Pregnancy 2011- May



  • peanutrenee
    peanutrenee Posts: 179
    im srry that you cant work out thats not fun! well you can always take a good walk a few times this week thats always something to do.. as for the other 2.. ebay.. lol
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Power has returned! Whoo hoo!
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Sorry, not joining you yet. :grumble:

    I'd like to extend an invitation to all those who are TTC to join the sister group of this group - Fit For Future Families - we're happy to have more lovely ladies join us (and we're lucky enough to have some graduates here on this thread). Please feel free - here's the latest thread:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Julie- I totally know how you feel! I have been sleeping terribly for the past while, last night was especially bad because our bedroom door is not shutting properly, and the cat has been busting in numerous times all night… and continuing to make a bunch of noise. Not to mention having to pee/being uncomfortable. Have you tried to take naps when you get home from work? That is what I did today and I am feeling a lot better right now. Also please let us know how your homemade product endeavours go!

    Remah- Welcome! That must be hard, having had the boys so easily and then struggling now. Baby dust coming your way!

    Anne- So glad your power is back! Yay! How is the neighbourhood coming?

    Peanut- I hope you are feeling better, emotional days suck! And it is hard to get everything you want to done… I find I just get too tired. Try making a list and focusing on just one thing at a time.

    Lynn- That’s great you got so much done, but it sucks you overdid it. It’s so easy to do these days eh? I had a few days like that near easter when I was hosting dinner… spent all day on my feet/cleaning etc.

    Pmaria- Good for you on the bike!! That’s great.

    Brittony- What about a pregnancy pillow? It is like a big C shape that goes around you. I find though that I often wake up on my back, but with half my body on the pillow so I am at an angle. At first I really didn’t like the pillow, but I am finding now that I absolutely need it to get a decent sleep.

    Mel- That is great news about figuring out a plan in regards to your son, one less thing to worry about right? And you must be having preggo brain syndrome…I have been losing things too. And forgetting what I am talking about mid sentence!

    Jlara- Hopefully soon!

    Rfrick- You are totally right, we are going to have to connect and be partners or someting after these babies come! It's nice that we are due close together and that we will have a similar amount of weight to lose.

    AFM- Been away for a couple days attending first aid training for work. I feel SO CRAPPY lately, mostly about myself. Every time I see myself in the mirror I shudder. I have never been this big ever in my life, and I have probably gained 20-25lbs. (which, for a person who started pregnancy obese, is not good). I am so mad at myself for not working harder to lose weight before I got pregnant. I miss being able to walk… or even jog. I miss having clothes that actually fit… I miss having the motivation to try and eat right… I have been eating so badly lately. An emotional response to how I am feeling I guess.

    It’s at the point I wish I didn’t have to go out in public and have people see me. But that doesn’t really work because I have to go to work/get groceries/get the mail… go to the ballet on Saturday. Sorry to be such a downer, maybe I am just having an emotional day, but I feel so upset and I just keep eating and getting bigger and bigger and feeling worse and worse. Also not sleeping well, so being sleep deprived does not help. Thanks all for your suggestions re: clothes and the shipping stuff too.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Sleep is getting further and further away from me as the days go by. I totally know how you are all feeling that are experiencing the same thing. Guess we'll be ready when baby comes though :wink:

    We looked at a house tonight that is a huge fixer upper but totally do-able. We aren't getting too excited yet but we're hoping it's a go. We currently rent a home but it's for sale which is very unsettling with a baby on the way. If it's meant to be it will happen I guess!

    My MIL says to me tonight "so it's another month before you find out what it is, right?" :laugh: I quickly answered yes because we're completely surprising everyone with the news this weekend, that is if baby allows!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey ladies!
    Sorry, not joining you yet. :grumble:
    @ Jalara - *hugs* I'm sorry.

    Me neither. :cry:
    AF came today. :grumble: again :brokenheart:

    I'll be introducing myself to your new thread Jalara. I looked for it, but couldn't remember it's name. searched for TTC. doh. see you there.
    I'll still keep up with things here. I miss you ladies, and want to keep in touch with you and your progress. *hugs*
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    So the massage was awesome and very relaxing. I've always been uncomfortable with people seeing any part of my body. But they are pretty discreet and I just close my eyes and enjoy. What was really nice is I told her I had some hip pain and she really put some effort massage my hips, and she did that part with the sheet over me so I wasn't exposing my behind or anything. :laugh: If any of you are considering it, I would say it is well worth it. I don't know if there is a Massage Envy near any of you, but they have a first time visit for $39 for an hour. Not to shabby!
    JMAMA Posts: 298 Member
    Rachel-glad your massage was great! I want to have one of those. I go to the chiropractor occassionally to help get the kinks out, but I feel a massage works just as well for me. Hmmm, maybe I'll treat myself for Mother's Day...

    Had my glucose screening yesterday, glad to have that done and over with.

    Hope you all have a great rest of the week:flowerforyou:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Spbery – Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Renee – I think one pound is a huge victory anytime but especially when pregnant.

