Pregnancy 2011- May



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Megan... You are going to do great with lo by yourself!

    Sheri... We miss you too.

    Brittony... Gals your apt went so well!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Sheri – wow it’s been a month already? We miss you and I can’t wait to join you on the postnatal board. My goal is to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight by the time I go back to work in January.

    Danielle – I can’t wait to find out what you’re having!!! :bigsmile: And I’m pretty sure I’ll have plenty more “crazy pregnant woman” stories over the next 5 months.

    Renee – whenever I’m having an emotional day my husbands says “I think you need a nap” :huh:

    Lynn – thanks for the info, I’m going to look into them. I want something that’s easy to handle but I don’t lots of sidewalks in my neighborhood so I need something that good for all areas. I haven’t registered yet; I’m trying to figure out when I should.

    Annabelle – hope you’re feeling better.

    AnneElise – I hope you get power back soon!

    Brittony – I’m glad you had a good appointment!!

    Today was a really healthy day for me. :happy: I stayed within my calories, walked on my lunch break AND after dinner with hubby and drank 12 glasses of water! (I’m still having a hard time getting over the “water makes me want to vomit” feeling.) I’m hoping if I can keep this up for 2 more days the doctors’ scale on Thursday won’t be as bad as my home scale was the other day. Fingers crossed!!!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Ron - I love your new pic!!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Love the new pic Ron!! Cute hair!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Evening all,
    Joonz - I got a good tip from a friend who lived in leggings and tunic tops during her pregnancy, you can get away with buying the non-maternity clothes in those two items a lot of the time. Maybe just go a size bigger than usual??

    I read a few people struggling with the morning sickness. I've happily left the worst of that behind now (fingers crossed) but what helped me tremendously was taking my pre-natals at night along with 1 tables of doxylamine ( OTC sleeping pill). It worked wonders and my formerly all-day-nausea only showed up late in the evenings and quote mild at that. My midwife okay'd the combo and it basically mimics a Canadian morning sickness drug that you can't get in the US.
    The only other thing that helped me was the moment I felt nauseous, I ate something, a cracker or two, some chips anything bland like that. Totally counter intuitive but hey, it worked.

    Julie - LOVE the nursery, super cute and I say go for it, the more stars the merrier :heart: :heart: I always LOVED my glow-in-the-dark stars that were on my ceiling as a child. Erm, holy crap is that one organized closet you have there :laugh:
    So sorry to hear about your co-worker, hope you will get to pay your respects somehow. I've had 2 former co-workers/friends pass away in the last 2 years and in both cases they were out of state. Not getting a chance to say goodbye seems to make it much harder to accept.

    Misdemeanor - sounds like you have a great plan worked out there with the childcare during your due date/labor period. I'm sure your son will have a blast getting spoiled by his grandma, emotionally scarred, I think not.

    Anne-Elise - hope your power comes back on soon, it's been days hasn't it ? I can usually cope with the lack of electricity but the water gets me miserable:grumble:

    AFM: busy day, busy few weeks actually, big deadline tomorrow for a months long project so I'll be very relieved to get that over with. In exciting news, hubby and I finally booked our honeymoon (we were married in October) so off to hawaii in a few weeks and I CANNOT WAIT !!!!:bigsmile:
    Last week was the first that I could no longer button my regular pants so I ended up at pea in a pod this past weekend and they have such cute clothes, actually fashionable, unlike most I've seen other places. It made me vary happy. My back account, on the other hand, not so happy. :laugh:
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    Good evening everyone! It's been a busy day around here. I did manage to make it into the gym this morning becasue my awesome husband got the kids to school so I could get there early to do my workout before having to take my oldest son to a dr. appt. I left the house at 8 and other than coming home to switch cars at lunch time and for 45 minutes to do homework and feed the same oldest boy, I wasn't home until almost 9. I'm so tired now but having trouble sleeping (again!)

