super fat , working out is hard.. what are good ways to star



  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I use the cross trainer or treadmill, but just do it at my own pace. I use a variety programme, so sometimes you might be on an incline, and sometimes not. The more you do it, the better and fitter you will get. Just take it at your own pace to start with. This is YOUR weight loss journey, if you start doing it at his current pace, there is a risk that you may burn out, and not enjoy it.

    I am loving the gym, but am doing it at my own pace, and dont care that sometimes I'll be walking on the treadmill whilst others are running. I compete with myself only, and try to beat what I did last time, but if I have a bad day, I figure 30 mins on the treadmill at a slow pace is better than nothing, and therefore I wont try and beat my previous time.

    Good luck!

    PS Another option may be to buy him an iPod or something if you dont have a TV at your gym, and then he;ll focus on that, and not what you're doing!
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    I agree with what a lot of people are saying. I think you have to try different things like the treadmill, ellitpical, stationary bike and see what is easiest for you. The important thing is to keep moving. Your bf should applaud your efforts and recognize that just going to the gym is sometimes the hardest part. You get stronger as time goes on. I have health problems so I can't do a whole lot of things that put stress on my knees or feet but I do at least 15 minutes each time I go to the gym. I figure 100 calories burned is better than nothing and I have been getting stronger and been able to go longer over the last couple of months. The most important thing is you have to be doing this for you and you have to find what works for you! I believe that as long as you are always moving forward you are a success story...
  • annarface
    annarface Posts: 77 Member
    I started out on the elliptical. I could only do like 15 minutes max on level 1 at first, but it was a good start.

    I couldn't even do 2 minutes at level 1 when I started... And that WAS embarrassing, as I was 15 and should've been A LOT fitter.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    don't go on a machine near him, make sure you choose a machine where he isn't watching you... and go at your own pace.

    you should feel like you are going to drop from exhaustion, and it doesn't matter how much it takes to get you there, as long as you are pumping sweat out, you are doing great! if you aren't huffing and puffing and sweating, you aren't working hard enough, that's what i go by. it doesn't matter how much you can do, as long as you are working hard for your level.
  • cmmull67
    cmmull67 Posts: 170 Member
    Why dont you suggest you go for a walk on the weekend? Walking is the best place to start and you can make it interesting by having a destination to walk to! You can build up from there. If you start out too hard at the gym you will hate it!

    Ditto. Or find a park to stroll through. Having a pleasant setting makes it seem more like enjoyment rather than exercise. Plus, you spend time together, and can talk along the way. Before you know it, you have 30-6 mins of exercise out of the way, and it didn't even feel like exercise.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    When I started at the gym I was almost 200lbs. I did 10 mins on the elliptical, about 10 mins of stretching and about 30 mins of weight training. YOu gotta lift some weights too, dont just focus on the cardio part of it.

    Within about 2 weeks I built myself up to 20 mins on the elliptical, then 30 - you get the picture.

    Dont let any one push you beyond your limits, you will set yourself up for failure.

    My boyfriend and I are both in pretty good shape now and there is no way I could keep up with him on ANY machine even now, so dont sweat it.
  • georgiagorwell
    I know how you feel, im 235 and my bf is training to be a personal instructor....