Sugar = Poison

jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
Watch this video, I know its long but it is definitely worth watching.
I am curious for all your reactions.

Sugar: The Bitter Truth


  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    Bump for later when I got some time on my hands.... :wink:
  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
  • slimdebbiecakes
    bump for later as well lol
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member
    I try to stay away from HFCS because I do think it has something to do with the high rate of obseity in our country. But I also believe in the old saying "Everything in moderation." Too much of anything we put in our mouths will make us fat...PERIOD.

    I don't believe that the fruit God gaves is poison...unless we add poison to it. Simple as that.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I try to stay away from HFCS because I do think it has something to do with the high rate of obseity in our country. But I also believe in the old saying "Everything in moderation." Too much of anything we put in our mouths will make us fat...PERIOD.

    I don't believe that the fruit God gaves is poison...unless we add poison to it. Simple as that.

    Well, if you look at it from that angle, why was the "fruit" on the forbidden tree? Maybe God was trying to tell us way back then that it is poisonous................

    I don't believe in Everything in Moderation. There are many things the human body does not need in moderation.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Nature doesn't put sugar in vegetables, fruit, and other foods for kicks. It's there for a reason
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member
    I try to stay away from HFCS because I do think it has something to do with the high rate of obseity in our country. But I also believe in the old saying "Everything in moderation." Too much of anything we put in our mouths will make us fat...PERIOD.

    I don't believe that the fruit God gaves is poison...unless we add poison to it. Simple as that.

    Well, if you look at it from that angle, why was the "fruit" on the forbidden tree? Maybe God was trying to tell us way back then that it is poisonous................

    I don't believe in Everything in Moderation. There are many things the human body does not need in moderation.

    I'm not going to get into a religious talk with you because I think the correlation is ridiculous, to be frank.

    But let me be more clear in my statement since it wasn't to you.

    Everything FOOD-WISE that comes from the ground or had a mother is okay to eat in moderation. (unless it has venom....sorry I had to add that.

    Let's stick to the subject. shall we? Not my personal beliefs.

    I think the OP was asking about the video?

    Now excuse me while I go pull a "Forbidden fruit" off the "Tree of Life" I grow in my back yard LOL
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member
    Nature doesn't put sugar in vegetables, fruit, and other foods for kicks. It's there for a reason

    Agreed :happy:
  • madivp
    madivp Posts: 112 Member
    I only had time to watch half of it, but will go back to finish. I am a coke drinker and after that will be stopping it. I always knew it was bad for me but not how bad it really was.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I try to stay away from HFCS because I do think it has something to do with the high rate of obseity in our country. But I also believe in the old saying "Everything in moderation." Too much of anything we put in our mouths will make us fat...PERIOD.

    I don't believe that the fruit God gaves is poison...unless we add poison to it. Simple as that.

    Well, if you look at it from that angle, why was the "fruit" on the forbidden tree? Maybe God was trying to tell us way back then that it is poisonous................

    I don't believe in Everything in Moderation. There are many things the human body does not need in moderation.

    I'm not going to get into a religious talk with you because I think the correlation is ridiculous, to be frank.

    But let me be more clear in my statement since it wasn't to you.

    Everything FOOD-WISE that comes from the ground or had a mother is okay to eat in moderation. (unless it has venom....sorry I had to add that.

    Let's stick to the subject. shall we? Not my personal beliefs.

    I think the OP was asking about the video?

    Now excuse me while I go pull a "Forbidden fruit" off the "Tree of Life" I grow in my back yard LOL

    I was pondering a hypothetical and philosophical question. My apologies that you took such great offense to a mere question. The correlation is not ridiculous, it is something to ponder and think about.

    Everything from the ground is NOT meant to be eaten. There are berries that are poisonous, but would be classified as berries.....

    Nothing I said pointed at your "personal" beliefs...........Like I said, I was posing a question in general to spark thought and provoking conversation.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Nature doesn't put sugar in vegetables, fruit, and other foods for kicks. It's there for a reason

    Fruits and other foods we started cultivating are higher in sugar content than the botanic varieties found in nature. And then, nature "put" sugar there to make the fruits and their seeds attractive to birds and other animals, so as to help the seeds spread. And to have something to induce fermentation so a seed would have its own source of nutrients when it needs to sprout.

    Nature didn't "put" the sugar there to feed humans. But it put nutrients in fruits for the same reason we "put" nutrients into embryos: to procreate.
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member
    I try to stay away from HFCS because I do think it has something to do with the high rate of obseity in our country. But I also believe in the old saying "Everything in moderation." Too much of anything we put in our mouths will make us fat...PERIOD.

    I don't believe that the fruit God gaves is poison...unless we add poison to it. Simple as that.

    Well, if you look at it from that angle, why was the "fruit" on the forbidden tree? Maybe God was trying to tell us way back then that it is poisonous................

    I don't believe in Everything in Moderation. There are many things the human body does not need in moderation.

    I'm not going to get into a religious talk with you because I think the correlation is ridiculous, to be frank.

    But let me be more clear in my statement since it wasn't to you.

    Everything FOOD-WISE that comes from the ground or had a mother is okay to eat in moderation. (unless it has venom....sorry I had to add that.

