

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    I wasn't going to write now, but then I read Amyllu's post. My 34-year old son was just diagosed with AS and started humera (I think that's right) injections several weeks ago. We're still waiting for it to kick in. We were told that they are positive he had juvenile onset and all the aches and pains that had other names, and the reason for serious foot surgery, was actually the AS. As parents we felt awful because he's had years of pain. :cry: BUT, welcome to MFP because it's a wonderful site and this is a wonderful forum. Everyone is so supportive and understanding. Best wishes to you for success in your weightloss. :flowerforyou:

    It's cloudy and cool today, so I'm going out to walk and I'm going to try to do 3 miles in one shot. I usually break it up. I'll be back later to let you know how I did. If I can do it, it will be the first time in 6 years that I've been able to do that length at one time. :happy:

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Mimi and Star
    thanks for your input.i think the sodium was the culprit this time.we had gone to eat and know the food had a lot of soduim in.Also it wasn`t the 1st wt of the day.I also have to talk to the endo dr regarding my thyroid test.It was on the high side of normal.
    i love this group,I`m glad I stumbled on it.
    have a great week-end!!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Mary: THANKS! Of course, it's sowing!!!!!!!! Do you ever write something you've written a hundred times and write it wrong, know it's wrong but not be able to figure out how? Well, obviously, I do! Thanks...I was too lazy to go look it up, but I knew some smart friend here would help me out.

    WE NEED RAIN..........................
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I did it! I got up early enough to make it to the gym. It felt good to make up for missing yesterday. I really like to go 5 times a week. I have a heart monitor ordered a Polar FT4. Hopefully it will be what I expect it to be. I want to check and make sure I am really burning as many calories as the elliptical says I am. I do 30 minutes on the elliptical, do a round of strength machines for 20 minutes and then another 30 on the elliptical. I usually use the weight loss setting which varies between resistance 4 and 8 with cross ramp of 5 and 10. I end up burning from 300 to 350 calories for each 1/2 hour. Do any of you do something similar and use a HRM? Hopefully I haven't been entering the wrong calories burned for exercise calories. :ohwell: I usually only eat back 1/2 of them so hopefully I am safe there.

    Kackie - Sorry you didn't get any rain. :grumble: We actually got about an inch today!:happy: I got stranded in Lowes after the gym. My car was parked wayyyyyy in the back of the lot and I would have about drowned if I had gone out in that. It has settled the dust some and will probably help the grass at least temporarily. Unfortunately, it won't do a darn thing for the swamp fire. I hope you get a bit of rain soon too. It makes gardening a lot more work when it just won't rain. I hear you about planning to do more in the garden than is possible. I suffer from that as well.

    Dee - How did the walk go? I hope the 3 miles felt right today. If not, I bet it soon will! :bigsmile:

    The sun is back out and things are drying off already so I think I will get out on the porch and get some stain on the DGS's new bed. I'm anxious to see what the stain color will look like. It seems to be quite a reddish brown to me but if that's what he wants, it's okay by me.

    Hope we all have a great weekend!

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Welcome to everyone who's new. It's fun for me to see some more 60+ gals. We definitely qualify!

    Amy, you have my admiration for your good attitude despite the pain. I can't imagine being in pain every day. I whine about a little arthritis. You (and Dee's son) are heroes.

    I did a little gardening today. The ground is so hard; getting the weeds out is a challenge. I'm new to gardening and am purely amazed by how hard the work is. All of you gardeners are terrific. I hope to someday be one of you!

    At almost 63 (how did that happen?!), losing weight does not seem much different from when i was younger. From what I've read, our metabolism doesn't change a whole lot from aging; it changes a lot more from exercising less. As I'm exercising more now, I think it may even be easier or me to lose weight now. Heresy!

    Hmm. Having said that, I'm inspired to get out for a walk. It's a cloudy day, making it just about perfect walking weather. (Sun is nice too but only if it's cool, said the princess.)

    Thank you all for your friendship. I appreciate it so much.

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    I DID IT! I walked 3 miles without a break and it felt great! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: The best part was I didn't feel at all stressed (meaning muscles, knees etc) at the end. At the end of the walk I sat with one of my favorite neighbors and we chatted for 40 minutes or so uninterrupted. That doesn't happen very often. Very enjoyable. :smile:

    Gotta go get DH something to eat.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    oh barbie - I feel for you, with your broken bike! So, what did you decide to do? I do hope your friend joins us, you will know when is the right time to broach her about the subject.

    Welcome flygirl, can't wait to get to know you. Yet ANOTHER cancer survivor. My hats off to all you gals.

    Star - the Food for Thought group is a group from the Newcomers. We discuss things like healthy substitutioins, green cleaning solutions, recipes, that sort of thing.

    Got up at 5, got dressed and went to exercise, came home, did a bit of food shopping, went to mahjongg (thank goodness for the refrigerator -- I did maj one time), came home, went to discuss a recipe with this one chef, Vince and I went bowling for our 3 free games (all of my games were over 100), Vince bought (yet another) new ball, went to WalMart, came home and had dinner, made some brownies for Vince but instead of the oil I used prune puree. If he doesn't see it, he doesn't know it's in there! I made some chocolate cupcakes for him the other day and if he'd seen the prune puree, he wouldn't have eaten them. As it turns out, he didn't see it and he ate them all.

    Did an hour of incline intervals on the treadmill today (Fri). Did 3 min @3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 3% etc.
    Vicki - awesome loss. Same to you, Mary.

    Welcome 2youngat heart. This is a very supportive group. So glad you joined us

    Welcome Jane! and collycan

    Mary - safe travels.

    Janeta - we would love to have you join us. Jump right in. You, too, bpatti. So glad you found us. You, too, Gloria

    kackie - my deepest condolences on your loss

    cherub - I've done at 30day shred video. It's one of the ones that I rotate thru. Which HRM are you getting?

    Jackie - congrats!

    Lorri - your IRS auditor comparison had me ROTF

    Mary - I hope the weather holds out for you Sunday.

    Today (Sat.) I had a bit of a run-in with the carbs. But for dinner I had a bean burger and lots of veggies, and you know I feel so much better.

    I was going to go to yoga today, but I forgot that the Y was having this "fitness extravaganza" thing so I took a short class with the bosu. I wasn't sure exactly what it would be like. Basically, it was step only on the bosu. There is this one guy who always messes me up, I tried so hard not to watch him. He does his own "thing", lots of turns and stuff. I get completely messed up. Then I took a Power Cuts class, both were only 30 minutes long.

    Amy - constant pain can't be any fun at all. You sound like such a strong woman.

    Where does the time go? Gotta run. Vince and I are going to meet a friend and go bowling some tomorrow. From 10-2 the games are only $1. But before that I'll do an hour of hula hoop on the Wii.

    Have a great evening everyone.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Oops! Forgot this part:

    One thing that I really wish MFP would do is give you a pie chart by meal of how you are doing in your carb/fat/protein ratio, that would be especially helpful at the end of the day.

    Natalie - I've never had a restaurant not do a special order for me, never. There have been times when I've had to send something back to the kitchen because it wasn't prepared the way I asked for it to be, but they've always made it right. So you should have no problem.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I hope you had a great Saturday. It was a great day for me. My husband had to work today. I tutored one of my students and I got a good workout in at the gym. I had made some Pam Anderson’s Creamy Chili Corn soup with Chicken and Black Beans a few weeks ago and put some in the freezer. So making dinner was a snap. I really like having the meal prepared ahead of time---makes it so easy to plan and to prepare. I have one of Pam Anderson’s cookbooks and it is really helpful in getting healthy meals into your daily plan. She gives lots of variations to recipes. Her website is helpful too. I think its www.threemanycooks.com

    Welcome to all the new people…..this is a great board.

    Faye….so glad you got the HRM. I have a Polar too and it really helps me. My heart rate monitor is much lower than MFP estimations and a little under what the equipment at the gym says. I am really enjoying using it. I log my heart rate data in my food log under notes and I think my food log is open. I find it interesting to see that my body really does run in certain rhythms----when I feel like a slug (in my cycle—whatever that is ) my heart rate is slower and then it is harder to get it going; when I am pre-period and I notice some faster heart beats, my heart rate is faster and I tend to burn more calories.

