40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, we are also having a cooler day today. So, I would think that whatever we are having in Ohio will be heading your way. I also have not been happy with my body. It is my own fault, though. I am losing this week instead of gaining like I have been doing during the winter. Only two more weeks til I head to Florida and I want to look better by that time. I have also noticed that my clothes are fitting better.

    :flowerforyou: tron, you have my sympathy having to deal with real estate. My son owns three apartments and they really keep him busy.

    I managed to burn a little more doing Zumba last night. I guess I put more into it than I usually do.:wink:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    sdereski, spaghetti and meatballs are a silent killer, aren't they? I think they are the highest calorie dish at one restaurant. Who would have thought? But sounds like you handled it well. Your house sounds like it's in a lovely situation. I lived along the ocean when we were in Los Angeles (a couple of years ago) and truly miss it. Hope you enjoyed your golf and run!

    tron, I think it is probably good that you aren't able to do a full Insanity rotation right now. I don't actually think it is important that you ever do if you want my brutal opinion. There is alot of repetition in Insanity and can cause overuse injuries. I think the workouts are every bit as effective when mixed with other activities, especially strength training (to provide proper balance). The only reason I ever did the first two Insanity rotations I did was because I found they were the most effective workouts for me when we were moving and I was limited to equipment, space and time. The third Insanity rotation I did was just.....insane. So don't worry about that aspect of the program. I'd recommend for now that you focus on mastering the first three cardio workouts (Plyo Cardio Circuit, Pure Cardio, and Cardio Power and Resistance), along with Cardio Recovery (and maybe Cardio Core and Balance, which is also a recovery workout) and see how it goes with those. If you never do a rotation....doesn't matter because those are some tough workouts in and of themselves. So enjoy and celebrate your accomplishments!

    singfree, yeah, I knew you'd be shocked about me overtraining.....except not! :tongue: So glad you don't have to work Saturday. Hopefully the cooler weather will stick around a bit. We are definitely cooler and fresher this morning, though the humidity is supposed to come back over the weekend. But how beautiful it is outside right now! Glad things are finally 'shifting' on the body. Oddly, this break in working out seems to be helping me right now. I think I was holding on to alot of excess fluid from over-taxing my body, and I've slimmed down pretty nicely over the past few days. Let's hope I can keep my eating under control into the weekend so this trend continues.

    Swissmiss, glad to hear this week is going better for you. Sounds like you are feeling better if you were able to do more Zumba last night. Are you doing the DVDs? Do you enjoy them? I'm just curious.

    All here is well. My knee is feeling much better after two days of almost total rest. In fact, my whole body is feeling much better after two days of almost total rest. I think after today I'm going to start getting restless, but I've promised myself to stay away from workouts! I want to be fully healed before I start up again.

    Enjoy the day!
  • amyinTX
    amyinTX Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I just joined MFP yesterday and I am trying to find my way around. In looking through posts I found this topic and thought it would be great to join in .. even though I still have a hard time admitting that I am now 40! ;) I live in a suburb of Houston and it is hard to be out and do things with my little ones since it is so hot here. This is one year that I will be so happy that summer is over! I look forward to being on this weight loss journey with you.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Amy. Glad that you stopped at the group. We would love to hear what is going on with you. Let us know about your family, etc. We are of a lot of different ages. I have not seen 40 in a long time.:happy:

    :flowerforyou: tron, I did think of holding water by over-working. Of course not...I never over-work.:laugh: I would imagine that you will lose even more when you begin again. It seems that after a time, when we start again, our bodies are very cooperative. I hope this makes since to you. It would be the same with eating less. If we add some calories for a little bit then when we cut them again...we lose better. Have you seen the infomercials for Zumba Fitness? That is what I am using. I had stopped everything last November so doing just 20 minutes a day is enough for now. I am having to get back into everything. The one that I purchased has four DVDs. They now have another one with 7 DVDs and it cost a lot more than the one I have.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!!!! :drinker: :drinker: I'm back!!! :laugh: Well, been back since Monday but have not had time for anything. I havent even finished unpacking yet. :noway: I have been too busy at work and then when I come home it is time to get ready to teach Zumba. I can breathe a little better starting today, well, not really, have to go to work, no Zumba tonight but have to work on new choreo plus going out of town tomorrow until Sun. Natalia, my granddaughter will be 3 yrs old tomorrow!!!!!! Would you believe that???? Time flies! The birthday party is in Killeen TX so my husband and I are going and staying overnight.

    I had an amazing time at the Zumba convention. There were 6,500 Zumba Instructors registered so you can imagine how it looked like. I spent time with my younger sister and my BIL. My sister has been teaching Zumba for 4 yrs now, she owns a studio in Hilton Head. Lady Persia check it out if you can while there, Z4 fitness studio. I know it is in a shopping ctr where there is a Panera Bread but not sure of the name of the street.

    My weight is holding steady around 125. I weighed in last Friday but dont believe I reported. I only weigh myself the first Friday of every month. I feel great, well, little aches and pains from my injuries, it will probably never go away. It can be frustrating at time but I just keep going...

