a new competition



  • stacesand
    stacesand Posts: 63 Member
    Yesterday sounds great! I have some days where I do really well, some days not quite as well, and then some days I feel like crap because of one meal I ate. But I know its a slow process. I've also been so frustrated because i've been here a couple of months and I've lost about 1 pound. I used to be on a low carb high protein diet, but now have switched to more healthy, low fat foods. I don't know if my body is still trying to adjust to such an extreme diet change or? I keep trying though. I get discouraged for a bit and then keep working toward my healthy goal. Good luck. Keep us posted so we can encourage you along the way!
  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    Yesterdays Goal met.


    Breakfast 1/2 a penut butter sandwitch 2 cups coffee, 1 serving yogart
    Lunch a boul homemade cabige soup, 1 cup HM vegie stew
    snake carrots
    Dinner HM potatos and meatballs

    Exercise 30 min DVD

    Tomorrow is Friday, My Dr. apt
  • zoepane
    zoepane Posts: 209
    Count me in, I need a kick in butt, please explain when is weigh in, ect ect Zoe
  • sl8on
    sl8on Posts: 22
    Well holiday weekend is here and you all know what that means. :laugh: Parties & FOOD. :drinker: Be strong (I'm going to try). Weigh in this morning was 164 lbs (just like last week). Eberybody have a safe and fun weekend.
  • stacesand
    stacesand Posts: 63 Member
    Well, no change this week. Actually I haven't had an change in several weeks. My bf thinks I should talk to the doctor about my thyroid when I go back. I've changed from a low carb high protein diet to actually eating the way you should. I thought my body had to adjust to such an extreme change...but I would have thought my body has had time to adjust. Any thoughts?

    Oh, weight: 219
  • BLammi
    BLammi Posts: 34
    Hi everyone,
    Zoepane - we weigh in every Friday morning, I think this is the second weigh-in for the month. We've set goals for ourselves, and are trying to meet those goals by the end of the month. You're more than welcome to join!

    Stacesand - I really don't know what could be going on with you. If you're meeting your daily calories etc... you would think the weight would come off. Maybe you should mention this to your doc?

    As for me - I'm :grumble: up one pound. Not very happy about it . . . but here's to next week!
  • pack533
    pack533 Posts: 224
    I weighed in this morning.

    Still at 208lb :grumble:
    Not sure what I have changed but something is not working.

    Oh well:ohwell: Next week will be better.

    GOOD LUCK EVERYONE:flowerforyou:

  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    It's ok Pack, I am back at the starting weight this week. 135.

    I hope to lose a pound this next week and be more regular with my exercise.
  • pros696
    pros696 Posts: 80
    I will join in (although I am going for inches and not so much weight(that falls with the inches though))
  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    I'm still the same at 243:drinker:
    Heres to next week.
  • Steffykins
    Steffykins Posts: 176
    Starting weight: 134.8lbs
    Current weight: 132.0lbs
    Loss: 2.8lbs :drinker:

    I think I'm losing water weight from last week, I've been hovering around this weight for a while, so hopefully next week will see me waving goodbye to the 130s! Hope everyone has a lovely weekend :flowerforyou:
  • Starting Weight - 125
    Today's Weight - 124.8

    Drum Roll Please........a whopping 2 ounces.......

    Oh well, there's always next week.
  • my starting weight was 159 my new weight is 158.
    I lost one pound, but honestly cheated a bunch this week:laugh: I'm just surprised that I didn't gain:blushing:

    SOOOO.... Next week i'm down to business, staying in my calories and working out, I hope to lose my two pounds maybe one more:smile::bigsmile: :smile:
  • In addition, I just wanted to add that I was reading everyone's comments and everyone seems so sad:cry: I just wanted to say, that what we are doing (not this competition) is wonderful, we could just ignore the problem-but instead we are taking a positive approach to fixing our weight gain.

    I just wanted to say that I think that each of you are amazing, and keep up the good work!

    -ON a side note since this is a competition, I thought that I would warn you all that this next week, I'm going to work extra extra hard, so be afraid, be very afraid!:laugh:
  • keileye
    keileye Posts: 12
    well i finally got my new scale :bigsmile: ... so I adjusted my starting weight ... 156lbs
    Goal: 120lbs (1-2lbs / week)
    Today 153.4lbs (not bad 2.6 sounds good to me =)
    Total loss = 2.6 lbs
  • petunia
    petunia Posts: 336 Member
    ok gang... I FINALLY BROKE 180!!!!!!!!! WAHOO!!

    I was 179 as of this morning, so I am one happy camper.. that puts me down 2 pounds from last week... :drinker:

    everyone hang in there... we are all doing great!
  • chubbymom
    chubbymom Posts: 164
    I know I'm late on this but I did weigh this morning so here it is..

    8/29/08 CW: 243.8
    Goal 223.8 by 10/20/08

    So we weigh every Friday correct? Am I okay to still join?
  • yup you are more than welcome to join, and yup we do weigh ins on Friday, we did our first one last friday and we'll finish up this competition september 26th, so good luck and welcome:wink:
  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    Hi everyone I just wanted to let you all know I went to see the Dr. yesterday and acording to her scal I had lost 12 pounds in the last month, when I went there a month ago a was 118 kg and yesterday I was 112 kg. So today I tock my scal to the Dump!!!!:angry: I was really mad at my scal:mad: and now its gone, she wants to see me again in 4 weeks :ohwell:

    Wish me luck!!!

    Oh and I wont weigh in every friday now becuz I have no scal, but I will still let you all no how I'm doing every friday, and give you my weight on Oct 2 or 3ed after I seen my Dr.

    My start weight ~~~~~~~~~118 kg

    My weight Sept 29th ~~~~ 112 kg

    Next weigh in Oct 3ed~~~~
  • innocent75
    innocent75 Posts: 57 Member
    Weight: 224lb
    Height: 6'3"

    No matter who loses the most weight, we all win by getting in shape... it's a win-win competition. I'll buy anyone who want a box of Ho-Ho's :tongue:
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