What's your fantasy when you hit your goal weight?



  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Cute jeans, black tank top and sexy red heels, then getting picked up on by a hot younger guy!
  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    Two fantasies for me.

    1. Getting out of the car at the beach in a bikini, covered in the tattoos I plan on getting once I lose weight, and reach in the back and pull out my 2 year old daughter. Then have my boyfriend come to my side and people be in shock by the tattoo factor, and the fact that I look THAT hott and have a kid.

    2. Surprising my boyfriend with a routine on the stripper pole with some skimpy lingerie. Grawrrrrrrrr.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Two fantasies for me.

    1. Getting out of the car at the beach in a bikini, covered in the tattoos I plan on getting once I lose weight, and reach in the back and pull out my 2 year old daughter. Then have my boyfriend come to my side and people be in shock by the tattoo factor, and the fact that I look THAT hott and have a kid.

    2. Surprising my boyfriend with a routine on the stripper pole with some skimpy lingerie. Grawrrrrrrrr.

    You win!
  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    Two fantasies for me.

    1. Getting out of the car at the beach in a bikini, covered in the tattoos I plan on getting once I lose weight, and reach in the back and pull out my 2 year old daughter. Then have my boyfriend come to my side and people be in shock by the tattoo factor, and the fact that I look THAT hott and have a kid.

    2. Surprising my boyfriend with a routine on the stripper pole with some skimpy lingerie. Grawrrrrrrrr.

    You win!

    (: I figure I might as well show him what I'm learning in pole class.
  • DRay64
    DRay64 Posts: 69 Member
    I wanna wear a cat suite like Hallie's in Cat Woman!! @ Mamabear, I love the stripper pole idea.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    Mmmhh... One that is on my mind is whooping some butt in Mixed Martial Arts.. when I reach my 2nd goal, my reward it to rejoin Warrior's Cove where they teach Shin Budo. I can't wait to throw people around, strategize on how to submit them and of course the learning factor of how to get out of such situations..
  • Walt75
    Walt75 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm gonna find me a dominatrix-Oh wait..wrong fantasy sowy;)
  • Walt75
    Walt75 Posts: 182 Member
    My fantasy....hmmmm....i honestly don't know, I don't think I have one. :( I would just like to be happy being me. And not feel ugly. It would just be nice to hear someone say "wow your really pretty or you look good" instead of "your fat or eww"
    OMG! Are you serious??? Look at those eyes! You are gorgious!!
  • sarahmay25
    sarahmay25 Posts: 27 Member
    My fantasy is that someone (that I haven't told I'm working out) will say "wow, you look so strong!", I'm not going for skinny, I want to look toned, strong, and flat bellied :)
  • spacegirlz
    spacegirlz Posts: 68 Member
    My fantasy is to be able to fit into a 2 piece, all in the right places, and be able walk out onto the beach with my bf and not think that people are thinking "Ummm isn't she a lot larger than him" but instead think "Damn those 2 are HOT!!!"
  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    My 1st fantasy would be to buy some skimpy clothes and go back to Vegas and show off what I don't got anymore! And if a young stud happens to notice, well....what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!

    My 2nd fantasy would be to do the local mini triathalon and actually be competitive. I don't want to just feel good about finishing, I want to kick some *kitten* as I finish :happy:
  • MrsHilgert
    MrsHilgert Posts: 33 Member
    wearing a bikini at the pool and people saying, she has HOW many kids?
  • AniMarieSt
    AniMarieSt Posts: 119 Member
    Just to be able to go into a fitting room w/some super cute clothes and have NO WORRIES about ANY of it fitting.

    Some hardcore fantasy, right? LoL.

    I think its just that since gaining I've had way too many disappointed changing room sessions. And each time it made me feel absolutely horrible.
  • makeachange22
    makeachange22 Posts: 151
    go past people who i know, and they take a double glance to see me again and introduce themselves to me ( the guys) and hit on me, and i get to turn them down for the years they turned me down.
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    visiting friends/family in NJ and running into my ex and being 100lbs thinner, with a wonderful husband, and my successful ebay biz, and maybe a kid or two, while hes still living with mommy and doing nothing with his life except for getting bigger,higher,& drunker.. Oh Oh and going to nj and seeing my best guy friend who turned me down 3-4 years ago (we are still best friends) and showing him what he could have had....lol.l yes I can be quite vengeful lol
  • Steppin out of a big truck in red high heels, short denim shorts, and an awesome tank top that doesn't quite hit the top of my shorts. Then pulling 2 kids out the back :) Just WOWing! people :)

    LOVE IT!! I don't have kids but if I did that would be my fantasy!!
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    Steppin out of a big truck in red high heels, short denim shorts, and an awesome tank top that doesn't quite hit the top of my shorts. Then pulling 2 kids out the back :) Just WOWing! people :)

    THIS only its 3 kids and my hubbys big truck. I want people to be amazed I have 3 kids and look so good.
  • I've been belly dancing for seven years, and have NO pictures of myself in my outfit, or performing. I have always been too camera shy. When I'm down to the weight I want to be and toned up, I want to book an appointment at a studio, and have professional photos of myself done in my costume.

    I know, kind of mundane for a fantasy, but for me, it would really be a big thing!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    To be able to pick jeans and tops off a rack, and KNOW that they're going to fit.
    Preferably small tops, 5/6 jeans.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    To have him look at me the way he did 25 years ago. To have him regret leaving me.