So what do you need to see on the resume of your next spouse



  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    1. Must stroke my ego(I have a big one)
    2. Must act like i'm the only woman(besides his mom) that matters
    3. Must not try to pick fights with me(men love to fight, and i dont' have time for all that)
    4. Must not smother me....sure i like compliments, but i dont' wnat you around me 24/7...
    5. Must agree on one night with the boys while i have my one night with the girls a week.
    6.Must not tell me i drink too much. I only go out one night a week, i work hard....i like to get my buzz on and shake a tailfeather to relieve the stress of the week
    7. Must not come home from work and do absolutely nothing. That drives me nuts about guys. I understand winding down....but if i go to work all day and can come home and cook dinner/clean/do laundry, you surely can take out the trash and water the yard.
    8. Must not be so conservative. I am around gays a lot. Please be secure in your masculinaty to tolerate the gays. You don't have to agree on it being ok or not, just dont' make douche baggy remarks about it every time there is a gay person on tv or if i am hanging out with one.
    9. DO NOT try to control me. I am a free spirit and i will do what i want. If you want to get me to do something, you must have seasoning to your words, because if a demand is brought to my attention, i will most likely do the opposite to prove that you can't tell me what to do. Now, if you talk to me person to person like a normal human being, I most likely will comply.
    10. Great sense of humor
    11. Good kisser.....if you are bad at kissing, it won't go any further than that....ever.
    12.Affectionate - I shower my other half with affection whenever i see them, i expect the same in return
    13. Honest and open communicator. I will always tell someone how i feel or if they are making me feel upset or sad, in a calm voice. I would like the same in return. I dont' wnat to come home and you give me the silent treatment for 3 days and i have no clue why so i ask and you say nothings wrong, when clearly there is something wrong, because then you are just insulting my intellegence and i will get pissed
    14. Be confident in who they are...i hate men who try to act like something they are clearly not, it makes you look dumb, and its very very obvious to someone with an iq over 3...just be yourself

    Those are a few of my many requirments.....geez, no wonder why im single......oh yeah....he must have a booty:P
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    .....At least six years experience as a sex slave baaahhhaa!!

    What he said...and be an Irishman named Michael Fassbender.

    But seriously, I have been with my husband for 23 years and he is my first, last, and ONLY husband. If he goes before me, there will be no other serious relationships for me...but maybe a few friends with benefits would be okay! <weg>
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I honestly don't see myself getting married again. I currently live with my boyfriend of 1.5 years and as of right now, we're quite happy with this arrangement.

    My biggest requirement after I split with my ex-husband?

    He had to like my kids and my kids had to like him. That was a deal breaker - regardless of how well he and I may have gotten along.

    I got lucky -- found a guy who likes my kids and whom my kids like -- on the first try. Plus, he spends his day off fixing my car, takes out the trash and use the weed whacker (since the only thing *I* "whack" with it is the side of the house or my car!).

    Think he's a keeper. ;)
  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    I don't plan on getting married again... but I would make sure that whomever is in my life want to participate in life and not be sitting there on the sidelines. Instead of watching it- let's do it!


    my ex was a bystander watching life always bored wanted to be entertained with movies, food, ect
    I need a man who is wanting to be actively participating in life and wanting to get involved , not some homebody
    nothing wrong with a nice quiet night just for two at home cuddling on the couch but I dont want to be isolated on an island
    social life with friends, family, trying new things that maybe out of our comfort zones want to really have a playmate!
  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    .....At least six years experience as a sex slave baaahhhaa!!

    Sorry I am an over achiever with eight years experience , shrugs such is life lol
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    I've noticed the women seem to have a longer list than the men folk.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I am married. If this marriage should end (hope not), I will NOT marry again. Marriage is TOO much work! I will just be content with my poodle and my kids. :wink:
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    Haha i have a LONG list and a HUGE test.

    He has to LOVE kids and want like a million...since i do.
    He has to LOVE animals since they are my passion.
    He HAS to be a Christian with relatively the same views on God as me.
    It would be NICE if he could cook since...haha i dont:) the moment.
    He has to be funny....sorry boring way.
    He was to be determined and know what he wants.
    He has to be....i like Karley's answer....mature in the sense that he is a man...not some young guy who acts like a child.
    He has to have patience and be willing to deal with my hyperness.

    I will end with that...too many to list:)

    That sounds very similar to my list and my husband! :)
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    .....At least six years experience as a sex slave baaahhhaa!!

  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    High sex drive.

    I can do all the stuff like laundry (hate folding though), cooking and I don't mind cleaning.

    Does it have to be spouse though? LOL
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    I've noticed the women seem to have a longer list than the men folk.

