Robin's 100 Lb Plus Weight Loss Group



  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member I being true to myself? Yes, I am having less and less cravings and the thoughts of donuts and Oreos are least for today. I can't say tomorrow will be the same but at least I recognize it.
  • melly196804
    melly196804 Posts: 20 Member
    Sounds like a plan. I could use the extra support. 300.8 now Goal weight is 167 started at 335.
  • Jayni40
    Jayni40 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi I'm Cartina just found this thread. Since its Sunday HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! I'll start by telling you a bit about my weightloss history.I too have over 100lbs to lose. I have always been the chunky chick in my family. Everybody except for one other cousin in my family is thin. My starting weight was 342 and now I'm down to 321.I have had some success in the past and lost 100lbs before between 04-06.Was doing pretty much the same thing I'm doing now counting calories weighing and measuring all my food serving sizes. The only difference is back then I was taking ephedra. Oh how I miss Ephedra and I was not abusing it. I joined the gym for the first time ever in 04. My highest weight then was 299. I was not trying to hit 300lbs. I also had a personal trainerhe was a former NFL football player and we became really good friends. He now owns his own gym but it is too far away from me and I miss him so much.So now I'm on my own but I do remember everything he taught me. I use to work out 5 days a week personal training once a week plus step class I miss step class too.I actually got down to the 190's.The only downside to that was that I had insomnia. I work the Night shift and with the Ephedra I didnt sleep during the week. But on the weekend I would crash and sleep all day. But the weight did come off. Well in January 06 I went back to school. Although I tried to continue to eat right it became harder and harder working full time studying and dealing with a pre-teen and all her extra curricular activities.And exercise forget it I did not have enough time for that and on top of that my personal trainer had left the gym I was going to so i lost that support as well. Needless to say the weight started creeping back up and by time I graduated in summer of 07 I gained almost 75lbs back. So I tried to go back to what i was doing before then Ephedra gets banned. So to me it just seemed so hard to get back in it.Then winter came i pretty much gave up. Then Every spring since then I would swear i'm gonna do this again and lose this weight and i would do good until the State Fair hit in August and then i'm back into the same old unhealthy routine again and before i know it I'm damn near 350lbs. This time I'm gonna go all the way. With the help of MFP and all the great friends and support Its gonna happen I'm determined . Seems like I'm gonna be here for a long time I know its a slow and steady progression. But I did it before and I can do it again. Thanks for reading my story and I look forward to continuing my journey with you all.
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    First I'd like to say thanks to Cartina who found this thread, and since she's already my MFpeep, I saw her comment and followed it, and I'd love to join.

    I started MFP in Oct 2010, I did okay at first, but I didn't really commit to it until January of this year. I started my journey at 313 lbs (I'm 5'8") and I'm now at 274 weigh in is later today after I sleep, so it might be a bit lower later. I cannot ever remember in my adult or teenage life being under 200 lbs, and so I've set my final goal for 180 lbs, just to see if it's a good fit for me, if I feel I can comfortably lose more than that I will. I've always said I don't mind being the big girl, because I really don't mind being big, but I'd rather have my big just be my hands & feet and not my thighs & stomach. This group seems wonderfully supportive, and Robin you seem like a very encouraging soul, so I'd love to join!

    I work third shift so if you ever look at my diary and the times seems funky to you, that is why. I don't mind my shift, I actually do better during work days with my calories because of the structure in my day.

    I look forward to getting to know you all! I'm usually a pretty positive person, and I hope we can support each other!
  • louwho36
    louwho36 Posts: 53
    Technically its Sunday here, its 1:45 am so yes its Sunday. So here's my story. I am 36 but will be 37 in one week. I started this journry in Jan of this year but didn't find MFP until april. I started at 283 lbs. I have to say I cried that day. I stepped on the scale and literally cried. I couldn't believe I had let it myself get so bad. I have always been a big girl but I was also the big girl in denial. The one who didn't see the truth in the mirror. It took that number on the scale for me to wake up. I realized right there that if I didn't do something I was going to end up like my mom, a diabetic with high cholesterol and high blood pressure and on tons of medication for the rest of my life. So I wiped away the tears and took that first step towards ahealthier life. Today, 4 months later, I have lost 38 lbs and am well on my way to my ultimate goal of losing 140 lbs. It has NOT been eay by any means but it is so worth it. And for everyone that is on this life changing journey with me I just want to say keep your head up through the rough spots and fight thru the pain because in the its us that will win the game.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome Cartina and ninyagwa - its great to have a pair of friends working on the problems of being overweight together!

