Senior Golden Sneakers -May 2011



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: good morning to all :bigsmile: one thing I love so much about this thread is how geographically diverse we are. I had never heard of "hosepipe bans" (we don't even have trains on the Olympic Peninsula) and we don't have Bank Holidays here although when I was teaching in public school there were some days when school was in session and the banks were closed.

    :flowerforyou: Oldtyke, Isagenix is available in the US, Canada, Mexico, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand but nowhere in Europe yet. It is a great system of healthy products with amazing nutrition and a cleansing system that removes the impurities in your body that encourage your body to hold onto fat for protection. I found Isagenix at the recommendation of my chiropractor over two years ago and my health and energy have improved and my weight has gone down and stayed down and cravings for unhealthy food have gone.

    :brokenheart: the sun is not shining here and it is raining just enough to keep me from taking the dogs for a morning walk. I don't mind taking them to the dog park in a drizzle but I won't have time to do that until this afternoon.

    :flowerforyou: Our cleanse day went well. I got my laundry done as well as a variety of minor housecleaning chores. The dogs got taken on several long walks but didn't go to the dog park. Jake and I took a two hour nap and then we watched "Airplane" and went to bed early. I get extra cold so I put and extra blanket on the bed and slept from 9:30 to 6:30 and woke up hungry and ready for my morning shake. I ate my shake while riding the exercise bike so I'd get some morning exercise and now I'm ready for a new day filled with many possibilities :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    thanks for the dance.........this is a song we dance to at line dance but different choreography but the woman who danced on this video is one of my favorite instructors and she has choreographed other dances that I know :bigsmile:

    this is the link to the new dance I taught in the beginner line dance class :bigsmile:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Monday everyone,
    A little under the weather today, no energy and the body doesn't feel so good:angry::angry: :angry:

    Debz - The Zoo sounds wonderful and taking a picnic very smart:happy: :happy: :happy: have a fantastic time.

    Marie - Thanks for sharing the letter from your niece, sorry about your bike:mad: :mad: :mad: so glad to hear about Jeri.

    Elli - I'm so happy for you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: being able to spend Mother's Day weekend with your
    love one, I'm so sad:sad: :sad: :sad: no one is coming home this time, everyone is too far or too busy.:brokenheart:

    Marilyn - Good luck, hope you hear from the job soon:smile::smile: :smile:

    Maddie - Is your Mom doing ok, hope you're taking care of you also.:love::love: :love:

    Phoebe - you're doing so good walking after a meal, that is awesome.:smooched: :smooched:

    Buzz - great news loosing, you're an inspiration:smile::smile: :smile:

    Have a great day everyone

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Thanks barbiecat. No wonder you stayed so slim all that dancing And look so much fun too.!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    AMEN Sandy! Thanks for that tribute!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sandy, you are so right about our troops. We have a well oiled machine made up of some very fine people who know the meaning of truth, loyalty and honor. It is sad but necessary that they must protect even the lowest of lowlifes such as those who steal instead of work for a living. That's about Jerry and Maries bike.

    Judi, you had my head swimming for a bit. I reread your post a few times, still dont know what a hosepipe ban is. But I see now that you are not brewing tea in your crockpot! Lol

    Barbie, I understand why you have so much rain now, I dont know why I thought you were near Spokane!

    Gigi, I think we get days when we feel bad all over, and we need to pay attention to the signals, taking care to rest up and take our vitamins, drink lots of water to flush away the toxins. Then go to the docotr if that doesnt work!
    speaking of doctors, Marie, have you spoken with your docotrs about the swelling? They may need to do something with your meds. You know when it is important enough to take care of it.

    Deb, have a wonderful time at the zoo, I havent been in a very long time. I should make it a summer 'to do'.

    Be well, wishing sunshine in your hearts for everyone
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Dee Is this the okra flower. I seen lot of okra blooms at my grandmother home but never grew any myself for Jerry don't like it.
    I never knew a bloom could be so pretty. You caught a master piece. Good JobThanks for sharing . I can see the okra
    below the flower.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Afternoon Ladies:

    Wow! What a weekend, first a Royal Wedding and now Osama Bin Laden.
    Pretty good for a 2011 weekend. What next?

    Raining here again and will be for most of the week. :grumble:
    The weather doesn't realize its May and the sun should be shining.:noway:

    I did manage to get my front lawn cleaned up and spring flowers looking really good.
    My hubby got a chance to mow the lawn between rain drops. I hope to get to the back-
    yard cleaned up this weekend and get it looking good.

    Marie: I hope you get your bike back so you can continue on your exercising.

