Lose 5lbs+ in May!! YES WE CAN!!



  • Cusegirl1992
    Cusegirl1992 Posts: 124
    Name/Real Name: Cusegirl1992/Martha

    Goal Weight on May 31st: 140
    05/01: 149
    05/09: 147.4
    05/16: 146.8
    05/23: 146.2

    Don't know that I'm going to make my monthly goal....:(
  • azachery
    azachery Posts: 45 Member
    Congratulations! Keep up the great work!
  • azachery
    azachery Posts: 45 Member
    Name/Real Name: azachery/ Alena

    Goal Weight on May 31st: 175
    05/01: 187
    05/09: 186
    05/16: 182
    05/23: 180
  • bri293
    bri293 Posts: 92
    Name/ real name: Bri293

    Goal weight on May 31st: 136 (down 5 pounds)

    05/01: 141.0
    05/09: 140.5
    05/16: 140.2
    05/23: 139.9

    I wish that it was a bigger loss but I'm still super excited to finally be in the 130's! I hope I keep it off! I'm not going to reach my goal for the month, but I'm hoping for a decent loss next week since my progress has been slow!
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    05/01: Start Weight 186.2
    05/09: 180.2
    05/16: 176
    05/23: 173.8
  • linemansgirl
    linemansgirl Posts: 152
    Name/ real name: linemansgirl/Mandy

    Goal weight on May 31st: 150

    05/01: 159.5
    05/09: 158
    05/16: 158
    05/23: 158

    I'm on a bit of a plateau this month, but I am okay with that. I am almost at goal, so it isn't a huge shock. I have been changing things up with no success so far, but I am hopeful that the scale will move this week. I am a daily weigher, it really helps me to stay on track. I have seen 157.5 a couple times, but never on weigh-in day! I am reevaluating trying to get all of the way down to 150. My original goal was 155, and I will probably just try to get down to 152-153 for some extra cushion for now.
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    Name/ real name: atrayubrandy

    Goal weight on May 31st: 145

    05/01: 150.6
    05/09: 154
    05/16: 151.6
    05/23: 151.6

    Well, this basically bites. I've totally lost my motivation and my self control.
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Name/ real name: Sundance2032 or Allyson

    Goal weight on May 31st: 140

    05/02: 147.4...
    05/09: 149 (145)
    05/16: 146.6 (143)
    05/23: 146.0... :noway: :explode: :angry: :mad: :cry: (142)
    05/31: (140)
  • xxx29
    xxx29 Posts: 60 Member
    Name/Real Name: jk29/Judy
    Goal Weight on May 31st: 188
    05/02 * : 194
    05/09 : 196
    05/16: 196
    05/23: 191 WOOOHOOOO 20 pounds total since November.

    Finally, a "normal" weekend. Next weekend, I'm going home, so may not be where I want to be on the 31st, but I'm better than I was on the 1st.

    Sleeping...not so good. Still getting between 4 and 7 hours.
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Name/ real name: kcthatsme

    Goal weight on May 31st: 164

    05/01: 169.4 (starting weight)
    05/09: 168.6
    05/16: 167.4
    05/23: 165.8
  • amydanell
    amydanell Posts: 25
    I could really use the motivation as well!!! I hope I lose more than 5 though.

    Name/ real name: amydanell / amy

    Goal weight on May 31st: 185

    05/01: 190

    I reached my goal! I am now at 183
  • linemansgirl
    linemansgirl Posts: 152
    I was down two pounds to 156 this morning, so I should have a better number next week!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • RenaeMG
    RenaeMG Posts: 19
    Name/ real name: RenaeMg/Renae
    Goal weight on May 31st: 193lbs
    05/01: 200
    05/09: 197.5
    05/16: 197
    05/24: 197

    this month is just not going well at all. so discouraging.
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Name/ real name: Picky_nikki/Nikki

    Goal weight on May 31st: 165

    05/01: 175
    05/09: 173
    05/16: 174.5
    05/20: 173
  • archers
    archers Posts: 24 Member
    Name/ real name: archers/Pat

    Goal weight on May 31st: 199

    05/01: 210
    05/09: 209
    05/16: 208.6
    05/23: 209.4
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Another week down, some of you are doing amazing!! This is our last week, and you have a little longer to weigh in and get closer to your goal. Weigh in is next on the 31st. (You can use your Monday weigh-in for this if you prefer!) Please have all weights in by Tuesday at noon pacific time, and we will finish the month off with a chart!

  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    I am in need of a break, and I am having a hard time keeping up. If someone is willing to take over the group for me so those who wish to carry on and keep together can, I will send them the excel file that i use.
    inbox msg me if you are interested. Thanks!
  • azachery
    azachery Posts: 45 Member
    I'm not very proficient in excel, so I am not volunteering. I just want to thank you again for your hard work! I truly appreciate it!!! Today I was discouraged because I thought I wasn't going to reach my goal and I had decided I would eat ANYTHING I want since I wasn't going to reach it any way. Then I saw the chart and realized that I had placed a more reasonable goal weight because I started the second week. That number is attainable. If it werent for your chart today I would be sitting somewhere treating myself badly. I want you to know that the work you have done has been helpful to someone and it really has made a difference! THANKS SO VERY MUCH!!!!
  • bri293
    bri293 Posts: 92
    Thank you so much for all of your hard work that you have put in Nikki!
  • linemansgirl
    linemansgirl Posts: 152
    Thank you SO much for your hard work Nikki!!!! I completely understand you needing to step back from the leading role! With 5 kids and remodeling our house, there is no way that I could commit to taking over right now. :ohwell: