A B*tchy Rant - not for the easily offended 'cuz I might be



  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    I have found there are people that ask for the 'secret' are divided. Some actually want to hear how you did it. The whole nine yards blood sweat and tears. The others they want to know what doctor you went to, what pill you took, or diet plan you followed. They are the ones that don't get it. You rock for knowing that it is about the blood sweat and tears! You rock even harder for living the lifestyle change! :drinker:

    I am a fluff stuff. I do cheer my MFP family on with comments like this, and some. I only hope that if they are offended as you have been that they tell me, or atleast delete me. :laugh:

    I do hope you feel better getting it all out. It makes this journey so much easier with out the emotional weights we carry. :flowerforyou:
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    You give us all things to ponder and think about! Some of your thoughts on the "healthy lifestyle" make me think of the poem/story about the "journey." When you are serous about becoming healthy there is no final destination that you have arrived at! It is just an ongoing journey that continues on and on. Some days the travel is easier, somedays very strenuous, sometimes you hit a detour or a dead end and have to back track to get back on the main road. I appreciate your honesty and thoughtfulness in how you conduct yourself....and thank you for inspiring me and others today :smile:
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Well, thanks to all. I appreciate all of the comments. And I *do* feel better... like a <wait for it, wait for it> .. .... .... weight has been lifted!

    Now back to the grindstone to make more of that "magic" happen!
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    HAHA this is so true. I have been 'selfish' now for a good number of years, and honestly believe it's the best way forward. Doesn't mean I wont do stuff to help others, but I refuse to put myself last on the list! Although I guess I'm not too good at keeping quiet, but I work on that.

  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I have found there are people that ask for the 'secret' are divided. Some actually want to hear how you did it. The whole nine yards blood sweat and tears. The others they want to know what doctor you went to, what pill you took, or diet plan you followed. They are the ones that don't get it. You rock for knowing that it is about the blood sweat and tears! You rock even harder for living the lifestyle change! :drinker:

    The latter piss me off soo much! :explode:
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    Very true! I give kudos because I needed them and got them... Now I gladly say WTG, or Good Job! even if it's not 100% warranted... Anything to keep the people I consider My Fitness Pals coming back for more.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    you've lost over 250 lbs, you have some credibility behind your rant, and I enjoyed reading it!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I love this! I read it and thought "I could have written this" with one exception: I do give kudos (not necessarily over being under calorie goal, etc.) but I like to be able to encourage others to keep with it both when it's going well for them and when it's not. You never know when one small word of encouragement was all that other person might have needed :)
  • hedleyrocks247
    hedleyrocks247 Posts: 185 Member
    I LOVED your "rant"!!!! And I completely agree!! Kudos to you for putting it out there and getting it off your chest!!
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    Seriously, you make d@mn good points. I get the same thing over and over: what are you doing?

    Well, what do you think I'm doing? I'm getting off my @ss every day/night and doing something. I'm not just watching "The Biggest Loser", crying in my Big Mac about how lucky they are and I wish I had a Jillian in my life. Boo-hoo-hoo. Get over it, get up, put down the twinkie, eat some wheat bread as opposed to white, and quit thinking a large Pepperoni from Dominos a couple of times a week is ok. It's not.

    Too funny and too RIGHT!!

    And no, it wasn't b*tchy at all. It was right ON. 259 lbs so far is just flat-out AMAZING progress. You are definitely an inspiration to your fellow MFP-ers. BRILLIANT progress and an awesome rant!!!
  • BeesKnees
    BeesKnees Posts: 25
    When I lost my weight before, I can not tell you how many times people asked me how I did it.The answer was exercise, and healthy eating-- it was never EVER the answer anyone wanted. They often looked at me like a liar.
  • cherilyn221
    cherilyn221 Posts: 62 Member
    Every morning, I have to self-talk myself into being active and making good food choices. Some days I succeed wildly, other days I fail miserably. The support I receive on MFP is invaluable - it keeps me going. As I said, this is not a quick fix. While my BF is wonderful, he does not understand food issues and is blessed with the metabolism of a gnat. He doesn't understand food-crazy. So, I cherish each of my buddies. And I cherish the community and support I receive. I hope I can continue being a support to others. But... there is no magic, there is no secret. It's just sweat, a few tears, a ton of planning, and a lot of determination.

    that... IS the secret
  • valz2000
    valz2000 Posts: 78 Member
    Love this... Found it through another thread and it was just what I needed today'
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You know what? I totally agree with you.

    Do you know how many messages or friend requests that say "How did you lose the weight? What's your secret? Oh, BTW you look great!".

    I did it by not eating as much and going to the gym. There. I said it. Plain and simple huh? Finally, I wrote a blog about my journey and encouraged people on my friend's list to read it. Honestly, I think one (or maybe 2) people actually read it. Why ask me and then not want to read what I've written?
    Oh. Because it isn't some secret pill that makes you lose 50lbs overnight. I have busted my *kitten* to get where I am today.

    Like the OP, I struggle with my food demons EVERY SINGLE DAY and working in a grocery store type setting does not help. I am constantly looking for healthier alternatives to the foods I know aren't as good for me and I need to limit (or cut out of my life).

    Another thing that drives me insane? Is what people will log as exercise. Come on, people. Walking to the mailbox is NOT a workout! And how did you come up with "Burned 25 calories walking to mailbox - slow pace". Puhlease. That's just silly. I want to read about genuine, hard working exercise - not walked upstairs once and burned 34 calories. GIVE ME A BREAK.

    Okay. I'm done.

    I wonder how many calories I burn when I'm typing out a rant? I should log those! ;0)
  • redhead91
    redhead91 Posts: 251
    You are a total inspiration. One day while I was logging my calories I accidentally hit the submit button after only putting in about 450 calories of food. I got about 5 people saying generic "WTG!" It pissed me off so bad. I deleted every person who did that. If I comment I make sure to actually READ the person's diary! Just saying!
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i feel cheated, i really wanted a good old fashioned up on the soap box waving flags wearing a sandwich board rant, and it was just a standard comon sense observation. i still liked it though its always god to be reminded of these things, i love the friends that comment on my diary because i know they actually read it and will comment accordingly if i have not commented on the reasoning behind it myself and vice versa, thanks guys!