    And that's what this thread is for - to build more frienships and have more encouragement on this long journey. Glad to have both of you here.

    Louwho - way to go on your 38 lbs weight loss so far, that is just terrrificl You must be doing a LOT of things right.

    Thanks for sharing your stories.

    I love it that we have both americans and Brits here. What a great way to learn about each other and make friends across the water!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Sunday Sharing - I was the tallest girl in my class - and weighed 180 lbs. and was called "fat" - now that's near my goal weight of 160! I was barely chubby and those words hurt like heck. I wasn't athletic at all, so I was flabby and it showed. Kids can be cruel, especially the skinny ones. I ate myself up to my current weight thru a long, verbally abusive marriage to a Pastry Chef :sad:
    who experimented on me - I was always coming home to something fattening. It wasn't unusual to just have cake for dinner. Now thats hell! I finally left after 21 years, (no kids) and am living on my own. I am in a platonic relationship with a man 10 years my senior who treats me like a queen. I have never been treated so nicely before. But I have to travel to spend 3 days of the week with him and when we're together he likes to eat out, and since he's paying he gripes that I don't eat a "good meal" instead of a "salad" since they both cost the same. He just doesn't get it. He's one of those wirey built guys who can eat a buffalo, a can of nuts, a pie, and not gain a pound. He is slowly coming around to me ordering smaller portions, and I'm getting him to finish my meals. Tricky huh?
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    Since this forum is not very active I am not going to keep it going. Newbies - the best forum to go to is


    you can find it under MOTIVATION AND SUPPORT.

    sorry this forum didn't work out.

  • annglenn
    annglenn Posts: 162 Member
    Glad to find this site. I have more than 100 pounds to lose. But I know I can do this.
    I am in HMR program and being supervised by a doctor. My pratice of meditation is helping me to stay honest to myself.
    Saturday post
  • annglenn
    annglenn Posts: 162 Member
    I joined mfp around mid June weighing 305.2. I do have over 100 pounds to lose. I have been addicted to food since I was 7 years old. I am now in the hmr liquid program and now weigh 280. I guess I just want instant results espically since all I am eating is liquid protein. However I have to admit that sometimes I eat things I should not eat Friday evenings. I am 60 years old and live in Round Rock,Tx. where we have those triple digit tempertures. I am retired from being a chemical dependency counselor due to health reasons. I am not a person that likes to exercise but I am trying.
  • annglenn
    annglenn Posts: 162 Member
    Tuesday is the day I weigh in with my doctor. Friday evenings are the hardest for me
  • Hey guys! I am new here. I have been with MFP for about 3 months. I have lost 44.6 pounds to date. I am here for you as I hope you are here for me! I need to lose about 200, that sounds like a big journey. I believe I can do it, will do it, SHALL do it! I am trying NOT TO LET A SLIP BECOME A FALL...If I have an off day, I jump right back in with both feet. We CAN NOt beat ourselves up anymore! PERSEVERANCE! We are beautiful. Hope everyone has a THANKFUL THURSDAY!! Cheers
  • annglenn
    annglenn Posts: 162 Member
    Needed to hear that quote tonight was looking through the pantry and freezer but thank goodness I stayed on the hmr program.

    sw 305.2
    cw 279.4
  • annglenn
    annglenn Posts: 162 Member
    Friday-keeping up with exercise. WHEW
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    this thread is no longer active - you need to go to the forum entitled "NEED TO LOSE 100 lbs or MORE - LETS START A GROUP!

    SORRY but this forum isnt active any more.

This discussion has been closed.