Lose 5lbs+ in May!! YES WE CAN!!



  • bri293
    bri293 Posts: 92
    I've been doing the crunches but I still haven't tried something new... I guess I should hurry up because the week is almost over! Overall I feel like I've been doing really well this week... getting a lot of excercise in and eating pretty well. I hope this is going to be my week for a good loss!
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    ...I hope I finally lost that "lil bit o weight" I gained...and getting back on track.. :tongue:
  • Cusegirl1992
    Cusegirl1992 Posts: 124
    Have been doing my crunches, the later part of the week, and still trying to incorporate the 10 pushups. Haven't gotten there. But, I am doing 6 pushups non-modified. I mowed the lawn this morning and did some additional gardening and then my wonderful husband made homemade salsa! I think I'm going to have to do more crunches and pushups! YIKES! Fingers crossed for Monday's weigh-in!
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    thanks for letting me join in this...
    05/08= 179lbs.....
    05/15= 178
    05/22= 181.2====yuck!!!! no excuses!!!!!
    good luck to everyone for next week!!!!
  • mosaix
    mosaix Posts: 87 Member
    It was my weigh in day yesterday & I won't be able to get online tomorrow, so thought I'd post my stats today.

    Name/ real name: Mosaix/Mara
    Goal weight on May 31st: 212lbs - beaten May 21st :drinker:
    Reviewed goal weight for May 31st - 209lbs

    05/01: 220lbs
    05/09: 215.6
    05/16: 214.7
    05/23: 211.2 FTW!!

    I am very happy this week. I've lost 3.5lbs, which means I've met my goal of losing 8lbs!! I'm thinking I'll up my goal to lose 10lbs by 31st May.
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    It was my weigh in day yesterday & I won't be able to get online tomorrow, so thought I'd post my stats today.

    Name/ real name: Mosaix/Mara
    Goal weight on May 31st: 212lbs - beaten May 21st :drinker:
    Reviewed goal weight for May 31st - 209lbs

    05/01: 220lbs
    05/09: 215.6
    05/16: 214.7
    05/23: 211.2 FTW!!

    WTG!!!!!! NICE JOB!!!

    I am very happy this week. I've lost 3.5lbs, which means I've met my goal of losing 8lbs!! I'm thinking I'll up my goal to lose 10lbs by 31st May.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Great success!!

    05/01: 139.2
    05/09: 138.8
    05/16: 136.8 <<<goal of 136-137>>> goal met!! (Hello pre-baby#2 weight, and goodbye "overweight" category)
    05/23: 134.8 (yea! I'm in my goal range for the challenge AND I'm at my pre-kids weight!!)
    05/31: <<<goal of 134-135>>>
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    Great success!!

    05/01: 139.2
    05/09: 138.8
    05/16: 136.8 <<<goal of 136-137>>> goal met!! (Hello pre-baby#2 weight, and goodbye "overweight" category)
    05/23: 134.8 (yea! I'm in my goal range for the challenge AND I'm at my pre-kids weight!!)
    05/31: <<<goal of 134-135>>>

    nice JOB!!!!!
    way to stick with it!!1
    truly inspiring!!!
  • supermom4abcd
    supermom4abcd Posts: 151 Member
    Name: DeAnn

    Goal weight on May 31: 151

    05/01: 156.3
    05/09: 154.1
    05/16: 153.4
    05/23: 151.2

    Tomorrow is going to be so busy so I'm checking in today. It was a good loss. I FINALLY WEIGH LESS THAN MY SON! Yea! I am half-way to my goal.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    5/01 199.5
    5/09 199.0
    5/16 198.0
    5/23 196.0
  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
    Name/ real name: Chancie/Angie

    Goal weight on May 31st: 161

    05/01: 169.2
    05/09: 168.4
    05/16: 168.4
    05/23: 166.0

    ok so I won't meet my goal this month but that's ok. If just need to lose 1 more pound to be at 40 pounds lost so I'll take that !
    good luck in this last week of thew month everyone!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Name/ real name: bmfrazie/ Belinda

    Goal weight on May 31st: 128

    05/01: 135.4
    05/09: 136.8
    05/16: 134.6
    05/23: ARGH I hate how one bad meal can make me gain so much! Yesterday I was 133.4 and today I am 135.6
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Name/ real name: getfitdiva/Tamara

    Goal weight on May 31st: 132 lbs

    05/01: 137 lbs
    05/09: 137.2 lbs
    05/16: 136.6 lbs
    05/23: 134.6 lbs

    Happy it's coming down!
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    Name/ real name: kamk/Kami

    Goal weight on May 31st: 136

    05/01: 141.0lbs So frustrated that I haven't seen the 130's yet
    05/09: 141.0lbs Well haven't changed but that's ok I did see a peek of the 130's yesterday so hopefully next week I will have a loss. Yesterday was not a real good eating day splurged for Mother's day and my birthday.
    05/16: 139.0lbs down 2lbs I am a happy woman:)
    05/23: 138.8lbs not a great loss this week but it was a bad week I have been eating lots of junk and missed fitness center about 4 days in a row my daughter graduated this weekend from high school and we had a party and I ate cake and cookies and didn't find time for the fitness center hopefully back at it this week and will see bigger loss next week I also haven't been getting very much sleep lately:(
  • DJ31
    DJ31 Posts: 64 Member
    Name/ real name: DJ31 / Donna

    Goal weight on May 31st: 154

    05/01: 160
    05/09: 163
    05/16: 159
    05/23: 155!! One pound to go.
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    Maher2006/ Tammy
    Goal weight for 5/31 = 135
    05/01: 140 (starting weight)
    05/09: 138.8 <--soo happy to FINALLY be in the 130s again!! Now I feel really motivated to keep it going since im seeing positive changes!!
    05/16: 139..still happy to be in the 130s..i know i need to work out more. only got to the gym 1 time this week, but didn't eat terrible.
    05/23: 137.2 <--woohoo :)
  • holdthefries
    holdthefries Posts: 514 Member
    Noodlespoon / Daisy
    Goal Weight This Month: 195

    May 1: 203.8
    May 9: 202.4
    May 16: 198.4
    May 21: 196.6
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    Name/ real name: LoveleeB/ Brittany

    Goal weight on May 31st: 145lbs

    05/01: 152 lbs
    05/09: 151lbs
    05/16: 149.3 lbs (YAY in the 140's)
    05/23: 149.0 lbs (Wish it was more)
  • abbyko
    abbyko Posts: 108
    Name/ real name: Abbyko / Abby

    Goal weight on May 31st:

    05/01: 214
    05/09: 211
    05/16: 210.4
    05/23: 206.4
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    Erzille <Yvie> May 31st goal: 134
    May 1: 139.6
    May 9:142.2 (Ugg!)
    May 16: 140
    May 23: 139.2
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