    I am so sorry I cannot respond to the posts. Welcome to all the new members of this group. I do want to congratulate crewel for completing her triathlon. You look amazing, I looked at your pictures. Congrats!!!! :drinker: And Robin, good to see you back!!!

    Have a great weekend!!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Welcome back, alf! Glad you enjoyed the convention. Hope you enjoy your granddaughter's birthday!!

    Friday check-in....not much to report. Haven't worked out since Tuesday and, amazingly, feel better for it! I've lost some of the extra water I retain when I'm working out hard, which is nice. I know it will be back once I start up again, but that's okay too. My knee is MUCH better and I can even climb the stairs today without any discomfort at all, so that is good. I've kept my eating under control which makes me happy. So, all in all, given an injury of sorts, it hasn't been a bad week.

    Hope you all enjoy a wonderful weekend.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: stiring, I am so glad to hear that you are doing better. Now, don't go over-doing anything.:noway:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome back alf...you were truly missed. I am sooo jealous about the Zumba convention. I would love to attend one of those. It is nice that you got to spend time with your sister also. Did they have Zumba clothes to buy?

    I have begun to exercise during the 2 1/2 hours that I am at work before I have to begin work. I have a stretch band and jump rope with me at all times. Not using the entire 2 1/2 hours though. I have to be here also.:laugh:
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hey everyone! Had a pretty good week. Eating more carbs but it seems to be agreeing with me. Overall still keeping them fairly clean. Have done 2 of 3 intervals of Week 2 of C25K and have done well. No knee pain! Yea!!!!! :happy: So I think that all the biking I've done for the last year and the ease in of the C25K is working well. We will continue to see how it goes! I'm down another 1lb since last weigh in. I really hope to break into the 160's by the end of July. End of June first part of July was quite rough on my wt loss....family reunion and 4th of July etc....then TOM. It seems to be straightening out now and I am still on track for 8lbs in 8 weeks but it's been really inconsistent and that makes keeping up my motivation hard. :grumble: I'm excited to leave on vacation to the Green River on Monday. Hope all the rowing and camping will send me back even stronger and thinner! I think I mentioned my next race is going to be a duathalon (swim/bike) in Sept. but there is also a Man vs. Mud 5K in Sept that looks like a total riot! So I'm contemplating that.......has anyone ever done one? If so let me know. The goal would be to have fun....nothing else! :tongue: Take care everyone......won't be back till around the 25th! Alf...good to see you back. Thanks for the Kudo's. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    crewellademel...do you think that riding your bike has helped your knee? I have tendonitis very bad in my left knee. I have to wear a support band on it. I also have a bike. I have talked to two doctors about how to handle my knee and both of them said that all I can do is support it. That is not what I want to hear...I want it to be healed. So, let me know if what you are experiencing is like mine and if I should be biking more.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!!! Just a quick one to say hello!!! I have to finish packing to go out of town to my Nati's birthday. Can't wait to see her even if it is for a couple of hrs. She is spending time with her dad so she has to go back to him after the party. She is coming back with her mom at the end of the month.

    Crewell, have a wonderful trip. Congrats on your weight loss!! You are doing great, keep it up!!!! The mud race sounds like fun. They do one in Austin and Dallas, have never done it.

    Stiring, I guess I missed your posts about your injury. What happened to your knee? I am glad you are feeling better. You will recup in no time.

    Swiss, did I buy Zumba clothes OMG!!! Well, not as much as other people but I spent at least $200. I tried really hard to control myself because I already have a lot of Zumba clothes that are taking over my closet. LOL I am glad you are still posting so much. Dont leave us again!!! I have tendonitis in my shoulder, its been about 2 yrs now. Physical therapy helped for a while but I stopped going. It bothers me from time to time, depending on what I am doing. A PT can give you ideas of workouts, etc. I am glad you are exercising at work while you wait to start. Way to go!!!!

    Happy Weekend!!! :flowerforyou:
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Does anyone work a sit-down job? I work in a call center and have to sit down (tied to the phones) for my work day. Does it really flatten your butt doing this type of work?
    Just curios, what do all of you do for work? Any stay at home moms or wives? I'm just wondering how all of you find the time and energy to stay with your work outs day after day. You are all such an inspiration. Thank you in advance for any information you provide. I need all the advice, suggestions I can get.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am not sure if the rest of you have old injuries that scream out occasionally? I have several. Not only can they slow down workouts, they bother me while I am working. By the way, I do not have a sit down job. I am on my feet all day. Not only do I have tendonitis in my left knee, I have a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder. This happened when I broke my shoulder five years ago. Doctor will not fix it because it is torn inside the muscle and he doesn't want to cut into healthy tissue to get to it. I am alright with this. But it does act up at times. I also broke a finger and tore the tendon off with a chip of bone. This required surgery. My finger will straighten out only with some effort as the tendon is now a bit shorter. This injury will ache something horrible at times. I guess that the older we get the more our bodies hurt and our injuries begin to haunt us more.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    Been gone for almost 4 months, now back. Have a fridge full of healthy foods and have been eating reasonable for a week now (Outside of a KFC double down challenge on Thursday). They are disgusting but I won the bet. Even with that lost 3.5 lbs this week. Hopefully things get back on track, wanted to be 250 by July 1, now the goal is 260 by Aug 1.

