So what do you need to see on the resume of your next spouse



  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Haha i have a LONG list and a HUGE test.

    He has to LOVE kids and want like a million...since i do.
    He has to LOVE animals since they are my passion.
    He HAS to be a Christian with relatively the same views on God as me.
    It would be NICE if he could cook since...haha i dont:) the moment.
    He has to be funny....sorry boring way.
    He was to be determined and know what he wants.
    He has to be....i like Karley's answer....mature in the sense that he is a man...not some young guy who acts like a child.
    He has to have patience and be willing to deal with my hyperness.

    I will end with that...too many to list:)

    Sigh! All the perfect women (or women whose list matches mine) are to young for me. lol :-)

    Haha thank you thank you...yeah....all the good guys are either taken or a little too old. So i *sigh* with you:)

    Yep, I tend to like the little bit older guys.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    Haha i have a LONG list and a HUGE test.

    He has to LOVE kids and want like a million...since i do.
    He has to LOVE animals since they are my passion.
    He HAS to be a Christian with relatively the same views on God as me.
    It would be NICE if he could cook since...haha i dont:) the moment.
    He has to be funny....sorry boring way.
    He was to be determined and know what he wants.
    He has to be....i like Karley's answer....mature in the sense that he is a man...not some young guy who acts like a child.
    He has to have patience and be willing to deal with my hyperness.

    I will end with that...too many to list:)

    Sigh! All the perfect women (or women whose list matches mine) are to young for me. lol :-)

    Haha thank you thank you...yeah....all the good guys are either taken or a little too old. So i *sigh* with you:)

    My golden rule, young women are for young men. I've already raised my kids.
  • BetterJenny
    BetterJenny Posts: 50
    I've already found my soul mate, but here's some of the things on my "list" that he fit perfectly:

    - must be sweet, caring and compassionate
    - must love kids (he came with 2)
    - must love me for who I am, fat and all (lol)
    - must be responsible in life (no child-men that would rather spend their lives getting drunk and playing video games)
    And my most important one, and I encourage all you girls to look for THIS
    - MUST LOVE HIS MOTHER!! If he can't respect the single most important woman in his life, how will he be able to respect me? This of course depends on the situation. Sadly, not all mothers are "moms". But in my experience (dating, watching friends date, etc) the guys who can't seem to respect their mom, or just don't seem to care, are the worst partners. And obviously I'm not saying they have to be mama's boys. They have to have cut the apron strings long ago....but the love and respect still has to be there. My hubbys mom did a wonderful job raising him and his brother, and they're both very well aware of that....and it's made them both better men
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    If I could get my husband to put his dishes in the dishwasher, my list would be complete! :laugh:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Well I'm not looking but if I do meet someone he:

    Must be a Christian.
    Have a good sense of humor.
    Likes to cook would be a plus since I don't. :bigsmile:
    Must like cats because I have two.
    Must be chivalrous.
    Must share my political views. (Wouldn't want to cancel each other out during elections.) :bigsmile:
  • JenInAustin
    JenInAustin Posts: 53 Member
    .....At least six years experience as a sex slave baaahhhaa!!

    LOLOL Awesome
  • Raven00
    Raven00 Posts: 67
    What I would love is for someone who SHOWS me they love me(and I'm not talking in a "presents sort of way) I want someone who when they KNOW i am having a bad day will comfort me and let me cry on their shoulder words will only go so far.
    I want someone who is able to deal with my quirky slightly weird sense of humor :p
    I want someone who will cuddle with me
    who loves the outdoors and wants to travel
    Someone who can think for themselves
    Who will support me in whatever I choose to do and vice versa
    Who doesn't feel the need to play games and try and be emotionally or physically. Abusive I've had enough of that to last a lifetime
    Who I will trust a 110% and can understand all th BS I have been through
    And someone who will make me laugh :-)
    I think that's all for now
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Integrity. Honesty. Fidelity. You'd think that would be a given, wouldn't you?
  • jknops2
    jknops2 Posts: 171 Member
    Yes, food was an issue for me too. My ex had all kind of food requirements, no deadly nightshades, no red meat, (which is fine with me), no soy, no mixing carbs with protein only one at a meal, etc. Drove me nuts, as I do all the cooking. And it changed on a monthly basis, and she expected me to dump all food that did not fit her current fad. I am too cheap for that. So, yes, a normal, balanced diet is nice, taking each other's preferences into consideration. In addition, the same goals on what you value, what you want to spend your money on is key.

    Secondly, and actually first, being mellow. No more drama. You need to be able to communicate and tolerate each other's eccentricities. Got together 4 years ago with my current spouse, remarried 3 years ago, have a 2.5 year old, and we haven't had a single fight yet. So nice, after having endless arguments, daily/weekly before. So bottom line is mellow, being able to tolerate and appreciate each other, and let go of not important things.

    A big part of all this, which I realized now, is having the same goals in life. Where you want to life, what you value, what you want to spend your money on, what stuff/cars/house/furniture, etc. you want, when and where you want to retire, etc. My ex was ten years older, and around 50 for her, she wanted to retire and stop working, when we did not have nearly enough for retirement. She hated the mid-west (she grew up in Seattle), and resented for being here. (Blame on me academic, you only have a very limited number of job choices, and it is hard to move, but on a plus, I have job security, pretty much can do what I want, as long as I am productive, and set my own schedule. Not many jobs like that out there.) So, hard to give this up for something less.

