Ideal size for tall girls?

I am 6' and have been up and down the scale my whole life. I got to my lowest weight at this height three years ago when I was just about fitting into some size 16s at the Gap and almost 14s at Old Navy (their sizes run large, right?).

I love beautiful clothes but it seems that my ideal size is not within the range of most designers.

So, just curious--for those of you who have been/are tall and at a good weight, what size are you? I met a woman once who was my height, ran every day and had a gorgeous figure and she said she wore a size 16. Rodarte doesn't come in size 16!!


  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    Hello! I am a fellow tall girl (barely under 6 feet) and at the smallest I have been 160. I weighed in on Monday and was 199, my starting weight was 240. I went from a size 18 to 14 and have just under 30 pounds to go. My goal weight is 170. I am not sure what size that is but looking at me and my build it is doable. So I don't really have an answer for you. Sorry but that is where I am and where I am going. I can't see going any smaller than a 10-12 realistically. :flowerforyou:
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    When I was tooooo thin- dangerous I wore a 4-6 5'10 1/2 === I think i look best in a 12-14 and you are right- try to find something classy in that size--- Lane Bryant occasionally will have some stylish things as does Lands End (more casual) and they have them in talls-other than that I am always looking for places to shop for my poor 35 inch inseams!!!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    You've got a few inches on me, I'm 5'9-10" ish but I wear a 4/6. I always thought I was 'big boned' until I lust all the fat from around those bones.
    Best wishes.
  • peytjalmom
    I m 6 ft and the smallest I've ever been is a size 12 I think, maybe 10, but I feel I was too thin then. I think now my goal is to fit size 14.
  • emelledy
    emelledy Posts: 1
    I am 5'9 and currenly weigh 155. I am working on getting down to 150 which is where I normally reside and honestly feel more comfortable. I was always taller growing up and through the years have just decided it is how my clothes fit and setting personal goals for myself.
  • MrsHilgert
    MrsHilgert Posts: 33 Member
    I am 6 ft tall and was 159 when I was 19. A few years ago, after 4 kids I had reached 230. I am currently down to 186 and can wear size 14. Sometimes 14 is a bit loose on me. I also went from an XL shirt to a LG, sometimes. It really just depends on your body shape and there are lots of brands that I still can't fit a 14. Being this tall is not easy.
  • stitcherbeth
    When I was tooooo thin- dangerous I wore a 4-6 5'10 1/2 === I think i look best in a 12-14 and you are right- try to find something classy in that size--- Lane Bryant occasionally will have some stylish things as does Lands End (more casual) and they have them in talls-other than that I am always looking for places to shop for my poor 35 inch inseams!!!

    My daughter is has a 37 inch inseam and gets her jeans at That is the only place we could find them.
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    I am 6 ft tall and was 159 when I was 19. A few years ago, after 4 kids I had reached 230. I am currently down to 186 and can wear size 14. Sometimes 14 is a bit loose on me. I also went from an XL shirt to a LG, sometimes. It really just depends on your body shape and there are lots of brands that I still can't fit a 14. Being this tall is not easy.

    SOOOO TRUE!!!! People always want to be tall... if they only knew!
  • betterthanmama
    betterthanmama Posts: 57 Member
    my skinny friends from volleyball are 5'10-6' and wear 6-8ish. And they look skinny. I think a normal clothing size would be in the upper areas (10-14 ish?) of normal woman's clothing. They also work out and have muscle so they aren't stick thin, but look skinny in a hot way :)

    On jean length, I find "designer" is much longer then regular major brands like express and limited. You can get a lot of designer on sale at marshals, nordstrom rack, or even during the sales of the nicer department stores. I also remember borrowing a pair of jeans from one of the girls above and she got hers from Pacsun. don't bother with Jr.s because they are a lot shorter.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Hey fellow stretch :) I'm 6' too. I typically go down a pant size every 10#. I remember a couple years ago when I hit 182#, I was a very comfy size 10 and could zip and wear out of the house (but not comfy) a size 8.

