Senior Golden Sneakers -May 2011

Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member


  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    Hi All,

    Just checking in... didn't get to read much today on MFP. I don't seem to have as much time on the weekends to be on the computer!

    Have a great Sunday everyone!


    P.S. If you live in sunny California, enjoy the weather... should be super nice!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey it is
    May. I didn't realize that. sure am glad Sandy did. I m up late for jerry did not turn on the A/c and it is stuffy in this house. so I got up and came in here to the computer and turn the fan on me. Of couse Sammy is right with me. Thinking aout taking a cold shower.
    We had thunerstorms and quarter size hail and a tornada was sighted near us but it did not touch down,

    Sandy Have you heard anything lately from Jeffrey? I guess they are getting ready for the wedding of his oldest daughter. I forgot how to check in with him on twitter.

    I see Judy done got her food dairy done For May 1. I sure hope I eat much better today than I did yessterday. . Jerry ended up getting us a fish supper from Long John Silver. and it was way too salted. And me with my swollen feet. The last thing I needed.
    Sammy help me eat it tho. He loves fish.

    Good morning Lynn L. Good to see you on this first day of May. I wish I could say the same about our weather. We have surpose to have heavy rain today which we do need but not the bad weaher. I think Mother nature has unleased her angey at us.

    Alabana still looks real bad. So many dead. my niece was so fortunate to escaped the danger. I will go to the family site and copy her not to us.Wait I will be back:

    From my niece Glenda: So sad

    First of all, thank all of you for your concern and prayers. We fared very well, of course, there is the damage to Penny's house, but in relation to all the other families and homes in our area, that is nothing in comparison. I've heard of two of our fellow church members having been killed in the tornado. Their houses were totally demonlished. One family has three children in the hospital. Their father threw his body over the three of them when he saw the large beam in their den getting ready to fall. Please pray for the Lee family. Both of these men left young families.

    The areas hit the hardest in the Birmingham area were a good distance from us. One was about fifteen to twenty miles going north east, it was near the airport. Sad to say, but that area is one of the worst economically depressed areas nearby. That is Pratt City. The other city terrible damaged is Pleasant Grove. That is roughly thirty miles from us going north west. There are several families from our church that live there, lots of damage.

    Dave was at a work site in Memphis, Tn. during all of this and was battling his own weather storms. But he is coming home tonight, so it will be good to have him here. Safe and sound!!!

    It's at times such as this, the song, "Our God is an Awesome God", comes to mind and reminds me that He is in control of everything. That's very humbling to me.

    Thanks so much for all your concerns. It truly helps me feel part of the family. Our computer was out till last night, so I feel "connected" to the world again. :) My love, Glenda
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: good morning:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    today is cleanse day so I will be taking it easy..........except for all the dog related exercise.....they are already asking to go for a second walk:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Oh Marie, that was such a good letter from your Glenda, thank you for sharing it with us. Plz tell her that there are prayers from around the world for all of the victims. The father who protected his children is surely an angel now.

    Debz, the hummingbird photo was from They have a large image database and I wanted to find a picture to cheer Marie, and everyone loves hummingbirds. When we were last at home, I saw one on the honeysuckle vine. So I knew it was time to put out my feeders. I put up three feederrs since we wont be home for a while. They get busy in May, and its fun to watch them chasing one another.

    Judy, thank you for posting, I missed you!
    be back in a bit
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Sunday Morning!! :bigsmile: Another beautiful day with sunshine, thank you Lord. :flowerforyou:

    I had fun at the casino, after I met my friend we went to a table to gamble and I realized I left my gambling money at home. :noway: I had enough to get me started and we joked and said that will be all I need and behold I won a big hand and that was enough to get me through the rest of the day. :bigsmile: I actually ended up losing about $80 but that is because I played the Wizard of Oz slot machine and whenever I play slots I lose.:explode: I was home in time for dinner, then took my husband and Daisy for a walk, I think we almost walked a mile with me pushing the wheelchair so I am still getting plenty of exercise, just not on the machines. :tongue:

    Barbie, have fun at dog park, I know your pups will. Glad you are taking a day to relax, you are always so busy. :tongue:

    Marie, so happy your niece was safe through the tornadoes but how awful for the rest of the people and very sad about the deaths of people she knew. :cry: We were able to sleep with the window open last night and it was wonderful. I always say I waited so long for warm weather that I won't turn my A/C on but of course I always do when the humidity takes over. :tongue

    Lynn L, there are a lot of us who are so busy with our lives and jobs that we can't post in as often as we would like. You are on the home page and hopefully that gives you support to get through this journey. :heart: Just check in with us when you can.

    Buzz, you are doing amazing with your journey!! Congratulations on your weight loss!! As with some of you I too hate the dentist but my dentist makes it easy for me since he knows my fear. I not only have Novocaine but I also have nitrous to keep me very groggy an:laugh: d not caring what he does to my teeth. :laugh:

    Judy, hope your dinner with your son was wonderful and he had a great birthday. :drinker: Are you eating all your calories and drinking lots of water Judy? Sometimes you have to change up things to lose weight, such as a different exercise or if you are sore give those muscles time to recover. We all reach plateaus and then all of a sudden off comes the weight. :tongue:

    Marilyn, hope you get the new job and start feeling better. Stress can do so much, so take care of yourself before anything else. :heart: :heart:

    Deb, congratulations on your weight loss, you are doing so well, keep up the good work. :flowerforyou:

    Phoebe, love the hummingbird picture. I just got an email of a video of a guy who rescued a baby hummingbird that was attacked and he nursed it back to health and taught it how to fly. I will try and find it to post the link, you would love it. :happy:
    Found it:

    Judi, so nice to hear from you again :love:

    Time to get ready for Church and later to my step sons for dinner. Hope to get our walk in sometime today.

    Have a great day!!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Time to get up and at it. We had a great time last night having an old friend with her new guy over for supper. Our friend used to live across the back alley from us when our girls were just babies. We are celebrating our daughter's 35th BD today and that means we have been good friends for almost 35 years.

    Supper went very well and now to get at the next go round. The whole family is coming over to celebrate our dd's BD and my dh's 65th BD. I'm taking the easy route today -- making spaghetti and meat sauce. It is always a challenge cooking for this bunch due to our allergies and celiac disease. I'm mentioned it before, but between all of us we don't eat dairy, eggs, gluten, nuts, hummus, kiwi and who know what else. Our little grandson is anaphylactic (sp??) to dairy and nuts and they carry an epi pen just in case. With all the littles, we have to be very careful because they don't know enough not to spread things around that might cause him problems. As he is only 18 months old he doesn't know the difference.

    One daughter is bringing bd cake (or cupcakes depending on how she feels) and hopefully the other is bringing a salad.

    We should have a great time.

    After all of these get togethers we are going celebrate Mother's Day next Sunday individually instead of all getting together. We'll take my Mom out instead. Perhaps to a casino as she loves to play the slots. Thankfully Calgary is non smoking -- that is except for the closest casino to us which is on an Indian Reservation which still allows smoking. Too bad as it is the nicest casino in my mind.

    Anyway, have a wonderful day everyone.
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    :drinker: today is cleanse day so I will be drinking a lot of water and getting my exercise by walking the poodles and planting flowers in the garder:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy May Day :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • viliberty1957
    viliberty1957 Posts: 194
    :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    HAPPY MAY DAY EVERYONE!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Started raining again today, but yesterday was beautiful and worked in the garden finally.
    Still have some edging to do. Will have to work on the backyard when it dries up a bit.

    Cleaning today washing throw rugs and scrubbing carpets and floors. Guess I am in
    the Spring cleaning mood. :ohwell:

    Have a great Sunday!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Nice hearing from you Jake!!! Thanks for being my friend. :bigsmile:

    Irene.....:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Shirley...don't work too hard!!:tongue:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy May everyone,

    The grandkids left a few minutes ago, the house is so quiet:cry::cry: :cry: we had a great time with them, the Festival at our Church was a lot of fun, Maya my granddaughter had her face painted, she was so surprise how beautiful her flower was:love::love: :love:
    the balloon person did all kinds of things to those balloons, his line was for ever:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Hope everyone is having a great sunday, our weather here is cold and dark,:explode: :explode: :explode: maybe tomorrow will be better.

