What's your fantasy when you hit your goal weight?



  • Mine is just to reach my goal. Seems fantasy enough at this point.

  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    To finish a half ironman and when people see me they take me seriously as an athlete and that I give people some real competition.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I love those! Mine is the have my nasty mean cheerleader type neighbors, who are 10 yrs or more younger than me, like me even less! While they continue to get older and the meanness creases their old leathery faces, I'll be jogging by looking half their age!

    A favorite quote of mine from the Golden Girls:
    "When you're young and beautiful, you're a freak of nature, but when you're old and beautiful-- baby, you've earned it!"
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My fantasy is that my final goal weight will actually be my final goal weight. I have changed it a couple times now because when I reach the weight I still have a stomach :sad: My true final goal is if I ever manage to get a six-pack. What will I do then? I have no idea, but technically my 10 year reunion is next year...
  • My fantasy....hmmmm....i honestly don't know, I don't think I have one. :( I would just like to be happy being me. And not feel ugly. It would just be nice to hear someone say "wow your really pretty or you look good" instead of "your fat or eww"
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    My fantasy....hmmmm....i honestly don't know, I don't think I have one. :( I would just like to be happy being me. And not feel ugly. It would just be nice to hear someone say "wow your really pretty or you look good" instead of "your fat or eww"

    You ARE pretty!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Damn...If I've already indulged every fantasy thus far, and I haven't even hit my goal yet, what the hell else is there?

    This, maybe?



  • lynxcoco
    lynxcoco Posts: 58 Member
    Get a hot pink motorcycle (and my license) and all the sexy motorcycle outfits to go with it!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My fantasy....hmmmm....i honestly don't know, I don't think I have one. :( I would just like to be happy being me. And not feel ugly. It would just be nice to hear someone say "wow your really pretty or you look good" instead of "your fat or eww"

    You ARE pretty!

    I concur.
  • kell33
    kell33 Posts: 4
    mine is to go out with all my girlfriend on a huge shopping trip and to be able to pick up outfits in all the same shops as them without thinking about weather it will fit or not
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    To go to Vegas for a wild crazy weekend, with my hubby and let him show me off. Short skirts, tight tops, killer shoes. The whole thing. Then again, we might never leave the room....lol!
  • donya35
    donya35 Posts: 166
    Mine is to look good in a bikini. I've never worn one, not because I never could fit in one, I just didn't have the confidence to go with it when I was skinny.
  • ashahl
    ashahl Posts: 81
    Okay I know this doesn't answer the question but your post reminded me of when my boyfriend’s cousin, who has an ABNORMALLY large...um chest, went walking to the store in a white tank top. A guy in a pickup was driving by and ogling her. With his eyes bulging out, he turned his head to follow her and smashed his truck into the side of a building. Bahahahahah it was the final straw to convince her to get a breast reduction.
  • To go shopping with my best friends and actually get to try on cute clothes without having to sneak off to the fat girls section where the selection is rotten and makes me feel ugly, if they have a plus section at all. I am tired of going and watching them try on outfit after outfit that looks fantastic while I have to sit there and say, "I need to be saving money for X" when the real reason I'm not buying is because the store doesn't carry my size.
  • LOL. For me its fitting into bikini, going to the beach and WOWing everyone:smile:

  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    My dream is merely to be able to go into a regular clothes store and find clothes that fit!! No more XXXXL shirts from Asda/Walmart!!
  • I think I would go out and buy a sexy dress! And then a swimsuit! Then go to the beach and show off my sexy self lol
  • roberbro
    roberbro Posts: 13 Member
    To go out to a club without feeling old and self conscious. I haven't been to a dance club in almost 15 years because of this very issue, even though I was there every Fri and Sat night throughout my early 20s. Oh, to be as thin and vibrant as I was then.
  • monakia87
    monakia87 Posts: 8 Member
    To have my SO snatch me up and spin around without me worrying about hurting his back.
  • Nikki_856
    Nikki_856 Posts: 29
    To wear a bikini and feel like I look good (also not worrying about how it will look if I sit down)