    It's so different for everyone tho. A friend of mine is 6' tall as well, and even tho she's REALLY thin, she still wears a size 12 jeans. I was like WHAT???? I mean, serious, at 205 big fat pounds, I'm a size 12. I can't understand how she's a size 12 when she's like, 'look at my collar bone and vertebra' skinny.
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    It really depends on if you have a little curves or no *kitten* at all! I would say most people are 10-12 at a comfortable weight they can manage without being bulimic or anorexic or over the top. If you want to live your life on appetite suppressants and laxatives maybe a 6 but it's not ideal or needed. Most people look very beautiful and sexy at a 10-12 if they are tall!
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    My daughter is 6'2 and weighs 190 (takes after my husband) and she typically wears a 12. The issue she has is finding clothes that are long enough in the torso and sleeves. There is a Long Tall Sally a couple of hours away and they have fun stuff (the store caters more to women than teenagers).
  • mmagrini
    mmagrini Posts: 2 Member
    Yeah you never know what is ideal anymore. I am 5'9" and at 169 with a goal of 160. My goal was originally 150 but that would look too dam skinny on my frame. And with having muscle tone, you're liable to weigh more anyways.
  • MrsHilgert
    MrsHilgert Posts: 33 Member
    I am just loving that there are so many tall gals out there. I've always felt a little odd. And I'm learning from your posts, that every body type is so different, even at 6 ft tall!
  • LuvsToSpin
    LuvsToSpin Posts: 52 Member
    I too am a 6' tall girl....well 49 yr old woman actually. My smallest size was a 14 back in my early 20's, but when I see pictures of me from back then, I am appalled at just how think I was - it wasn't pretty. I was eating healthy, but I worked out ALL THE TIME back then. Of course when I got married, and later had a child I never got back to that level of fitness.

    Now I am 49 yrs old, post menopausal, and after 3 abdominal surgeries (C-section, gall bladder & hysterectomy at the age of 38), my body has definitely changed.

    After 18 years of raising my daughter and being involved in the band boosters, sports boosters, theatre boosters for all of her activities, she is grown and it's time to take care of myself again.

    I am hoping to go from my current size 20 to a very comfortable size 16. I know that I cannot reach the size 14 again because of age and body build, but a nice fit, lean 16 would make me happy. I was a size 16 when I got married 23 years ago and I looked really good than, so that is what I am working toward.

    I will say that it is nice to know that there are more tall girls out there like me who have weight to lose, for some reason everyone thinks because a girl is 6' tall she is super model skinny.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    It probably has a lot to do, also, with where you carry your weight. I carry mine ALL in my stomach. It's disgusting. I really think that even when I'm down to goal weight of 165#, which, if my body stays true to form and drops a pant size every 10#, would put me around a size 6, I'll still have a tube of lard hanging off the front of me. It's the strangest thing ever. I refer to my stomach as my 'drop gut'. I dont know if it's genetics or the super mega tight spandex jeans from the 1990's that I used a pair of plyers to zip up every morning before school, but my stomach is straight up WEIRD looking. LIke I have two stomachs. Sigh. I just dont know. Maybe one day when I make it to goal, I will be able to see that thing gone, but honestly, I really think all I'm going to see is a deflated flap of skin where an inflated tube of lard used to be.

    And what the hell is up with the Domino's Pizza ad on the top of this page? LOL Time to turn the ad blocker back on!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I'm 5'10 and weigh 136 (1 lb away from goal!!) At my smallest, I was 125 during college. My dr and family told me that was too thin. I wear a size 6 though those and now getting a little baggy. I am really happy with where I am and my goal now is to get toned.e

    I also want to add in response to a previous post. I do not and have not ever lived my life on appetite suppressants or laxatives. I have a normal sized frame and my whole family is very tall and thin. Being thin and tall is not a bad thing and it should not be assumed that those who are, are not living a healthy lifestyle.
  • Calidaho
    Calidaho Posts: 110 Member
    Wow! Thanks for the input! This reminds me of a discussion I heard on "vanity sizing" which explains why you can wear a size 10 in one brand or a size 6 in another (well, not many of us tall girls but you know what I mean).

    I may never fit into Rodarte but, who am I kidding thinking I would buy very many $600 skirts (or any)? It would be fun to shop the Barney's warehouse sale with my shorter friends, though :)
  • Calidaho
    Calidaho Posts: 110 Member
    It really depends on if you have a little curves or no *kitten* at all! I
    :laugh: I have a serious flat butt--I had a roommate who called mine a bu- because it is so flat.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I stand at 5'8, currently weigh 165 and wear anywhere between a size 6 and size 10 depending on brand and style.
    If its a skinny/straight legged jean its a 10. Essiantal Gap Jeans a size 8 and Gap Long and Lean a size 6. It's such a pain because I can never ever just pick a pair of jeans off the shelf and know that they will fit.. I always have to try them on.

    With that being said, at my current weight of 165 I think that I am too big and am currently trying to drop another 15 pounds to get down to 150. There I think would be an ideal weight for me and anything lower, I'd look to much like a bean pole :)