Lose 5 Pounds a Month May 2011 Challenge



  • newprincess
    I'll give it a shot :)
  • ahsweetstuff
    ahsweetstuff Posts: 21 Member
    Count me in too!!
  • keisha_87
    keisha_87 Posts: 4
    Im going to start working on my 5 pounds starting today and hopefully I can lose alittle more than that ; )

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • blackbyrd61
    blackbyrd61 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm back!!!

    1 May ~ 197

    SW: 218 ~ (12/2010)
    GW: 160 ~ (12/2011)
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    Ok I'm in. Lets do it!
    But it's my birthday tomorrow so will probably eat cake and have a glass of wine! :wink:

    Weight on 1/5/11 127lbs. only want to lose another 5lbs and get fitter and more toned!

    Good luck guys!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Update: I worked through my lunch hour, but I did take a break mid-afternoon and went for a 25 minute walk. A small recovery victory! Technically, I still need to get at least 5 more minutes of exercise today, since my 'exercise everyday' challenge is a minimum of 30 minutes. Tomorrow, I plan to take my lunch break, and walk 45 minutes, although they're forecasting showers so I may end up at the gym.

    55tolose, I saw your post in the April challenge, and YES, I am totally up for getting to a solid 149 by the end of the month. Let's do it. You'll have to encourage me lots (i.e. drag me with you), since you're already several pounds ahead of me. Sounds like you've been working L-O-N-G days recently. Hope you're doing ok. I know my motivation disappears when I am stressed, so take care of yourself and stay on track.

    So, here are my goals in black and white, more for my own sake, so I can remind myself:
    - Increase protein intake
    - Eat mostly veggies and fruit for carb intake (limit breads, pastas, rice, etc. and avoid sugar and other junk),
    - Take my vitamin supplements (Omega-3, Omega-6, multivitamin and calcium)
    - Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I didn't check my weight yet to start the month. I had a bad week last week & then I worked my butt off all weekend without much water to get rid of the sodium intake. So I will weigh in tomorrow with my start for May. I know it won't be pretty but its my own fault. :sad:

    I'm in the 30,000 calories burn challenge by the end of May so I need to step it up & get my rear in gear! Good luck to everyone - so many newbies this month! YAY!
  • Tanydelangel
    I'm in!
  • kittycatcookie
    Yes, count me in!

    All ive lost THIS YEAR is 2 pounds!!!! I havent put anything on, but just on a plateau...

    Planning to drink 8 cups of water every day this week, and going to the gym every day after work....

    Fingers crossed!
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    I am In:
    Weight as of 5/1/2011 = 129 lbs.
  • ♥Lexi♥
    ♥Lexi♥ Posts: 126
    count me in!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Yay Im done with my second job a bit sooner than I thought : ) all of may I will have 4 days a week off completely! all I will have to do is english homework at my convienience : )

    Starting weight for may 152!!! *-AGAIN-*
  • WyoRed
    WyoRed Posts: 64 Member
    I am in, would like to say bye to 5 pounds to get me closer to goal weight.

    SW - 148.7 5/1/11
    GW - 135
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all.

    A little setback already. I think I have some sort of flu bug. I went to bed so achey last night and still feel a little achey this morning. A day to take it is a feel better. I rather be working out but have to feel good to to that right.

    Ok here are some parts of an article from a newsletter that come out from our local hospital. The article is entitled "Don't let your eating patterns control you."

    Are you eating for the right reasons? Is it nutrition or comfort?

    In this age of abundance, where we are confronted at every turn with highly processed foods, more and more people are overeating. Many people are eating for the wrong reason. Their food consumption has taken on an addictive pattern that masks deep psychological issues.

    There is not an accepted medical definition of food addiction, but is is present when someone is overwhelmed by their cravings for food and have lost the ability to regulate their food consumption.

    The biochemistry is similar to that associated with alcohol and drug addiction. Today's foods are engineered with fats, salts, and sugars to appeal to the brain's pleasure centers. When food becomes your primary source of comfort you have a problem.

    Women seem to be more susceptible than men to a food addiction. Some warning signs of an addictive pattern are:

    :heart: Being obsesses with meal preparation, food shopping recipe collecting.
    :heart: Eating in secret
    :heart: Hiding and hoarding food.
    :heart: Feelings of guilt over eating patterns
    :heart: Requiring food for comfort
    :heart: Exhibiting strong physical cravings for food,


    If cannot do this on your own it may be helpful to work with both a nutritional therapist and a behavioral therapist to get a handles on a pattern that will eventually compromise a person's health. People need to observe the habits and develop strategies to control their use of food. Strategies include having a structured meal plan and controlling portions, learning to cope with cravings and avoiding situations where you will be tempted.


    Reserve at least 20 minutes for each meal

    Eat while sitting down

    Chew food well, don't inhale it

    Put your fork down between bites

    keep food out of your car, don't eat while driving

    be present while eating

    take time to taste the food and take in the whole dining experience

    Just some things for you to ponder as you work on your eating today.

    Make it a healthy day!

  • leslieanna15
    I'm a little late but I'm in!!
    5/1 - 126
    I want to lose 10 pounds by my birthday (June 12) so I'm hoping for a little more than 5 :)
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

    Thanks for the article - interesting. I'm not much on "Being obsessed with meal preparation, food shopping recipe collecting" but some of the others seem to fit. Thing is, you can (and probably should) live without alcohol, drugs, cigaretts, etc... but you can't live without food. You can start out focusing on eating healthy foods for NOURISHMENT RATHER THAN COMFORT but, unless you really really really dig into the emotional reasons for over eating and deal with them, the bad habits slip back in. and that can be tough to face sometimes. I almost think it's easier to just turn your back on something completely (like giving up cigaretts or alcohol cold turkey) than it is to do the hard work to face the issues.

    It's nice to have this group to support us in this effort though. If we offer each other encouragement and hold each other accountable, I think we can do it!

  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Lets hope this works.
    Im up a few lbs over spring break, gotta get em off NOW!

    SW 5-1: 133

    Looking forward to 128 on 6-1! :drinker:
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    I'm in. Been kinda stuck on a plateau, so hoping some added motivation from the group will push me in the right direction! :smile:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Good article, Terri. Thanks for sharing.

    It's alarming (but not surprising) that I can say "YES" to 3 of the warning signs to having an addictive pattern. Food has always been a focal point in everything I've done. Family/friend get togethers...what are we eating; who's bringing what. Conversations...any good recipes, good restaurants. Watching TV - Food Network!

    I'm going to work in May on becoming a mindful eater. The ones that jumped out at me...reserve 20 minutes for each meal; eat while sitting down; put your fork down between bites.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Ok I finally weighed in this morning for my May starting weight. I knew it wouldn't be pretty!

    May 3rd: 195.2 lbs :explode: Apparently my scale thinks I've gained 5 lbs in a week. Grrrrr...... :noway:

    Here's to getting my groove back!