Senior Golden Sneakers -May 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Where are you at. don't want you to get bogg down in front of a livestock ranch. We were getting low on gas once coming back from Colo.Oh I said come on car. go!go!Got to go get me some veggies slice up The church is bring some dinner by for us But I don't look for anything I can eat. But Jerry will enjoy it. I found a list of food I am surpose to be eating. And my fav greek yogurt is not on it.Boo Hoo But still can have lean meat, Veggies and fruit. i guess that is enought. No dairy besides eggs. an to watch the sodium/ I can have 2 glasses of wine 4 Oz each. so I guess I can Join Judy and Sandy. They are our Wine drinkers. Will have to find out what kind to buy for I never drink wine before. They just pass a deal to sell beer and wine here in Mesquite.After all of these years being dry what is this city thinkin!!!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi! Not a lot of action on Sneakers. Everyone must be out gardening! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Just skimmed through the posts. Sandy, you are such a pretty lady! I love the pictures of you with your graduates.:smile:

    I've had a roller coaster week. My sweet Bandit (kitty in the picture) is having seizures so we've visited his dr a lot. He's had many tests which thankfully all came back normal telling us he's healthy except for these seizures which started suddenly and mildly, but gradually grew into full blown episodes. He was put on a light dose of phenobarbitol which didn't work. Now he's on a stronger dose as of last evening and has not had a seizure that I've seen since. He spent all day today being observed (and spoiled) at the vet's so I know he hasn't had any today. We need a smiley with crossed fingers, eyes, toes.......

    The other, more important stress, is that my young friend Katy (27-years old, has Lupus and developed lung disease) is hanging on for dear life in ICU. She's not expected to live. I talk to her mom daily and it's just a waiting game now. Katy, a fiesty young woman, is showing her strength, tho, because she's fighting every step of the way. Her mom and I :love: smile with love and say "That's our Katy!".

    I did have some great news this week. I had my bloodwork done for the first time since the dr gave the okay for me to beef of my walking. Well, it's worked. Bloodwork has definitely improved :happy: and he's started to decrease the prednisone. YIPPEE!!! Now understand, he's decreasing it 1mg/month, so it's going to be a long, long time til I'm off it. Moonface is here to stay for a while. :laugh:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    The other, more important stress, is that my young friend Katy (27-years old, has Lupus and developed lung disease) is hanging on for dear life in ICU. She's not expected to live. I talk to her mom daily and it's just a waiting game now. Katy, a fiesty young woman, is showing her strength, tho, because she's fighting every step of the way. Her mom and I :love: smile with love and say "That's our Katy!".


    I will pray for your friend Katy! Some people are just so special!!!:cry::heart: :heart:

    Also, congrats on the bloodwork! :flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    dee so sorry about your friend I have sent a prayer off.
    Sorry about your kitty too. Hope He gets better soon.Good blood work.Kiddo!!

    dee so sorry about your friend.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, 5,460 steps today.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: line dance party this afternoon after the line dance class
    potluck and a couple of hours of dancing.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: still had time to walk the dogs in the morning and afternoon and walk with Jake after dinner :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Dee I hope Katy can defy the odds and get better. Hope Bandit is ok. Do they have any idea what is causing the seizures?
    And congrats to you on better test results!
    Marie, how is Paleo and what day do you weigh?
    sandy, glad you had a helper in your gardening!
    we are waiting to load in CA. Going back to GA. A pretty day here. Time for a nap.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe did your truck break down? Hope not. My weigh in day is
    tuesday.But it is not looking great.

    I met the nicest guy last night on MfP He has lost a hugh amount in a short time. and so did his wife And I have invited them to come join usThe are in their 30'sI told them We would adopt them sure hope they drop by/I read all of his posting and could'nt beleve it.I think you ought to read it. It may be just the thing for you .
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ouch! I feel guilty about not posting now! I read what I can in a few minutes, and then close up and run off! Our rainy season will start soon ( need it desperately) so we try to take in the outdoors as much as possible! And posting my FOOD seems to take forever until I find items! Also, just plain busy, so I'm sorry!
    Nutritionist pleased with my 3 to 4 pound loss per month. That should come to 36 pounds a year, which is nothing to sneeze at. And I never believed in quick weightloss, anyway. It's usually temporary! And my face drops with each pound, too! :laugh:

    Wish you all a great weekend, and I'll try to make more internet time shortly. Just not yet!!!