    And her strategy of me keeping working for another 20 years, while she retires, was not that exiting to me. So, there we went downhill from there, and we should have divorced 5-10 years earlier.
    So, no kids, no contact with my ex for 7 years by now. But my current spouse has a 10 year old, ex, not communicating, not paying child support, etc. And we are paying for his weekly shrink visits to deal with this. So, as with you ex'es kind of stay with you for life, if you have kids.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    What's the saying, "Marry for love the first time, money the second"? I married for love and after 25 years that didn't seem to work out for him. I'm willing to try marrying for money!
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    Smart, passionate, hilarious and must worship the ground I walk on.

    Mine too. Oh and buckets full of money... for me to spend freely as we travel! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    just kidding folks....
  • jknops2
    jknops2 Posts: 171 Member

    But than as a 50 year old with 2.5 year and a spouse who is 46, accidents do happen, and that's ok.
  • 1FitMom326
    1FitMom326 Posts: 228
    I am going for looks the second time around :) Must have muscles!

    Actually a guy that knows how to handle dealing with females (I have 3 daughters) so it's a must! The tears, the giggling, the drama, the broken hearts it's going to be a part of my world so if a guy can't handle it then he won't fit with my family.
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    He has to:
    1. be willing to spend time with my family
    2. LOVE animals
    3. like (or at least tolerate) piercings and tattoos
    4. not be a couch potato but also not be obsessed with fitness . . .
    5. not want kids
    6. like to text/ talk on the phone
    7. not be bipolar or OCD (we can't both of us be them, it totally doesn't work)
    8. be completely and utterly monogamous
    9. be a good cook
    10. like to play chess and Scrabble
    11. not wish for me to grow my hair longer
    12. not mind crazy colors in my hair
    13. be intelligent enough to hold a reasonably intellectual conversation
    14. not ask me to wear high heels
    15. understand and support my personal need to lose weight
    16. let me be clingy sometimes
    17. not be completely silent during sex ... (it's creepy)
    18. understand that I will never make a lot of money because of the field in which I choose to work
    19. not be annoyed at my need to be a grammar nazi
    20. like to eat subs but not "fast food" like McDonald's

    Weird, I know!

    I'm sure there are more, I just can't think of them right now!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Must like kids, I have three!
    Must already have kids, or not want any of his own
    I'm done with having babies!!!
    Must be good to my kids.
    Must be honest ane faithful
    Must like to have fun and laugh
    Must like eating healthy foods
    Must have ambition, I do.
  • Hazelhaze05
    Hazelhaze05 Posts: 85 Member
    1.. Accept that my Daughter is part of me.
    2.. Share a desire to live a healthy lifestyle(my ex used to give me a hard time when I wouldn't eat junk with him)
    3.. Must love fishing, and enjoy being outside having fun.
    4.. Have thick skin and be able to handle the fact that I can be a little aggressive, yet be sweet and sensitive too.
    5.. Someone who is funny and doesn't take life to serious, yet knows when to be serious.
    6.. Someone who is goal oriented in all aspects of life.
    7.. At least 5'9"(I'm 5'8")
    8.. Someone who enjoys traveling
    9.. I'm 29, so anywhere from 29- early 40's.

    I'm sure there's a lot more, but that's it for now lol Feel free to message me if you fit that haha
  • Hazelhaze05
    Hazelhaze05 Posts: 85 Member
    Oh ya, I forgot..... Faithful, honest, and LOYAL :)
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    Integrity. Honesty. Fidelity. You'd think that would be a given, wouldn't you?

    Attractive traits if someone like that exists. I also find quiet confidence and a sense of humor very attractive. But, alas, my ability to trust has been damaged. Still... this was a fun post to read.
  • Kaldrmjolka
    Kaldrmjolka Posts: 86
    My list is kind of long XP :

    Whoever I end up with:
    -MUST enjoy the outdoors
    -MUST be accepting and tolerant of others (I'm super spiritual, I love God but I'm connected to my native american roots way back and I have a religious respect for the Earth - I have my own views but love the same God everyone else does. I just do it in my own fashion)
    -Must be somewhat dorky. I'm mean.. I'm an A-Team collector, I love Star Wars, Star Trek, I collect comics, and I love to play video games.
    -Must have a sense of humor.
    -Must be faithful.
    -Must be honest and open.... I require some good communication skills.
    -I'd prefer if they liked a lot of the same things I did...
    -Be willing to try things I like: ex I hate sports but if you want to sit around all day and watch sports I don't care I'll make snacks! Just come with me to a museum :D
    -Tolerate my monster snoring >///////>
    -And tolerate my weird passions, like my awkward passion for conspiracy theories and the paranormal. (It's so cool!)
    -Not be annoyed by me and my moments of never shutting up or being shy.
    -Attempt to use proper grammar
    -Support my healthy lifestyle
  • Talako
    Talako Posts: 79 Member
    ...No more drama...

    I believe it is in their DNA, so good luck with that. haha