    For the exercise challenge, I did:
    Monday - 20 minute bike ride as my oldest was home from school after a bad asthma attack
    Tuesday - 40 minutes strength training and cardio
    Wednesday - 60 minute Body Step class
    Thursday - Nothing
    Friday - 90 minutes walking the hilly National Zoo with my son's Kindergarten class
    Saturday - officially nothing, but I chaperoned a 4 hour girl scout event so did lots of walking around and helping out my troop

    I'm still working out, but the nausea is killing me. I got sick for the first time today - thankfully in the shower. I brushed my teeth while showering because I was worried how it was going to go.i

    It's great to hear how everyone is doing. I'm trying to keep my head up because I am showing a two pound weight gain and I don't understand that unless it's the junk food I'm craving even wtihout going over my calorie counts.

    I'm also struggling with not telling people. I want to wait until at least after my 1st visit with the midwife, but I also find myself wanting to drop it into conversation with everyone. When did you all tell your family and friends? Our other 4 kids don't know because it wouldn't be a secret any longer.
  • remaho80
    remaho80 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi all! My hubby and I have been TTC baby #3 for 11 months now. We have 2 boys that were conceived within 2 months, so this difficulty is SO not what I expected. All we can do is keep on trying. I joined MFP last month and am currently in my 4th week with a weight loss of 4 lbs so far. I had extra weight left over from my previous pregnancies that I decided I want to get rid of before getting pregnant again. I wish I would have made that decision to lose this weight 2 years ago! Oh well. Better late than never! This weight loss journey is keeping my mind occupied so that I'm not focusing so much on the stress TTC. Congrats to all of you that are expecting and Good Luck to those that are trying! :)
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new to the group and this is my 1st pregnancy. I made my first appointments for the 9th and the 16th - 2 diff docs. (I only had a GP who I didn't really care for for my yearly since I moved out here 3 years ago.)

    I'm wondering about calories and exercise. I thought I read that most just changed their cals to maintenance. Is that right? As far as exercise, I know it's okay/ recommended to keep working out. I usually do BodyCombat about 3-4 x/week and/or cardio on the treadmill, elliptical or stair mill.

    Is the 140 heart rate pretty accurate? I've gotten some pointers from 2 of the teachers (who taught through their pregnancies) about scaling back on the jumping, knees and such. Anyone else do the Les Mills classes? Any input/ ideas/ recs?
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Is the 140 heart rate pretty accurate? I've gotten some pointers from 2 of the teachers (who taught through their pregnancies) about scaling back on the jumping, knees and such. Anyone else do the Les Mills classes? Any input/ ideas/ recs?

    Congrats and welcome! As far as heart rate, I have been told as long as you can talk/hold a conversation you are fine. That being said, I have pushed myself harder than that and have been ok (I just dont make it a point to do that regularly).

    As far as calories, I didnt switch to maintenance until like week 20 really. I was about a small deficit (but I am also 200lbs) prior to 20 weeks. Now I eat maintenance if my body is asking for it. If my body says its hungry I eat more, if food sounds gross I eat less.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    @ Annabelle - you're looking great. Hope the remainder of your pregnancy is sickness free. :)

    Thought you ladies would like this video.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Brittony -- I'm glad your appointment went well! Sleeping on my back is the only way I can sleep as of last night. I did put a pillow under half of my back/butt. I can't get even close to comfortable any other way.

    Anne -- I definitely have days I feel more pregnant. I hardly felt pregnant at all yesterday until I tried to go to sleep. :ohwell:

    Meokk -- Ooooh, Hawaii!!! My BIL lives there (stationed @ Pearl Harbor). :grumble: But he's underwater on a submarine for the next couple of months still.

