Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Ravenclaw



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I feel sooo bad after this weekend. I am up to 172.8 :( This weekend was just to much for me to handle. It`s even worse because i was down to 170.4 on friday (can we count that??? ) Although now I`m pretty motivated to go hard and get back down.
    As far as house point, I got 5 for resisting the temptations, but only 2 for new exercise. So 7 total.

    I'll use whichever weight you want me to. I think that as long as your weigh-in is within a day or so of Sunday, it's fine - given all the vacations and parties this time of year. And don't worry - I bet you'll lose those 2 pounds very quickly. :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Well, another week down and another week closer to DH2, but sad to say my weigh-in this morning is not as happy. Gained 0.8 pounds (*ducks as books, rotten cabbage, and a duck flies by*). Yes I know, not a very good week apparently.

    The odd thing is I didn't think it was terrible, but there is always room for improvement. I did work out every night though and I even got outside and played frisbee (not fanged of course, but that would be wicked!) with the added difficulty of dodging puddles and playground equipment earning me 1 house point :D

    None of this is an excuse for the gain. I'm going to work harder still to drop it back off, but not kill myself over it. For me this is a journey and a long one at that, and a little gain for now is not going to deter me :)

    It looks like you all have been doing great though!! It's awesome to see all the 'new' things everyone has been able to do. I'll have to give some of them a try some time, for sure!

    Keep looking forward and "see" yourself in the theater watching DH2 in your new 280 pound body. :happy:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I fell asleep last night.....267.7 is my weight for yesterday

  • SaLandrum
    SaLandrum Posts: 141 Member
    Weigh in ..... 211.2 (no change)

    My physical activity has increased though...
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Weigh in ..... 211.2 (no change)

    My physical activity has increased though...

    Hmmm - I show you actually lost 1.2 pounds! My last weight for you (for the last 2 weeks) was 212.4.

    Great on more activity - that will help you burn through the calories!!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    just checking in to say hi to all my fellow Ravenclaws!! hope you all are having a wonderfully fit day!! :bigsmile:
  • swimmer23
    swimmer23 Posts: 70
    Hey all!
    I couldn't get to a scale yesterday or today but I did weigh on Friday, does that count? If so, then CW: 125.4 :))))
    And I did very well with the short-circuit binge this week. I had this white-chocolate bunny from my Easter basket and every night after dinner I would break off a little piece and let it melt in my mouth. Most delicious treat ever :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Everyone is doing great this week!! All but 4 have checked in. We still need weights on:

    Rissadiane (has not weighed in for 2 weeks and will be removed if no weigh-in today)

    So far this week, the house has lost a total of 34.9 pounds - or 0.701% :bigsmile: LJSpady lost a whopping 10 pounds :noway: Way to go!!

    I will post our chart and final numbers tomorrow and the new challenges as soon as they are posted on the main thread.

    Stay tuned...
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    Everyone is doing great this week!! All but 4 have checked in. We still need weights on:

    Rissadiane (has not weighed in for 2 weeks and will be removed if no weigh-in today)

    So far this week, the house has lost a total of 34.9 pounds - or 0.701% :bigsmile: LJSpady lost a whopping 10 pounds :noway: Way to go!!

    I will post our chart and final numbers tomorrow and the new challenges as soon as they are posted on the main thread.

    Stay tuned...

    Excellent work Ravenclaws!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    This week's challenges from the main thread:
    Hey everyone! Sorry for the late notice!!

    Food Challenge:
    Try to get in 5 servings of Fruits and Veggies per day (if that is hard for you, try to add at least 1 of each more than what you normally have).

    Exercise Challenge:
    In addition to your usual workout routine, try to walk for at least 15 more minutes at least 5 days this week!
    Good night Ravenclaw!
  • fitterpat
    fitterpat Posts: 13 Member
    Sorry, I've been a flake - working in the garden a lot lately!

    Starting Weight - 264.3lbs
    Week 1 Weight - 259.5
    Week 2 Weight - 261.5
    Week 3 Weight - 260.9
    Week 4 Weight - 260.7 - down .2
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    had a rough weekend...my first since starting in january :/ the scale reflected the over-indulgences... Oh well, back on track to drop this water weight! :D
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!
    Well - back to work (and I mean the weight loss work). This weekend was rough- mostly because I don't think I drank more than a cup of water each day!!! Soda has always been one of my downfalls and there was A LOT of soda this weekend:cry:
    Ava had some pretty rough nights so I didn't work out in the mornings like I'm used to either. I can't wait until these damn molars are in- seriously- I just want to sleep more than 45 minutes at a time!!!!

    OK- enough complaining. Its time to work!
  • cook2128
    cook2128 Posts: 9
    Good Morning Fellow Ravenclaws,

    I want to apologize for letting my team down this week by not weighing in. I had an extremely rough week in terms of eating healthy, sleeping right, and exercising. I gained a couple of pounds, putting me back at 150 and I really let that get to me. I pretty much let self control go and ate/drank whatever I wanted. After wallowing and pepping myself back up, I am determined to get back on track! I promise to do better for our team.

  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Good Morning Fellow Ravenclaws,

    I want to apologize for letting my team down this week by not weighing in. I had an extremely rough week in terms of eating healthy, sleeping right, and exercising. I gained a couple of pounds, putting me back at 150 and I really let that get to me. I pretty much let self control go and ate/drank whatever I wanted. After wallowing and pepping myself back up, I am determined to get back on track! I promise to do better for our team.


    Don't kill yourself over it. We all have off weeks. Get back on the horse this week and kick some butt!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    HP trivia from the main thread:
    HP Posts of the Day!

    "jiggery pokery !" said harry in a fierce voice, "hocus pocus-squiggly wiggly !"
    "muuuuuum !" howled dudley, "muuuum ! he's doing you know what !"
    - harry potter and the chamber of secrets

    kingsley shacklebolt: the last words that albus dumbledore said to the pair of us.
    remus lupin: 'harry is the best hope we have. trust him.'
    - harry potter and the deathly hallows

    for the film, harry potter and the deathly hallows, over 500 wands were created. they are checked out and checked in before, during, and after the filming day is completed. many came back broken.

    helena bonham carter was denied admission to king's college, cambridge university, not because of her grades or her test scores but because school officials were afraid that she would leave mid-term to pursue her acting career. because of cambridge's rejection, helena decided to concentrate fully on acting.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    We had a really strong week - way to go Ravenclaw!! Top honors this week go to:

    LJSpady - 10 pounds lost and 2.87% - Congratulations to this week's Prefect!
    TwiFan5 - 2%
    Rlmiller123109 - 1.75%

    Wishfuljulia earned the most House Points this week - great job!

    Here is this week's house chart. There were some late weigh-ins that are not on the chart - but don't worry, I've got them recorded!


    And the house points:


    We're still waiting for Hufflepuff to check in with their numbers. I'll let you know our standing as soon as they do.

    Great job this week everyone!!
  • Tiffy11011
    Tiffy11011 Posts: 81 Member
    No chart for weight loss this week? No chart for house points? I'm dying to know how we did!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    No chart for weight loss this week? No chart for house points? I'm dying to know how we did!

    Sorry - messed up the format before. The charts are there now :smile:
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Woo hoo came second for the week, so proud of myself. :) So far I have 3 points, 1 for food and 2 for exercise. :D

    Also congrats to Ravenclaw, do we know which house won?