    Yesterday I cleaned for 150 minutes on my tracker, that was my exercise for the day.
    I was dog watching for two weekends in a row (a black and a brown lab)
    and my carpeting was dingy due to dog hair etc. So I got to scrubbing carpet and washing
    throw rugs and such. It was pouring rain so it was a good day to get things done.
    Don't get me wrong I love dogs and used to have one most of my life, but when you don't
    have one for a while you realize how it was.

    Well nothing more exciting to write, hope all is well to those who are having problems and
    better days are coming. :heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Good Afternoon ladies. I'm sorry to report that my mother passed away this morning at 10:08. She was 89 1/2 years old. My brother, myself and my niece were with her and she passed fairly quietly. Please continue to pray for us and thank you for all of your prayers and support. Buzz, you have to adopt me now!

    Maddie :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Oh Maddie I am so sorry, God give you the strength you need at this time. :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :cry: :cry: :cry:
    My prayers are with you and your family, please accept my sympathy.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh MADDIE - i'm so sorry:cry: It's so hard when it's your Mom.....I lost mine 5 years ago. No matter how old we get they're ALWAYS our just can't ever be ready. Thinking about you.

    On a more upbeat note - oh what a day! I'm so proud of our country, our military and so very grateful that hateful person is gone from our planet!

    GIGI - so sorry none of your kids will be with you for Mother's Day.....sometimes it's hard isn't it? I really shouldn't leave next weekend - i still haven't planted or mowed a thing - but my priorities are different now and i'm going to jump at the chance to spend Friday night and Saturday with my son and his family. Leena is changing so much every day - she's working on her third tooth now and will be 9 months old on Mother's Day!

    SHIRLEY - cleaning house is a GREAT workout! Especially for as long as you were at it.

    CONNIE - i know it can be so frustrating at times. What i don't get is where this great resolve comes from WHEN i have it - and where the heck does it go when i decide to eat everything that's not nailed down?????? I was down to 1 pound to lose and now i'm back up to 4.:grumble: I know for me, i have to take one day at a time, and not beat myself up when i mess up.

    MARIE - so glad Jerry only has a week left. It will be good for that to be over and done with.

    SANDY - thanks for the tribute to our military. I was on the phone for over an hour this morning with my Soldier/son, his wife, my other boy and his wife plus a dear friend who's a Vietnam vet. lots of grateful tears involved in all conversations. I'm so very proud and grateful to be an American.

    Hi PHOEBE - how is it out there? I hope you'll stay out of the bad weather. I was talking to my friend this morning who still drives about how many times he's had to chain up this winter - so many that his hands are messed up from the mag chloride! ugh.

    I seem to have a cold now - poor little Kodi and her mom and dad have had it for a week now - i haven't seen her in over a week - it's the longest i've gone without seeing her, but i don't want to bother them when they're all not feeling well......

    My friend Angela who works with me and her hubby are getting straw for me today - how's that for amazing friends? oh my i am so blessed.......i just can't express enough gratitude this day.

    MARILYN - glad you're all right - just keep on putting one foot in front of the other - sometimes that's all it takes - just go through the will get better.

    I hope you are all well today, MADDIE - you and yours are in my thoughts.

    l, e
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Maddie, i'm glad you were with your mom when she passed. I hope that your health is good now. Please take care of you and do what you need to do. Weve missed your posts, all of them, and we are looking forward to the time when you can chat with us. Until then, hugs for you. You have been a good daughter.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Maddie so sorry to hear about your sweet mother. You and your family is in my prayers.

  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Maddie: I am sorry for your loss. It;s so hard losing your mum. It's good that you were with her right to the end, and I am sure she would have known. Thinking of you and your family at this sad time. Hugs and prayers being sent your way:heart:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Maddie - I'm so sorry about the lost of yor mother, it's so hard when is someone so close to you, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time. My prayers would be that each day your sadness will be less, replaced by the warm loving memories you have of your mother, my sympathy and my love.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    Dear Maddie,
    I am so sorry about your mom. It is always too soon. I send my warmest thoughts to you :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :sad: :sad:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Good Afternoon ladies. I'm sorry to report that my mother passed away this morning at 10:08. She was 89 1/2 years old. My brother, myself and my niece were with her and she passed fairly quietly. Please continue to pray for us and thank you for all of your prayers and support. Buzz, you have to adopt me now!

    Maddie :heart:

    Maddie, my heart is with you.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Maddie, I am so sorry. My prayers are with you and your family. My heart goes out to you. ***hugs****
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Maddie: Sorry for your loss, glad you could be with her. I lost my Dad in October he was 93 from dementia.
    He was in Florida and I was here. He passed too fast for me to get there.
    My heart goes out to your family and friends who knew her. :heart: