30 Day Shred CHALLENGE!!! Join me!

AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
Hi MFP Friends,

I'm proposing a *30 Day Shred* Challenge (the Jillian Michael's DVD workout - it's only 20 minutes but it kicks your butt - in a good way :tongue: ). She claims if you do the Shred everyday, you can lose 20 lbs in 30 days!!!

September 1st to September 30th... that gives everyone time buy the DVD or order it from Amazon, Indigo, etc. It is around $10 - mine was $9.99 from HMV in Canada.

Anyone up for the challenge? We could check in every week and see how we do! My goal is 8 lbs in 30 days.


  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hi MFP Friends,

    I'm proposing a *30 Day Shred* Challenge (the Jillian Michael's DVD workout - it's only 20 minutes but it kicks your butt - in a good way :tongue: ). She claims if you do the Shred everyday, you can lose 20 lbs in 30 days!!!

    September 1st to September 30th... that gives everyone time buy the DVD or order it from Amazon, Indigo, etc. It is around $10 - mine was $9.99 from HMV in Canada.

    Anyone up for the challenge? We could check in every week and see how we do! My goal is 8 lbs in 30 days.
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    I'm in! I have done her Cardio Workout that is also just 20mins, but intense!! I just ordered the DVD...LET'S DO THIS!!

    My goal will be to lose 8 lbs in 30 days.

  • debdew
    debdew Posts: 5
    I'll give it a whirl, I'm up for it! I can't begin until the 2nd though, as I will be out of town for Labor Day, but will look for the DVD over the weekend.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I'm in. I am already doing it but I'm on level one and it's kicking my bottom! I will only be doing it 4-5X a week. I may also incorporate other exercise too. I will be happy to lose ANYTHING in September! I am going for 5 pounds and anything more than that will be bonus! I've only been gaining so I will be excited over a 1 pound loss!
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    I have this DVD, but I don't do it everyday. I will do this challenge and plan to do the DVD at least 4 times a week.
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    Count me in!!! I just bought the DVD this week and have only done it twice so far - am planning on doing it again today after I take my son to a birthday party. Level 1 is kicking my butt already but am looking forward to the next levels.

    My goal is to lose my last 7 pounds during the month of September!!!

    Great idea, Amanda!!! Great motivation because the pressure is on ........ love it!!! :drinker:
  • Canelitas
    Canelitas Posts: 712
    I'm in! I just ordered my dvd, hope I get it on time!

    Thanks for the invite! :flowerforyou:
  • Canelitas
    Canelitas Posts: 712
    Sry, oubled posted, might as well use this one...for my goal since I forgot about that.

    I guess my goal will be 10lbs loss....Good Luck Everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    LADIES!!!! GREAT RESPONSE!!!! THANKS!!! :flowerforyou:

    Okay, I'm quite excited and motivated! This is just what I need!
    JMAMA Posts: 298 Member
    You do the video every day? No breaks? I will look for the video over the weekend, I need a good fitness DVD. I'm in if I find the DVD!
  • Sexythighz
    Sexythighz Posts: 159 Member
    I have her DVD and its excellent. The first day I got the DVD I did all 3 levels. I almost fell out! I never did that again. The most I would do now is 2 levels. Im on a P90M rotation. I wont be done for quite sometime. I definately think you will definately get results from doing 30 day shred! Remember the eating has to be good as well.

    Good Luck!

  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    You do the video every day? No breaks? I will look for the video over the weekend, I need a good fitness DVD. I'm in if I find the DVD!

    Yeah, Jillian recommends you do it everyday. When I was doing it, I took a day of rest because my muscles were sore, but she recommends you just push through it and keep going. I'm going to try it! 7 days a week for the month and see what results come!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I have her DVD and its excellent. The first day I got the DVD I did all 3 levels. I almost fell out! I never did that again. The most I would do now is 2 levels. Im on a P90M rotation. I wont be done for quite sometime. I definately think you will definately get results from doing 30 day shred! Remember the eating has to be good as well.

    Good Luck!


    Thanks! I've done the DVD before - just never committed to everyday for the 30 days!
    We'll see what results come!
  • Quenofcrazzy
    I'm in!! I am going to look good when Jillian kills me :)

    I found the DVD for sale for $7.86 plus $2.39 shipping here: http://www.tower.com/jiilian-michaels-30-day-shred-jillian-dvd/wapi/111799250

    I would LOVE to lose that 20 pounds during September!
  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    Count me in, too! I have it in a rotation with some other DVDs but I think 20 min daily of Jillian will be a nice addition to my regular treadmill.

    I would like to lose 8 pounds in Sept. I am thinking the kids in school = routine for me = better chance to a daily commitment . . .
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay-- i ordered it-- I'll be gone from 9/11 through 9/18-- but we'll see how this goes.

    So, is this aerobics? What?
  • MelK8RN
    MelK8RN Posts: 34 Member
    sounds like a great plan... I need to get a jump start on the excercise I know I need to do!! I am in!!
    The thought of 20 pounds in a month sounds amazing since I have been in the same sad place on the scale for quite some time now. I would, howver, settle for 8 pounds...any more than that would then just be a pleasant reward!!!
    Really excited to get started!!
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I think that I am going to measure myself on the day (or the day before) we start on Sept. 1st because if I had to guess - there will be some inches lost too.

    I have posted this before on how I measure (to be sure I'm measuring in the same place each time) but I will again .... this is the future PTA (physical therapist assistant) in me coming out ........

    Bust with bra (the same bra)
    At belly button
    2" below belly button (this is my post-baby pooch)
    6" below belly button (hips)
    Right thigh - 3" from pubis
    Left thigh - 3" from pubis
    Right - directly above kneecap
    Left - directly above kneecap
    Right calf - 5" from knee crease
    Left calf - 5" from knee crease
    Right upper arm - 4" from elbow crease
    Left upper arm - 4" from elbow crease

    When I measure this way then I'm sure that I'm measuring in the same place each time. You can adjust the "inches below/above" to suit your body ..... where ever you would like to see inches lost. You can also do your neck, forearm, whatever you want!!

    Just an idea that I thought I'd post .......

    BRING IT ON JILLIAN!!!!!! :tongue:
  • liamsmom
    I'm definitely in and looking forward to it. I need the accountability. I'll be ordering it tonight!!

  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I think that I am going to measure myself on the day (or the day before) we start on Sept. 1st because if I had to guess - there will be some inches lost too.

    I have posted this before on how I measure (to be sure I'm measuring in the same place each time) but I will again .... this is the future PTA (physical therapist assistant) in me coming out ........

    Bust with bra (the same bra)
    At belly button
    2" below belly button (this is my post-baby pooch)
    6" below belly button (hips)
    Right thigh - 3" from pubis
    Left thigh - 3" from pubis
    Right - directly above kneecap
    Left - directly above kneecap
    Right calf - 5" from knee crease
    Left calf - 5" from knee crease
    Right upper arm - 4" from elbow crease
    Left upper arm - 4" from elbow crease

    When I measure this way then I'm sure that I'm measuring in the same place each time. You can adjust the "inches below/above" to suit your body ..... where ever you would like to see inches lost. You can also do your neck, forearm, whatever you want!!

    Just an idea that I thought I'd post .......

    BRING IT ON JILLIAN!!!!!! :tongue:

    I love it!!! You've even got the locations inch by inch!!!
    This is going to be great!