    Collin -- I told my best friend (who lives 500 miles away so it's easy for her to keep a secret) the day after finding out. We told our very immediate families (mothers and fathers) within a week or 2 of finding out (I was 3 weeks 6 days pregnant when I told my mom and she asked me why I had waited so long to tell her. :noway: Um.. because I've only known for 2 days & wanted to be sure?). Of course mom and MIL couldn't keep their blabbing mouths shut so pretty much everyone in our families knew by the time I was 6 weeks. We had to tell a few friends on New Year's Eve when I was 11 weeks 6 days because um... yeah, it was NYE and I wasn't drinking and they pretty much figured it out immediately. I waited until after my first ultrasound to tell anyone at work. I was 12 weeks 3 days when I finally spilled the beans.

    newmrsdec10 -- The 140bpm heartrate thing is a very oversimplified guideline. I don't use it. It's what my OB office told me in the beginning but when I spoke to an OB alone about it, she said I can continue doing whatever I was doing pre-pregnancy as long as I'm still comfortable doing it. Unfortunately, I'm NOT comfortable doing most of what I did before I was pregnant (like run for miles at a time). But like hkystar said, as long as you can carry on a conversation with complete sentences, you're heart rate and oxygen intake should be fine. It's insanely frustrating to me to try to exercise while constantly glancing at my heart rate monitor. Plus, it takes nothing to get my heartrate over 140. I can still breathe very easily until it reaches almost 180bpm or so. That point is going to vary greatly from person to person.

    AFM -- I had a terrible time trying to sleep last night. I was so exhausted but I couldn't get comfortable. I tossed and turned for 3 hours and by 2.30am I was so frustrated I just sat on the side of the bed trying not to CRY about it. (insert *DOH!* icon here :laugh:). I drove my husband out of the bed I was rolling around and complaining so much. :ohwell: I think I may just try sleeping on the couch tonight. I seem to always be able to fall asleep on it. I wonder why I can sleep there and not the bed. I'm a total grump today because of it. :yawn: Oh well.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Lynn/Brittony – thanks, I’m finally at the point where I feel pregnant and not just pudgy.

    Meokk – I’m so jealous! I hope you have a great time in Hawaii!

    Katrina – I wouldn’t worry too much about gaining 2 pounds, I wish that was all I gained by 7 weeks. It was hard to stay away from the junk in the beginning for me. Besides, you did awesome in the exercise challenge! If you can keep that up during your pregnancy I think you’ll be fine. As for telling people, we told my mom and in-laws within a few days of my BFP, but we asked them to keep it quiet for a while (surprisingly they did). We told the rest of our families around 8 or 9 weeks and I told my office around 12 weeks.

    Remaho80 and newmrsdec10 – welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Newmrsdec10 – I changed my calories to maintenance right away but didn’t really keep track in the beginning because everything made me feel sick. You can continue to do anything you’re body is used to with some modifications as you get further along.

    Carina – I can’t access youtube at work, so I’ll have to check it out when I get home tonight.

    Julie – we both had a crappy night’s sleep. For the past few nights I wake up to go to the bathroom and my hip (the one that I’m laying on) is completely numb.

    My co-worker brought me in a piece of homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. :love: :grumble: I promptly hid it in my desk drawer, hopefully it will make it home to hubby. I have to be really strict with myself for a few days before I’m able to treat myself without going completely overboard.

    Edit: I just noticed what my ticker says this week. I don’t want to think about the sex talk so early! :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ha, Ron. Yeah, the thought of a sex talk is scary. The pitty puppy we took in just went into heat for the first time (I have this thing where I refuse to neuter my pets before they reach maturity but no worries, she will be spayed soon!) so I told hubby last night that he needs to practice his sex talk on her. :laugh: I think his idea of "sex talk" is following our daughter around with a very big gun from age 12 on. :laugh: I fear for any boy who wants to date her. This weekend he told me his idea to not ever give her the security alarm code to the house so there's no way she can sneak out at night. :tongue:

    Good luck with the cake. A Boberry biscuit made it all the way home from work to my husband yesterday.
  • sbperry72
    sbperry72 Posts: 12
    Thanks for starting the thread. I've been trying to get back to my pre-wedding weight but now we're ttc so I'm trying to lose a little weight, hopefully before pregnancy, then would try to get fit and keep a healthy weight during pregnancy. Glad to find this thread and wish you all well with your efforts and families,
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Ron- I love those healthy days. You feel so good. You do look great in your new picture BTW!

    Meokk- HAWAII! So jealous! That sounds like so much fun. Have a great time!