    Let's stick to the subject. shall we? Not my personal beliefs.

    I think the OP was asking about the video?

    Now excuse me while I go pull a "Forbidden fruit" off the "Tree of Life" I grow in my back yard LOL

    I was pondering a hypothetical and philosophical question. My apologies that you took such great offense to a mere question. The correlation is not ridiculous, it is something to ponder and think about.

    Everything from the ground is NOT meant to be eaten. There are berries that are poisonous, but would be classified as berries.....

    Nothing I said pointed at your "personal" beliefs...........Like I said, I was posing a question in general to spark thought and provoking conversation.

    Apology accepted....but you have to admit, your post was about what I posted and not about the video itself which is what caught me by surprise.

    No worries though. It's shrugged off and plowed over.

    I do agree not everything that comes from the ground is innocent. (Thus the venom comment ) But it is common sense to know what you are eating before you put it into your mouth.

    But then again, I guess maybe it isn't common sense to most people and that is why they are in the situation they are in.

    But I can only answer for myself.
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member
    Sorry. No idea why that posted twice
  • vzepol
    vzepol Posts: 131 Member

    Now excuse me while I go pull a "Forbidden fruit" off the "Tree of Life" I grow in my back yard LOL

    Funny, I needed this
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member
    Nature doesn't put sugar in vegetables, fruit, and other foods for kicks. It's there for a reason

    Fruits and other foods we started cultivating are higher in sugar content than the botanic varieties found in nature. And then, nature "put" sugar there to make the fruits and their seeds attractive to birds and other animals, so as to help the seeds spread. And to have something to induce fermentation so a seed would have its own source of nutrients when it needs to sprout.

    Nature didn't "put" the sugar there to feed humans. But it put nutrients in fruits for the same reason we "put" nutrients into embryos: to procreate.

    For some reason I just got the urge to sing "The Circle of Life" from the Lion King.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Nature doesn't put sugar in vegetables, fruit, and other foods for kicks. It's there for a reason

    Fruits and other foods we started cultivating are higher in sugar content than the botanic varieties found in nature. And then, nature "put" sugar there to make the fruits and their seeds attractive to birds and other animals, so as to help the seeds spread. And to have something to induce fermentation so a seed would have its own source of nutrients when it needs to sprout.

    Nature didn't "put" the sugar there to feed humans. But it put nutrients in fruits for the same reason we "put" nutrients into embryos: to procreate.

    For some reason I just got the urge to sing "The Circle of Life" from the Lion King.

    /joins chorus to sing

    Ironically, in this respect, the cultivation of high sugar varieties of certain fruits is very successful from the tree's or plant's point of view because we help in its procreation.

    But seriously, even 75 years ago, fruits were not so plentiful as to be available every day, in numerous servings per day. Most fruits were entirely seasonal and certain high sugar varieties we're not globally available, or only rarely so. So here too, our eating pattern has changed to such an extent that we don't even recognize it as unnatural anymore. We have increased the glycemic load of fruit considerably by eating it in huge quantities. That's the issue, not the sugar in fruit per se.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Nature doesn't put sugar in vegetables, fruit, and other foods for kicks. It's there for a reason

    Fruits and other foods we started cultivating are higher in sugar content than the botanic varieties found in nature. And then, nature "put" sugar there to make the fruits and their seeds attractive to birds and other animals, so as to help the seeds spread. And to have something to induce fermentation so a seed would have its own source of nutrients when it needs to sprout.

    Nature didn't "put" the sugar there to feed humans. But it put nutrients in fruits for the same reason we "put" nutrients into embryos: to procreate.

    For some reason I just got the urge to sing "The Circle of Life" from the Lion King.

    /joins chorus to sing

    Ironically, in this respect, the cultivation of high sugar varieties of certain fruits is very successful from the tree's or plant's point of view because we help in its procreation.

    But seriously, even 75 years ago, fruits were not so plentiful as to be available every day, in numerous servings per day. Most fruits were entirely seasonal and certain high sugar varieties we're not globally available, or only rarely so. So here too, our eating pattern has changed to such an extent that we don't even recognize it as unnatural anymore. We have increased the glycemic load of fruit considerably by eating it in huge quantities. That's the issue, not the sugar in fruit per se.

    So, eat local, eat seasonal?
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Odd, but I watched this earlier today ... posted in on a thread about staying under your sugar goals ... I never stay under the sugar goals on here, even when I don't feel that I've had anything sweet.

    My understanding, from watching the video, is that the issue isn't with those naturally occurring sugars, though they should be eaten in moderation. As he says near the end, they come packaged with Fibre which helps ... the problem is that we have learnt to extract sugar from 'plants' (i.e. we're not eating it in it's natural state) and food companies are adding it to almost everything, and that since the US government deciding that "low fat" is the way, the food companies have been removing fat and to make up for lack of flavour they've been adding sugar. I've been looking through my cupboard and the full fat versions just about always have less sugar ...

    I have to say that watching this made me cry. If it is true, and I'm willing to believe it, then it's an absolute tragedy. How many lives have been lost because of it? Also I'm concerned about the amount of sugar my kids eat ... they love ketchup ... and the 'sweets', and icecream, they're already addicted to sugar!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    So, eat local, eat seasonal?

    it helps!! :)