Senior Golden Sneakers -May 2011



  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member

    I"m so sorry to hear about your mom... prayers for you and your family!

  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    So sorry to hear about your mom. It is never easy to lose a loved one especially your mom. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers...
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Thank you so much everyone:heart: It is a little more difficult than I had anticipated but I and my family will be OK. Death is a part of life and she is in a much better place! I didn't realize that there would be so much to do. I don't know why but I never thought about cleaning up her stuff or the paperwork or anything......:frown: She would probably laugh about that because I'm always so prepared :laugh:

    Song for today on YOUTUBE.COM: Lonnie Donegan - Does Your Chewing Gum Lose it's Flavour?

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Tuesday everyone,

    This morning we are leaving for Chicago, our daugther the youngest that lives in San Francisco, is arriving at the O'Hara airport, around 2 PM, we have dinner plans with her friends:happy: :happy: :happy: we're staying overnight and plan to shop in Water Tower and Downtown at Macy's old Marshfield Store, she will be there for a few days, but we will be on our way home tomorrow.
    Can't wait to see her, has been so long since our family vacation, that was the last time were together:heart::heart: :heart:

    Hope everyone has a good tuesday.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    GIGI - so glad you are getting to spend time with your youngest and her friends. Have a great time!

    MADDIE - hang in there. Just take one step at a time. My Mom had way pared down her life to a tiny unit in an assisted living facility and it still took my brother and days to get it all sorted out.

    Happy Tuesday everyone.

  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Loving thoughts to you Maddie. Remember the happy times, it will help you get through. :heart:

    Hosepipe bans, ah well. We use hoses to water our gardens, wash our cars in what we laughingly call summer! If the reservoirs are low, they stop us from using them and we trail water out in our watering cans and the lawns go brown. I'm intrigued to what you thought I meant!

    Anyone heard from Judy? I see they had a bad tornado in NZ yesterday. I hope she is safe.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh my - for some reason i was thinking the "hosepipe" bans had something to do with the i a freaking country bumpkin or WHAT????? I know the towns around us have watering restrictions - they can only water their lawns on certain days during certain hours.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Maddie, we are here for you!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Judi, I read that wrong and thought you said horsepipes ban so I was really confused. :laugh: :laugh:

    Elli, keep up the good work on food and exercise, you can do this. :heart:

    Gigi, if I wasn't so busy with getting ready for my trip to DC on Friday I could have come to Chicago to meet you. Have fun with your youngest and have a safe trip. :heart:

    I have bills to pay, stores to go to, a husband to take care of and I have to start packing things for my trip and for hubby to go to his sons. Of course I probably won't pack until Thursday but time just flies by so fast I can't catch up. My knees feel better today and thought about doing the elliptical but I might just stay with our walks for this week. Between the two weekend trips I am going to be all messed up although I do plan on bringing my computer to keep in touch if there is time. I am a little nervous about going to Washington DC, but it is out of my hands.

    Have a good day everyone, talk to you later.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy is bryanna going with you?
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    SANDY - what are you doing in DC?? I wonder if Phoebe thinks like i do it's one of the worst places in the country to get lost in a big truck!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    I am going to Washington DC on Friday to see my oldest granddaughter graduate with honors from American College. I will be gone from Friday to Monday and Babe is going to his son's for the weekend. (he hates this idea but wants me to go) Bryanna was supposed to go with me until we found out it was Mother's Day so her mom said since she has never been away from Bryanna on Mother's Day she had to cancel, I took her to Arizona instead. The following weekend both Bryanna and I are going to Minnesota to watch my other granddaughter graduate from U of M College,we will again be gone Friday night through Monday afternoon, Babe's daughter is coming from California to take care of him. (he doesn't like this idea either). Makes me feel good that he likes the way I am taking care of him and appreciates what I do. I do feel I need the break though so I am not feeling toooooooo guilty.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    Just checking in and leaving you with this:

    Let your mind be challenged,
    Your spirit be free,
    And your heart be full of Love. :heart:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone, sorry been so busy that I haven't had a chance for a proper catch-up with you all. I found myself each night around midnight with eyelids drooping trying to compose a sensible post but couldn't get my brain in gear ~ nothing new there:laugh:

    After a long walk around our local lake/reservoir in a howling gale this morning I've gained so many calories to burn I don't know where and what to begin eating this evening. Talking of hosepipe bans, we noticed the water level is incredibly low where only a few weeks ago it was lapping around the perimeter. There is now a small beach but I see from our weather forecast rain is coming in off the Atlantic so that could be the end of our summer because that sort of rain can be torrential and go on and on.

    Maddy ~ I was so, so sorry to read your news about your mother. I know it's heartbreaking because we want them to be around forever don't we. Stay strong and don't get bogged down sorting out effects until you are well and truly ready. :As with everyone else, I send condolences and have you in my heart. :heart:
    Sandy ~ Have a great time in Washington and capture all those memories for when you're back home. Really look forward to hearing all about it.

