Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 1]



  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD: What made you realize that you needed to start this journey of getting healthier?

    I guess my pictures and recently my mom n sis who said you gained weight.

    And want my BF to see me in my jeans(which doesn't fit) which he bought me n which i luv

  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    Excellent Question Lyndsey! Well, for me, I lost 30 lbs almost 4 years ago with weight watchers(I went from 236 down to 206) - then started a 3 year correspondence course that took up ALL my free time, and slowly gained about 10 lbs each year - basically in the 2months before each exam. I passed last summer - but was back being heavy again (228 last Sept). 4 years ago I was diagnosed with arthritis in my one knee - so far, I had been doing okay with it, but this winter it caused me a lot of pain. When you can't take a walk with your 4 year old - something has to be done. I knew the first thing they would suggest is to lose here I am.

    By the way, I have also put off going to the doctor for ME (I see him a couple times a year with the kids) the past 4 years! Before this, I went every single year since having my first son 20 years ago. I have made an appointment for next Wednesday...which was a big thing for me to do....

    And I now walk with my little guy all the time...:smile:
  • jwill10
    jwill10 Posts: 30
    Weds. QOTD : This really is a great question <> I know for me, I had my head in the sand for a couple years. I have an underactive thyroid and used that as an excuse for the weight gain. I slowly stopped caring about what I really looked like. When we got pregnant the Dr. told me to watch what I gain because I was already overweight. I was shocked!!! While my husband and I are active with hiking, biking, running etc. we were also eating out every single night of the week. I was eating enough food for 4 people in one sitting..:blushing: Plus his family, who are all diabetic, loooooooves white bread and soda and we are with them a lot. During my pregnancy I ate very healthy and walked everyday up until delivery. Now I want my son to grow up making healthy choices too. I forgot how great exercise makes you feel and now I am a good way. :happy: P.S. I have even gotten my husband to start eating veggies!
  • Nakisha81
    Nakisha81 Posts: 24
    Wednesday's QOTD: I'd have to say me trying on clothes in the fitting room really frustrated me. Also looking at pictures and thinking to myself "I look like a round butter ball" this can't be healthy.
  • jacks90
    jacks90 Posts: 14
    Tues QOTD My favorite workout has to be running it feels so good to be able to clear my head and I feel great afterwards.

    Wednesday's QOTD: Not being able to find clothes that fit me anymore in my favorite stores. Also looking at myself in pictures and the mirror. I also want to be healthier
  • chasekilgannon
    Wednesday's QOTD: What made you realize that you needed to start this journey of getting healthier?

    My response: I thought about the future. When I got engaged last September, and had our engagement photos done, I knew that I had to do something. I wanted to feel better and have more confidence in my looks when it came time to pick out a wedding dress and walking down the aisle...I wanted to be in the best shape of my life by the time I hit 30 (which is a year away from now)...I also thought about what would happen when we try to have kids, will I have complications because of my weight? Will I be able to keep up with a lil one running around everywhere? I also thought about all the health problems that are caused by carrying a lot of extra weight...

    I wouldn't say that any one thing struck my mind and told me, "this is the day, the moment, the time I shall make my stand." It will not make for a hallmark movie. I always knew in the back of my head I needed to lose weight, and eat right and move my lard-a**. But I didn't take initiative. Going over 200 having my daughter certainly made me think that I needed to buckle down, and even with that realization I didn't start until she was six months old. So, my start was more of a final, "s*it or get off the pot" response to my extensive knowledge of my need to be healthier.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD: What made you realize that you needed to start this journey of getting healthier?

    My moment was shortly after the holidays. I gained about 10 pounds just between November and January. In the end I looked in the mirror and the first word that came to mind was "gross". I didn't want "gross" to be my response to my own reflection.

    I struggled to get on track in January, but by February I was committed.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: For me, it was dealing with my mom that pushed me to set an example instead of preaching to her about it. I have watched my mom become more and more overweight over the years. I have watched her go from one fad diet to another yo-yo. Well, she had hypertension and had been warned about diabetes. Mind you, I lost my grandmother 2 years ago from conplications caused by diabetes. I don't want to lose my mom the same way. Well, I was coming down so hard on her about it and then I took a look at myself. I was continuing down the same path. Getting more and more overweight, yo-yo dieting. My belly looked like I was still pregnant. No good. I want to break the chain for my daughters and set an example for them and my mother. And I am happy to say that my mother is doing a lot better with her eating habits and she is also losing weight.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I think for me, it was when i realized that I had worked really hard to lose my post baby weight by the time my son turned 1, but by the time he was one and a half I had gained back about 20 lbs.
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD: What made you realize that you needed to start this journey of getting healthier

    I watched the biggest loser and it just clicked. I am only 26 and I was starting to have joint pain. I am getting married and want to start a family. I want to feelbeautiful. I decided right then and there to make a change
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Can I just say... you guys are truly inspirational!!! Way to go Diamonds of all colors/varieties!
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: For me, it was dealing with my mom that pushed me to set an example instead of preaching to her about it. I have watched my mom become more and more overweight over the years. I have watched her go from one fad diet to another yo-yo. Well, she had hypertension and had been warned about diabetes. Mind you, I lost my grandmother 2 years ago from conplications caused by diabetes. I don't want to lose my mom the same way. Well, I was coming down so hard on her about it and then I took a look at myself. I was continuing down the same path. Getting more and more overweight, yo-yo dieting. My belly looked like I was still pregnant. No good. I want to break the chain for my daughters and set an example for them and my mother. And I am happy to say that my mother is doing a lot better with her eating habits and she is also losing weight.

