Friday Mini Challenge



  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I for one HATE push-ups, that's what makes it a challenge! My wrists hurt terrible when I attempt reg. and knees are out (bad knee had surgeries) so I do counter or window sill. Works the same muscles with less pressure on wrists and the further away you plant your feet, the more difficult.

    If you absolutely can't do the challenge then if you have weights or anything heavy, do a press from a laying down position?

    Tried level 1 and could only do about 10 when my hand/wrist started to kill me so i then tried to do the press from laying down position with a 5 lb weight in each hand, only got 35 in and then had to finish with just one 5 lb weight (one hand on either side) but i did get the rest one that way.

    Seriously, that's amazing! So inspiring when people really give something a try!

    Everyone has done a tremendous job! WHATEVER YOU could do is what matters, not some arbitrary number. It's about discovering your limits are much higher than you thought. Even if you only managed 3 push-ups, you have something to build upon and beating out your personal best is your goal-NOT your limit!

    Great work everyone :)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    I decided I liked it so I have continued to them daily. THanks for the inspiration!!