    Mimi and Dee….Thanks for the reminder to keep exercising. I know that I do make go to the gym but I can be a slug after that. I know I need to make moving more a part of my day…I can get very comfortable sitting with the laptop for long period of time.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello!! :flowerforyou:

    I would love to join this group, I'm 48 yrs old Soon to be 49 in July :bigsmile: . Can you squeeze me in?
    I started MFP.com In November 2010 just after Thanksgiving. I've done pretty well with losing the weight but still need to lose 15 pounds.
    I'm married to a wonderful man ( he's 52 :wink: does that count?) We have No children, But we have 3 dogs and a Quaker Parrot.

    My exercise routine is / 3 miles on the treadmill = 1 hour
    30 minutes everyother day lifting weights

    SallyCC... I also Love preparing my meals ahead of time. I'll cook a whole chicken & place in seperate containers & freeze for the week. Same with my speghetti sauce & ground beef.

    I hope you all have a wonderful evening!
    :happy: Teresa

    p.s. My profile picture, I'm the one in the middle with the yellow dress :wink:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Dee, congratulations on your 3 mile walk. You did a great job!!! :flowerforyou:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Welcome to all the new friends in the neighborhood. Welcome Teresa wo is an old friend and new to this neighborhood. She has done an amazing job.

    Kackie I am so sorry to read of your Uncle's death. Prayers for you and your family.

    Mimi, I can not wait for there to be truly fresh veggies here. We hope to start planting the garden after memorial day, any earlier and we risk frost.

    Barbie, love the photo with DH and the Grandkids. Bet you can run cicrcles around the GKs now!

    Mary and Vickie, way to go on the great weight loss.

    It has been another long day at work. I work harder on the weekends than I do during the week. But I am ever mindful of this tough economy and more than happy to have the income.

    Amanda I hope you are working your way back into things slowly. I know you are probably most unhappy with having to rest and recuperate. Look forward to hearing from you and seeing more pics of you and those beautiful twins.

    Must do my night rounds of the farm. Warm thoughts go out to you all, Alice
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    ALICE!!!!! THANK YOU! ! for your comment........

    Welcome to all the new friends in the neighborhood. Welcome Teresa wo is an old friend and new to this neighborhood. She has done an amazing job.

    I hope we can stay friends :flowerforyou:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Hi Teresa. Welcome to you and to everyone who's new. This is such a great site. Mary (msh0530) turned me onto it many months ago. I'm so glad. I hope you enjoy it as much.

    You've done a great job on weight loss. I particularly like your ticker with both BMI and weight. I'll have to check that one out.

    BTW, when (and how) did your Parrot become a Quaker? :laugh:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I survived the first day of 30 day Shred....I did get dizzy at one point but that passed after I slowed down a bit. Now my legs feel like jello. So I am drinking more water and just finished my dinner.

    I am getting a Polar FT7 which was the one most recommended. If I got it ordered in time tonight, I should be able to pick it up at Best Buy tomorrow evening after work.

    Welcome to everyone who is new. This is a wonderful site and forum. I enjoy it so much and I am sure you will too.
  • wehavethestars

    You ask "why do I eat over everything, good or bad". I was an emotional eater all my life. I had to fight to keep my weight down constantly. What I learned about six years ago (better late than never) was that 1) it was a habit. 2) i gave in to it immediately
    3) it never helped, it just made me heavier. While it is a hard habit to break, it can be done. I learned to think before I grabbed
    that cookie. I would say STOP, am I hungry? Why do I want to eat this? Then, I would get as far away from the food I wanted as
    possible. A craving lasts for no more than 15 minutes. It is so worth the effort to make yourself be aware of what you are doing
    and stop before that first bite. Do something, anything to take your mind off food. Call a friend , do some computer work, e mail
    someone, come to this wonderful group for help. Take a walk, a shower, do a chore. You can break that bad habit of reaching
    for food for every little thing that happens in your life. Now if all fails and you do start eating, you must get it under control as fast as you can. Do not feel like because you ate some ice cream at 11am you have to eat the rest of the day and then it goes into days and weeks. Forgive yourself and get back on track by immediately writing down what you will eat the rest of the day and the next day too. Then stick to that plan. Do some thinking. Think about what motivated you to start losing weight in the first place. Picture yourself succeeding, looking and feeling so much better. Congratulate yourself for how far you have come and know that you can see this through to goal and that you can maintain the loss. You said you gained 20lbs back. That is a lot of weight. You have to set a number and refuse to go over that number. It should be no more than five pounds over the goal weight. If a slip happens before goal, just stop as fast as you can. The fact that it continues for so long and you gain 20lbs shows you how serious it is when you do take that first bite. I need structure and eat three meals and four snacks every day. I never allow myself to feel hungry. I recently have been in a lot of pain and have not exercised as much. I let myself get depressed and gained back about ten pounds. Thank heaven, I got control again and now I have lost two of the ten and want to lose a total of twenty. It is hard work to lose weight and twice as hard for emotional eaters like us. We can do it. We cannot let a cookie win. So , I hope my story and the things I have told you can help. Never give up. I was 60 when I finally had a light bulb moment. Right now I am struggling , but I have no doubt that I can win. You can too.

    Amylu, I love the quote under your ticker.

    Michele, thanks for the info on Food For Thought.

    Mary, You helped Kackie with sew and sow and then wrote knew people instead of new people. Were you making a joke
    or was that a slip? :laugh: I find myself not being able to spell the simple words lately. I will spell long hard words and then have to ask how to spell a word like "these" and that's no yoke, or is it joke. :laugh:

    Dee, my heart goes out to your son and to you and your husband. Nothing hurts more than when you child, no matter what age is in pain. Glad you made the three miles. Nice going.:flowerforyou:

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Thank You Mimi for the welcome !

    The parrot I've had for 2 1/2 yrs I named it Paddy after my brother Patrick, But then found out it's a girl and now named her Patty :bigsmile: . I Got her as a baby. ( I think that's what they call them lil birds, quaker parrots) :bigsmile:

    Time to call it a night!

    Everyone have a Great Sunday!!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi Again!

    cherub.... 30 day shred, You amaze me! GREAT JOB! I bought the DVD about 5 months ago and couldn't get past the warm up. Once Jillean went to jumping jacks. I said No WAY! :noway: Congratulations!!!

    star...... I look at it the same way. When I have a craving I wait a little while so the craving passes. I quit smoking cigarettes 20 years ago. And it's the same thing for me, I waited 15 minutes and the craving for the cigarette past. Same thing for eating.

    Okay! Really saying goodnight now. Way past my bed time :blushing:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Hi Again!

    cherub.... 30 day shred, You amaze me! GREAT JOB! I bought the DVD about 5 months ago and couldn't get past the warm up. Once Jillean went to jumping jacks. I said No WAY! :noway: Congratulations!!!

    star...... I look at it the same way. When I have a craving I wait a little while so the craving passes. I quit smoking cigarettes 20 years ago. And it's the same thing for me, I waited 15 minutes and the craving for the cigarette past. Same thing for eating.

    Okay! Really saying goodnight now. Way past my bed time :blushing:

    I didn't do very well with the jumping jacks but I kept moving and moved my arms. My legs still feel like jello
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    First, I was remiss yesterday. I haven't seen them on lately, but if you are lurking, happy belated birthday to lovediets and jberberian! I'm really sorry that I missed it!
    As for the "new" and "knew" - not intentional, but my cat did keep jumping on my keyboard wanting attention when I was typing today, so I will blame it on him. :wink:
    I have been busy today trying to get the yard ready for the big picnic tomorrow, but I really think that it will be too cold, and we will be at my friend's house. We will decide at church tomorrow. Anyway, I have some dear old friends coming over to grill steak on Monday (driving in all the way from Minnesota), so at least I should be ready for them. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.

    It is midnight here, and my alarm is going off at 6, so I'd better hit the sack. Good night!