for all you people who think you can choose fast food health



  • christinacherrelle
    christinacherrelle Posts: 27 Member
    I agree! To me fast food tastes like a big bunch of chemicals, so when I "splurge" I usually make something delicious from home that's ten times more satisfying!!
  • GLLove
    GLLove Posts: 77
    Fast food is a part of our culture. Kuddos to those who are at least trying to make better choices. But, it is a first step toward a healthier lifestyle, not an alternative to giving your body what it really needs. I hope that those who are looking for a way to keep your fast food lifestyle will eventually see and feel the difference between fast food and real food. The whole purpose of fast food is to make you spend your money. It's not about what is best for you or your body. They manufacture food to taste good, to look good, to make you want more, spend more. No one needs a 1000+ calorie "fourth meal", a "medium" 32 oz soda, or a wrapper full of "food" your body has to have a staff meeting to discuss how to process. So you are wasting your time and your money. If you need a bacon cheeseburger with fries, make it at home. At least then you can be sure what is and what isnt in it.
  • GLLove
    GLLove Posts: 77
    Oh. If you still arent convinced, stop eating fast food for 2 weeks then splurge. See what your stomach has to say about it.
  • GLLove
    GLLove Posts: 77

    And if I could find out what makes Sonic's iced tea so freakin good, I'd save a lot of money. That's my go-to spot and I'm somewhat obsessed with their tea. I've learned that eating their food, even if it fits just fine into my day, doesn't agree with me. It causes some inflammation in my joints and with my level of arthritis, its just not good. I was eating a Sonic meal weekly - once a week and being ok with it being unhealthy because it taste dang good! However, I'm going to have to try to reproduce that fantastic chicken toaster club at home because something in that sandwich doesn't agree with my joints. I'll still get my tea though, that's what I want on a bad day, its what I want when I'm stressed - I just wish my tea at home came out that good! That's what a fast food place can offer that I can't do myself. Not the sweet tea, but the normal, unsweet, iced tea. Its delicious.

    Idk about Sonic, but I heard that McDonald's puts 4 cups of sugar to the gallon of tea. :/ I'm from the South (pretty sure you probably are too) and I've never put that much sugar in my sweet tea. About a 1-1 1/2 cups to a gallon. I love it. So much that I wont even make it anymore. Cause I realized that if I have ANY alternative to water readily available, drinking my water goes to plan B quick.
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