What the Primal/Paleo lifestyle is about ... and not:



  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    This is interesting. It helps clear acne? How so? I always thought high protein diets created inflammation in the body. What about lean muscle tissue? You know when folks are on a low fat diet they have a tendency to lose lean muscle mass. Because this 'lifestyle' change is high in protein I am assuming that this won't happen.

    Quite the opposite, high carb, especially processed carbs, creates inflammation in the body.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Then why align yourself under the Paleo camp?
    Why the hostility towards the Paleo camp?

    Why the **** is it a "camp" in the first place? It's a nutrition lifestyle, and like any other it has its pros, cons, supporters, and detractors. Sheesh, get off the high horse already, JN.

    Not sure who this was directed too, but since my quote is the last I have to assume it’s me. And since you are a young pup I will assume you just don’t understand the use of the word camp. So in the spirit of honest concern for your lack of education I will educate you.

    Camp; (1) : a group of persons; especially : a group engaged in promoting or defending a theory, doctrine, position, or person (2) : an ideological position

    And as for high horse, if you read back thru this thread you will see our “camp” didn’t start the arguments, we never do, but you will find we are not shy about defending our camp. Have a nice day “superman”,,,, speaking of high horse. :wink:
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Then why align yourself under the Paleo camp?
    Why the hostility towards the Paleo camp?

    Why the **** is it a "camp" in the first place? It's a nutrition lifestyle, and like any other it has its pros, cons, supporters, and detractors. Sheesh, get off the high horse already, JN.

    Not sure who this was directed too, but since my quote is the last I have to assume it’s me. And since you are a young pup I will assume you just don’t understand the use of the word camp. So in the spirit of honest concern for your lack of education I will educate you.

    Camp; (1) : a group of persons; especially : a group engaged in promoting or defending a theory, doctrine, position, or person (2) : an ideological position

    And as for high horse, if you read back thru this thread you will see our “camp” didn’t start the arguments, we never do, but you will find we are not shy about defending our camp. Have a nice day “superman”,,,, speaking of high horse. :wink:

    Wasn't directed at you, and you completely misread me because you thought it was, but thanks for the completely unnecessary ridicule all the same.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    He's baaaaack
  • ohthatmomma
    ohthatmomma Posts: 115
    Please respond with kindness :) How healthy is this diet? Especially if you don't usually eat a ton of meat.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member

    Wasn't directed at you, and you completely misread me because you thought it was, but thanks for the completely unnecessary ridicule all the same.

    My apologies. In the future you can delete quotes and keep the ones you want by deleting everything but the starting [quote.] and ending [/quote.] it helps avoid confusion as to who you are addressing. Again apologies for the misunderstanding.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Please respond with kindness :) How healthy is this diet? Especially if you don't usually eat a ton of meat.

    it is very healthy, and you don't have to eat a ton of meat on this either. The health benifits come from eating clean foods, and cutting out all the processed crap.
  • LadyPHX
    LadyPHX Posts: 52
    Hi. I am so glad I stumbled across this topic. I have recently started a primal lifestyle; went cold turkey on the do not eat list; changed over to the HIIT and 30 minute workout DVDs and put the rest away, getting out more, and moving further. Lifting heavy things suits me. I just wanted to say Thank you. I don't get all the hostility. I thought this was supposed to be judgment free. If they want to be catty and negative, there is always WW.
  • kirbybunny
    Saving to read later!