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member

    Just checking in. Buzz, that's great news from the nutritionist. :drinker: That should have you psyched.

    Bandit is doing well on his stronger drug and hasn't had a seizure in almost 48 hours. Katy is still holding her own altho I think she has nine lives because she just came back from near-death for the 4th time in a week.

    Had a quiet, good stroll around the neighborhood this morning where they were having a community yardsale. Only brought back a bird feeder and it was free. That's the way to do it!:happy:

    Marie, I think you would adopt everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Off to a Chicago's concert. A gift from our son and DIL. Looking forward to it.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone, don't know wheter my computer is dropping pages or what, but I'm in the dark about certain replies, or maybe I just forgot stuff???:grumble:
    Actually, although still bad (!) I had only 3 slices of toast at Johnny G's! Still my bad! and loved every bite!
    AND MADDIE, I found the post and no, I wouldn't dare raise that stuff in full view (or otherwise :laugh: , but that's my favorite orchid, a Digbyana, with whiskers on its lime colored blossoms! And fabulous evening fragrance. It's just dying down to sleep until next April. So nice you are feeling more "up"! :flowerforyou:
    DEB, WOO HOO about that roof! Expected you to have such a hassle, too!
    SANDY---Kelly, Kathie and YOU are all gorgeous! And I couldn't make that offer; my hat's off to you, too!:drinker:
    BARBIE, I missed your poodles, too. Though I enjoyed all your other pictures as well!
    JEFFREY< so good to read your posts again! And another Biathlon, AFTER knee surgery? Amazing man! The cruise sounds great!
    GIGI, I expect you are at the wedding just south of me right now...and the weather is glorious! Tell us about it when you return!
    Oh shoot, I lost my window, and will have to log off now! Meant to chat to Phoebe, Judy and everyone an clicked the wrong tab so That took care of my post!
    Love you all. Still trying to find out what MARIE's PALEO is. Couldn't locate her post about it!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jackie, I panted some seeds fro a red bell peppers and look like thy all came up/ Dom't knoe what i will do with them/. i guess you are busy with your garden.

    Ok Connie I have bunch of Basil in my herb pot what can I do to save them for later? along with some parsley and something else I can't think of there names. Thats all the garden help I need today,.
    My diet is doing just great.

    Jerry is doing fine. His voice is still out of whacki don't know how long it will be fefore the check him out again.

    I am having roasted chicken and a mixture of left over veggiei have with 1 T of olive oil. Have aa great evening All
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Thin Commandment #2 “Think Historically, Not Calorically”
    This is one of the reasons that a food plan may be easy for one person to stick to, and impossible for another.

    “Two people may have a very different history or response to a single 100 calorie cookie. For one person, the cookie may be satisfying---so much that the person has never abused cookies in his life. For someone else, the one cookie may trigger them to want more and more and even binge on the whole box Knowing which is true for you may ultimately prove more important to your long-term success at weight control than knowing that the cookie has 100 calories. “

    I have said for a long time that I am capable of eating no ice cream and I am capable of eating the whole half gallon in one sitting, but I am not capable of eating a small serving. :bigsmile:

    The best diet for me is the one that I’ll stick to.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, your Paleo diet sounds a lot like the caveman diet and a bit like clean eating......what's the difference?

    :bigsmile: buzz, your french toast adventure is similar to what happened to me today when Jake suggested to going his favorite Vietnamese restaurant. .....I wanted something with curry and ended up with yellow curry fried rice with fried tofu. Even eating only half of it along with one beautiful veggie spring roll with peanut sauce was a lot more calories than I needed on a day with too much sitting and not enough dancing.

    :flowerforyou: Dee, I'm glad there is good news about Bandit.

    :sad: :sad: we're back to cold and cloudy
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Marie, enjoy the chicken dinner! I almost copied yours!

    Barbie, I haven't tasted Vietnamese food yet, but you made it sound enticing! Spring rolls...yum!

    Have a great Sunday; thank goodness the prediction about the world ending was the usual farce (although he made a mint on it, didn't he?) and we will have many more grand weekends! Appreciate them :drinker:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz I would have rather have a hot dog. I do used heavy whipping cream but in moderation. It is counted toward my good fat. Fats is surpose to burn fat. We shall see on tuesday. WI day. Take care
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: I thought the Paleo diet sounded a lot like the Caveman diet that I'd heard about before so I did some research and found this information for anyone who is interested.

    :flowerforyou: I solved the problem of the high calorie Vietnamese meal :laugh: I brought half of it home and then let Jake have it for dinner so I didn't have to eat it. He loved it and I got to have an Isagenix shake which is what I really wanted.:bigsmile: That fits in with the first thin commandment "Strategy is Stronger Than Willpower"
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    BArbiecat there are several diets out on the caveman diet. and several version of the paleo diet. Why i have been confuse. But i have been on it a week today, We weight in Tuesday. on the No grain no Pain thread. I like that they keep a weight chart up. I like that one We use to usedFogot the name I wonder what happen to her? My Limit is about three weeks on a diet . So far I have not been hungry.That has been my biggest problem getting to craven things, i guess the fat is taking care of that. I know they say peanut butter would help that. But I could get a spoon and eat the whole jar. I Hope I finally found what I was looking for. You were lucky to find your calling at the beginning Love you and Jake Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Marie, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I have the same trouble with peanut butter that you do :laugh: I want to eat the whole jar. I finally had to give it up because I couldn't eat just a small amount.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Hi Sneakers,
    I have been busier than I thought I would be due to Zack being here, but did want to drop in and say hi. Birdie, so happy to hear from you, it has been far too long. Marie, you are doing great on your new diet and what ever works for you is the best one.
    I did not do well with food today and I am afraid of that scale tomorrow. We went to an indoor amusement park type place and I had a hot dog with fries, so bad but oh so good. Hopefully, I am being active enough to keep things from pasting to my hips. Tomorrow we have a brunch benefit so food is not my friend this weekend. I haven't been to a meeting since my husbands surgery and I can tell I really am in need of one. We went to my stepsons for dinner with my grandson tonight and my stepson tried to push every button I have. He picked on my grandson and was just obnoxious with his foul mouth and attitude. Usually when I am going to meetings I can let it go, but tonight I had a hard time. When a son even irritates his own father, then I know I am not all wrong. Thanks for letting me vent and I will talk to you soon.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone. I haven't had a chance to check in for a couple of days as I was out and about. On Thursday someone I know in the local village needed to get out for a few hours and I agreed to sit with her 89 year old invalid mother so she didn't worry about her. It was a great excuse to do nothing but watch daytime tv, sip cups of tea and chat. Only problem was when I left my back and knees complained at the lack of movement!! On Friday I met up with friends in the afternoon for a long walk across the moors and we then went to a local pub for an evening meal. Goodness me, one large plate of battered fish and chips, delicious as it was, had me awake half the night!! I won't be tempted in that direction again for a long, long time. Yesterday was bad in the opposite direction. Just a banana for breakfast because the previous meal was still reminding me it was in my system :sick: and then off to an agricultural show with friends where we walked all day on nothing more than a beef bap. I was so tired when I got home I only managed to scramble a couple of eggs which I had with some ham and mushrooms. So three unhealthy days in a row:embarassed: I can't wait to get back to a healthy diet.

    MARIE ~ That's brilliant you got those red peppers growing and I love the fact you tried it. I've got the same from a supermarket bought cherry tomato. There must be 8 or 9 plants coming up and it's far too late in the year but I'm going to see if I can keep them going indoors through next winter. Would you have room to put a couple on a sunny windowsill? The Galia melon plants I started the same way are looking a bit sad and I think they are missing their tropical home!! I can't wait to hear how you get on at your weigh in on Tuesday. It will be interesting to see if the latest diet is working for you.

    DEE ~ I was catching up on the posts and oh dearing at Bandit having fits but then read on to see he's doing better on his stronger pills. The lady I sat with on Thursday has a cat with a similar problem although it only happens about 3 times a year. She said she strokes and comforts him until he comes out of it but it's obviously a great worry at the time. I do hope Bandit is now on the correct strength and won't have any more problems.

    I agree that this time of year we all get that much busier out and about but I'm sure we'll all check in when we can.

    Hugs to everyone:heart: I'm off to prepare a healthy breakfast!

    Jackie. .