New Couch to 5K (C25k) - Challenge Starting May 2



  • IngeborgB
    IngeborgB Posts: 27
    W2D2 completed this morning. So W1D1 wasn't so bad, and I felt good after it Sunday. Today I got the (not so) brilliant idea to try it outside. Granted its humid and windier than all get out, but I did it. I wanted to die, but I successfully did it. Definitely not as fast as on the TM that I got up to 5.8.... 6.0 was just WAY to fast for my short little legs. I think I may stick with the TM until I can go longer. I don't know, we'll play it by ear.

    So here's what I've discovered. My legs/feet/endurance isn't the problem. It's the feeling like someone is taking a sledge hammer to my side that I can't stand. Which is also why I've never liked running before. Any one have any solutions for this? Cause it's annoying as all get out.

    Alright it's finals week so I've procrastinated enough. Have a great day everyone!

    Do you mean like a side stitch? (haha, I had to look up the word in english so I hope this is the right word now!)

    I can get them very rarely if I have eaten to close to exercising. Usually it helps if i focus more on my breathing. Like breathing in beat with your steps. If your breath is uneven, i think that can cause it, so try to focus on brething evenly and in beat with your step next time it happens. Good luck!

    Also, I am planning on doing W2D2 tonight. Posting it here, so now i have to do it!
  • skemery
    skemery Posts: 100
    Did W2D3 today, after doing day 2 yesterday. Doing it 3 days in a row was definitely a mistake. I felt like my legs wouldn't cooperate, and the headwind was brutal. I don't know how this is going to work this summer, it was only 70 degrees this morning but the humidity made it hard to breathe.

    Average HR: 140
    Max HR: 181
    Total time: 45 minutes
  • IngeborgB
    IngeborgB Posts: 27
    W2D2 done. Sooo hard today. A lot harder than monday. Hope it is better next time, or I will consider staying on this week for another week.

    But hey, at least I did it!
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    Need some motivation guys only did my run on Sunday and haven't been out since. How is everyone getting theirf motivation
  • jenkins1103
    jenkins1103 Posts: 50 Member
    I am currently do the same program..Currently on week 3..Will give support... if you need anything just ask.

    Good Luck
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    Just did week 2 day 2 done and dusted need to remember how good I feel after it so I will harshly do it after work on Saturday. Found it easier this time :-)
  • amazing_grace♥
    Week1 Day 3 done this morning!!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    W2D1 completed yesterday!! It felt pretty good. I really tried to push. I used my Cardiotrainer app to monitor myself while I ran.
    Went 2.23 miles total and burned about 330 calories!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    So I kinda went off schedule and did my w2d1 sorta yesterday and plan to do w2d2 tonite if I can...
  • iowagirl09
    iowagirl09 Posts: 23
    Finished W2 this afternoon. It felt pretty. W3, I'm coming for you! :)
  • jase111
    jase111 Posts: 83
    Week 2 day 3 DONE. Struggled a bit during the last 2 runs. Next week will be very interesting.
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    W2D2 complete. It was a little tough on me today. It's cold out and my muscles were a little stiff. But I completed 2.17 miles, highest 6.9MPH, lowest at 2.0 MPH and an average of 4.1MPH. I burned about 291 calories. Hoping I can push harder for D3 this Sunday! Have a great weekend ladies and gents!!!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey, done week two this week and has been okay, although am a bit bored of running. Any ideas to not get bored? I have my ipod in but its not distracting me enough. Next week will be a problem, the treadmill at my gym is broken and will only let you use it for 15 minutes, before it dies, and has to rest for 20 mins! Its just a small gym in my condo, so only one treadmill. No one else ever in there though (uh oh, just realised that means I'VE broken the treadmill...) Refuse to run outside as its 36 degrees C and I'd die!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    W2D3 just finished!!! I did 2.29 miles. Avg running speed 7.9 and walking 4.1. This HURT but I'm glad I pushed through. Excited to see what W3 has in store! Happy Sunday everyone!!!
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    I am doing it right now but through my treadmill. I have an ifit live TM that offers training for events. I will be doing session 6 day after tomorrow.
    Good luck!
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    You can do it guys!!! :)

    I am midway through week 6 and I have NEVER been a runner. I survived week 5 and have been thriving in the program. Sure, I was outrun by a pregnant woman last week, but hey, I'm running! :)
  • ShawnaMama
    ShawnaMama Posts: 105 Member
    I did W3D1 yesterday! I was quite nervous, wasn't sure I could run for 3 mins....but I did it! It seemed to go a lot faster for me than the previous weeks, too.
  • IngeborgB
    IngeborgB Posts: 27
    Did W3D1 this morning. Went way better than I expected it to!!

    How are you all doing?
  • jase111
    jase111 Posts: 83
    Did W3D1 this morning. Went way better than I expected it to!!

    How are you all doing?

    Not gonna lie, I was struggling during the 3 minute runs. Had to lower the speed on the treadmill to a 5.5 from my usual 6.0 runs.
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    I did W3D1 yesterday! I was quite nervous, wasn't sure I could run for 3 mins....but I did it! It seemed to go a lot faster for me than the previous weeks, too.

    I'm nervous about W3! I do D1 tomorrow! EEK!