Here are the 7 weight loss blocking foods:



  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Well, I eat pretty much every thing on your list, and I've been losing consistently. I'm interesting in hearing if you have any evidence-based sources for your list, of if you're just spouting your personal opinion.

    I got this from another site and I wanted to share it. It shouldn't have been considered weightloss blocking foods however, processed foods and cereals and canned foods and all that aren't good for you and that's a fact. As for the cows milk it's all over the internet, to each their own. But I personally just wanted to share this bc it's basically pointin out something ppl already know and that it just stick to a clean diet. Which is not easy by all means. The two things I am guilty of which are holdin me back from reaching my fitness goals are the canned foods and the processed foods. I limit my bread to only a couple of times per week. But I thought this was a great overall post and wanted to share it. Sorry, I don't have any evidence-based sources. I am not a doctor nor am I a scientist. LOL but I do feel that a lil info can maybe help others.

    It would be great if you would share your source / give some attribution. Because spreading FALSE information without scientific evidence can most certainly HURT people.

    Well, then you better get busy correcting everyone on here then, b/c this is a community driven forum! There are tons of different views and opinions being thrown around on a daily basis. and people are not providing scientific evidence..b/c we all know that scientists know everything!! and we should trust everything science says, b/c that never changes, right. gah, people, just read it, either agree or disagree, use some common sense.

    Oh, I'm fine with personal views and opinions, as long as they're presented as such. And I'm fine with sharing interesting links and articles, too... as long as the source is given and not just totally plagiarized. And, yeah, I trust peer-reviewed scientific research much more than some stranger on a public forum. How 'bout you?
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I apoligize people. I will never post under the forums again. I wasn't expecting so many responses. I for one understand that you can still lose weight by eating all of these foods but it's one step above that I was trying to get @. Yes, I eat all of the foods listed and have still kept off my 75lbs for over 2.5 years. However, I am not getting any where by trying to out train a bad diet. These foods are slowly becoming elimated especially the processed foods from my diet so that I can reach my goals. No, I did not personally write up this list. I happened to find it and thought it would be nice to share. I am sorry that I am not a doctor. I just thought other people would find this a reminder to stop adding them to their grocery list. I am sorry for any inconvince this has had to any of your days. Have a wonderful life!
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    I apoligize people. I will never post under the forums again. I wasn't expecting so many responses. I for one understand that you can still lose weight by eating all of these foods but it's one step above that I was trying to get @. Yes, I eat all of the foods listed and have still kept off my 75lbs for over 2.5 years. However, I am not getting any where by trying to out train a bad diet. These foods are slowly becoming elimated especially the processed foods from my diet so that I can reach my goals. No, I did not personally write up this list. I happened to find it and thought it would be nice to share. I am sorry that I am not a doctor. I just thought other people would find this a reminder to stop adding them to their grocery list. I am sorry for any inconvince this has had to any of your days. Have a wonderful life!

    Hi there. Sorry if you felt like you were getting attacked personally...I don't think that was the case awt all though. I think that people were mostly just debating the validity of the article, not of you! I hope you stay around. I think discussions like this are actually good, and getting differing information/veiwpoints is important.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    The only one that I think is dangerous on there is pasteurised milk. Good luck trying to find somehwere that you can legally obtain raw milk!

    Local dairies.
    They just have to label it as "not reccomended for human consuption". My family consumes, has for years, and love it :)

    it's an aquired taste, I HATE it.
  • Does the Cereal aspect also include Cheerios or how about Cream of Wheat?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I would never drink unpasturized milk. I just don't think it is safe enough. But I agree with the other suggestions

    Coconut milk and almond milk are great alternatives to cow's milk.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Technically you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight. There are no foods that magically block weight loss. Eating under maintenance = weight loss.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Please dont go - your post started an interesting debate, which lets face it is better than if nobody posted any replies at all :smile:

    Coconut milk and almond milk are other items I think are hard to obtain in the UK.
  • jldaley09
    jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
    Unpasteurized milk is safe, however not legal in the US.
    This is not true, I live in Idaho and can drive to at least 3 markets in 10 miles and buy raw milk, legally, it doesn't even have to say "not for human consumption" it is very legal here. I believe it is each states discrimination as my sister in GA buys raw milk but it is labeled for "pet use only" yet she feeds it to all her family. I love the taste of raw milk and if you get to know your farmer its wonderful!! love being a locavore :)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I just thought other people would find this a reminder to stop adding them to their grocery list. I am sorry for any inconvince this has had to any of your days. Have a wonderful life!

