One Hour Runner Thread



  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    I ran yesterday and was very proud of myself for doing 32 minutes nonstop. It's been SO long since I did over 30 minutes! I did 2.5 miles running at 4.7, so just under a 13 minute mile, plus 5 minute wu & cd, total of 3 miles. Would have liked to have done a little faster, but just happy about doing the continuous run.
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    Morning All! I got so offtrack over the weekend. One foot with a heel spur (OUCH!) ...could not even walk normally for 2 days. My kids were calling me 'grandma' while I was walking into church yesterday! Needless to say, when I cannot exercise, my motivation to stay on track with food is challenged. I ate terrible all weekend and felt so guilty.
    Today is a new day and I was at the park by 7:30 and did my 61 minute run. It was tough but I kept telling myself, 'this is what you get !'
    I am back on track for now. Glad to see everyone is too!
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    Great links in first post. You all are such a motivation to me as I try to get back to jogging!
    Peace and serenity, oh how I miss thee.
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    I have been STRUGGLING! :sick: This is what I get for slacking off on running to about twice/week AND I havent' been doing my other exercise dvds nearly enough. I'm not strong enough muscle or cardio-wise to run well anymore. I can't even run 3.1 without stopping anymore. That's horrible!! So I ran Saturday and Sunday to jump start myself (first time running back-to-back days!). I'm also going to start weight lifting since I have grown bored with doing dvds. I bought a weight-lifting for women book that has a program plotted out and I'm starting this week. I'm also starting yoga tonight- got a copy of the yoga DVD from P90X. I've done it one time before and loved it.

    So there you have it. I learned that I cannot run well and feel good about it unless I do other things to strengthen my body. And since my goal is to be lean and strong, this is what I need to do. I've been floundering since I've gotten so close to goal weight but now I have a plan of action. Please feel free to hold me accountable!! :bigsmile:

    edited to add:
    Here are my sad stats from the weekend:
    3.46 miles in 44:44 :brokenheart:
    3.13 miles in 38:58 :grumble:
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Its sounds like most of us are struggling. I thought I was back on track last week. Then life's issues derailed my plans. I've been able to sustain some moderation with my foods but not so much with the working out.

    So lets all try to get back to moving again. My only plan is to workout 5 - 6 days a week and get back to running.

    We can do it!
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    I'm heading out tonight after work to run. I ran Sat & Sun, did 1-1/2 hours of Yoga X yesterday and running today. I'm REALLY hoping I have a good run today! :heart:
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    Everyone keeps saying, 'if you get up early and run before the day really starts to heat up, its so much easier.' I have ignored this for months, but I have gotten up by 6:30 at the latest for the last week and cannot believe how much easier my runs are. I am at the park by 7:30 and usually done by 9:00. I know we are all struggling and thought I would share. Anything to get back in the swing of things or stay there:)
    I ran for 60 min and walked for 19. I am going to have to start increasing my distance soon, but hoping September brings cooler weather. I doubt it as I am in the southeast, but I figure if I can run in this heat, I don't have excuses for later!

    Have a good week!
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    yay - had a much better run yesterday than I've had in a few weeks. My slacking off was biting me in the butt - gotta stay with it to stay strong!
    Ran after work but luckily it got cloudy, so even though it was very hot while I was running, it wasn't sunny and I think that helped quite a bit. Ran 3.5 miles with 3 walking/drinking short breaks.
    Today I'm taking a day off since I'm very sore from yoga on Monday. I plan to run again on Friday morning before work.

    How's it going everybody?
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Bif~glad you had a good run.

    lcnelson~I prefer to run first thing in the morning. Its something about that fresh morning air that feels so refreshing even if it is hot. My problem has been getting my butt out of bed at 5 am to go workout.

    As for me, I did 30DS tuesday morning, but I forgot to post it. I did the treadmill tonight for 52 mins. I jogged a couple of minutes somewhere in there. Boy, I am out of shape. I have to get back to running. It doesn't look like I will be doing that 10k after all. My girlfriend is finally realizing that its too soon after delivery for her to really train for it. This is why I don't like workout partners.

    I hope everyone is having a good week.
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Ran last night after work. Had another good run. Drove to a different development to run in so I had new stuff to look at. Ran 3.5 miles in 41 minutes with 3 1-minute walking/drinking breaks.

    Those of you who use Runkeeper - do you trust it? I wish I trusted it but I'm thinking I don't. Sometimes my half mile splits are not accurate I think. Like last night - one split included a walking break and it said the split was 9 minutes. Then a full running split would be 12 minutes. Just wondered if anyone else is having these kinds of troubles with Runkeeper.
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    bump! Where is everybody? :tongue:
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    Good Morning! I have not been on here much in the last couple of days. School started today, so the last week has been full of shopping and lots of laundry and cleaning out closets!
    I got the last one on the bus today and off to run for 60 minutes this morning. Like many of us, I cannot bear to get up at 5 am, so sweat I will and suffer:)
    I ran in my subdivision for the first time on Satuday, and what a great change of scenery! I always run at a park, but really enjoyed it.
    I wish I could advise on Runkeeper....I live in a rural area and gps does not work for me. I have heard 'map my run' is really good too!
    Back on track!
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Ran both Saturday and Sunday.
    Saturday I was still trying to run "fast" (well, fast for me). I'm kind of playing with my stride. I think my most "comfortable" stride for my legs is kind of tough right now. It's a longer stride, so it's faster and I'm having trouble keeping up with it with cardio and leg strength. Not sure if I"m explaining that well, but I'm hoping to get fit enough to be able to support that stride! Ran 2.21 miles in 24:57 with 2 short walk/water breaks.
    Sunday I went out mid-afternoon after a thunderstorm. Well, of course as soon as it was time to run the sun came out and it was STEAMY!! I was standing there sweating even before I started to run. So I decided to not push myself, to just run until I didn't feel like running anymore. I turned all the Runkeeper voice alerts off - no time, no distance, nothing. I just ran. And I ran 2.61 miles in 29:37 WITHOUT STOPPING. That's the first time I've run that far without stopping in over a month. I'm coming back, baby!!! :drinker: My increased running schedule is paying off! And since I've now realized that I can run two days in a row, so that makes it easier schedule more runs during the week.