    Lynn – I’m glad you had a good day off. I never thought about getting a dim light for breastfeeding, it’s a great idea – thanks!

    Pmaria – I have crazy dreams all the time, but I don’t know if they relate to any of my fears of not. Last night I had a dream that a dog was trying to get into my car, and when I wouldn’t let him in he started to pick up trash cans and throw them all over the place. :huh:

    Julie – anyone who doesn’t think you look pregnant is an idiot. I agree with Brittony, maybe they think they’re giving you a compliment.

    Autty – this is a really fast moving thread! I was overwhelmed a little bit in the beginning by it.

    AnneElise – I have no plans of getting into a swimsuit this summer. Even at my lowest weight I wasn’t a big fan of swimwear so I’m definitely not going anywhere near one now. Yea for your power coming back on!!!

    Mel – I wish my stomach would “disappear” when I lay down. :laugh: Oh and my husband was all about watching the royal wedding, but he didn’t get a chance too. I wasn’t too interested either way.

    Jalara – I miss you!!!!

    Rachel – I’m sorry you’re having a rough time. I think we all have days/weeks where we feel like that – and not sleeping well makes everything worse. I know how hard it is to put on weight after trying so hard to lose it, but we’re all here to listen whenever you need to vent. Remember, we’re all going to be here to support each other afterwards too.

    Danielle – good luck with the house! And I hope baby cooperates on Friday! :bigsmile:

    Carina – baby dust to you! Maybe this will be your month.

    Racheal – Glad you enjoyed your massage. I’ve had a hot stone massage a few years ago and it was fantastic! I’m going to look into places near me and see if they offer a prenatal massage.

    Jmama – hope you’re test results come back good!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Rachel- Don't worry. A lot of us are going through what you are. Like people keep telling me- we will be there for each other to kick our butts into shape post baby. It may take a little while, but you'll get there. Try not to be too hard on yourself (I should take my own advice). You don't want to look back on your pregnancy and wish you had enjoyed it more.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    So I stepped on the scale this morning and I was down FOUR POUNDS from Friday!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: At first I got a little nervous that I lost so much while pregnant, but then I realized I’m still up 4.6 pounds from my last doctor appointment so I’m sure baby is fine. I’m still not thrilled with that gain but compared to last weigh-in it’s great. I’m hoping if I load up on the water today it may get rid of any sodium/water retention that I still have in me. Here’s hoping! :smile:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    My silly rant.....

    A friend of mine is one week further along than me, and we are both first time moms. It is mind boggling how different our pregnancy experiences have been thus far. I know how irritating the "know it all" pregnant person (I work with one) and mom can be, but I am so sick of her ignorance that I could puke.... I don't want to be that person to her, but damn woman, don't be scared to pick up a book or hit up google, just keep calling your 87 year old Dr. who seems almost as ignorant as you.

    A few days ago she texts me: "just left the dr, measuring 40 cm, start goin evry week now, next wk we talk about my birth plan. he also said that from what he can feel by pushing on my stomach that evan will come any day now."

    Really.....? He can tell from pushing on your stomach that you are going to have your baby any day? That doesn't sound at all totally effing ridiculous to you??

    You are 34 weeks pregnant.....I know this is your first baby and you are super excited, but you need the chill the eff out. She just wants to have him SO BAD!

    She posted on FB this morning: "had 2 contrax in the last hr and my back is killing me! ugh, heading to labor and delivery, fingers crossed today is the day i get to meet my angel"

    Good grief....

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay, Ron!!
    Now don't do what I did & eat too much sodium 2 days in a row. I made chili for dinner on Monday & had leftovers for lunch yesterday and magically, 2 of the 3 pounds I had lost are back (and my rings are tight again). :laugh: I'm so ridiculously sensitive to sodium (I only had just over 3000mg each day!). I'm still down almost 2 pounds from my highest pregnancy weight so I'm fine. :tongue: I KNOW it's sodium because I've tracked every bite that has gone into my mouth since Friday and I've had a small calorie deficit every day.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Aw, Lynn, you're so patient. :laugh: Poor girl. 2 contractions in an hour and she's off to L&D?! And WHY would she want her baby to be premature again? :huh:

    Of course I'm impatient & I joke that I'm ready for her now, but I also want her fully baked & not in the hospital for weeks and weeks after she's born.
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    My silly rant.....

    A friend of mine is one week further along than me, and we are both first time moms. It is mind boggling how different our pregnancy experiences have been thus far. I know how irritating the "know it all" pregnant person (I work with one) and mom can be, but I am so sick of her ignorance that I could puke.... I don't want to be that person to her, but damn woman, don't be scared to pick up a book or hit up google, just keep calling your 87 year old Dr. who seems almost as ignorant as you.

    A few days ago she texts me: "just left the dr, measuring 40 cm, start goin evry week now, next wk we talk about my birth plan. he also said that from what he can feel by pushing on my stomach that evan will come any day now."

    Really.....? He can tell from pushing on your stomach that you are going to have your baby any day? That doesn't sound at all totally effing ridiculous to you??