    Probably lots of other comments I could leave but I'd better get off and plan a 900+ calorie meal. Scrummy!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    Just checking in and leaving you with this:

    Let your mind be challenged,
    Your spirit be free,
    And your heart be full of Love. :heart:

    How nice Shirley thanks
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I had a lovely but exhausting day at the zoo yesterday. It was fun to watch Jessica & Isabelle' reactions to the animals.
    I got to feedone of the elephants and oneof the giraffes. Loved it! I have a soft spot for the ellies!:bigsmile:

    Sandy: Have a wonderful time at the graduation. Babe will be fine, you must try not to worry.:flowerforyou:

    Jackie: I can only guess what those winds like for your walk today. It was a very windy day here yesterday, but we are more sheltered than you. At least you get to eat a hearty meal eh?:happy:

    Shirley: That was lovely. One for us all to remember.:happy:

    Judi: I think heavy rain is on it's way, so we might escape the hose ban:noway:

    Maddie: Thinking of you. I agree with Jackie. Take your time, don't be rushed.:heart:

    To all the other wonderful ladies, that I have not mentioned, have a great and happy evening/day xxxxxxxxx
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MADDIE said...
    Buzz, you have to adopt me now!
    :cry: :cry: :cry: MADDIE, you have been such a loving and caring daughter, I would love to adopt you! Your Mom is now in a better place, and I'm so sorry for your grief and the ensuing work involved, but the family she left behind is a great tribute to a very valiant fighter! You made her passing easier :flowerforyou: . Now for YOUR healing time, we are all here for you with outstretched
    arms. Utmost sympathy from us all! :heart: :heart:

    Blessings to our wonderful Navy Seals, our gutsy President, and everyone else involved in bringing to an end that madman who was such a scourge to the world! I heard today that many Congresspeople have known the plans since January (!!!) and not one person leaked the secret! Amazing, and makes us all proud again:blushing: !

    I've been so busy ---again with who knows what--- I haven't been able to keep up here, but today was kind of a banner day for one who hates to shop...and a husband who hates it more!!! We bought one of those french door refrigerators with a bottom freezer and a separate middle drawer than can be adjusted to 4 different temperatures, depending on what one wants to store, from soft ice cream to deli meats or snacks! I hope I can figure out how to use it, but it seems to make more sense than the side by side I've been so annoyed with for 20 years. Too narrow to take wide dishes, and everything gets lost! Wow, will I find hidden frozen treasures when we switch over! And we'll have crushed ice at last, and no stainless steel with fingerprints impossible to clean! HOORAH!

    MARIE, too bad about the bike, and get another real quick! What the heck, you both deserve it!:bigsmile:

    SANDY, have a super trip; YOU deserve it :drinker:

    Late: gotta run, but hi to all of you and I hope manana is less frantic!:noway:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies,

    MADDY, My thoughts of hope and strength for you, sometimes the worst hits after the fact. Hold your ground and breathe.

    Elli, thanks, yes, right now it is one step at a time, hoping I can learn to keep going and not so many slips back.

    GOT MY NEW JOB:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Now the fun of organizing shifts so I am not working 24/7 Three jobs to juggle for the next two to three weeks.

    Got some work to do ladies, catch you later

  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Congratulations on getting your new job Marilyn.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thata is wonderful news Marilyn. ao glad for you. but sure hate to see you juggle 3 jobs these next few weeks Tke care

    I have eaten all but 7 calories of today food left. Sure hope I make it thru the night. I wonder if that song is on you tube? Probable. Right now I am so full. If I don't get a low blood sugar I should make it.

    Buzz good to see a long post from you.Look like you are doing great on your food chart. i am going to have to get some ground chicken and make me some stuff peppers. they sound so good. I love bell peppers any color. really like he red ones. I am so thrill that we are getting a Traders Joe her in the Dallas area. Be just my luck it will be clear across town.

    We have had a lovely day here after 3 or 4 days of cold rainy weather. But we really needed the rain. I lost some stems off of my tomatoe plants. Fixing to order my seeds for some fall tomatoes.

    Gayla are you home yet. ? sure hope you had a good time and come back and get with WW. Been nice to hear from Kay on FB, Can't believe Michael is going off to military training. also about time to think about your garden. I go out every morning and count my little green tmatoes. we have a had a few to get ripe. yum. jerry has his tomatoes and I have mine. He don't like the cherry tomatoes and I love them.

    Judy I am so glad that no one in your family got in that tornada way. Do you all have many.? seems like we always get them when Dancing with stars are on and they keep radar on TV and miss most of the show. You are going to have to send me your cole slaw recipe.

    Sandy how much longer do Babe have to stayed off his feet?

    Connie Is your husband doing ok. Can he help you around the house any? or the yard.? Have a question for you. Do you ever save your tomatoes seeds for next year. Since we had tomatoes plant come up from tomatoes that fell in our container last year and growing quite well now too. I thought I might put some in the dirt and see If I can roots them for a fall garden Should I Slice them open before I cover them up with Dirt?. But would like to save some seeds for next year I have 2 tomatoes plant That seems to be a real good patio tomatoe plant. Have to wait till they ripen before I know If I want to fool with them I did stick some stems in a pot and they are still green.

    Jerry just got 3 more days to go for his treatment. He said they had a new passenger this morning going in for a pet scan. he has lung cancer or the suspect she does. and She is still smoking.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hello All!

    First of all, :flowerforyou: Maddie. Doesn't matter how old you are, 20-something like I was, or 60-something like you, it is never, never easy losing Mom. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Marie, yes, that is the okra flower. I was amazed at how beautiful the flower is. I matted that photo in an ivory/yellow and am looking for a dark frame. Who would've thought such a plain vegetable would come from such beauty.

    Bluebird report: had 5 eggs, but now there's only one. :cry: The house sparrows raided the bluebird box and destroyed 4 eggs. The fifth one was on the ground but unbroken, so I put it back in the house hoping that it's still viable. Mr&Mrs Bluebird were hanging around the box tonight, so hopefully we'll have at least one baby!

    Weighed in at WW today for the month. I was down another 2.4 pounds and am now 12 pounds below my WW goal. :smile: Tomorrow is my MFP weighin. I've maintained the last two weeks, so I'm hoping I'm down a pound. I'm just four pounds away from my personal goal. Gosh, these last pounds are hard to get rid of!!!!!:grumble:

    Goodnight everyone! Sleep tight!