    Take care and have a great evening

  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Happy Mayday to you all (or is it too late now? I get confused with the time differences!)

    Lovely sunny but windy day here. Had a bit of a lazy day today. Went bed shopping with Hayley (my 3rd child) then back home to cook sunday dinner. Kerry and the 2 grandchildren, Jessica & Amelia joined us. Jess is staying tonight and we are going to the Zoo tomorrow with Hayley, Georgia (my 4th) Jon(my 2nd child) his OH Emily & grandaughter Isabelle. Have hust got all the picnic food ready. Should be fun. I love the zoo, especially elephants!

    Marie: Thank you for sharing the letter from your niece. It was so moving and the story of that wonderful man who gave his life for his kids, brought a tear to my eye.:cry: Lots of prayers are being sent their way.
    So sorry aboyt your bike Marie. I hope they catch whoever took it, and that you will get it back:angry:

    Lynn L Nice to hear from you.:happy:

    Jeri: Enjoy your day with your lovely family and friends:happy:

    I have read all the posts but my eyes are needing matchsticks. So I will say goodnight, sleep tight,don't let the bed bugs bite!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy Sunday and Happy May to everyone. It's been cool and cloudy all weekend here - we even had a few snow flurries. I'm sure not complaining though - i feel so awful for the folks in's just one of those helpless feelings, where you just don't know what to heartbreaking. The world is sure in mess right now. It can weigh a person down can't it?

    Marilyn - are you all right? You sounded really down in your last post in April.

    GIGI - i know what you mean about the quiet after the kids leave. I always feel a little sad. Sometimes a lot sad! My kids in Colo Spgs invited me down for next weekend - if i go it will just be Friday night and Saturday. The thing is i REALLY need to get the garden going - it's already so late. I was going to haul straw this weekend but it was too yucky and windy out. Hopefully i'll get that done this week. Of course, it does intefere with my working out!

    I haven't felt that great ever since that dentist appointment - don't know whats up with that. I know BUZZ - they tell me that as well - to do everything i can to keep my teeth - which is what i'm doing...........

    Hope you're all having a fabulous weekend - i'm going to try and take the poor dogs for a walk - we haven't gone all week!

    l, e
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :happy: :happy: :happy: Everyone dancing around the Maypole today? Or at least dancing?
    Marie's niece's letter was amazing. Thanks for sharing, dear.

    I forgot to open in a new window, so forgive me, fo my bad memory!:sad:

    Jake and Barbie, is "Happy Cleanse Day" appropriate? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Please survive well!

    Sandy, still pushing the chair uphill? Great calorie burner!:noway: Thanks for the May link, luv!

    Jeri, Hi, enjoyed your family stories.

    Irene. great seeing you here when you can :heart:

    Elli, I know you need to get the garden going but Colorado Springs is SO lovely! And patriotic!:wink: I always hum "Oh beautiful for gracious skies" when I see that mountain ahead of me and the Great Plains behind me! I always wish that had been chosen as our National Anthem for the beauty it represents, instead of the war song, even though I understand the "Flag was still there" feelings! Enough blithering!

    Judi and Judy, Hello, and Lynn, a belated welcome. Oh, my mind can't focus properly to recall all the posts today!

    My scale was kind today, and I finally lost a whole pound more! An even 20, at last! A minimum of 20 more, although of my face gets too wrinkled, I may stop short of the whole thing! You know that neck up, neck down thing about weight loss as we get "better"!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Is Maddie around? i'm almost afraid to ask, as her Mom was not doing well at all! Tough period for her all the way around! If you're reading , Maddi, our thoughts are with you and our arms around you!:love:

    Phoebe, so glad you and DH are OK! Stay that way, please.

    Gotta eat dinner, so have a good evening , y'all!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Marie, what happened to your bike?
    Glad to see everyone checking in on MayDay!
    Hi Irene, hope you're having a good Sunday.
    well, we went for a walk. We never have time, but today we did, and it turned into a good one. Wish I had on my pdeometer. We started by planning to walk to the corner and try a new, for us,restaurant called Chipoltes. It was so crowded, and it was full service, the line to order went around the inside walls! Must be worth trying, but not today. We said, lets go across to the Big Boy, aka, Shoneys. Well we headed there, and it was crowded out the door. We said, well, there is El Pollo Loco, and el Pollo Chile, lets go there, so we walked further. As we walked, I saw a sign in the air and I said, 'look! Theres a Chilis over there!'. We like Chilis, so we walked there. We sat at the bar, didnt have to wait, and we enjoyed a good meal, ckn fajitas for me,but I ate too many chips, thats corn tortilla chips, not fried potatoes. Afterward, we had a long walk back!
    It is a beautiful day here, not too hot, gentle breezes.
    Elli, hope your dreary weekend turns into a bright sunny week.
    gigi, I know you are missing your family already.
    marilyn, wish Maddie was here to tell you to get up offa that thing! Only she can do it right Lol!
    Maddie, goodness, hope your mom is getting better.
    Sandy, please dont dump your husband out of his chair, it looks bad to the neighbors! Lol, and it would be hard for a man using one foot to get up again. Be safe, glad you have a break in the weather. Thank you too, for beginning the May thread.
    Hi Buzz!
    have a good day, all of you!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Yay for Buzz!! The Big Two O! !
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello Ladies,

    Just out of the shower, feels so good. Long day cleaning up the garage, all the oils and cleaners etc., my son bought years ago are going to the recycle centre. Tires from the truck and other vehicles, will go when I put my summer tires on the truck. Beautiful day to get it all done.

    Elli, yes, I'm okay, and yes some days I feel so low I can't muster a word. But I am fighting to keep myself going. I sometimes just don't know how to stay on the neutral arch over this, I am looking at my tummy and saying you know a good day is a week closer, and a bad eating day is a week more, but some days this does not register into the emotions or common sense. So I go down the slope until I can feel myself lifting again and start all over.

    Crossing my fingers I will hear from my newest job this week.

    Keep working at it ladies, smile at yourself every morning after a good day and say right on girl!

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Yes, Marilyn, that is the way to do it. You are never alone in your slippery slope. My splurges are getting better, but they are not gonegone. I dont think Ill ever defeat my cravings/binges. So I'll take 'better' for now!
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Morning ladies! The sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky but we have a chilly wind. Lunch is made and the tea ready to go into the slow cooker. Lamb in black pepper sauce with lots of spices and chillies. Mmmmm! Scrummy!
    Oh is defrosting the fridge again, it has a design fault and if the power goes off then it freezes in the pipes and needs to be heated with the hairdryer! A real pain in the proverbials!

    We do get tornados here, but very small ones, they rarely do any damage. I think all in all we're pretty lucky, tho we have had some awful floods over the past couple of years. We don't cope well with "weather!" We have" the wrong sort of snow" and leaves on the railway lines which stops the trains. They are already talking "hosepipe bans"

    It's another Bank Holiday, we seem to have had so many! We could do with them in October really to spin them out.

    Do alot of you do "cleanse days?" What does it entail. There seem to be so many differences between us. I'd never heard of isagenix before I came on here. The internet is a wonderful toy. You can learn all sorts! It's odd hearing you all saying what trouble you have with the health system over there, we assume that it's much better than the NHS but it seems you have the same problems as we do.

    Right better get weaving! To all who need it I send the help of my Angels. Take care, Judi xx
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Thanks Judy for the achy breakin heart line dance. I couldn't find the one you sent me but this one look like a good beginning one for us oldies Thank you Judy.

    What do you say barbiecat can you lead us in a line dance. Look like good exercise.

    I was up late last night waiting on the president to make the announcement of Bin Laden

    This is the last week of Jerry treatment. He only has to go 4 days this week. He got so upset on our stolen bike out of our back yard that he like to have lost his voice. But better this morning. I got to call the insurance this morning to see if it is cover.

    Got to go and work on my food chart
    See you later Love Marie