. They had ridiculous weight loss goals and even more ridiculous food diaries. A couple of girls were consuming only 500 calories a day and exercising enough to burn 500!! I said something to one of them in a private message voicing my concern and she immediately shot me down. I just leave them alone and focus on myself. I think they do it for attention.
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    I was just commenting on the same girls that weigh 120 at 5 ft 6 and want to weigh like 105....ummmmmm (this is a slight exageration but you get the idea).

    My pic is me but it is me 20 pounds ago and still I am wearing a size 10 and according to charts more than 25 pounds over weight (I weighed 175 there believe it or not). I would like to see 150 ish one day but if not....I don't mind looking like that <<<<<<< again soon.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Mine looks exactly like me.

    That is hilarious!!
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I usually assume that its an old photo or that they are great at taking flattering pics of themselves

    Unless I read their profile and it is all about "love me to the bones" or other ana-mia mantras
  • chels1605
    chels1605 Posts: 206 Member
    Mine looks exactly like me.

    Haha... Mines Photoshopped.... SHHHHHH!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I have seen anorexic girls on here (mainly teens) who were emaciated and looked like they came out of a concentration camp. They had ridiculous weight loss goals and even more ridiculous food diaries. A couple of girls were consuming only 500 calories a day and exercising enough to burn 500!! I said something to one of them in a private message voicing my concern and she immediately shot me down. I just leave them alone and focus on myself. I think they do it for attention.

    eating disorders are not for attention they are a disease a pretty bad one to there are people on here with EDS and there struggle is just as hard as those of us trying to lose weight.
    Some might not be at that stage where they are open to help so thats why you concern might have been sure it is very hurtfull to someone suffering from this to see that people think they might be doing it for attention
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Some people don't want be 'normal' or 'slim', some want to be fit and toned. I'm not overweight, but I want to lose 20lb to make me better about my body. I don't want a muffin top and a jelly bum! :laugh:
  • ♥jewel♥
    ♥jewel♥ Posts: 839
    Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge. Some people put up slim pictures for motivation, others may put up heavier pictures for the same reason. Don't judge until you walk a mile in their shoes!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I do get rather fed up with the "I weigh 115 and want to be 110" people. Especially if they are more than about 5'4".

    But in general, you can't go by profile pics! Some people's aren't even of them, they are of celeb bodies they'd like to have, or old pictures of themselves. Mine is 8 years old, before I had children. I have wrinkles now :'(
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    <<<<<Legit Profile Pic! I'm also in maintenance mode. I lost 52 lbs. and am proud to show it off. :)
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I have seen anorexic girls on here (mainly teens) who were emaciated and looked like they came out of a concentration camp. They had ridiculous weight loss goals and even more ridiculous food diaries. A couple of girls were consuming only 500 calories a day and exercising enough to burn 500!! I said something to one of them in a private message voicing my concern and she immediately shot me down. I just leave them alone and focus on myself. I think they do it for attention.

    WOW. so this is rude. an ED is not always for attention, it can be a serious problem and you are definitely no help
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Uh yeah, I agree! There's a LOT of anorexia running around on this site.....Body dismorphic disorder at it's finest!! Sad really.....

    Not a lot - if you seek you will find. There are a lot of ledigimate goals on here - like many have said they are here for maintenance, support, sharing ideas etc. Some want to tone some want to shed - whatever the motivation it is no one's place to judge.

    Beauty and Fitness is truely in the eye of the beholder, often we look at others and think "too thin" or "too fat" how often do we actually look and think "just right". The same goes for our thoughts when we look in the mirror.

    If you don't agree with someone's size or goals don't friend them - don't criticise.

    Most are here for support, so if you can - provide it :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't judge based on photos, but I do get concerned when someone's goal or way of reaching their goal is unhealthy. I know how distorted one's self image can be... I don't always see the difference losing 20-ish pounds has made on me. But I also didn't always see the difference *gaining* 20-ish pounds made on me! :laugh: Tricky little pounds... sneaking in one by one when I wasn't looking.

    Sometimes, I just want to shake them and tell them "You're frickin' gorgeous! Stop the self-hate! Stop trying to look like a photoshopped picture in a magazine!"
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Mine looks exactly like me.

    So furry.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I agree that profile pics mean nothing. But I also agree that I see a lot of young women aiming for unrealistic weight goals, flat stomachs, size zero, etc.

    Sometimes I have to tell myself "Step away from the MFP!", when I start get annoyed by people completely focussed on, obsessed by, and stressed out by their looks.

    However, I don't usually comment - I don't know their history or journey, and it's their right to be..well...vain.
  • itsgracia
    itsgracia Posts: 35
    I dont have much to at 134 wanting to be 119 because that is the heaviest I can be at a healthy BMI. I just hide my jelly really well...hehe!
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    I wonder if maybe they just take great photos? just like a bunch of people already said lol i weighed 400 lbs when i started this a month ago and you couldnt tell from SOME of my pics... that i bet is what throws people off.

    You are so pretty!!! You look like a Kardashian! Love the hair in your pic.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    There are slim folks who want to be thinner and/or fitter. Nothing wrong with that. The last 5 pounds are just as important as the first 5.

    There are also people who have user pics that are old pics or are their kids or an anime character or a bear in the woods.

    edit: I can haz grammar.

    Oh... and my current use pic is me from 25ish pounds ago that I'm going to be returning to and surpassing. Another one have used is me at 8 years old.