    That is really good news to hear that your mom is now also eating better, etc!
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    I can TOTALLY relate @kaveril. I'm 26 too and I started to have pain in my knees. I was like, woah, I'm not ready for this. I don't think you're ever ready to realize that your body is too big for your joints!
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    @ Wed QOTD - the turning point for me was 3 months ago, when I realize no matter what great things I accomplish in my life, people will always looked down on me because I'm a fat person. I know that sounds harsh but the reality hit me really hard this year. I discovered that I can be the nicest person, best employee, smartest woman, the most loving girlfriend, the best daughter but at the end of the day I was still in the eyes of all these people a fat person. And I was treated like I should not demand respect, or love or to be treated fairly. I honesty believe some folks think fat people should just settle for what they are given.

    Long story short, I'm tired of people looking down on me when they haven't done a quarter of what I've done in my life. When their not nearly as sincere or nice as I try to be. And when they are not worth loving but yet trying to conveince me that I'm the one that not worthy of their love. All because I am overweight.

    I don't want weight to be a factor anymore when people are getting to know me. Judge me on my character and not my size.

    By the way this was a great question:wink:
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD--I want to set a good example for my kids. That and I'm so tired of being fat. None of my clothes fit anymore. I'm down to two pair of jeans I can wear and breathe in and I have to wear my husbands shirts because mine are just too tight.

    I lost 100lbs in 2005. I was going through a divorce and I had a wedding in November that I had to be a bridesmaid in. I was determined to lose the weight and I did. I looked smoking hot too! I met my current husband in 06 and got married in March of 07. We found out that I was pregnant about 5 mos into the marriage. After I had my daughter, things just went to hell. I've gained back 70lbs of the 100 that I lost. I'm sick of it.

    This week hasn't helped at all either. I'm craving salty stuff and the stupid scale is going the wrong way. We had a beer festival last weekend that we went to. I did drink, but not enough to do that much damage! I'm trying, I really am. But I'm just not liking myself right now. I don't want to let my partner down, especially in the 1st week.
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    QOTD2 response.....My answer is 2 fold. I blast thru the fat with Body Combat. It's a Les Mills class I take at the gym. I usually burn about 1020 cals per 55min class. I love it like crazy. The other thing that I am starting to get hooked on surprisingly is weights. I do 4 day's week circuit training. My trainer is feirce. She won't let me go down in weights. Just stay the same or increase. My results with both are amazing. I have lost 36lbs and 21" Since mid Decemberish. I say, find your nitch. You gotta have fun doing this. Then blast to your goal. And challenge yourself to always improve.
  • tramik31
    tramik31 Posts: 17
    My wake up call was when I went to the doctor in March for my annual check-up/physical and stepped on the scale and realized that I gained 12 pounds in less than 4 months... I started my journey that day and with 18 pounds down I refuse to look back! LETS GO DIAMONDS!!!!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    I love reading all the posts re: reasons for starting this journey. I can "hear" the determination in everyone's words! Diamonds are strong, so we can do this ladies!!!!!
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Wed QOTD: I knew I had put on weight after the birth of my 3rd child but as someone that had always maintained a size 6 with minimal effort, I didn't DO anything about it. I just kept wishing I was back in a size 6 while squeezing my body into size 12s. Then, looking at the photos from my daughter's 1st birthday party with a child-less friend, I realized that I looked awful and in one photo I looked like I was actually going to inhale the 2-tier cake along with the birthday girl. And my friend said, "well, you've had 3 kids, its like you can't help but be fat". My instant thought- UMMMM...... first of all, plenty of skinny/fit/trim moms out there and second, did that b**** just call me fat???? So, I decided at that moment that I was no longer using the "I just had a baby excuse" for my weight. And that I wanted to get my body back so instead of "well, she has had 3 kids", people would stop and say "damn, she's had 3 kids? Looks great." But don't think I'm totally superficial.... I also want to be able to keep up with my 3 active children, to live a long & healthy life with my husband watching our children grow-up, and to avoid health problems related to being overweight.
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    QOTD Wednsday repsonse, In 2006 my amazing mom, who never smoked or drank and only ate clean, whole and organic was diagnosed with colon cancer. It was already in stage 4. She was told that she had 2 months to live. We had her for 2 more years. She passed in 2008. I miss her so much. This week especially :) The type of cancer is a very aggressive type and very hereditary. Needless to say her Oncologist strongly suggested I get a colonoscopy every 4 years starting right then and there. I am not one to go to the Dr. often. I do get my annual. In this case I pushed and went. My exam came back with me having a clean bill of health. Praise God! So 2010 comes around. I schedule my colonoscopy once again. This time I let the doc know I have some bleeding for the last weeks. Some pain in my belly. Stuff I was putting off. They did my colonoscopy and this time he found something. I had a 3cm polyp. They biopsied it and found it had the same cell structure of pre cancer cell's that they said my mother had. Thankfully it was completely removed. He said if I would have waited 6 months he would have had to remove my entire colon because of where the polyp was located. He even biopsied a few other spots just to be on the safe side. So now I have to go every year and a half for the test and once MY kids turn 29 they have to start going. Doc said I need to lose weight, cancer loves fat cells. And have a hi fiber diet. Just after that surgery I found out that my appendix was ruptured (hence the pain in my side). Ok, enough. You don't have to tell me twice. I hit the gym after I recouped from all my surgery's (3 in a month in a half). That was the first time I stepped in a gym since highg school (1989). I got feirce. Cancer is feirce. I will certainly not give it an ounce of me to entertain. So there! That is what did it for me. Love you all. Thanks for the encouragement to always do the right thing> God Bless