    As for not trusting Runkeeper, I'm going to go run at the high school outdoor track a couple of times and see how Runkeeper does.
  • jah1165
    jah1165 Posts: 87 Member
    I will need this I am so far just getting to running 30 min at a time....
  • Margot18904
    I haven't posted on here for a while but I'm still going! Have been struggling a little bit with getting out as we seem to have been so busy but today I did W3 D1 - 30 minutes - and it felt great. Trying to slow it down a little bit and it worked as I finished my run feeling like I still had some in the tank and was able to really push for the last minute.

    Off on holiday next week but will be trying to run whilst we are away, there are lots of woodland tracks around our campsite so should be some good opportunities to run there.
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Bif - Great job getting back into it, you're doing great!

    lcnelson - I wish I could get up and go running in the morning, I truly hate mornings! But I did hear something on the news about that being the best time of day to exercise because your core body temperature is at it's lowest. I need to get myself organized enough, that I have time to run in the morning before getting ready for work!

    As for me, I had a busy weekend, which did involve lots of walking, which was good because even though I couldn't get a workout in, I did all of the walking to get the car and park the car, so at least I got some exercise. Saturday on my walk back to the car I had the worst itch to RUN, sometimes I really miss it when I haven't been able to do it for a few days! If I wasn't in flip flops I probably would have just run the rest of the way to the car.

    So tonight I did step aerobics, but wanted to run a little bit before class, so I decided since it wouldn't be a long run, to push my speed up a little bit. I started off at 5.0, and then alternated back and forth between 5.0 & 4.7 (4.7 is my comfortable pace) I did 16 minutes total running, which was about 1.25 miles plus a 5 minute wu & 3 minute cd.

    Tomorrow there are no classes I like at the gym, so I'm planning to do a long run.

    As for runkeeper, I think it's fairly accurate. I don't know about time per mile because I think the individual miles can sometimes be fouled up because of the gps, but I think overall, it captures the correct distance, so with your time it is able to calculate the correct avg/speed, pace, etc.... But I would be interested to see what you get when you use it at the track.

    Lets all have a great week!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Run today = FAIL! I planned to do a long run today, focusing just on adding minutes, not on increasing speed. I got about 3 minutes in and knew that wasn't going to happen. I don't know what was wrong with me, but my stomach kept cramping up, I'm wondering if I ate something with too much fiber or didn't have enough water today.

    Anyway, I did stay on the treadmill and just did intervals, no real rhyme or reason, I'd do a couple minutes at a close to normal pace, do a couple minutes at a higher pace, do a minute at a real high pace, all with walks in between. I had no idea how to log it, so I just entered it as running and then input my calories burned estimate. I was a sweaty mess when I finished, but was mad that I didn't do what I had set out to do.

    So tomorrow's another day and I'm going to try for my distance run tomorrow.
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Yay!! I had a great run today! This might be kind of long because I have a lot to say :)

    So, I had planned all day to run tonight once it cooled off, then it started to downpour. I almost talked myself out of running today at all, but I pushed myself to get out there and do my normal route. I ended up running for 36 minutes! I was so excited! My average pace was a little lower than on the treadmill, but there are also no monster hills on the treadmill.

    I powered through every single one of those damn hills that I always quit on! On the first major hill that I swear is about 1/2 mile long, when I wanted to quit 3/4 of the way up, I kept going, when I got to my last hill, which is a very steep incline and my calves were screaming at me, I kept going. I told myself that I wanted to make it at least as far as the beginning of my road and I actually went a little further than that. I probably could have gone a little bit longer, but I had been battling not just one, but 2 side cramps since the first 1/2 mile, so when I made it to 36 minutes I decided I had succeeded.

    When I was at the beginning of my run today I passed a woman on a bike, no idea who she was, but she said to me "great job!" and I swear that's what got me through the rest of my run, I don't know why, it was just in my head the rest of the time.

    So - 36 minutes jogging, total of 2.46 miles, plus a 5 minute wu & cd, total route was 3.17 miles
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    GREAT JOB!! You make me want to go out and run right now:) Keep up the good work and keeping us all posted, that's what keeps us going too!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    GREAT JOB!! You make me want to go out and run right now:) Keep up the good work and keeping us all posted, that's what keeps us going too!

    Thank you!! Everyone here keeps me going and makes me get back out there, I love the motivation from my fellow running friends :)