what are you grateful for today???????



  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    - for the sunshine
    - for my sister's new fiance - someone's willing to put up with her - haha - seriously, she deserves the happiness.
    - my hard-working, faithful, handsome husband
    - my kids who are always challenging me to grow and making me laugh
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: I am grateful for the 3.7 water weight lost since Monday. yippy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It flew out the window.:heart::heart:
  • audbbgirl
    audbbgirl Posts: 83
    I am greatful for:
    * God who takes care of me and with out him I would be nothing
    * My loving sweet husband who works to hard to take care of my daughter and I
    * My crazy teenage daughter - keeps me on my toes
    * My awesome mother who taught me morals and love
    * My father who loved us unconditionally - May he be enjoying his time in heaven right now
    * My gorgeous awesome sisters...My missing puzzle peices.
    * the job I have when others are not so lucky to even have one
    * for all my MFP freinds
    * for this gorgous 75.9 degrees and rising weather we are having
    * that have not been burdened by tornados or flood
    * That I get to see my mom and middle sister at the end of this month
    * for prayers from friends and family that has gotten us through some hard times
    * for life, for today and all the tomorrows to come.
  • joycemhall
    joycemhall Posts: 164 Member
    I am grateful I am healthy
    I am grateful I have such a wonderful husband and kids
    I am SUPER grateful our 'baby' will be graduating high school next week!! P-A-R-T-Y !!!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Today I am grateful for the interstate highway system.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    My husband got a job.
    Getting my perspective back.
    The group of ladies in the prayer group i joined.
    My grandmother's unconditional love.
    No more constipation
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    - another day of good choices
    - I survived a serious amount of exercise today and lived to tell about it
    - that j showed up for class and helped me stick it out
    - the new fitness center is awesome
    - v makes such yummy food!!
    - divine guidance is awesome:)
    - very thankful that there is always more than enough of whatever it is I need. Amazing!!
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    :heart: tomorrow is my weigh in day, and i'm looking forward to it!
    :heart: light workout planned today
    :heart: tom will visit!:noway:
    :heart: waking up to gental touches from my husband:smooched:
    :heart: cabo soon!
    :heart: tonight is opening night of my son's school play
    :heart: daughter showered this morning. (she usually showers at night)
    :heart: i'm liking my van more
    :heart: i'll be happy when i stop playing on here and get my home cleaned THIS MORNING!:laugh: :laugh:
    :heart: (i strive to clean my home every thursday)
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    that my kids didnt fight on the way to school this morning
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I am grateful to have a great job.

    I am grateful to have wonderful parents.

    I am grateful that I had the will power this time to lose weight and get in shape.

    I am grateful to have the 2 best kids ever!
  • Chrizzle21
    Chrizzle21 Posts: 95 Member
    The beautiful mountains I got to hike yesterday
    My Mom, Dad and Sister
    My Boyfriend, Aaron
    My Bestfriend, Amanda
    The fact that I have a job
    Being able to use my arms and legs
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I'm grateful for my job and the work that I do. Grateful to be able to pay the bills. Grateful I started my cash savings for My airline ticket for Nikkis wedding. Grateful for a clean safe home, my reliable transportation, and the fact that my hair looked decent when I ran into my stylist on the fly! When does THAT ever happen. ;)
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    :heart: sunshiney day
    :heart: workout done
    :heart: garage sales?
    :heart: son's play 2nite
    :heart: coffee
    :heart: grapes
    :heart: watermelon
    :heart: costco
    :heart: grapefruit
    :heart: wedding to attend sunday
    :heart: shopping for said wedding gift today
    :heart: dressing up for said wedding can/should be a grat 4 sunday!:laugh:
    :heart: i love my blue tooth!
    :heart: i will miss my daughter this weekend
    :heart: tom visited yesterday
    :heart: i do not mind that i did not lose lbs, yet.
    :heart: fun cat
    :heart: devoted (to me!) dog
    :heart: good weather forcasted for my daughter's girl scout camping compitation. ~that begins this evening!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Today I am grateful for Deet.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    :heart: That I made it thru my workout today.

    :heart: That my DH will be home in about 2 hours after being away all week.:happy:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    :heart: For the habit of expressing gratitude morning and night. It changes the way I feel.
    :heart: That Verizon now carries the i-phone, that I was able to afford it and that I still love it after months of daily use!
    :heart: Grateful that I appreciate non-material things too... like the beauty outside and the wisdom and intelligence of our universe.
    :heart: The fitness center is having Friday Fit Club with FREE friday group classes!
    :heart: Happy to hear about Katie's upcoming wedding and to have a goal to strive for (saving $$ for the trip)
    :heart: The fund for Nikki's wedding is growing by the day! I just added more cash to the stash!!! :) BBM, here I come!
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    :heart: this list
    :heart: finally losing lbs!
    :heart: saw son's play last night. it was great!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    My kids called me at 6:30 this morning!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Canned pineapple- I haven't bought groceries for a week and was completely out of fruit.:tongue:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    :heart: I'm thankful for a free day to do whatever I choose
    :heart: I'm thankful for the farmers market - love fresh produce!
    :heart: I'm happy and thankful that I live near the beach AND volcano. How cool is that?
    :heart: Today I'm super thankful for the cross fence in our backyard - the dogs can't see the guy working on the utility line so they're not barking like mad and driving the neighborhood crazy.
    :heart: I'm happy and thankful that today I can put away more money for my trip.
    :heart: I'm happy and thankful that Mom found a realtor to list the house with and that she feels uplifted and hopeful.
    :heart: I'm thankful for being motivated to take care of myself .