    Weird. I didn't notice anyone actually attacking you and then someone mentioned that people were berating you - which I for one hadn't noticed, I thought we were all just having a discussion about the validity of the items on the list. Maybe it's just the way people read into things.....

    I happen to agree with the things on the list. And I DO think you have an easier time losing weight if you eat healthy and wholefood stuff, purely because it fills you up better.

    The way I think of it is this - my brain controls the desire about what I eat, and what my brain needs to fuel itself is glucose. My brain will seek out the easiest glucose to consume - and processed and refined foods are much closer to the energy source that my body wants than slow burn whole foods. BUT, the quicker my brain can get the glucose it desires, the quicker it can use it, and it doesn't worry about all the other nutrients the rest of my body might need. So my body responds with hunger pangs to try and get the nutrients IT wants to keep going. Thus I eat more.

    I would therefore far rather have a bowl of brown rice in terms of filling me up, than a bar of chocolate. similar calorie values, but with the rice I know that I am unlikely to be wanting something else soon after. SO yes, You CAN lose weight eating a rubbish diet, but your body will struggle to get the micro-nutrients it needs from it, and you wil most likely eat more.
  • smvamp
    smvamp Posts: 32
    grt tips. I'm pretty much on my way to doing all of these things. Have pretty much cut out Soda/Juice. Only drink juice maybe once a week or every other week. I limit my bread intake, and have pretty much cut out all cereals (except for Rice Krispies...and Special K). But...I'm headed in the right direction.

    thanks for the tips!
  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    I think this will be another UK/US distinction - it is illegal to sell unpastuerised milk here in the UK, and just about impossible to find.

    Besides, OK some of the nutirents may be lost in the process, but that doesn't make pastuerised milk a bad food, or one likely to inhibit weight loss, surely?

    Agreed. Consuming raw milk is very dangerous. There are too many types of bacteria and bi-product that need to be eliminated- ecoli and giardia for example. Also, studies have shown that calcium can help you lose weight and milk is a great source. Milk consumption will always be a point of debate. I think if you choose to drink raw milk that is your choice but I would be very cautious about giving it to your children.
  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    Unpasteurized milk is safe, however not legal in the US.

  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Great! I try to follow that .. I love my fresh milk from the dairy, dont eat cereal, dont use canned or processed foods (99% of the time!) and never buy frozen meals - bleh. BUTTTTT I do love me some bread... bread is my weakness lol

    Fresh milk is different from raw! It is pasteurized for safety, I agree with every thing but that!
  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member

    "Heat may denature milk proteins. This effect
    is not considered a disadvantage from the nutritional
    point of view because it only involves changes in the
    specific arrangement of the casein protein. There is no
    breakdown of peptide linkages; therefore, casein can
    be considered a thermal-resistant compound. Although
    α-lactoalbumin is relatively heat stable, other whey
    proteins can be denatured as a result of heating. These
    denatured proteins are more digestible than their naturally
    occurring form because the protein’s structure is
    loosened and enzymes can act easier (Renner, 1986).
    Pasteurization does not impair the nutritional quality
    of milk fat, calcium, and phosphorus (Beddows
    and Blake, 1982). Pasteurization temperature does
    not affect fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, and E), as well
    as the B-complex vitamins riboflavin, pantothenic
    acid, biotin, and niacin. The losses of vitamins, such
    as thiamin (<3%), pyridoxine (0–8%), cobalamin
    (<10%), and folic acid (<10%) are considered lower
    than those that take place during the normal handling
    and preparation of foodstuffs at home (Lund, 1982).
    Most of the vitamin C is lost during handling, pasteurization,
    packaging, and oxidation of milk; about
    70% of the remaining vitamin C and 90% of riboflavin
    can be destroyed by sunlight exposure during storage."
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I apoligize people. I will never post under the forums again. I wasn't expecting so many responses. I for one understand that you can still lose weight by eating all of these foods but it's one step above that I was trying to get @. Yes, I eat all of the foods listed and have still kept off my 75lbs for over 2.5 years. However, I am not getting any where by trying to out train a bad diet. These foods are slowly becoming elimated especially the processed foods from my diet so that I can reach my goals. No, I did not personally write up this list. I happened to find it and thought it would be nice to share. I am sorry that I am not a doctor. I just thought other people would find this a reminder to stop adding them to their grocery list. I am sorry for any inconvince this has had to any of your days. Have a wonderful life!

    girl, don't apologize. and there are several of us that appreciate you sharing the article. Just just keep that in mind, even though alot of critics came out, you may have helped alot of people too! Thanks again!
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