    You are 34 weeks pregnant.....I know this is your first baby and you are super excited, but you need the chill the eff out. She just wants to have him SO BAD!

    She posted on FB this morning: "had 2 contrax in the last hr and my back is killing me! ugh, heading to labor and delivery, fingers crossed today is the day i get to meet my angel"

    Good grief....


    Oh geez! I get soo annoyed by people like that!. Sounds like she's full of it though, otherwise I would think the doctors would be slightly concerned. I was having contractions steadily at 34 weeks with my son and they stopped my labor and put me on complete bed rest..... But I just think how sad it is for people like that to be in such a big hurry! Pregnancy is hard for sure, but I always try to make the best of it and think of it as such a blessing because whenever I'm done being pregnant, I miss it!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Julie - I love your new pic, you look beautiful and pregnant. I agree with Brittony, some people may think they are complimenting you by saying that you don't look pregnant.

    Brittony - I also have 2 more showers so I'm holding off on buying anything until I know exactly what we still need. I just didn't want to put a lamp and endtable on my registry (or a bra and fan) :laugh: so since it was for his room (and labor), we used a gift card from my first shower to buy it.

    Autty - It is really hard to respond to everyone and not forget people. Everyone is really good about not getting bent out of shape if you forget them because we have the same problem. Don't worry about it :wink:

    AnneElise - No swimsuit for me this year :ohwell: Yay for getting your power back!

    Mel - Glad your appointment went well. Our class was moved lastnight to a room on the L&D floor so we did a trial run to see if we remember how to get up there. It was funny because we were doing some relaxation things so we had a pillow and blanket in a suitcase. waddles pregnant me and my husband with a suitcase...I was offered a wheelchair right away :laugh:

    Julie - I hadn't even thought about homemade dishwasher detergent!! Message me the recipe :bigsmile:

    Jalara - Hopefully next month!!

    Rachel - I know exactly how you feel, I really struggled with gaining weight earlier in my pregnancy. I finally have myself convinced that it is because I'm pregnant, not due to any lacking on my part. I think we are programmed to feel defeated when we gain weight because in the past it was due to poor decisions. But now it is something that is supposed to happen, and it happens to everyone differently. Some people workout, eat right, and gain more than someone who sits on their butt. Your body will do what it feels it should. Try not to get down on yourself, you're doing great. And we will all be here to motivate each other to work towards getting back to our pre-pregnancy goals. Chin up babe, I know you look beautiful!

    Danielle - Fingers crossed that baby Page cooperates on Friday, I'm so excited to hear! And I hope everything goes well with the house you're looking at.

    Carina - I'm sorry hun, hoping next month is the one!! :flowerforyou:

    Rachael - So glad your massage went well, sounds relaxing!

    Ron - Wow girl, you are doing great!!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Mamarandall - I had to laugh at the message on your ticker :laugh: :laugh:

    I swear that I get asked at least 4 times a day "How you feeling????" And sometimes it's twice by the same person :noway:

    Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that people are interested and I suppose there isn't much else to say but it can get a little redundant.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Aw, Lynn, you're so patient. :laugh: Poor girl. 2 contractions in an hour and she's off to L&D?! And WHY would she want her baby to be premature again? :huh:

    Of course I'm impatient & I joke that I'm ready for her now, but I also want her fully baked & not in the hospital for weeks and weeks after she's born.

    Because her Dr. pushed on her stomach and could tell that the baby is ready.... :laugh: :laugh: So in her mind he won't be premature, he @ssinine Dr. says he is ready! :grumble:

    I know what you mean, I say "I'm ready" for Josh to be here, but of course I'm ready for him to be here when he is ready.

    I know that in a few hours she'll be posting that they sent her home because she isn't really in labor. She is what they refer to in L&D as a frequent flyer or wannabe. From what I can remember, this is her 5th trip to L&D.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Aw, Lynn, you're so patient. :laugh: Poor girl. 2 contractions in an hour and she's off to L&D?! And WHY would she want her baby to be premature again? :huh:

    Of course I'm impatient & I joke that I'm ready for her now, but I also want her fully baked & not in the hospital for weeks and weeks after she's born.

    Because her Dr. pushed on her stomach and could tell that the baby is ready.... :laugh: :laugh: So in her mind he won't be premature, he @ssinine Dr. says he is ready! :grumble:

    I know what you mean, I say "I'm ready" for Josh to be here, but of course I'm ready for him to be here when he is ready.

    I know that in a few hours she'll be posting that they sent her home because she isn't really in labor. She is what they refer to in L&D as a frequent flyer or wannabe. From what I can remember, this is her 5th trip to L&D.

    5th trip??!?!?! She's crazy!!! Sad thing is she will probably always think that what she is thinking/doing is right. I have a friend who is like that too. Already telling me that because she was induced for her first, AT 36 FREAKING WEEKS, she'll probably have to be induced for her next :grumble: I've also had to tell this same person when her baby was sick ie: TAKE HER TO THE HOSPITAL etc.