    You are correct sir. I guess too many of us have long lists because of the long list of wrongs perpetrated against us by the idiots of our past. However, my list is short. Must be kind, compassionate, faithful, and supportive of whatever is most important in my life (kids, career, passion, etc). The rest is all just fluff that comes with a person who is all the above.
  • gtm124
    gtm124 Posts: 179
    I've noticed the women seem to have a longer list than the men folk.

    You are correct sir. I guess too many of us have long lists because of the long list of wrongs perpetrated against us by the idiots of our past.

    That works both ways. Just sayin'.:wink:
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I am pretty simple with requirements.......I want to be put first and loved strongly.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    1. He's GOT to have a job!! I don't need another body in my house that uses my water, electric, gas and doesn't help. I have 2 daughters that I'm responsible for...not you!
    2. He's gotta be funny! Life's too short not to laugh. And I'm pretty freakin funny and feisty. :)
    3. He's gotta be mature. I don't handle immaturity well. You want to act like a child go right ahead...with someone else. I get enough of the poor me b/s from my ex who doesn't pay child support or see my girls.
    4. He's gotta know how to handle finances. I'm an accountant but I'm not the only person that will be spending money. He needs to know how to reconcile a bank account and keep track of money and bills.
    5. He's gotta like my girls. They don't like you for any reason...I don't either.
    6. He's gotta know God or want to know Him. Feet firmly planted in the Lord and reaching for Heavens.
    7. He HAS TO UNDERSTAND MARRIAGE IS A LIFETIME COMMITMENT!!!! I'm only getting married once. It don't work then I'm not trying again. He has to know that we made vows in front of family and God that as much as I hate you tomorrow we're still gonna work through it all TOGETHER!!

    I was lucky enough to find all these things in my husband. He works hard everyday. He's absolutely a hoot and we have good times together. He's as much of an adult as I am. Neither one of us can stand his ex and how her maturity level hasn't surpassed our 5 year olds. He's learned how to handle finances. His ex's wanted his money so he gave it to them and let them handle it. I make him keep track of all the money and so do I. He loves my girls like his own. They are HIS daughters now and he would die for them any day of the week. He has came to the Lord and was baptized in March of this year. And his view on marriage was the same as mine. We are in it for the long haul. There is no divorce. Only in the case of adultery and neither one of us are cheaters. We both feel you should leave before you cheat.

    It only took me 26 years to find him and 30 years for him to find me. And we couldn't be happier!!
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    1. He has to like my son
    2. He has to put me at the top of his priority list only second to our children
    3. Sense of humor.
    4. Just love me for me and not expect me to change
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    Someone who truly wants to become my best friend.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Not much
    someone who values me, loves me...
    supports me....would defend me
    trust and respect would be crucial...
    my list is longer than I thought..LOL..I could keep going

    I'm looking for a 6'2 chiropractor....
    figure might as well get free adjustments since I;'m shooting for the moon..LOL
  • SimplyFreckled
    SimplyFreckled Posts: 444 Member

    Someone who will not try to be my father and will allow me to do the things that I enjoy.
    Someone who puts passion into ounce of life.
    Someone who has his own hobbies and doesn't feel the need to suffocate.
    Someone who is daring and not afraid to take chances.
    Someone who will stay up and talk to me all night, and actually listen to what I have to say.
    Someone who doesn't take advantage of me and my love of making the people around me happy.
    Someone who doesn't think I would be perfect if I just lost weight and got a tummy tuck, boob lift, and implants.
    Someone who thinks I am beautiful and makes me feel like I am special and the most important thing in the world..

    Most important
    Must love my kids!
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    Very simple things...

    1. Please have a job (no, video gaming and ball scratching isn't a job)

    2. Please love me for me. This means you do not promptly tell me you'd be happier if I were 30lbs lighter. I'd be happier if you were about 4 inches longer, but hey, I'm not saying that outloud.

    3. Please be kind and compassionate. If I see you kick a dog, shake a baby, or laugh at baby seals being clubbed, you're not the right one for me.

    4. Please be faithful. I understand Craigslist is tempting with sluts who will meet you atop the bus station but I promise my lovin' is way better. PS....I WILL catch you if you cheat!

    That is all!
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    while i could care less to ever be married, i would like a significant other to be...
    1. honest
    2. hardworking
    3. patient
    4. must love children
    5. treat me as a priority and not someone who is convienent for your schedule.
    6. family oriented. i love my family and if u dont want to come to my family functions with me as a couple, then u prolly arent the one for me!
    7. (more of a request then a requirement) please be tall... please be tall... please be tall. lol. im too tall for a short men, no offense!

    the list actually goes on forever, but ill leave it at this for right now i suppose.