    Katrina- I told my immediate family right when I found out and my best friends. We told everyone else after our first US at 8 weeks. It is hard not to tell!

    Welcome Remaho!

    Newmrsdec. Welcome! I went up to maintenance the first trimester but didn’t count because I was sick so much. I really have been trying to just listen to my body.

    Julie- I am not looking forward to my not sleeping nights… I have been enjoying good sleep for the last month.

    Spberry- welcome!
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749

    I read a few people struggling with the morning sickness. I've happily left the worst of that behind now (fingers crossed) but what helped me tremendously was taking my pre-natals at night along with 1 tables of doxylamine ( OTC sleeping pill). It worked wonders and my formerly all-day-nausea only showed up late in the evenings and quote mild at that. My midwife okay'd the combo and it basically mimics a Canadian morning sickness drug that you can't get in the US.

    I have done the same w/ my last three, worked wonders.
  • peanutrenee
    peanutrenee Posts: 179
    Well today was a small vicotry, was up at 430.. im not sure why, but instead of sitting in bed i finally think ive finished alisons room, cleaned the kitchen up just small things for the next too weeks or so. now at work for the day. lol its sad that i like getting up so early but i hate the crash.. OH SMALL VICTORY ive lost one lb.. hahaah very small but still, im so use to gaining weight.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    not telling people is the hardest right? when you are so excited !!!!
    I told my sister the day I got the first positive result and hubby was right there of course....
    Told my parents at about 6 weeks and hubbys parents at about 10 weeks along with closest friends, then more friends and key work people at 14 1/2 weeks after I'd had some key tests come back with good results.

    MrsDec - welcome !! Are you in the UK or the US? I changed to maintenance once I found out although did not manage to eat that much every day as food was a big turn off for several weeks. My midwife just said eat when you can, the baby will take what it needs from you somehow no matter what.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Annabelle - I may have already told you, but I love your new pic! Hope you are feeling better this week. How can you tell that baby is settling low, is it just that you feel more pressure? I know that Josh is head down, but I don't think he's "dropped" yet.

    AnneElise - I definitely had days where I felt more/less pregnant. Now that I'm further along I have more of the "I'm pregnant" feelings days, but not in a bad way. I certainly never realized how much your stomach could get in the way of...well...almost anything :laugh:

    Brittony - So glad that your appointment went well!

    Ron - Way to go, sounds like yesterday was a perfect day! I hear ya on the "sex talk". Since we're having a boy, I think that's gonna be Dad's job :wink:

    meokk - Yay for a honeymoon!! Hope you guys have a great time!

    Katrina - We told our immediate family right away. I waited until my first Dr.'s appointment to tell my co-workers. Hubby sounds like your children :laugh: he told anyone that would listen right away! I just wanted to wait until we had our first appointment and heard the heartbeat, then I spilled the beans to the rest of the world and made it "facebook official".

    Remaho - Welcome! Sending "positive" vibes and baby dust your way!

    newmrsdec - Welcome and congratulations!!

    Julie - Sorry you didn't sleep well lastnight. Hoping that you get some rest tonight!

    sbperry - Welcome!

    Renee - Hope your day continues to go well!

    Wow, my response posts are getting a little long! Guess I need to check in more often :wink:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Had a great day off yesterday with my hubby, but I waaaaay overdid it. It started at Wal Mart, where I practically walked every aisle of the store looking for "last minute" things, even though I have 6 weeks and some change to go. I wanted a small table with a dim light for Josh's room for when I'm breastfeeding at night, and I found exactly what I was looking for so we put that together as soon as we got home. And then I went into full-blown nesting mode....all of his clothes are washed and hung up/put away, everything in his closet and dresser is organized, curtains finally hung up, and a million other tiny things in between.

    For some reason I had this "get it done" thing going through my head. I just wanted everything to be as ready as possible in case he comes early.

    And despite my attempts to get everything I needed at WalMart, I still forgot a sports bra and fan! :grumble:

    I get out of work at 12:30 today so I'm gonna go home and take it easy (pretty much because there isn't anything else I can do!) and then go for a walk later before our childbirth class.