Who reads books?



  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    I have no self control when it comes to a good book. If it is a compelling book, I will read it almost straight through if possible. At 3 in the morning, I will count the pages to the next chapter, thinking "this is my last one. I can stop at any time. i don't have a problem".

    that is so me. My husband will tell me he's heading to bed, I tell him I'll join after this chapter. Next thing I know it's 2-3 hours later and there are only a couple chapters left. And at that point I just need to finish.

    He actually had to tell me to slow down back in January! After getting and finishing my 12th book for the month right before my birthday on the 23rd and asking for a set for my birthday he told me I was reading to fast for him to pay for them LOL!
  • missbrandyp
    missbrandyp Posts: 34 Member
    I'm addicted to books. I read anything and everything and can never get enough. Luckily all my friends have gotten ereaders and have handed over most of their book collections to me so I'll never run out of books!

    I'm going to start reading through the 1001 books to read before you die.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :frown: I LOVE to read, but I know fewer & fewer of my Friends are readers.
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    These are very frightening stats and it really is hard to pinpoint the reason for why these are. I love to read and have always since I was little. I get plenty of books for Christmas and birthdays and anytime else throughout the year. I really think it is important to read to children at an early age and get them interested in it. Once school starts reading becomes 'work' and that is how children see it so they don't want to do it for fun.

    I am in grad school now to be a librarian so we have talked a lot about eReaders and they aren't seen as the end of the book (at least by some). I don't think they will completely replace books. As people who own eReaders have stated, they may have one but they still read books too. When I tell people I am in school to be a librarian, some will say to me "Why do you want to be a librarian, aren't libraries going to be obsolete eventually? Who goes to libraries? Who reads actual books?" (a doctor actually said this to me). Is that why libraries have withstood for centuries? Half the time I don't even know what to say because I am just dumbstruck of their ignorance.
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    Those stats are a little depressing arent they?
    I read heaps, its not often that I dont have a book on the go. But most people I know hardly read for pleasure or they are really slow readers.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm forever reading novels, I have always loved reading ever since I was just a little girl and I would rather read then socialize which I think is part of the reason why I don't have many friends my age because I would rather relax with a book then go out and party and because I don't trust many people. I have recently finished a book called the horse boy and have almost finished a book called damaged both are bibliographies. I hope that my daughters will love to read as much as what I do. :)
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i love reading. I dont get as much time to do it as i used to, and a book can take me a long time to finish these days, but i generally have one on the go
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I have no self control when it comes to a good book. If it is a compelling book, I will read it almost straight through if possible. At 3 in the morning, I will count the pages to the next chapter, thinking "this is my last one. I can stop at any time. i don't have a problem".

    I do that too. Except it's bitter sweet when I finish- because then it's over...

    When the Harry Potter books came out (*yes ok, I'll take the ****e about reading them*!) We bought 2 copies at midnight because both my husband and I read them. The last one, we stayed up all night and read until we finished- all 700+ pages. Which was dinner time the next day.... pitiful right..??!!
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    i love reading too ..frequent library user ( usually more than once a week!) and I love 'real' books too though I would have to admit I definitely prefer reading 'news' online-- really like being able to hyper-link, cross reference and not be depending on a single same news source day in day out.

    Don't have an eReader... but i think the kindles, iPads etc. are definitely the way of the future and we will be seeing more and more iTunes like distribution system taking stronger hold -- even for GRAPHIC NOVELS...
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    I have no self control when it comes to a good book. If it is a compelling book, I will read it almost straight through if possible. At 3 in the morning, I will count the pages to the next chapter, thinking "this is my last one. I can stop at any time. i don't have a problem".

    OMG me too. I say okay only 6 pages till chapter 29.I will finish this then go to bed....5 minutes later..."oh no want happened to the little girl...did she get kidnapped or did her father take her" so on to chapter 30 i go....

    This is an addiction. It's a serious addiction.
    I'm pretty sure it's genetic because my mother passed it to me and I to my son. :bigsmile: While I love printed books I got a Kindle for Vday this year and it's pretty fantastic. It's convenient and how else would I fit 30 books in my purse?
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I usally read 6 books a week.My son who is 15 reads alot also.We had to go to a parent teacher meeting because he was reading in class lol
    I love to read, I hit the library atleast once a week.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I love reading. I love the smell of bookstores and libraries. Lol. I could spend half a day easy browsing the half priced book store. I need to get a library card or a new bookshelf...I'm thinking library card would be more fiscally responsible. :tongue:

    Everyone in my family has Nooks and are just as avid of readers as I am. I used to leave my parents house with 5-10 of their already read books everytime I visited, it was like my personal library.....but now they both have Nooks so my free book line has dried up. *twitch* I'm still on the fence as far as getting an e-reader. It would be super convienient for travelling and such, but I still love the actual feel of a book. I'll probably do what others have done and get one, but still buy actual books as well.
  • Able0104
    Able0104 Posts: 23 Member
    I love books I have 2 big bookshelves covered in books from Wicked By Gregory McGuire, to romance, Mystery, I even have a few Non fiction books. I am with quite a few people on here I love the feel of a book the smell of a new just opened. I'm obsessed with books. Its sad not as many people read to their children its a joy! Books can take you places you never dreamed of going.
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    I loooovvveee reading! and so do my children! (my kids are 5 1/2 4 and 2 1/2) they 'read' on their own and I read to them from chapter books before they go to bed! I think everyone should read!!!! and yes i love holding a book in my hand the smell of a new book is intoxicating.....hmmmm i should go read instead of sitting on this comp!
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    My name is Mary and I am a book-a-holic. I will read anything I can get my hands on. I do love books, but I also love my Kindle. (I can hundreds of books with me when I travel. Try getting those in your carry-on.)

    My (grown) kids are all readers as well. When my oldest was in kindergarten (and he had already been reading for a couple of years) he had a teacher who was a recent college graduate and had done a bit of research on reading acquisition. She called my husband and I in to discuss an educational plan for him since he was so far ahead of the rest of the class. She was also curious as to how he came to reading so early. She assumed we read to him at an early age; we said yes. She went on to say that while this does help kids learn to read, it is not what motivates them to want to do so. Then she asked if either one of us was an avid reader. (We both are, but I am more so than my husband.) My husband rolled his eyes, looked at me and said "When she is reading, the house could burn down around her and she would not notice." "That's it!" she replied. Kids who see their parents engrossed in reading can't help but wonder what is so interesting to mommy (or daddy) and want to be able to find out for themselves. If mommy and daddy are instead spending their spare time watching TV or playing video games, then that is what kids want to be able to do. Makes perfect sense to me!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    This makes me sad. I read. A lot. It got to the point where the stacks of books on my nightstand kept getting out of control, so I broke down and replaced my nightstand with a small bookshelf. I'm not an ereader kind of gal. I think books are a whole sensory experience you will never get from an ereader.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Personally I think the kindle/nook present a disservice to parenting. You know how many times I told my kids I walked to school uphill both ways in 3 feet of snow carrying 6 pounds of school books.
    What will they have? "I remember walking to school with my Kindle.."
    You can stop right there.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I am a total book nerd and I've been this way since I learned how to read. I don't think I could ever switch to an ereader. I think the idea is great but I want the book in my hands and on my shelf. My favorite winter hobby is hunting thrift stores for books.

    Yes, I think it is sad that people aren't reading like they used to. Instead, their brains are being sucked out of their heads by Jersey Shore and Real Housewives.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    I love reading books. I tend to stay with non-fiction books (I'm a real dork), but I do like to read a good book from Koontz or King occasionally. I got the Kindle for Christmas this year, and I find myself reading even more now because of it. I love how I can sync it to my phone with the Kindle app, so I can read wherever I'm at when I have a chance.