How did you come up with your goal weight?....



  • amerr
    amerr Posts: 190
    I picked the weight I was before I had each of my kids. After the last one, I was not able to get back down to that weight so that is my goal. I'm more interested in feeling good naked than a number on the scale though, so if I feel good naked and weigh more because of muscle I'll be happy (I tell myself that anyway. lol )
  • ThermalYew1
    ThermalYew1 Posts: 64 Member
    I based mine on a commercial I saw a guy doing for Weight Watchers... 156... do I ever think I'll get there? Cause I've been at this weight range for so long! :(
  • janew68
    janew68 Posts: 37
    It's what I weighed before I got pregnant...I'm more aiming to fit back into my pre-pregoo jeans, which were a 26/27, so if I'm a little heavier but the same size, so be it.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I know it sounds my first goal weight was the lowest weight I remember from HS. I lowered it after I reached that and continued to loose. Ultimately, you gotta let your body tell you where its comfortable : )
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    My "goal weight" is possibly just a first goal. It's based on height/weight charts plus what I weighed when I wore a certain size, plus being a number that doesn't seem too impossible to achieve! :D
  • ruffledviolet
    ruffledviolet Posts: 260
    I based mine on a commercial I saw a guy doing for Weight Watchers... 156... do I ever think I'll get there? Cause I've been at this weight range for so long! :(

    156 for a guy? sounds too low to me. unless you and he are really short.
  • PrincessBTits
    PrincessBTits Posts: 198
    I picked what my target weight is for my height. I have a feeling that with muscle mass my ideal will be heavier than the suggested weight, and that's cool. I just want to be healthy.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    I don't know that when I started, I had a goal weight in mind. I just knew my doctor wanted me to lose. I lost until I felt good.....and then some more.....and in all honesty, at my lowest, I was too thin. Now, I'd like to bounce between 130-135, but am between 135-140. In all honesty, I'm a happy girl anytime the scale shows 140 or less. I had gained 22 pounds back from my lowest, and have lost 10 of those at this point. looking for a range now, not one number.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Dart board!

    Just kidding -- I looked at the healthy weight charts for my height -- then thought that I could probably get to 10 pounds over that. If I get to my 1st goal, I can always change and keep going, but I figure it's an aggressive goal as it is.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    My first goal was to get to 159, because it was the lowest I'd been in 3 years. Then my 2nd goal (almost there!) is to get to 145, because it's the lowest I've been in like 10 years, since before I got married. Then my next goal is 135-140, which is the upper end of the healthy BMI for my height. I'll evaluate again once I got there, but I look at photos of me @ that weight and think I looked great.
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    Per the height weight chart I'll still be overweight but I'll take that any day over morbidly obese! And if I still feel like I could loose a tad more I will once I get closer.
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    180 is the "average" weight for American guys my height and age, according to statistics that I read. (Well, actually, it's the 50th percentile -- so half are heavier and half are lighter than 180). When I started, I was way up in the 91st percentile, and not too happy at being heavier than 91% of guys like me.

    It's a first goal -- ideally, I'll get down to 175 or so, but I don't necessarily feel the need to reach down to 166, which is the upper limit of the BMI "normal" range for me. (In fact, at 166, I think I'd feel a bit scrawny...).
  • artemis222
    artemis222 Posts: 390 Member
    I've always been terrible about picking weights. So, instead I try to focus on sizes. Especially focusing on the sizing of the brands I love. If one brand of jeans fits this certain measurement then their largest size is my goal (assuming I don't fit into their regular range).
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    I picked my previous "normal" size, but I may decide to stop at 10 pounds higher, depending on how my body composition is.
    If you have absolutely no idea, pick a weight you think might be nice, but under no circumstances lower than a BMI of about 20-22. When you reach that goal, you will reassess your body fat and decide whether you're there yet.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    The bmi said i should be 98-108, I think that is to small so i choose 125lbs
    because i can always remember wanting to weigh that but never actually did.
    that i can remember!
  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    I don't particularly have a goal weight "number" in mind. I just know what I want to look like when I reach my "goal." If I reach my "goal look" and I am still 10 lbs heaver than what I thought I would be when I looked like I wanted to look, then, well, I guess I get a bonus 10 lbs. If I get to the random number I picked and still feel like I need to lose a few more to get there, then that's what I'll do. Weight is just a silly number that is going to fluctuate all the time. I'd rather be happy with what I look like than happy about a dumb number!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I am in my goal "range" 132-137. I am at the lower end of the Healthy BMI 20.2.

    It is important to be flexible. When I was over 200 pounds I thought I had a "large frame." I am nearly 5'9" and wear a size 9 1/2 shoe. Sounded like a large framed person to me! I always had the high end of the "allowable" weight charts in mind.

    As I lost weight and sizes, I realized that I could do better. I wore a woman's size 18W for a long while (even worked as a Part Time Fit Model and that was the size I had to maintain). As I started to lose weight, I enjoyed shopping for clothes a whole lot more. Realized that the really cute clothes were not in sizes 12 or above.

    My goal was to be a size 6-8. I revised my goal weight several times. I realized that I did not have "large frame," but am just long boned. I probably have a small to medium frame.

    If you have a large amount of weight to lose, you will probably find yourself revising your weight goal as you get closer. Choosing a healthy BMI would be the first step.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Good question..Mine is the first even number in ONEderland..>Once I get there, I will figure out the next stop!
  • yenohamk
    yenohamk Posts: 117
    My last attempt at weight loss I got down to 135, but clearly it wasn't sustainable because here I am, losing it again. I'm trying to get to 140 because I still wanted a nice sounding number, but as I get closer and closer I'm starting to think that maybe I don't need to get to 140. Now I'd rather just see what my body does.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    I just based it on my height and what I think would look good. That may change, however, once I start losing! I'll stop when I look in the mirror and like what I see.