    The weekend is nice here, heading out to the garden now.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Just arrived in hilton head. Hot. Thats all I can say. Have a great weekend!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: LadyPersia...I am thinking that I will be experiencing this in two weeks. I will be going to Florida.

    KokomoJoe...welcome back. I was MIA from November til about a month ago. So, I don't remember you at all. It sounds like you have been doing good. Think about how good you can do with our encouragement.:wink: Stay with us. Ok??
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    Swiss you wouldn't have seen me. I joined early in January (don't remember how I found the site) and was here for maybe 9 weeks. In the time away I was pretty fortunate not to gain back the 30 lbs I had lost but only half of that. If I stay focused and out of the bars (beer, chicken wings not eating at a good time) I should be fine. I am heading to Costa Rica at the end of Aug so I want to be able to walk, site see the mountains, rainforest and beach.

    I've got the first week down which I find is the hardest because it is very easy to slip into old habits.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :grumble: My computer shut off in the middle of me typing.:grumble:

    KokomoJoe, I was telling you that I also like a cold beer on a hot summer afternoon. And chicken wings...yum. I have to have them very hot and then I have bleu cheese dressing with them. Oh wow, we are not talking healthy at all. So, back to baked chicken breasts, raw veggies, whole grains.:ohwell:

    My daughter asked that we take her out for breakfast this morning. We agreed with one stipulation...we had to ride our bikes to the restaurant. She didn't want to do this but she really wanted to go. So, we did. She is not a very active girl and had a bit of trouble. She over heated quickly and got very tired. Oh well, it is a start and she has agreed to go to the Deep Water Power classes with me on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our ride was a little over 8 miles long.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :smile: Youngest daughter needs several fruits to take and share at band camp this week. 19 year old daughter has taken the car. Oh no !!!! Looks like we will have to bike to the store.:happy: We don't mind biking but my husband is not happy that the car is not here. Well, that is what happens when a kid gets their license. She really needs to find a car for herself. We are three licensed drivers with only one car.:sad:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good morning beautiful people!!! It going to be hot and humid down here in low country:)
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Good Morning!

    Welcome Back, KokomoJoe! If you can get through about three weeks or so, you should be fine. For me, that's when it is easiest to slip up. But after about three weeks, I really notice how much better I feel, how much more energy I have, and I'm not constantly thinking about what I used to eat. So stick with us. Costa Rica looks SO beautiful. How fun to have that to look forward to.

    LadyPersia, enjoy Hilton Head. Stay safe in that heat!

    Swissmiss, I love how you are trying to get your daughter more active. I think riding bikes to the restaurant is a great trade-off. And I'm so glad she has agreed to join you in some fitness. What an inspiration you must be for her.

    here_I_go_again, I don't know if sitting all day necessarily flattens your butt in and of itself. If you are doing exercises to shape the glutes, you should have shapely glutes. Does that make sense? But sitting all down without doing any exercises probably could have an impact on your shape. In addition, as we females get older, our weight tends to shift from our lower bodies to our midsection (due to hormonal changes) and that can impact how the posterior looks as well. But, again, exercises to shape the glute muscles do help. Regarding motivation for working out.....I have often said that I like a mix of short-term motivation with long-term inspiration. My long-term inspiration is that I don't want to turn into my mother. She's doing pretty well for 81, but her sedentary life has really had an impact on her mobility, and that started when she was in her late 50s/early 60s. I'm not going to be ready to give up an active lifestyle at that young an age, and I know the only way to prevent it is by staying active. So that is my long-term inspiration. For short-term motivation, I use things like 'It's summer and I want to be able to wear tank tops' or 'We're going into fall, and I want my jeans to look good'. On a daily basis, I always remind myself that I will feel WAY better having done something than having done nothing, and that is always the truth. Hope that helps!

    All here is well. The knee is back to normal! YAY! That healed up much quicker than I thought it was going to last Tuesday, that's for sure. My husband and I even got some good golfing in this weekend. I did a short workout yesterday, and it felt fine. I'm going to keep my workout much shorter this week intentionally to prevent overtraining again, but as far as the injury......I'm good to go. WHEW! I must admit, I was a tad worried about that when it hurt last week. I've never had a bad knee injury, and am glad I escaped one this time. My eating was pretty good-ish this weekend. :tongue: Okay, maybe not as good as it could have been. :laugh: But my husband and I have decided to clean it up over the next number of weeks, and doing that together will help.

    Supposed to have a hot, humid week here in the DC area. Hope all of you surviving the heatwave in the country are doing well and staying cool.